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!!arbys or subway (even though had subway yesterday)
@Jhawins subway (even though had subway yesterday)
@Jhawins instructions unclear, keyboard stuck in asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss‌​ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Kk thnks
bleh subway
we don't have those
im out. Time to sleep
bye folks
see ya
yay! normality
@rlemon you don't have my phone number lol
@FlorianMargaine thanks for the feedback! <3
@RUJordan but I have you database credentials ;)
@rlemon lol that's an intimate knowledge man
Let it be known. @RUJordan EMAILED me his database creds by accident. because he is a tool that way. we still love him, but now we're seriously considering getting him a helmet.
So, I might be re-designing phantasyrpgs front page. Any tips/advice on a game's front page?
@Eduardo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Layout, initial user views, functionality?
lots of animated gifs and bright neon colours
Yep, that always works
Can I use seizure.js? lol
@rlemon ?
yay! normality
you arn't bad. that dely-whatever guy annoys the crap out of me
and you tend to egg him on ;)
you mean the Italian?
Ahh i see
Didn't think I was that bad. Yeah I was playing around earlier. But yeah
Why not mute?
Why not Zoidberg?
@user2078693 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anybody know any good MMOs with good quality login/registration pages? I'd like to look at the competition
@Loktar ludei.com/marketplace/platform/google why is the best game ever by this room not there -_-
such effort, many tries, very attempted, wow. — rlemon 7 mins ago
@FabianCook because @phenomnomnominal is so cool I find it hard to hate on the Kiwis
so you get a free pass
Dont play it, but the look is good
A: How to create a background color that is an admixture of 2 different colors(from top to the bottom) with CSS?

user2928768I am pretty sure this is what you are going for Just set var beginning_color = new $.Color( 'rgb(210,50,98)' ); var ending_color = new $.Color( 'rgb(210,50,98)' ); With the rgb of what you want to start and end with. http://jsfiddle.net/cgspicer/V4qh9/

downvote to death plox
@FabianCook that's not bad -- I think I even have a large background image we could use.
a new twitter follower
one of you guys?
I'm all about the simplicity login
What kinda game?
Except for MMO
A MUD. Text based with pixel art images
Ahh I see
Bootstrap it ;)
@rlemon, thats cool though.
sourceundead.com best login evar
It's angular. What more could the internwebz want?
My god
@user2928768 you must be a liar otherwise your brain is definitely on fire.. :-( — Abhishek Hingnikar 2 mins ago
Dat ng-class
@AbhishekHingnikar not relesed fully yet :P
going to be working my ass off on it this weekend
I have almost all of the art now
@Loktar percentage wise how close done 100 are you?
I'll gladly pay you a dollar tuesday for an iphone version today
I think I have a caps lock addiction.
really hard to put a % on it. Core features are at like 90%
but overall game completion idk %60-80 somewhere in there id say
I just need to get the game modes done really
also I want to do an iphone vs
but I dont have a mac and not sure I want to take on that cost. Ill have to think about it
@Loktar you don't need a mac
@AbhishekHingnikar how can I add it to the store otherwise?
@Loktar Skip 3-4 games that you planned on buying
I need to sign the files
well somebody in this room can just push the app to the app store, cause Ludei is platform agnostic
@AbhishekHingnikar Maybe not to develop, but to sign it?
@AbhishekHingnikar ^
Oh so I bought Final Fantasy X HD Remastered last night
it's epic
you get unsigned files from ludei
@Loktar its just an apple dev account and XCode
if anybody in this room is willing to volunteer its just a few minutes of work.
Its easy to sign. Just need xcode. iOs dev account. Etc
I don't have my mac at home
Well, a developer account for iOS has the $100 / year cost, doesn't it?
I mean I could write it all off
but I'm also buying a desktop pc this year as well
and just had to pay 11k in taxes lol
also.. i mean if I'm not going to make 3k off of grapple hero thats a steep purchase for it
since the art is like 1300
You have to account for the art too
a mac would be another 1k minimum I bet
and that would be used
I do have a MacBook that I could use to sign the files for you if you want
It's super slow, and I don't know the process, so there's that. But I could try
yeah I would only trust a small number of you guys :P and you're one of them for sure
posted on April 11, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

I might take you up on that if you dont mind Ill give you some $$ for your time too because I need writeoffs to keep my taxes down lol
It's not saturday Feeds calm down.
@Feeds That's actually a pretty good one!
@rlemon I think we should take SMBC off the Feeds here
You and I seem to be the only ones who enjoy it
And we have it on in the HTML room anyway
oooh wtf
its a comic?
I never even clicked on it because I saw the stupid code
I thought it was a code golf thing
Their RSS feed is a bit silly
I think the cheapest Mac you can get is like $600
The Mac Mini
hmm thats not too bad
but damn. I would only using it for signing things..
My macbook air was $750 refurb
which would make it a bit of a waste... stares at chromebook
It doesn't come with a monitor though
@AbhishekHingnikar back on the APPLE IS GREAT kick again?
I hate Macs @AbhishekHingnikar
@Loktar so does he. (every other week)
I would probably wipe the tip of my penis on it every morning just so it remembers my disdain for it.
lolwut XD
I would just shit in the cd rom
so don't buy a used mac from me ever guys.
call it a day
@rlemon The MacBook Air doesn't even have one
That is something else right there.
who says I would be buying the macbook air
I also dislike laptops
27 secs ago, by rlemon
I also dislike laptops
Nothing like a $1500 porn machine.
@AbhishekHingnikar it is still a mac
Mac pro is the desktop thing
yeah Im not a fan of laptops either
Like the new cylinder thing
@FabianCook yeah its crazy $$ too
I work on them when I have to
it does look neat however
but I avoid them
I only use my laptop when I want to watch something and want to lie down
I haven't used a PC in 2 years now
hate the small size of everything
haha thats so crazy @AbhishekHingnikar
@rlemon like your weener?
@RUJordan That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@RUJordan only when compared to your tree trunk
I bet a PC with the same specs would be cheaper
^ not even a bet. for sure. you are not paying 45% more for a form factor that will cause hardware issues likely.
@Loktar When's your Rift coming?
dk2, that is
@SomeGuy they ship in July :(
!!learn burn <>"http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Kelso-Says-Burn-That-70s-Show.‌​gif"
@RUJordan Command burn learned
so I have a bit of waiting yet
@Loktar Aww
there we go
I was kind of considering getting it
I'm hoping with the FB acquisition its faster
@SomeGuy yeah I caution it only for one reason now
But then I'd want the consumer version too, and I don't want to have to spend cash on the Rift twice
I think the consumer one will be a lot cheaper
because they can subsidize the hardware pricing since FB is behind them now
Yeah, and it'll be better too. Also, it'll have more games and shit ready
@Loktar "[game pauses] Blink twice to share this on facebook" < if that happens in games what will you do?
blink twice obviously! :P
> <div id="apDiv18" id="woe1trac">
I don't want to live in this world anymore
@AbhishekHingnikar guess what? we don't care that you think Apple is superior to everything else.
you just sound like a hipster douche
I'm sure Windows Server could handle it just fine
4 hours ago, by Caprica Six
@derylius Apple User A person who firmly believes he or she is better than other people. This assumption is based upon positive prejudice and taken up from people believed to be hip. Minor aspects are exaggerated (i.e. I can switch it on with my keyboard), whilst others are disregarded (i.e. I don't need more than one mouse key)
Good Times
@AbhishekHingnikar lol its not that, its fine to think something is good and great
but saying everything else is shit can give off the wrong impression :P
stop being racist
What's with the ad hominems?
!!define ad hominem
@RUJordan ad hominem A fallacious objection to an argument or factual claim by appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim; an attempt to argue against an opponent's idea by discrediting the opponent himself.
Keep it up
Fucking wonderful.
@AbhishekHingnikar its cool man just calm down :P
!!define fallaciious
@AbhishekHingnikar Quit being a douche
@RUJordan It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
fuck you too robot D:
@RUJordan Something based on a fallacy
What's a fallacy?
Assuming you know what a fallacy is :P
@SomeGuy is English your first language?
A common mistaken belief
@SomeGuy quit being a retard aswell then
@RUJordan I got called a robot in an email. not sure if he was making a joke or mis-slept my name.
I hear for some in India it is
@Loktar Kind of, yeah
ok I assumed so because you type it extremely well
the people I work with are "ok" at typing it but not great
yea @SomeGuy has excellent english
however they speak Hindi? to eachother
@rlemon mis-slept?
not sure what language I just guess Hindi.. but there are a ton of spoken dialects in India right?
If given the choice, I speak in English over Hindi
lol did he touch you..?
@Loktar its not like that, its just india failed to find a proper language since we have like 28 competitors so we just said , Meh brits left english just let it be like that so most of our education is in English
Yeah, there are a bunch more
@RUJordan auto correct
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah makes sense, just is a bit surprising (to me anyway)
ducking auto-correct.
gets me every time
my phone corrects to ducking way too much
@Loktar nah, India is basically bunch of different cultures
I grew up with people speaking both English and Hindi, so I learned both. I'm more fluent with English, so I'd say it's my first language
you can travel from north - south and you will be amazed how much we change _
The metropolitan cities here tend to have much higher literacy rates, and more schools that teach in English
@SomeGuy u kidding right ?
Kerela != metropolitan
What surprised me was this
> Official languages: Hindi Language, English Language
And when did I say it was?
> The metropolitan cities here tend to have much higher literacy rates
whereas the US doesn't have an official language.
@AbhishekHingnikar Again, when did I mention Kerala at all? I was talking about metropolitan cities.
@Loktar You don't?
I'd expect it to be English and Spanish
crazy right?
haha yeah
@SomeGuy kerela has highest literacy overall
yeah its nuts we don't have an official language
and if you notice, the farther south you go the higher literacy.
> tend to
metro polt. are notches.
It's not a rule.
> The United States does not have a national official language; nevertheless, English (specifically American English) is the primary language used for legislation, regulations, executive orders, treaties, federal court rulings, and all other official pronouncements;
^ its surprising to many Americans
> Speak english or gtfo (what a lot of idiots say)
why? It's not official.
@Loktar India cannot have hindi as the only official language
Oh, it seems some states do have official languages, though
oh wait haha actually they say
> Speak American or gtfo
@SomeGuy Marathi is official in maharashtra, Gujarati in Gujarat :P
I was talking about USA there, though
I hope Quebec sererates. Then no more frenglais
@SomeGuy yeah it is odd
@rlemon they are dumb though
they want to seperate yet still have all the benefits of a province it sounds like
They really are. This isn't the first (or last) time it has come yp
!!afk lunchin and stuff
@RUJordan ^ I demand to know what the heck was the wolf like characther was trying to do ?
grope her or something ?
Does anyone think this position makes any sense? koding.github.io/jobs/growth-hacker
> You are to help Koding reach 1 Million Users. Yes, that’s your assignment. If you accept, read on.

You promise,

-You can make Koding grow with the most creative hacking abilities, without spamming.
-You will make sure that you’re not only getting new users, but that you’re also improving the platform so that they are happy to stay.
-You can hack things, write small scripts or work with people who can.
Markdown fail
Markdown here doesn't have lists
The position kind of makes sense
A programmer who has experience with marketing, kind of?
What exactly do they want the person to do? haha I'm not looking for this job, but it's confusing.
Emphasis on "hacking"
> make Koding grow with the most creative hacking abilities,
@AbhishekHingnikar Loktar is afk: lunchin and stuff
> If you are using jQuery (which today should be somewhat foundational for most). . .
A: On - window.location.hash - change?

meandmycodeThe only way to really do this (and is how the 'reallysimplehistory' does this), is by setting an interval that keeps checking the current hash, and comparing it against what it was before, we do this and let subscribers subscribe to a changed event that we fire if the hash changes.. its not perf...

Need 337 downvotes guys. We can do it. //jk
@Loktar scirra.com/tutorials/907/… even better this works it seems
@GabrielSyme Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar , @SimonSarris, @rlemon [ and anyone who uses windows ]. Is there a way i get access to my %Users%/Abhishek/ folder ? by a single click in the explorer ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Loktar is afk: lunchin and stuff
if not, is there any way i can add my %Users%/Abhishek/work folder to the locations on the left in windows ?
can I get some help on this? I've been trying to fix it all night yesterday.
Q: jQuery plugin methods undefined the first time it loads but not after

KJWI tried wrapping things in $(function(){});, $(document).ready() and other tricks, but it simply doesn't work on the first attempt. I used incognito mode in order to simulate first time running experience. First time I run the code below in my console, it results in Uncaught TypeError: undefined...

@AdityaMohan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so ok remember I mentioned Elite Alpha was $$ but I get to be in the beta
well the beta started today
it has Rift support too which is badass
/me super excited
Hey guys
This answer on top is actually plain wrong. See answer 2
Q: On - window.location.hash - change?

qxxxI am using Ajax and hash for navigation. Is there a way to check if the window.location.hash changed like this? http://example.com/blah#123 to http://example.com/blah#456 It works if I check it when the document loads. But if I have #hash based navigation it doesn't work when I press the back b...

Deprecated. But it would need 200 upvotes to change. How does this get fixed?
It usually doesn't
i need help understanding why a jquery plugin is not available the first time the code runs, but it is ready when the same code is run the second time
Well, that's poor.
They were written the same day When they were written it was just in the draft
Am I talking to any of you on Steam right now?
cant check... you didnt get hacked did you?
someone on my friends list, i'm talking to them. no clue who they are
ok good lol was worried for you for a minute
@rlemon lemme see
name em ?
Perfect Hair Carlos is his username
ohh well.
rlemon: how perfect is it?
Perfect Hair Carlos: Don't have the new stuff. Just going back to the basics.
rlemon: no, your hair.
Perfect Hair Carlos: xD
rlemon: like Jonny Bravo perfect?
Perfect Hair Carlos: At least.
rlemon: nice
@null.point3r Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have too many people on my friends list
I know maybe 2/3 of them lol
was so happy when Steam finally let you tag friends that helped a lot

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