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Hahahaha. Oh hell.
@xianritchie Wait... are you viewing the source, or are you inspecting the DOM?
My DEVELOPER tools are inserting references to the dom objects.
::after and ::before are actual elements
;) ^
Ugh. I feel stupid. :D
@Loktar say what?
<=== winner
@RUJordan er treated like actual elements I should say
!!s/ winner/B/
@RUJordan <===B (source)
A pointy weener for ya, Ryan.
@Loktar linkz or it's wrong
@RyanKinal ski jumper!
Oh, yeah... Nomi is using the before/after clearfix
psuedo element vs psuedo class
\i/ <=== ski jumper?
@FlorianMargaine They already run a lot, but N in the compare.js benchmark file can be changed
@RUJordan That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@RUJordan Command superman learned
Super relevant, perhaps
lol that reminds me of the ski gif from the olympics with the atat's
Hi everybody, i'm trying to expose a function to stop my slider inside my jquery plugin, and I can't figure out how to do it, here's a fiddle showing basicly my syntax


thank you
sudo apt-get install asciijump
@Loktar lol, yep
@JonathanLafleur well.. at least it's not a fiddle showing basically your fiddle.
@dystroy I mean, don't time them at first
s/apt-get/brew/ <=== macos?
s/brew/yum/ <=== can't remember what uses yum?
s/apt-(get)/$1 fucked/ <=== windows?
@RUJordan rpm-based distros (red hat, centos, fedora)
@RyanKinal chocolatey
Best part was the coach grimacing
@FlorianMargaine yes, thank you!
haha yeah
but its a smiley grimace almost
like "ohh shit atat's lawl"
@RUJordan I don't think that posting my whole plugin will help anybody explain how to expose my stop function. I build a working exemple where i'm trying to stop the timestamp timer and I think it's okay to say that it's "basicly my syntax" because there is always funny people to say, stuff about "short exemple" like " and it's suposed to be a slider with a timestamp? " ...
I was making a joke, actually.
'expose' the stop. what is the intention here?
@rlemon I wan't to stop the timer from an external action
var slider = $(elm).yourPlugin(options);
slider.yourPlugin('stop', true);
slider.yourPlugin('stop', true);

does stop go take my stop method or it will stop everything that's have been start by this plugin ?
no you have to write the logic here.
Okay that's what I want
that is just a common way to trigger stuff within a plugin
itd be better to write slider.stop()
@Loktar I prefer slider.stop() too... but can't find how to do it
@Loktar I know a guy.. him and his gf are WICKED pixel artists (the girl is good, the guy... he's utterly incredible). Would you like me to see if he does freelance work for you?
It could probably be cheaper than pro work
@RUJordan maybe in the future
right now I already have an artist working
@rlemon http://jsfiddle.net/TddYB/1/

maybe a scope problem ? the click even don't know the slider var ?
var myPlugin = function(options, arg2) {
// check for arg2, if it exists try to make sense of what thing you are trying to do.
// if it doesn't exist, go as normal.
apparently I do it as a string
heh I thought I was doing snowfall.clear()
@Loktar kk lemme know
!!tell rlemon format
@rlemon Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
stackoverflow.com/questions/22697068/… interesting question. Prototype method triggering without calling the function?
@Loktar is it you who maded jsfiddle.net/TddYB/2 ? thank for the one who made it
still messing with it @JonathanLafleur
@RUJordan Yeah, quite interesting
#@Loktar look like it's working no ?
well ish
I mean it has to call a .each on all the elements
woudl be better to have that inside the plugin
so you dont have to worry about how many elements you have
yeah !
@rlemon so I use a tunnel to send an SQL query, get the data and save it a local SQLite db for example?
@dystroy I can take a look in a few
@Loktar i'll wait for this version :P afk a couple of minute, won't be long, i'm hungry
Just a mental exercise, but is there a way to access a local variable that is outside an object from within the function of the object? See here: jsfiddle.net/eWyK8
@dystroy there was a lot of recent discussions about this sort of data structure and the dom in whatwg, not sure I can find it though.
(and conversely, is there a way to ensure that "this.test" within that function always refers to the test property inside the object?)
@MrA you mean like a closure?
remove the this. ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, that gets access to 'fred' by modifying the object's code, but for the purpose of the exercise, is there a way to modify "this" from outside the object to point to the current scope so that 'fred' is accessed by "this.test"?
@Connor Yeah, saw that
@JonathanLafleur jsfiddle.net/TddYB/4
@JonathanLafleur better one jsfiddle.net/TddYB/5
where its named stop, rather than stopthis
@MrA are you confusing the terms variable and property?
@Shmiddty I hope not. I'm using "variable" to reference the "var test", and property to reference "test: 'john smith'"
@RyanKinal Nice. So, is the only way, then, to specify exactly what you want to send in, rather than being able to set the entire context?
@MrA intentionally no.
There is no way to change the context of an object to a closure. It used to be possible in FF but it was removed in FF 3 iirc.
Something about security.
Q: What's the difference between a global var and a window.variable in javascript?

Derick BaileyI'm reading the backbone.js documents and seeing a lot of code that assigns attributes to the window object: window.something = "whatever"; what's the difference between calling this code, and just assigning the variable and creating a global var, like this: something = "whatever"; i assume...

error: ENOENT, open '/var/www/.foreverignore' hey node guys, what does this mean?
@MrA :shrug: It's a way to do it.
@rlemon this is somewhat untrue...
@MrA You may have not realized this, but when you select "onLoad" on the left, it'll wrap the code in the JS window with a jQuery .ready callback. Your first fiddle would look like this: jsfiddle.net/eWyK8/2
the main answer
@Raynos ^^ you got some splainin to do
@Shmiddty error: ENOENT, open '/var/www/.foreveralone' hey node guys, what does this mean? (source)
@RUJordan "ENOENT" is Error NO ENTry
@SimonSarris why's that?
@Shmiddty I think that's his point, though. window.test and test are supposed to be two different things in that fiddle.
my guess is the file / folder doesn't exist
wonder if its different now vs 2011
Unless I'm giving him too much credit...
window isn't necessarily the global object
which is more and more true, ie in web workers and node
@Loktar thank you very much ! it's very interesting the way you made it ! thank you
no problem
@dystroy did you benchmark it?
sourceundead.com does my source code look all.. fucked up indented??
So, what's the functional difference (other than syntax) between .apply and .bind ?
NEVERMIND it looks like window is now a synonym of self in web workers by default?
read up on apply/bind/call
@RUJordan Nah. Looks pretty good.
@SimonSarris At least you were right about Node
@MrA apply calls the function, bind does not.
@RyanKinal murr. My indentations look huge recently. It's messing with my head man
@MrA There are a few differences, google it
var a = b.apply(some, shit); // a is the return of the b function call
var a = b.bind(some, shit); // a is reference to the function b, and when called will pass some as thisArg and shit as the first param
Ah, late binding...
@RUJordan don't worry about it
you should minify your markup anyway
who cares what that shiz looks like :P
@RUJordan Yeah... I mean, it could be your editor settings.
@RyanKinal that's what I thought too but it's 4sp tab indent
But it doesn't look bad or fucked up.
Naw it's not that bad. Just bothers me lol
@RUJordan your editor 'views' tabs as 4 spaces. the default is 8
that is what you are seeing in the view-source
it is a tab char, 8 spaces wide.
ohhh really?
I'll have to check on dat
lol yeah
the source is tabs man, just go view-source and select one
you can setup ST to convert tabs to spaces for you
@rlemon y u ignore
but right now you have use tabs -> 4 spaces
@Mosho because I don't know the answer?
@JimHall Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
we're using ssh tunneling and http-proxy to forward off a complete web request
you connect to and you get
@rlemon Why would you want spaces?
@Jhawins preference? idk.
I use tabs. he's bitching. ask him
Ah. I thought maybe he had some legit issue lol
right, I'll look into it further then
I use tabs
@Mosho As much as we all hate to admit it, @rlemon does not know everything.
I liek spaces.
I liek all da spaces
NEVERMIND PART DEUX it looks like `window` still does not exist in the worker global scope, still gotta use `self`.

It only appeared to because I was making an anonymous (inline) web worker as a hack and I was actually seeing the page at large
@RyanKinal lies!
If I didn't I'd have to have my editor do 4 spaces for me when I clicked tab. I can just imagine all the "click click click click" next line..... "click click click click"
I know how to find answers, that is as good as knowing it myself.
@rlemon Fair enough ;-)
I hope most regulars do
@Jhawins try programming in notepad :/
if not let me introduce you to my friend Google
Haha exactly
^ they paid me to say that
@Loktar O.O
google-fu is almost as good as knowing how to do shit yourself.
lol I got my adsense payment yesterday :P
How do I get Google to pay me for advertising?
@MrA that's not what late binding usually means, thought that's worth a mention
man I should say I get paid for consulting with Google
to random non tech people
they would be so impressed
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just meant it allowed for late binding....
> Psh yeah Google pays me.
Does it do more?
@rlemon I also know how to find answers
I ask you
this system hasn't failed me until now
!!> function a(b,c) { console.log(b,c); } var b = a.bind(null, 'hello'); b('world');
@rlemon "undefined" Logged: "hello","world"
you guys not on IRC miss out on a wealth of knowledge too
\o/ bind!
just sayin.
@CarlesJoveBuxeda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
and not active on twitter.. and reddit..
so many aggregate sources now, so much better than the dark ages
unless you are a best korean
@Loktar Which channels do you recommend?
once I get websites that see any sort of actual traffic I will be all up in your shit like "LOKTAR TELL ME HOW MEAK MONIES WITH GOOGLES"
##javascript #bbg
@Mosho With awesome hair cut
gamecollecting :P
idk there are so many man
@rlemon its easy at that point
just throw up ads and youll make money
those are IRC channels? what server
the hard part is getting traffic, easy part is making money off of it
/me logs into IRC, Loktar isn't online, Mosho isn't online, SomeGuy isn't online, Ryan isn't online. /me logs out of IRC and into SO chat. everyone is online. /me is home again
@Mosho freenode
@Mosho Worst. Method. Ever.
there is a Stackoverflow channel as well, but its unnofficial
@RyanKinal not true, because I turn around and ask someone else. the chain follows until someone on root-access or the likes gives me an answer, then Benji or someone else in here disputes it, and in the end we get a result.
@MrA late binding is choosing which method late.
@SomeGuy are you on ##javascript?
there is a guy named someguy123
@rlemon Why go through the whole chain, then? All you have to do is be wrong, and Benji will dispute you.
That's not me
I asked him, Amaan? lol
ah haha he is probably like wtf?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Angular is a good choice for building a static blog right?
<30 minute rant on proper uses of angular>
@Room, you're welcome.
@rlemon haha :D
@Loktar I saw that yesterday and wondered...

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