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full screen as well
i am stunned though about chrome being retardedly that slow :[
yeah the chrome one is crazy slow
like unusable
but in chrome i have a better spec to use ffs
chrome offers css blur
@adeneo i try removing jquery-latest and the effect remains wrong
@JuanAndresRodriguez make a Fiddle
still slow as hell on chrome.
@JuanAndresRodriguez - The element isn't by any chance a table, row or cell etc.
i guess micrsoft has the power of Direct X
the power of the meat.
@adeneo thats the reason i asked for a RoR developer
@adeneo its inside a form
I found a tool that removes extraneous functions which aren't needed, but when I used it on jQuery, it came up empty.
@Loktar lol
@JuanAndresRodriguez - But what element are you trying to animate, the form, a table, a row, a cell, a div, a train, an airplane ?
blast that in my truck, people are so jealous.
anyways tar.
challenge, defeat my performance in ie in chrome with your beloved tool :D
//ps i can change the blur amount in real time too :D
blur is slow on huge canvases
@neo112 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
could do it with webgl for sure
:D i'd be waiting :D
to see a webgl version
but a shrader for blur xD
dude yeah a shader would be amazing perf wise
a div inside a form_for tag
@Loktar css filters are shaders btw
if accelerated by gpu, ofc. And am not bullshitting
@AbhishekHingnikar you can make custom css shaders too
my rift demo uses one
but that blur was too slow i guess something else is wrong with chrome
yeah thats pretty bad in chrome
what have i done ! I have made chrome badly defeated by a demo in front of internet explorer :-(
Faith in myself, lost !
PS, thanks to microsoft i will launch a crappy web version of snapick which will work only in Internet Explorer 10+
Q: Apllying arguments in javascript doesn't work

Vinz243I am trying to make a small utility function toPromise that transforms a function using callback into a promise function (using Q). Here is the utility: Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, "toPromise", { enumerable: false, configurable: false, writable: false, value: function(self)...

@Loktar @adeneo here's the fiddle
@AbhishekHingnikar Open inspector and let it fill half the screen -> fast
@Jhawins I know
in short chrome is slow with svg on huge pixel
which shouldn't be case
@JuanAndresRodriguez jsfiddle.net/loktar/J3P9C/3
works in the fiddle
so I suspect something else is wrong in the code idk.
@Loktar Hmm?
shit wrong ping
Why are you jQuerying that
Juan is having an issue with the blind effect, its his pen :P
@Loktar @adeneo in the fiddle the effect work as expected, but in rails the div appear all at the same time
Works for me too -> jsfiddle.net/J3P9C/5
@Loktar @adeneo i let you the question stackoverflow.com/questions/23142370/…
@Loktar @adeneo i repeat: in the fiddle the code works perfect
yeah :? idk by looking at your question
need to see the rendered markup
make sure there are no errors in the console
@JuanAndresRodriguez - Then inspect the output HTML and styles and figure out what the difference is, look at the console for errors etc.
also o/ @adeneo
never seen you in here before
Hi guys
@Loktar - I lurk in the shadows from time to time
can anyone please tell me how to validate JavaScript online
What kind of validation ? Style ?
with jslint?
or jshint
or nothing
hope you dont mean like css/html validators
hey wats the difference between jshint and jslint
user image
^ remember when those were all the rage?
@Manu one has an H and the other has an L
@Loktar @adeneo no errors at the rails console
@Loktar I always found them ridiculous. But still better than the xhtml ones...
@JuanAndresRodriguez :) that's coooool
@dystroy :P
^ bottom of page
@User Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
seen... in the middle too... But I thought this trend was definitively dead
@Manu User Elusio proved elusive.
@Loktar i had a dcma one
@wawka Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Data Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
guys, what do you think? http://www.copot.eu/matei/games/dastul/game/
type dastul.init() in the console to generate a new world
@t1wc nice. And really fast :o
@Schoening not fast enough tho
It seems to work well. But it would be better if people with small screens didn't have to scroll in both directions
well its instantly here so I guess its fast enough for me xD
@dystroy it has the exact size of your window as you load the page
@Schoening I'm supposed to create much larger worlds later, probably more than 10 times bigger than this one
Are you expecting us to not open the console when you tell us to type something in it ? ;)
or even more, depends on what the user wants
@dystroy sorry got called to a meeting
yeah that site is old
lol I just havent updated it, the trend is dead for sure
@dystroy refresh page with console open :P
I was so proud of my xhtml though man
@Loktar @adeneo guys are you there? removing one by one the js libraries and the css stylesheets, i finally figured out that when i removed the bootstrap css the form appears correctly, any idea what is happening??
> <script src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"
^ proof of the sites age
@JuanAndresRodriguez nope sorry man too vague
How do I turn part of my message into code in this chat when I post several lines and want to keep some stuff as ordinary text?
ctrl+k turns everything into code, right?
@Schoening You can't
@JuanAndresRodriguez - Bootstrap is adding styles to your form that is incompatible with jQuery UI's blind effect.
@Schoening you can use backquotes, but I reccomend just typing your code, sending it, making a new normal message, then typing other code
Backticks don't format multiline messages
ok. I will be swift
@adeneo how can i solved this?
Can someone explain to me what Crockford is talking about here?
He advocates object creation like this:
// Class Free Object Oriented Programming
function constructior(init) {
    var that = other_constructor(init),
        method = function () {
            // init, member, method
    that.method = method;
    return that;
@SomeGuy you make one for each line ;P
I re-read the part about Functional Object Creation in "The Good Parts"
And I can totally see the benefits of having private variables.
But are there any potential drawbacks? (Besides giving me a small headache)
@JuanAndresRodriguez - Figure out what style causes the issue, I'll guess "display" or something similar, and override it.
@Schoening - Douglas is talking Crock, there is no "private", just scope, and knowing how objects and scope works should make it clear.
Doesn't a closure create private variables by definition. since they cant be change from the outside?
Oh hi @adeneo what's up?
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Not much, trying to work, but it's going rather poorly
Oh, I forget it's a work day, it's not a work day here.
@adeneo you should look for OS projects in need of help then...
waiting a few seconds before mentioning miaou
@Schoening - variables out of scope are not accessible, that's certainly true, but they are not "private" or "public" (or "static") as you would expect in many other languages, they are just out of scope. And proclaming prototypal inheritance to be dead seems a bit strange to me ?
I'd love to have a reflection API.
@BenjaminGruenbaum for what ?
Better debugging and auto wiring mostly
@adeneo I must have missed the "dead" part. And I don't care about that anyways. I want to know what the benefits of the functional pattern are and what potential drawbacks it has. And you do basically say yes it has privates, but they don't look like in other languages? (I wouldn't know, I haven't learned another language yet)
@Schoening - The advantage is mostly that it creates a new object with properties without creating a new instance with "new" and prototyping, but I'm not sure what the issue with prototyping is, it is after all a prototype based language, so why one should avoid prototyping as Crockford states, is beyond me? Maybe someone else gets it ?
I hate minor tweaks on this keyboard
@Loktar A group of people who make opinionated suggestions agree that your code meets their opinionated suggestions. Here, put this on your site so everyone can know what a mediocre job you did!
@adeneo why someone should avoid prototyping? Maybe the problem they're solving is not sharing functionality?
@twiz I disagree to an extent with opinionated suggestions
@adeneo In theory it makes sense, because new makes it sound like traditional OOP. In practice though, who cares.
At least that's how I understood it.
there are standards, or highly suggestible practices that should be followed
I think it's just like many things he is talking about. Avoiding Bugs. If I understand this correctly then it is because of things like adding a method to an object with the same name as the objects prototypes method. @adeneo Thx for the reply :)
... I don't believe in JS god
@Loktar "should be followed" is an opinion... haha
anyone who started web development after 2011 or so doesn't understand
@twiz well nothing has to be followed or done
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Maybe, prototyping isn't the answer to everything, but in the posted video Crockford is telling us we shouldn't use prototyping, but "class-less" functions that create new objects. He's also telling us we shouldn't use "this" in those functions to make it more robust. I'm certainly not going to listen.
Crockford lost it somewhere around 2012 imo.
including 40 plugins on a page works for some, but is not suggested
I'm not putting down what the W3C does, its just ridiculous how people used to think that the W3C specs were the "right" and only way.
His monad lecture is horrible.
some still do....
@twiz they were so wrong their "big" standard (xhtml) lost the war :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum - I'll be seeing him in a few months, he'll be here -> ndcoslo.com, maybe I should tell him he's full of shit.
The only good recommendation they're working to make
I still prefer xhtml
html5 is lazy mode.
@adeneo every time he talks about functional programming my jaw drops. He speaks without such confidence about things he really doesn't understand - it's always shocking.
It seems like they are basically just some people who write documentation.
@BenjaminGruenbaum could you point me into the right direction as to why you think that? Id like to learn more.
@Schoening well, first I took a course that taught me type theory, and then I saw his lectures. So that's why I think that.
@Schoening his book "The Good Parts" is invaluable though. It's a great read.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - I agree, he certainly doesn't know everything, far from it, sometimes he's way off, but he is an excellent speaker, and he's somewhat fun to listen to compared to many other speakers, so there's that. He's mostly famous for the book, hyping up JSON and his ability to speak and make programming fun, as far as I know he's never really written any groundbreaking code, he's just been talking about it.
He's written the original JSON parsers and stringifiers, and he has written JSLint
He wrote some of the earliest JS to JS parsers and compilers, he has code under his belt. Functional is one thing he doesn't understand at all IMO.
He is also a strong advocate of security in JS. That's still very undervalued. I agree he is a lot louder than most.
More people know who Crockford in the JS community than people who know who Mark Miller is, and he has played a way more important role in my opinion.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks. I try and see if I can find a course on that or at least some good online resources for now.
I know im a n00b but the biggest flaw I actually can see with him is that he speaks with such absolute confidence..
@Schoening don't bother, just code a lot :) If you want to become a better programmer - I'd start by understanding the problems. Find things that bother you in code and ask why. That's a lot more valuable than understanding what a monadic bind operation is and why Crockford got it wrong in his lecture. Or why for..in iterating over prototype properties is problematic and why it is not etc.
Ok :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum - I think everyone will agree that the book is great, and as an "evangelist" Crockford is doing an excellent job, and he did do a lot for JSON, but I always thought Morningstar did most of the work and came up with the dataformat, but I could be wrong, it's not something I really care about. I've seen Crockford a few times, and everytime there's more than a few instances when I shake my head thinking "did he just say that", and I'm not an expert.
Ever tried to plug an optical audio cable in without taking off the rubber protectors? //confusion
@adeneo yeah, I got the same feeling when we talked a bit via emails, and on esdiscuss.
So I took the job
!!youtube Violin Super Mario
@Shmiddty Nice!!
@Shmiddty Backstory?
@Shmiddty woo!
You must be Genius... — Universal Grasp 7 hours ago
@Jhawins not seen that video before. Awesome.
Looks interesting. In what position will you be working?
So you're moving to Colorado?
front end engineer
and I've always lived in colorado, jerk
pay better attention
Wait wut
Dude I was asking everyone if they were on my way to Colorado because I'm going to Denver on vacation
Then to the mountains :P
I've been scarce lately
when are you coming out?
July I think
Mostly camping though. Bike trip
We'll grab a beer if you're old enough by then
Hmm July of 2016 I will be
September of 2015 actually but... Yeah
I really wanna meet up with @Loktar on the way to see all his cool shit haha
wait.. july 2016?
Idk why I was focusing on July. That's the first July I'll be 21 but I'm 21 in Sept. 2015
Haha, that's odd
I'm sort of ordering parts for a multiple idea project right now somewhat involving VR/AR btw. :D
I'll post something when it's working but I'll (if I follow through) need to get an oculus or something comparable to do more testing. They just fucking swamped me at work though so idk if I'll have time to do jack
I'm trying to talk people into working with me because I don't think I can finish this project by January and that's my supposed deadline
But now I'm getting into more of the iOS stuff and I don't have a mac personally so I'm like, stuck.
Hey can I ask my boss to like buy me a Mac? Hahaha
Why do you want a Mac?
Because of iOS development I'm getting into
Sort of.
I'm not doing the app, but I am doing the other server for the app and need to be able to debug things as I go
Get a cheap MBA
I can't afford to spend more than $500 on a Mac, nor do I want to because I personally wouldn't use my money for that.
I don't want one lol
Just virtualize iOS
I need the mac for xcode and all of the features that come along with it
I can just only work on things at the office and I don't have enough time here and need to start working ot
Small business jobs are weird.
You're telling me
I've got a friend who's a PM at Salesforce. They've been working on the same project for 8 months, and will continue for a few more. I wonder what that's like.
So WayIn is pretty much an all Mac shop. I have the option to get an HP, but I don't want to be that guy
So how does one use a Mac?
It's controlled by brain waves, right?
I just think and it does stuff
oh fuck @Shmiddty
welcome to my last jobs world lol
@SomeKittensUx2666 Yeah I've been working on this for ~8 months now and I'll be lucky to finish by Jan. :/
at first I didn't want to be that guy..
but then I wish I would have had the choice to be that guy lol
Ive put my chat question up on SO. If anyone want's to give their views on it then know yourself out.
Macs are great with me if I have to use them, homebrew works for just about everything.
I do so much shit in terminal that's the only real requirement in my machine
If I get it free, sure I'll love it. But I would never spend the amount of money they cost for the lack of hardware capability they offer.
Look at the CTO's blurb: wayin.com/about-us
@Zen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shmiddty What?
@Jhawins Scotchy scotch scotch
"has 20 years of experience in web-development with experience on large scale websites, complex server infrastructures and big data applications."
I don't get it :/
I found a bag of chocolate chips in my truck. I must've planned to make cookies. Anyway good snack
eat the whole thing!
I'll probably eat like half before I realize it
But dude. Chocolate chip in mouth. sip of coffee. Awesome.
I don't care who thinks I look like a child at work
I wish we had muffin shops
ugh ugh ugh
my keyboard :-(
who the heck makes 2 | |
but none at the right place :'(
thanks to my keyboard i now type return instead of |
i guess my keyboard is just python friendly or maybe office friendly
I don't know how this Mac manages to do this like this though :/
@Jhawins caching
100% on all 4 cpus
@kxc1013 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how is everyone this fine friday
doing good
WFH day!
bank holiday for me :D
god bless the queen
!!urban WFH
@SomeGuy WFH Working from home - when your slacking off and not wanting to do any work.
Haha, nice
@AdnanAl-Husain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Phil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix ery true
hi guys, could I ask about vba and javascript??
I'm not sure, can you?
I could but could u answer it :) , i have a excel vba code that run javascript in ie , it clicks ie button wich pop up a confirmation window. is there any way i could close it this pop up from excel?
@Twissell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AdnanAl-Husain I do believe the answer is: WHY?!?!?
@twiz you mean why I want to close the javascript confirmation popup window using code? the automation is the reason...any idea?coz after pop no vba code will be excaute until I close this ie pop up
Sounds like you're trying to circumvent a security prompt
@AdnanAl-Husain that's how it works.
it's a confirmation yes no pop up window , I alwas click the default yes answer..I want it through vba
Is it a security confirmation, or something else?
If it has anything to do with security, you won't be able to get around it.
no it's not..it is just to confirm the input data
var Constructor = function () {
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = 0;
Constructor.prototype.color = 'yellow';
var A = new Constructor();
A.color = 'red';
console.log(A.color); // red
console.log(A.__proto__.color); // yellow
console.log(A.getPrototypeOf(color)); // Uncaught ReferenceError: color is not defined

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