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@rlemon how?
@Liam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
There is some Sugar Free Haribo on there. The best ever. ^^
@edwardoyarzun stackoverflow.com/questions/15810988/… see if this helps
@rlemon, How should I have my ajax request code?
or any of the other "django file upload jquery" answers
@rlemon I saw that link, but that wasn't solved
in that I have two loops, update() and render();
function update() {
  // update the values, positions, etc.
  // collision detection, yadda yadda yadda
  setTimeout(update, 1000/30);
function render() {
  // render stuff.
  // that is all this function should do.
Please, I need help, I'm frustrated with this problem
@rlemon - Arigatou, sensei.
Can anyone help me please?
First, stop spamming.
Abandon all hope ye who ask for help.
Anyone have any thoughts on how best to stub nested views in Backbone?
Q: Drop-down menu seems to have issues on page usind divs for positioning

mikeI created pages using div and css so that elements on a page are positioned. however, I implemented a css and javascript menu dropdown. On most pages, it works correctly. But on the pages where I use the divs to place content, the dropdown menu is weird. It is smaller, the shadow shows. I can gi...

Do you just go around looking for awful questions? ha
Well if that's what browsing the homepage is, yes.
@Gear54rus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
sounds about right....
Instant list of horrible questions: stackoverflow.com/search?q=jquuery
@bjb568: I think you're looking for stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/java+jquery
Mah gawd...
There should be a bot that goes thru and delete every one of those. Preferably so that it's still visible to the asker.
I find one useful question that I can answer in a week
so, using require js for a project of mine
I have a scripts folder with obviously all of the scripts
but one of them should link to another folder in that folder
is it possible with require js?
scripts/current.js is my file
from it I link to scripts/unicorns/toConnect.js
from a quick search I couldn't find anything referring to that
@OneKitten You're not looking hard enough
@SomeKittensUx2666: no, I don't count create a regex for me questions, but true.
var e = document.createElement('script'); e.src = "scripts/unicorns/toConnect.js"; document.body.appendChild(e);
@bjb568 the question was if there was a require js built-in feature for that
@t1wc And the answer is that require js is a waste of space.
@t1wc: so your base is scripts, and you're trying to require scripts/unicorns/toConnect.js from scripts/current.js?
@bjb568 many disagree
@OneKitten yeah
@t1wc Well, then I disagree with them.
Can't you just do something like
@bjb568 that makes sense :D
require(['unicorns/toConnect'], function (randomName){})
@OneKitten I'm going to have a lot of files in unicorn, and I wouldn't like to type unicorns everytime, and for the sake of modularity if there was a feature to have another data-main in unicorns, and all of that from another normal file
but I guess that's asking too much
Would it be insane to pass views down from the parent backbone view to the initialize method so I can mock them in my tests?
@t1wc: nope, requirejs is a pain in the ass that way
Unless you create a path to every file, that is
Browserify is so much nicer than requirejs
"I wouldn't like to type unicorns everytime" Let me think, there's something you can do… A VARIABLE!
@OneKitten ok, thx anyway
@bjb568 lol
unicorn+'/toConnect' is much better
@bjb568 actually, typing 'unicorns' many times will be really relaxing now that I think about it
@t1wc There you go.
@twiz lol, I went over every one of those the first time it happened
that error happens for a variety of reasons
var lazy = {strings: {constants: {animals: {awesome: {unicorn: 'unicorn'}}}}}
alert(lazy.strings.constants.animals.awesome.unicorn) //Much better
(and no, that isn't it)
@t1wc Also, you do know about copy+paste right? haha
@twiz uhh.... what's that?
You're going to need some glue
@twiz getting my shopping list...
Couldn't you rename unicorns to "u" using a path config and be done with it?
@OneKitten that's too much cleverness, it's not allowed
ended up with this at the end:
function getArray(main, files){
    for(var file=0; file<files.length; ++file){
    return files
define(getArray('unicorns/', [toConnect]), function(){...
are you serious
why not?
so I can just add stuff along with toConnect for different files
wait, maybe I'm not understanding
so you have a list of files in unicorns?
it's simply adding the main parameter to each item of the files array
obviously toConnect should be in " "
getarray is too long, you need to extremely minify
I prefer ã
files.forEach could do the trick
but I'm not looking for too much performance right now
I meant the name :P
and not trying to minify yet
my code is hard enough to read already :P
haha don't manually minify things....
Things are getting weird in the javascript room.... time to leave...
@Julius Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@anphu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey can someone help me with jquery
!!welcome redshift
@redshift Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need help getting my "+" icon to show as "-" in the first panel of this accordion menu: ogmda.com/si2s/support.php
so I thought I'd try to do it via jquery with an addClass or removeClass? is that the way to go?
as it is right now, it works correctly when you collapse and then open the panel...but when you go to the page for the first time, it shows incorrectly as "+" when it should be "-"
@redshift: take a look at the div which contains the button and see what class controls that
yea that is class="panel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed"
i tried $('.panel-heading accordion-toggle collapsed')
@redshift: when checking that an element has all of the classes, you need to put a dot before each class, and no whitespace between them
oh ok
i.e. $('.panel-heading.accordion-toggle.collapsed')
all you need to do is find the first one
can i just add an ID to that first one and then call it from there?
@redshift: take a look at the HTML and you'll see that each of those header divs have their content div right after them, each of them have IDs
for example, $('#contentOne')
@redshift you can also add an id to the first one, as you said
let me try that real quick
alright I added an ID to the first collapse panel called id="target"
i know not the best name, but just for now
now do you know what class controls whether the + or - shows
Just get the element using the ID and remove that class
yea that class was the long one i posted earlier
i need to change the class to content: "\2212";
the icons are fonts from a special font family, i thikn the 2212 symbolizes the specific font
@redshift: yeah, look down at the set right below that and look at the difference between the two selectors
whats the function for adding a class? addClass?
@ggranum Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!jquery addClass
@redshift: but you want the one that's crossed out
you actually want to remove the class
!!jquery removeClass
do i remove first and then add the new class?
@redshift: what new class? you only need to remove it :)
like $('#target').removeClass().addClass();
ok let me experiment
how would I remove the "."s in this--> removeClass('.panel-heading.accordion-toggle:before')
removeClass('panel-heading accordion-toggle:before') ?
oooh i got it:)
i just removed 'collapsed'
@redshift :D
i uploaded the new code
i was actually thikning i had to do a conditional statement of some sort
but is it USUALLY much simpler than we think?
@redshift: usually :) sometimes though people make things harder than they should be
and sometimes it's really difficult
yea, kind of like building css layouts...
@NeluMalancea Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
this was the first time i ever did my own jquery
im hooked
!!afk long lunch
updated version :D
@vivekagr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Marcoslhc Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hello room
Q: Capturing client request headers (complete) along with IP address information?

user3547513I want to write client request to a file with two things/information headers ip address The code I'm testing on free hosting service.Code is <? $headers= apache_request_headers(); foreach ($headers as $header => value) { echo "4header: $ value </br >\n"; } ?> Above, work for headers; but ...

@asadz why did you link to another persons question?
@RUJordan its actually my profile its a new one
because of account issues...
I have a value like "3.85"
I want to parse it to 3 not 4
how can I do that?
parseInt(3.85) gives me 4 but I need smaller number
which is 3
thanks anyway :)
@Mosho I opened the tab and then went to help wife with printer. I now have a score of almost negative four million
yes, perhaps the next version will include some rule for ending the game
English language question.
How to say "hanging clothes for dry" in english?
@Mosho Where are the sprites from?
some tutorial
and the base I drew myself
hope you like
It's the same sprites I started using for my game
you didn't know where they were from?
I'm about to replace them actually
I did, but I wasn't sure if they're the same
I want to use this
maybe less... ugly
@Mosho Command and Conquer: Red Alert
and go play it, it's a wildy fun game
No, it's Hard Vacuum
At least the original sprites
The attacking ones, or the one in the middle (as well as what Mosho just posted)
@copy I do believe he is talking about the glorious kirov airship
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm well aware RA is fun :P
possibly my most played game series
also, hard vacuum is something I would name a porno
@JCBiggar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Im just recently learning Javascript and was wondering if anyone knows of a website online that is very useful for learning?... I did a search, and found several, but what would you recommend?
@JCBiggar your first language?
and developer.mozilla.org/en-US as a reference
and these:
not my first... I know css and less very well, and am pretty good with PHP
thank you! I appreciate the recommendations!
@knd Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you are of course also welcome to ask questions here if you have any
hey everyone, i need to do research for a speech I will be giving... http://strawpoll.me/1517151
Mostly I need reasons either way that I can attribute as research. (they don't come from my brain.)
Clarification: I mean simple programming, nothing complicated or advanced, or theoretical.
Q: Canceling an Angular $interval and its promise

MawgI am new to Angulr (and JS) and just a little confused. I start a timer with var getOverviewMapTimer = $interval($scope.UpdateOverviewMap, UPDATE_FREQUENCY); and, if I understand it, getOverviewMapTimer is a "promise". I want to be able to check if the timer is running & had excepted that if...

Q: How to get all the files for a given extension in a direcotry including nesting directories with html 5 file system?

Hui ZhouI'm building an application with PhoneGap/Cordova and AngularJS and stuck with the file system. Say I have a directory which has many nesting sub directories. Now I need to get all the json files under the directory including all nesting sub directories. After that, I will make some asynchronous...

What the what ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I think inline height declarations only accept integers that are interpreted as pixel dimensions.
@monners chrome doesn't say anything
img[Attributes Style] {
    height: 10%;
@AbhishekHingnikar Well if you love Chrome so much why don't you just marry it!
neither does firefox, nor opera, nor IE wtf why is visual studio even throwing that error !
That's not an inline declaration though!
@monners nay thats what chrome converts it to.
if you did style="height: 100%;" instead of height=100% it should work
@monners okay
I find the best way to get rid of problems is the liberal use of display: none;
well bye everyone, if anyone has any comments on that poll (which is what I really care about) then please do an @theHeretic or other form of contact that I will see.

Also, I think that that error is setting nonexistent property... ...it should say something about height not existing, unless it does and is extremely weird?
@user2545071 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Visual XSD schema designer for OS X

craigI've been using Xmplify dynamically build XML documents and the associated XSD schema. Is there a OS X product that is similar to the Windows-only XML Schema Editor (XSD)?

Q: How to disable Download button in pdf using HTML

EngineerI am using HTML to view PDF file on my HTML page by using i frame tag and I also visited a lot of questions but they didn't help me out. <iframe src="abc.pdf" width = 800px height = 2100px /> that's what I have already tried out. kindly tell me How I will remove download and print button o...

help me out
@JanDvorak @CapricaSix @bjb568
@Engineer why me? Why him? Why her???
every one who is online
@Engineer Dude I just told you in the HTML room not to do this.
Feel free to ignore / mute him.
@Engineer don't random ping people to help you
It makes them not inclined to help you
i will try beacuse new to chat so its my mistake
Found a way to hang Chrome to the point of death, can't click on the X to close the tab, cursor unchanging. Pure JavaScript. Caused by a stackoverflow sensitive to being in a particular event handling context. Bug fix is easy (just fix the stackoverflow), but wondering if I care enough to isolate the general case and submit a minimal repro.
@mikedidthis wow 3 minutes
However, you can kill the tab with Wrench => Tools => Task Manager => Kill Process. Didn't know that existed. Why doesn't clicking the X on the tab do that? Isn't there just one GUI process?
@RUJordan ?
@mikedidthis oh I just loled because it took him 3 minutes to forget
@RUJordan I know. I am sure he has been in chat before :(
sup home skillet
YES YES YESS The Hobbit 2 is rentable on redbox instant I've been waiting weeks for this!!
@MihaLampret Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have created a mini game as web application and stored the score in a live database(mySQl). But now I need to develop the same minigame as window application. My doubt is.. how to store my score in local database.???
Hello is there anybody here ever try this? github.com/Stereobit/dragend
@Illaya If you don't have an answer in the room of people who don't write windows programs (or who'd rather forget they're currently writing windows programs), you may try in a more relevant room.
@RizwanYahya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy ok ok
morning people
I need your help. I am making CORS requests with credentials. But it looks like in IE shit doesn't work ™. It looks like the cookies get lost in between requests because I my session seems to be gone on the next request
How to fix? halp :)
Is my only option to create my own user tracking by getting rid of sessions and work with manual token of some kind? I certainly hope not :(
@avivr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is "Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja" a good read for an advanced JS programmer?
!!should I read "Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja"?
@Oleg Indeed
@Oleg I found the web part a very good read for a young JS programmer
Note that what could legitimately be called "advanced" when it was written (and when most people didn't even know the "closure" term) is now basic JS.
I doubt you'd learn a lot
@dystroy Do you think people find the term CLOSURE intimidating?
@HostileFork today ? I hope not
but maybe when it's uppercased and uttered by an hostile spoon (or fork)
We have been debating this in Rebol/Red. We have FUNCTION and CLOSURE and while FUNCTION is a bit more lightweight, CLOSURE is really the better abstraction and it doesn't cost much more... a little more, but the benefits seem worth it. But still, teaching people to use a language and telling them to use CLOSURE makes me wonder if FUNCTION should have been CLOSURE.
Actually, that's a Rebol/Redism. Since the language is case insensitive, in plaintext we use uppercase to refer to words.
@kaineer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Becoming increasingly obsolete with Markdown
But it was nice for a time.
I guess, I still wonder about telling people to say foo: closure [x] [print x] then foo 10 to print 10, because closure is just such an odd word.
I don't know other languages that use it
"function" is really common.
@Lebugg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Dayumn. Poor guy had shit luck
I grasp what a closure is, but I still don't know if I like it as a keyword
why would you need it as a keyword if all functions form a closure ?
Maybe just because I've never seen it used as one in any language I've used
Because not all functions form a closure in our case, which does point to the distinction
And the question, if maybe function should denote closure
@nvreez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
The question is about the lifetime of locals; do they exist when the function is done executing.
It adds a cost, but it's not an exorbitant cost.
Are you asking a question here ?
Sure. If someone gave you an introductory book to learn a language
And they skipped over ever teaching you the word "function" but reserved that to the back of the book
For "optimization"
And instead the intro always told you to instantiate something as "closure"
Would you find the word intimidating?
I can only answer for myself, where I'd sort of say, "what?"
Hum... I'll skip that question...
"Why isn't that just called FUNCTION?"
Please close that s**t before it gets popular :
Q: Important concepts in javascript?

user245661How to learn javascript throughly ,and what are the very important concepts in js to focus and what are the reference books for learning js?

The reason is simple: authors of books like to invent new terms, so that they can be contributed as the creator of said term
I'd accept PROCEDURE over CLOSURE though, which shows how old school I am, and maybe I don't know.
well done ThiefMaster
Finally the octocat is useful :)
I doubt if he talks about debugging the closure or writing a new closure to his colleagues at work
@Neil seen in a twitter profile : "coined the IIFE term"
@dystroy That's a bad sign
I try to avoid authors that like coins a bit too much
@Neil the dev is probably fine and competent, in this specific case
@dystroy I'm sure, though you have to wonder if he secretly wants everyone to stop using the word function and start using the word closure purely because that's a term he coined
I'm sure that's a secret desire of a lot of textbook authors, which has a whole lot to do with ego and very little to do with teaching the topic at hand
I was thinking of giving my intern "The Good Parts" to read, but later rejected the idea...
I found eloquentjavascript.net a nice read.
Oh, it has a french translation.
Good. I'll give it to him, thanks!
I have to modify legacy software to export data in excel, and it has to take into consideration the locale of the installation of excel. Hammer? Anyone?
@HueiTan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Love this chat rather than IRC
stupidest excuse for a much too complex code...
But it enhances your brain ,Its good to create as much complex code as u can,its important for Smooth working of brain — Pratik Joshi 7 mins ago
Anyone introduce yourslef ?
I'm Huei Tan = =
@mikedidthis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<--- I'm this guy
^ he is Neil
I can confirm
@dystroy He withdrew his comment :)
It's here for the eternity
I wonder why. He seemed so convinced
<--- I'm this guy
disclaimer : I'm not the upvoter of this comment
You must be Genius... — Universal Grasp 24 mins ago
@dystroy Disclaimer duly noted
I would like someone to help me scaling an svg which you can find here: appmazing.nl/artena/…, if scaling the page down, the heatmap (second row, first item) does not scale along with it's y-axis and the legend. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

The SVG in question was created with Raphael.js
So there are two guys who think knowing jquery and the dom is a proof of genius. I hope one of them is a recruiter and will call me
BTW I learnt that you get an error event on a link element when the href isn't found. That's cool
(yes, I tried before posting the second part)
@venkat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
nice answer @dystroy
has anyone worked with the google+api?
:15922808 im just trying to figure how to create a login button
@JoshC. If you're after the OAuth login using Google as provider, and if you're building a nodejs app (if not why post here ?) then you may have a look at my chat : github.com/Canop/miaou
posted here because its javascript but yeah im using the google stuff just having my own troubles figure stuff out
I have created a mini game as web application and stored the score in a live database(mySQl). But now I need to develop the same minigame as window application. My doubt is.. how to store my score in local database.???
same comment apply. Please don't post here again
@dystroy ok sry. how to delete this?
@dystroy lol...
@RUJordan Why did you delete your question of yesterday ? Did you find the answer ?
Some guy is telling me that it's ok to advocate alert as a debug statement because learning how to open the console is "too difficult" -___-
@dystroy yup! Almost right after I posted it lol..
@RUJordan I dont do it. Many times OP are so new to know about console.logKarna 7 mins ago
@Illaya huh? where's the difference in the live and local database?
Q: testing node.js using mocha and promises

user303229I am building an API that uses CouchDB as a backend and whilst building the backend library I want to create a function in a library to add a user account and return success or failure but the callbacks are causing problems. After reading up on JS Promises I realised that these would solve my p...

@Sai Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan If you're trying to learn a new language and you don't know how to open the program to debug said language, you're going to have a bad time!
If you french fry when you're supposed to pizza.. you're gonna have a bad time.
what ?
!!youtube south park your gonna have a bad time
@AbhasTandon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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