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@rlemon I think he just entered at a bad time.
no seriously. why even make the comment? just fucking leave the room
not to mention the comment calling us 'childish' is in itself a childish comment
I just want to know how to organize my code better. I like to working with classes but i'm trying to make codes that anyone can make new "modules" without screw up the another already made
@GiovanneAfonso you're not working with classes since there are no classes in JavaScript (at least until ES6 gets deployed with maximally minimal classes).
I know -.- i should say:
var contact = new window.mymodule.contact({...});
Ok guys, sorry for anything, bye ^^
@GiovanneAfonso function constructors then.
You should consider Addy Osmani's "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns" book
Gallery mode eh? What did I miss? lol
If you've already read that, Fowler's PoEAA is really good, and the GoF book is pretty decent.
@RUJordan no one was muted don't worry. I was just anticipating :D
GoF = Game Of Functions?
Gang of Four
aww :(
SOLID is pretty much what you need to know, not only for OOP, but also applies to functional.
How does the LSP apply for functional programming?
You don't have subtyping since data and behavior are separate :P
I was going to add "almost"
started thinking "SRP is ok, OCP is ok.. meh it must be fine"
@HugoSousa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Haha wow. That guy was proud of a question that was viewed a lot?
Yeah :P
anyway, except that, SOID applies to functional.
To be fair the LSP is the only "real" thing in SOLID :P
@meetmehta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It took me 2 hours to get to work today because of a baseball game T_T I hope this isn't a common metro thing or this spring season is going to suck.
that said, you do have subtyping. It's not because data is separate from behavior that data can't be subtyped
@RUJordan "viewed 25685 times"
@Ahadaghapour Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think that is my most viewed question
not sure
totally is
next under that is like 11k views
how do you see that?
@rlemon up to a maths challenge?
@rlemon you made sure to check out my followup w.r.t client ports?
@rlemon the issue with client ports is that you can't know for sure that they're not used
whenever you open a tcp connection, a random client port is used
@rlemon "viewed 13906 times" that'y my top viewed question
(any port between 1024 and 65535)
Oh I forgot I got the jQuery badge last night lol
my most viewed question is 6k views
@Florian okay I will check that
I don't see it being an issue. If I understand you correctly
Q: Javascript Regular Expression Remove Spaces

rlemonSo i'm writing a tiny little plugin for JQuery to remove spaces from a string. see here (function($) { $.stripSpaces = function(str) { var reg = new RegExp("[ ]+","g"); return str.replace(reg,""); } })(jQuery); my regular expression is currently [ ]+ to collect all spac...

^ my most viewed
the question is amazing
my most viewed one is 121, it's something :D
then it's probably not as useful to a wider range of audience
My highest voted question has upvotes because of the clever title :(
But it's a decent question I think
@Loktar shhh
it happens from time to time
I think it's about mindshare, how many people are asking the same question or thinking about it the same way
I have some 50K+ views questions, its' a lot about age too and asking an obvious question early :)
so even though other people are thinking 'hey I was gonna ask this question by describing it this way', it may not fully meet SO's standards, which I understand, but I really don't think being overtly snarky about it is helpful
yea age and timing is huge
Who the fuck is @GiovanneAfonso and why did he invite me to this room?
I see some +90 questions that are VERY simple
@KJW I actually like your ArrayList question, it's a good SO question even if it's very simple because it drives you to the obvious answer fast.
I actually asked that question as an experiment
@RyanKinal just a troll
morning @kittens
@rlemon Ah
@Indamix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I already knew the answer, I wanted to see how people reacted to it when I asked the question back then
Lots of 5K views ones too.
@SomeKittensUx2666 good morning
of course now, it would be gone
@KJW I ask Q&A all the time, it would not be gone today unless it was a duplicate.
@rlemon Ah
You can ask 'simple' questions that get answers - that's still SO. your last questions were very specific.
@BenjaminGruenbaum orly?
What is the motivation for people answering these questions?
They looked like you're asking people to do your work, the Java arraylist one doesn't look like that.
I call shenanigans!
@rlemon answers then, my bad.
@KJW the specific or general ones? I for example watch promise questions closely now to promote that field.
@PetersonDomingos Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you don't get 'views' on answers. well not tracked at least.
I can't wait to have a almost +100 answer
i'll be like "WOOO 98!" then it will sit there for two years
wow, 95K views already.
@BenjaminGruenbaum if a question looked like someone was 'looking for people to do the work', what would it take for you to submit an answer to that question?
Upvotes are luck :P I have a lot of very good answers IMO that get a lot less votes than some more trivial one.
@BenjaminGruenbaum agreed. Some of my highest upvoted answers are actually pretty trivial
@KJW I would likely not answer it, I don't like doing work for other people I don't know for free - it would have to make me really interested intellectually I guess.
Upvotes are dependent on views more than quality of answer
A: Javascript - replace whole numbers by decimals

RUJordanWhy don't you just parseFloat? parseFloat(Math.round([elementnumberhere] * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);

It's less about "good" than it is about "generally useful"
like that
I like answering questions that promote education and make building for the web more accessible.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see, that is a valid reason
Questions that turn up in more search results will get more upvotes (both on the question and the answer)
@RUJordan stackoverflow.com/questions/16650223/what-does-this0-mean-in-c/… lol, copy paste from documentation basically. Third most upvoted.
Hey, how do I fire an event from within a JS function? Trying to make an small AJAX library to handle my site stuff, and I want to be able to call a .complete() function which will pass the response, so far no luck
@Ryan that is true, I noticed that when I asked a question, it would turn up in Google almost instantly
Fifth (?) most upvoted answer, documentation, something I happened to do that day so I remembered it stackoverflow.com/questions/15463199/…
@Jaxo For that I'd use promises (and .then for chaining) but you can build that sort of thing yourself, it's just a callback.
@Jaxo depends. are you using any libraries
No libraries
@BenjaminGruenbaum wow lol
@cscott Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jaxo You can accept a parameter function and call it from the function
but generally @BenjaminGruenbaum's suggestion is easier / fine
True! I was fiddling with trying to define a prototype function called oncomplete, similar to how jQuery works
function xhr(url,done){
    var x = new XMLHttpRequest;
    x.onload = done;

xhr("foo",function(result){ /* data here */})
I actually have an answer about that @Jaxo here stackoverflow.com/a/16825593/1348195
I'll go with that @BenjaminGruenbaum, thank you very much!
I'll check that out, thanks again
Good luck, you should consider reading Felix's answer on that question too, it's well written. Promises are another awesome solution imo but I'm biased.
stackoverflow.com/questions/22869238/… this guy wants to convert 31000 into 3.1M
He's missing a few 0's...
I'm becoming more and more attached to promises
If a question had a bounty on it, and you could convert that into a currency of your choice, would it motivate you to answer the question? Wouldn't this also force the person asking the question to increase the quality of the question?
Here document.querySelector("number").textContent = '3.1M' - glad I could help :) — Benjamin Gruenbaum 5 secs ago
@KJW I suggested that in meta and got downvoted :D lemme find it
I'd love to see that
Q: Advertize monetary payment for my SO question

Benjamin GruenbaumSo I asked Add browser action button in internet explorer BHO and I didn't get any answers yet. I was wondering if it's legitimate to offer a sum of money for answering it. I will offer a bounty tomorrow anyway but I want to attract more people. So may I advertize a monetary reward for answerin...

@BenjaminGruenbaum You forgot a period ;-)
I do predict some potential issues, scope of the question, expectations from both party (asker and answerer)
@KJW mainly lots of low quality very quick guessy answers, it's very problematic when you involve money.
If I have a solid issue I just ask here or in irc.freenode, usually here :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum What channels?
that is true, monetary incentive can definitely have an impact
@big_smile Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 promises, javascript, node.js, angularjs, asp.net, azure, typescript, erights and some others.
@JohnZ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hahaha that made me laugh
@RUJordan it wasn't a joke :P?
I idled in #nodejs for a while, haven't learned much from it
this looks pretty promising bountify.co
It still made me laugh :P
not sure I'd pay $10 for a question though
A: Offering actual money as a bounty?

Shog9If I know the answer but am not willing to put the time in to answer your question for free... then I'm probably not gonna do it for $20 either. But someone will. Guaranteed, someone, somewhere has time to burn and needs cash. No guarantee they know the answer, mind you... but they'll take a ...

and all the questions look like people posting freelance jobs
I usually get better answers on SO than on other services.
Usually I just mail the right people. They usually know.
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 27 secs ago, by Caprica Six
@rlemon How does the LSP apply for functional sexy time? (source)
I hate that !!s doesn't work in other rooms
@rlemon still funny
what do you guys think about bountify.co? would those bounties incentivize you to answer those questions? or would the money itself make it less rewarding vs stackoverflow?
@KJW Meh
It's painfully Bootstrap-y
@SomeKittensUx2666 what do you mean by bootstrappy?
@KJW I charge a lot more per hour than these questions offer. Once money is involved I see no point of charging less :)
I saw Captain America last night -- twas wicked.
@RUJordan no spoilers :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum how many questions do you answer in an hour? what is your absolute minimum for an hour?
@BenjaminGruenbaum only one: Scarlett Johansson is still beyond gorgeous.
I guess lot of these questions take longer than an hour
on bountify
now i'm going to be less turned on when I see her the first time
@KJW I don't answer questions for a job :) I answer questions for fun and to support concepts I believe in like a better web. For consulting I usually charge 50-100$ an hour depending on what I'm consulting on.
Seeing it Sunday night
I work for a startup :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see, it must be intellectually stimulating and must add to the collective knowledgebase
I wish there was a way to type with your brain. I have so many story ideas (I used to write a lot) but not enough time to type them :(
close enough
speech to text is remarkably accurate today
@KJW I learn a lot more than I teach to be fair. I've grown a lot professionally by sharing knowledge in a community. When I got here I figured I know more than I now think I know because I read all the 'literature' and have a CS degree from a respectable location and worked on some projects.
I saw that before -- but I'd have to still shut myself away so that I could think straight.
so if you didnt think straight... and it recorded your thoughts..................?
You can discuss core issues with world class professionals in Stack Overflow, very few fields and places where that applies :)
thank you, this discussion has been very insightful
Interestingly, being an active SO user has taught me two very distinct lessons:
1) I'm not as good as I think I am
2) I'm better than I think I am
3) would being paid for answering questions hinder your experience?
Hinder? No. Enhance? No.
@KJW also, I'm sorry if I sounded disrespectful earlier :P I do think your most recent question doesn't follow the guidelines - which I realize changed over the last 4 years :)
Actually, somebody paid me $5 for some in-chat help once.
I really hate it when people ask me to update websites.. and they ask me like this..
It was cool, but I would have helped regardless
I got paid 100$ in chat for help once, for 30 minutes :P
"Update this sentence to.. 'blah blah blah'"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nice!
Gave it to some charity since the tax ended up being more money than the 100$ :P
Good on you :-)
Tax is a bitch here for outside of job work :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey no worries man I was a bit negative today because people were downvoting my HN comments and it spilled over here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum IRC?
Or this chat?
Yeah... I owe extra money because of SlickText. But meh.
@BenjaminGruenbaum crazy I know
I see people do that in IRC every now and then. Never here
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're telling me. If I tried to deduct my charitable donations in 2013, I'd end up paying more tax
@SomeGuy not sure, I think I met the guy here, he offered me the money over email
so you got paid for chat
this is very interesting
how did he know that he would get value for $5 for the help he got?
or $100 from the 30 minute chat
was it highly technical and specific?
@RyanKinal Hahaha
@Jhawins I worded it so it sounds ridiculous, but really... interacting with other SO users has made me realize that I don't know as much as I could, but I know a lot more than other people.
Haha, you end up seeing a wider spectrum, basically
At both ends
If a question was highly stimulating intellectually, added to the common knowledgebase for the betterment of the community, provided educational material to the community, and you ended up receiving a monetary bounty for it, would you do it?
@BrandonJohnson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KJW there's a more relaxed atmosphere without worrying about money for questions. If you were answering for money, there's more pressure in competition, and you're basically being hired by the poster. So if his question changes, you may have done all that work for nothing.
Too much pressure.
For me at least. I like a simple, community based Q&A format.
ah I see. how can the pressure be reduced in your opinion? or is the money thing itself adds an intrinsic stress?
spend a week fighting the quickest gun guys for bounties
you'll see how 'stress' goes hand in hand with any form of competition
Money always adds pressure
@Nathan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KJW here's the thing, a work day of a well trained professional is easily $500 for a company.
right, I can totally envision this process. you are answering the question, and see other people answers, you end up editing your answer, add more on to it to win the bounty. Knowing that your work may not end up being accepted and you losing the bounty.
Paying 100$ for a problem that'll take you a developer day in house is really worth it.
5$ is small change in company money.
Btw - stackoverflow.com/questions/21364178/… this is a totally 'work request' for a component I never really intended using. I was just very annoyed that that information was not public.
That guy literally built it from the grounds up
think about if you are stuck on a problem for 2 days. calculate how much money that cost you? then consider what you could have been doing in those two days if not stuck on that problem and add in those costs. Almost always they add up to a more significant figure than you first suspect.
paying a few hundred for someone else to do it while you chug along on other things is a no brainer
@room: I've got most of a CS degree from a respectable private college no one's heard of. If I transfer to an online college and get an actual degree in Information Technology, will I lose prestige?

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