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@derylius meh, stuck at warmup5, and too lazy to keep going
@FlorianMargaine :D
ascii table isn't good :\
so I don't really know what else can be used
@FlorianMargaine do you, by any chance, know if dystroy will be around some time on the weekend?
@GNi33 no idea
I'm still super puzzled by my miaou problem
did you rm -rf node_modules/ && npm install?
I did
npm install fails with the weirdest error messages ever
it requests the first 4 modules about 3 times before moving on to others
send logs
yeah, I have no idea what's going on there
will try it again in the evening or so
I'm in the office right now, this was on my private win7 laptop
but thanks for your help anyways, pal!
I'm heading home! Have a great weekend everyone!
@Eugene, why not use a service between the two?
@FabianCook between two modules?
Ahh. Didn't notice it was modules.
Whats the situation?
Is it a SPA like thing?
Would they both be in the same page?
One would be to think how to extract needed part into service
Which would be cleanest way
@Saxeen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why can't you just define the service and add the service to both modules? Naming them the same thing.
The other one is to read in internet whether my proposal even is possible and if it is cleanest solution
There is no reason why you need to define them in the function calls, its just clean that way
You could do var x = ["$location", function($location){}];
@FabianCook Too much code. Need to think how to extract.
then do module1.service("service", x);module2.service("service", x);
less code then writing it twice.
PS. Handy hint, if you are going to use a uglifier then use an array when declaring services & functions, makes sure everything is in the right order etc. Must be another reason for it, but helps things out
Go down to Minification
in backbone template i want if
i used like this
 <% if(listItem.loggeduser_liked )= "no") {
                   <div class="likeCmt"><a href=""><img src="images/like-icon.png" width="16" height="12"/>Like</a><div>

                   <% } %>
@Eugene, check those replies, forgot to tag you in them
listItem.loggeduser_liked value i want to match with no
@FabianCook right, an if in an if in an if in an if in an if in a function.
They should have used ||
@fisher3421 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
They are google I guess. They can do what they want
@Sport god I hate ejs
<%=listItem.loggeduser_liked %> i amgetting value
 <% if(listItem.loggeduser_liked )= "no") {
                   <div class="likeCmt"><a href=""><img src="images/like-icon.png" width="16" height="12"/>Like</a><div>

                   <% } %>
what is issue
@Oleg, actually looking at it, they do have their uses,
@FabianCook sure, but at the same time it's so ugly..
@Oleg, that documentation is ugly.
VS wouldn't parse it ;)
/// <docs>It is</docs>
@Sport i have no idea what you're trying to do
@Oleg, looks like .Net
i have backbone.js
Q: AngularJS: Promises & conditions based on results

AsheshI have a complex promise chain, with each of the success handlers in then making some more API calls and passing on the results to the next then and so on. I've come to a situation where, based on a condition, I may choose to stop the chain. So, in a nutshell, my code looks like; API.callGener...

getting value from api to show in template .now i want to write if condition <% if(listItem.loggeduser_liked )= "no") {
<div class="likeCmt"><a href=""><img src="images/like-icon.png" width="16" height="12"/>Like</a><div>

<% } %>
"Focus on questions about an actual problem you have faced. Include details about what you have tried and exactly what you are trying to do."
@FlorianMargaine, how'd you find that one?
getting value from api to show in template .now i want to write if condition <% if(listItem.loggeduser_liked )= "no") {
<div class="likeCmt"><a href=""><img src="images/like-icon.png" width="16" height="12"/>Like</a><div>

<% } %> to execute particular div
@Sport, use angular ;(
@FabianCook haxtor level 2, "if you're bored, go there: hax.tor.hu/level2/boredomkiller "
no backbone.js
no angularjs
no angulardart
no jquery ui
no jquery
no vanilla js
@FlorianMargaine, thats cool
@Sport I don't see no javascript up in there
@FlorianMargaine, PS, I was talking about the tag. Hahaha. Not the link
that's probably 4chan material there
@FabianCook ah. [tag:stuff]
@FlorianMargaine, cool. Is there like a list of crap like that? I mean the tags etc.
if i am using <div class="likeCmt"><a href=""><img src="images/like-icon.png" width="16" height="12"/><%= listItem.loggeduser_liked % ></a><div>
I guess faq
if i am using <div class="likeCmt"><a href=""><img src="images/like-icon.png" width="16" height="12"/><%= listItem.loggeduser_liked % ></a><div>
the "help"
getting value in template]
this trick isn't anywhere though
there are plenty easter eggs
@FlorianMargaine is it safe for me to open this shit at work?
@pythonian29033 no
[tag:holy b*lls]
@FlorianMargaine thanks for the hint
@FabianCook anyway, there is the sandbox for tests
Still nope
!!tell FabianCook sandbox
Special character?
@FabianCook You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
@CapricaSix, that makes sense. Thanks. Will go there now haha
@FabianCook don't you get penelized for creating bullshit tags?
Ah crap
I was just asking
maybe you don't, but some moderators just have a bad day all the time. . . never know who they're gonna take it out on
I guess not
Better make some cool tags now then
@pythonian29033 it's not created
!!make funny tags or stfu?
@Oleg make funny tags
you need to create a question with the tag to "create" the tag
i clicked on it, and it was
yeah it's empty
or at least someone created it
hehe he hehehehe hehe he hehehe he...
so it's not created
I think I'm gonna look for a shit question and add that tag :D
Hi all
fuck I can't use it, found a shit question, but SO's lookup is not giving me the tag as an option
@pythonian29033, oh god no
Hows it goin @Oleg ?
@qwertynl goin' down
@FabianCook ︵ ┻━┻
@Oleg down town?
guys gimme some slang words used to refer to apple users that I can possibly look up on urban dictionary
!!urban apple user
@derylius Apple User A person who firmly believes he or she is better than other people. This assumption is based upon positive prejudice and taken up from people believed to be hip. Minor aspects are exaggerated (i.e. I can switch it on with my keyboard), whilst others are disregarded (i.e. I don't need more than one mouse key)
@qwertynl no, probably getting fired soon
Haven't written a line of code since Monday.
@Oleg !! why is that?
Where do you work?
Some small company.
eh those are the worst (blink)
haha ^dick
A friend of mine who was moving up the corporate ladder (company split and he went with them, shame for me) shared an epiphany in which he said he realized that the more "important" you are, the more you don't have to give a shit about what's going on
@HEX Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Boolena Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neil thats always been true
@Oleg that's how we all feel, until you to like five minutes of work just before getting checked up on and make an excuse like "oh I got to this point on monday, but then I came across this error, and I've just been sitting with it all week" :D
In fact he spent most of the first week after realizing this pretending to be doing important things elsewhere and not showing up to meetings
Remarkably, or perhaps unremarkably, it worked
He now does about 10% of what he did before with people underneath him that work as hard as he used to
when you fix it people sympathize with you even though you were doing nothing but pickin your nose all week, shooting boogers under the table :D
He spends most of his time playing golf and being a rich snob now
@Neil tell you what, in companies payed by goverments, everyone, from the CEO to the last office slave just pretend to do something, and noone gives a shit
I suppose you can't get away with that if you're a lowly worker, but the higher up you go, the more people don't pay attention to that type of thing
@derylius I believe it
@Neil and to be honest i would do nearly the exact fucking thing
@derylius and at snails pace, they just about manage to get nothing done
cos tax money has to go, so they can ask more tax
@FlowQ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@pythonian29033 the work always gets done, otherwise the company could not show nice numbers to people, but the same job could've been done with 1% of the people working
I wish I could just go n live n work on my own and not pay tax. . . . just freelance
That's why I am a firm believer in capitalism
The reward is self-fulfilling
@Neil yeah but capitalism and democracy are not working together
You don't have to worry about motivating people, just keeping people in line
the problem is corruption, whatever system you use
@Mosho hi

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