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@Oleg How would I define the variable? I am using this right now:

var yAxis = new Raphael("yaxis");
yAxis.setViewBox(0, 0, 15, 220);
yAxis.setSize(15, 220);

But how would I define it when adding it to a paper?
@Jef define it as rock
Hmmm, maybe change the approach:
@Oleg don't give apple as example, they are one of the worst, right after .NET
i am fetching value from restful api use of backbone model.and getting json form.jons data have array how can i count how many array is there?
here is my bible
var chartPaper = new Raphael('chart');
@Oleg thanks! Can you give me an example of yAxisStuff ?
anyone good in java here?
Defining it is my problem, I don't knw where to start
Well, add imports elements in JSON array in format {type: type, <attributes>}
yeah i know it's javascript here
@SteamFire depends on your question
maybe go in java room with me
it's about J components
jList to be precise
@SteamFire learned for 1 year, but not with great success
@Jef the problem is, I don't really know how you define the chart and what data you have in the first place...
i'm realy stuck
@SteamFire yeah for those better in java room
@Oleg Alright thanks anyway, I will try what you said
@SteamFire I am in the javaroom
but java room is a desert
@derylius that bible is full of errors
burn it and become an atheist
@KarelG just like any bible
@Oleg, thanks for your help
you are free to use that, but i won't
@KarelG hey hey hey. This was definitely the bible back when the web started.
@Jutschge Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jef I still think though that it's a good idea to separate the parts of your chart into different layers. I find it useful to place them into separate <g> elements.
@Sport data.length ?
@Oleg small example, this is how I use Raphael.js at the moment: jsfiddle.net/Warforce/JJyj9
> maybe go in java room with me
wow .. that sounds so scary
@Jef damn, I really, really recommend d3 :)
like a dangerous perverted old man asks a little girl... "maybe go in the forrest with me"
@Jef why do you need Raphael for this chart btw?
ahh.. spot on, when the topic is about dangerous and perverted, @AbhishekHingnikar drops by
If it's just boxes - you can do the same without svg.
I am a legendary pervert man
IE7, Raphael converts to VML when SVG is not supported
You can just use divs.
@AbhinavRanjan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jef only that vml is slow and javascript is slow in ie7
so you get slow + slow = super slow = totally unusable piece of shiot
better is to just give a bigass VML art saying
@AbhishekHingnikar add Raphael.js on top of that
In my real chart, there are some othe elements also, like a couple of axes and stuff
oh, okay
@jAndy makes me think of a joke... "a guy and a kid are going in the forrest. Then the kid says "oooh it's scary here", the guy answers: "that's nothing, I'll come back alone you know""
@AbhishekHingnikar I can't tell that to the company I am making it for (internship), and it is not that slow at all to be honest
@Jef it is :->
it gives ~200ms frozen lag with even the slightest complex art.
@FlorianMargaine yea I knew that one of course :P
which is very visible.
got a mail like this

The content this replaces was found to be corrupt.
Cause of corruption: Invalid character set or encoding.
Ticket Number: '0b04-5345-6cd4-0007'

See your system administrator for further information.
Copyright 1999-2008 McAfee, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
and @Jef goodluck :-(
@Jef damn, come work for me. We only do stuff for latest browsers, but my intern doesn't know how to declare variables and call functions in JS.
I got a mail like this

I like your profile through the Internet i am  interested to
be your friend.About me, My name is Mrs .Elizabeth Benford, I am
an wife of late investor from the United States of America. I am
single with 1 child. I plan to visit your country for an investment project. I
want to be your friend and I want to meet you when I visit your country. If you
like,contact me by e-mail to discussion more, because I only accept e-mail
communication and telephone only. here is my e-mail:(benford_elizabeth@yahoo.
@FlorianMargaine y u no use gmail
@Oleg because he's a fucking intern
@Oleg I do
it was in my spam folder
haha yea I got terror spammed with such crap also, I changed my email address
got sick of it
@FlorianMargaine oh, there's a spam folder?
I never dare looking inside...
@FlorianMargaine do they not write code in school anymore?
it's ok, you won't get a virus by just opening the mail
like your grandma thinks
@Oleg not calling a function might be weird, I guess
@AbhishekHingnikar thanks for your input. Only working in the latest browsers sounds like heaven :)
@FlorianMargaine no, but all those emails say I have a small... you know, it's depressing
@Oleg oh, I don't have this kind of mails. Only emails asking me to shrink it or hot females around my area.
@FlorianMargaine and it was send to a group mail list :O
she's a wife of a late investor of the United States and single with one child
@SteamFire yeah, that's the fun part
but it seems legit, you should send her your credit card information asap
she didn't ask me yet :(
c'était en français?
and I got connections to a kenyan prince that can get you a shitload of money, just hit me up for the details
@SteamFire ?
@GNi33 hits
ça parait mal traduit ^^ / Bad translation...
lol'd at " I will answer you with my photos I will send you the information terminal "
@SteamFire ah. No idea.
!!should Florian hit GNi33?
@Oleg Probably
@GNi33 sorry, I don't get it
just checked... nope, no hilariousness in my spamfolder
@FlorianMargaine : that mail which i got is from the internal security check. An automated one because i have a non-typical character in my pw. I won't change it becuase it still works fine :P
probably the hash function gets mad with it <.<
@Cyxapb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!should I make my intern write CoffeeScript only?
@Oleg No
I checked a weird spam
The text is in big letters
@Oleg That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
and there is realy small text between letters in white
I think to pass throug the spam filters
it must be randomly generated text
    ñVxÞH31Χ3ePn©Τl7ÆcπlQ­a6oJOφ∠ VóäÎf≡m∅ùr44CYo≤¤SςmêSMÐ ¸N2ðRηø¿èuΤδå8s7Ôη6s∼J97iäi44a1XéQ,81îN 98߈h538CoŒÿ⊆9nC25teð¼CRy¾9g«!ÄÑo“ ±Cº9IqsqOt⁄hÆz'V〈e—sN6nη P8™èm9»72eÔNYV ¨1UæBetsey ..Ryan then climbed into him here.
@SteamFire Ryan Dahl?
@Jef my first day at my last office i told my boss i can do IE 8 and less if and only if he can delay the product by an year.
Where's @Zirak?
And here is the real message you can read...
Hello from russia, honney! It's me Betsey... I found your profile via facebook. I was excited! You're cute! How about healing your heart by meeting a charming Russian woman ? I want to share some hot photos with you, babe! click bellow to view my (8) private photos : betsey's pics
where have you been?!?
I've been looking for Zirak.
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 2 hours ago, by Some Guy
> Nope, I'm quite dead. The doctors say it's terminal. "Terminal death", they said, "You have it. An uncommon form of death". Maybe they lied to me. Maybe it's just ANSI-Term death.
I has a sad.
F++k i've a lot of them in my spam folder...
same thing everytime
Octavian doesn't like us anymore. He just has loves for Zirak ;_;
what did i do?
@GNi33 Luv y'all as well.
@SteamFire well you better click that link right now. you don't wanna miss that chance, do you?
> I've been looking for Zirak.
I'm just a little worried.
sounds like a india jones mission
but seriously, I haven't seen Zirak in ages too
@GNi33 No i wont hahaha: sexydatexxk.ru/?Dyane1977
be careful
don't click it
a person from 1977 is a bit old for me
> I am Christy Walton the second richest woman i have a charity proposal for you
thanks honey
@punitjajodia Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jAndy what does that mean?
Ich grüße Sie, ... ich habe eine gute Nachricht für Sie!

immer dasselbe, zeigt sich Ihre Bank auch nicht sehr kulant, wenn Sie nach einem Kre dit fragen?
Gehen Sie doch dorthin, wo man Sie als Kunden noch anständig behandelt.
Auch bei laufenden Ratenzahlungen und zuvor von Ihrer eigenen Hausbank abgelehntem Antrag können wir Ihnen ein Darlehen vermitteln zu niedrigen Zinsen (z.B. ab 3,2% für Konsumentenkredite, ab 1,8% Zinsen p.a. für Grundbesitz und ab 3,1% für Firmen).

Ihren Kredit bekommen Sie jetzt aus Lateinamerika ohne viele Unterlagen, ohne Bankauskunft und schnell. Mehrere Banken 
@KarelG Same for me
i got spammed with nude pictures of females from eastern europe/russia to convince me to help them by donating money
We are Christian organization we give out loan/financial help to dedicated
Christian contact us for help via email:
[email protected]

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@FlorianMargaine it means: GIVE US ALL YOUR EFFIN' MONEY
some1 passed my emailaddress on a malicious site i thinnk
@jAndy cool. Will do.
Ellen’s Backstage Skincare Secret –
Her Anti-Aging Trick Finally Exposed!
Someone subscribed me to a site with my address
@KarelG Sorry, won't happen again. Well ok, maybe one more time..
@SteamFire Maybe they wanted to steal your bucket?
let xs = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
[a + b | (a, b) <- xs]
^ this sh*t is awesome
Bucket theft is serious business!
Your Email Address has won(£ 1,000,000.00 GBP)in CHEVROLET MOTORS UK Draw.To Claim your Prize, Send: Name,Address,Age,Mobil Number via Emial :[email protected]

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all these spams on linux mailing list...
> Unser Banken behandeln Sie wie einen Kunden, nicht wie einen Bittsteller.
Someone should really build a scammer scammer which reads the contents of these e-mails and replies with fictitious info
Then appears interested and keeps them occupied
Alfred Schulz, oh god, that name is like.... SO german
@GNi33 waddat mean
@GNi33 yeah, that's like the quebec equivalent of french
@Neil that would get rid of them quite fast
@netAction Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
like, really, they have so french names, it's just not french
Our banks treat you like a customer, not like a suppliant
something like that, couldn't think of a good word for "Bittsteller"
@derylius That would spoil the fun
bite = dick in french
always fun
It would have to make them think they've hooked someone
pain = bread in French
even more fun
You'd have to write an AI to imitate an incredibly gullible person
bite? haha
Bitte means "Please" or "you're welcome" in german
"j'ai une grosse bite" = "I have a big dick"
@GNi33 yeah, german used to be fun.
@FlorianMargaine LOL
@FlorianMargaine he likes using multibite strings
"tous les trois" <- my french knowledge
"horloge" <- my french knowledge
don't ask me why it's this word
Poll: how many languages (NOT programming) do you speak (fluent)?
programming languages included ?
learning Italian right now though
... does Austrian German count as seperate language? :D
I'm sure Abhishek speaks a sh*tload of languages
@Oleg 2
Abhishek speaks 3, I think
I won't claim to know how fluently he speaks them, however :p
2 + 2 not so fluent
@GNi33 im learning italian as well
I'd go with 2 (German, English) 100% fluent, 1 (spanish) like 50% broken and 1 (latin) 30% mastered :p
anyone knows a short cut to tear off a tab in chrome ?

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