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@Menno You know there are libraries for this type of support
@Connor so my action is now just started when the window resizes?
Happens quite often that one would need to worry about how the page gets viewed with smart phone, tablet, etc.
@Menno yes, put that after your window.resize function
put the resizing tasks in a function and bind it to the resize event ...
and onload, use the function if width >= blabla
this is what you want
var $window = $(window);

$window.resize(function() {
 	if( $window.width() >= 1050 ) {

I think
thx for your code! what's exactly the difference between the window.resize and .trigger resize?
@Menno it triggers the event immediately so the function will fire when the page loads, is that not what you want?
!!tell Menno jquery trigger
@AnubhavChaudhary Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Connor I'd like to one if-else function on 2 points: directly when the page loads, and always when the page is resized
@Menno and WHAT part of that code doesn't work?
go and try it, if there is a problem, come back and explain it
I'll try!
Can anyone help me with this? I am not getting a straight answer here.
Q: How to setup demo page in GitHub showing my project's index.html?

Rahul DesaiI have setup my repository on GitHub and would like to create a demo page on GitHub itself. How do I setup a demo page showing my project's index.html ? I googled but dont seem to find it.

@RahulDesai Link us to the repo
It's time to kill Foo, Bar & Baz they're getting on me nerves
Is your email verified?
Works fine for me
@RahulDesai haha, FAIL
By the way, "Open source" is not a licence
@SomeGuy Yes I believe it is verified.
haha, I didnt know what to put there
any suggestions?
I have no links with MIT :P
too far from that university ;)
MIT is a licence, not the university
!!google MIT licence
ah, I see
Atheism isn't a religion, but you may put it under "Religion" if asked for one in a form
"Bald" isn't a hair color, but you may put it when a form asks for hair color
Don't be so picky
Those represent the lack of said quality
Open source doesn't represent the lack of a licence
I thought people would understand it easily so I put it :)
@SomeGuy Once upon a time, they didn't know how to represent the lack of something, and then they invented zero :P
@SomeGuy Well please enlighten us. How would you write it?
By the way, how do I show the index.html in GitHub, without embedding the fiddle?
GitHub already has my code, so I believe it shouldnt be difficult
@RahulDesai You could try adding an iframe in the readme
Though it wouldn't surprise me if github prevents such things
what would make my element not hide?
I can't get my code working :/
@JoshC. not hide it
var $window = $(window);

$window.resize(function() {
if( $(window).width() >= 1049 ) {
$('#sticky_navigation ul li a').hover(function(){
$(this).animate({height: '48px'},100);
}, function(){
$(this).animate({height:'40px'}, 100);

else{ ...
I have seen people showing the demo project, without embedding the fiddle in iframe.
@Neil i mean its suppose to be hidden.
Now the function is only called when the window is resized
   <select name="selectuser" id="selectuser" data-native-menu="false"  style='display:none'>
I'd like to start it at AND .onload AND .resize
@Menno are you missing the .trigger ('resize') that connor suggested?
@JoshC. It's hard to know why you can't see it because there could be several reasons
Check its styling to ensure that there is no display:none or margin-left: 9999px or something of that nature
@Neil what would be your recommendation for method of hiding and displaying select fields using javascript/jquery
@C5H8NNaO4 adding that makes my whole code not working
@SomeGuy : MIT is also Massachusetts Institute of Technology if i recall it right
It is, of course
it's still different to "MIT - license"
But when someone asks you for a licence, and you say MIT, you mean the licence :P
It has nothing to do with the university
@JoshC. document.getElementById("elementId").style.display="none"
it got founded there
( the license )
Well, yeah
You know what I mean
> I have no link to MIT
You don't need a link to MIT to be using the licence
!!tell Menno format
@Menno Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@Neil so it would work on divs correct?
I'm trying the fixed font, but it doesn't work on my mac!
var $window = $(window);

$window.resize(function() {
	  if( $(window).width() >= 1049 ) {
			$('#sticky_navigation ul li a').hover(function(){
				$(this).animate({height: '48px'},100);
			}, function(){
				$(this).animate({height:'40px'}, 100);

			$('#sticky_navigation ul li a').hover(function(){
				$(this).css("text-decoration", "underline");
			}, function(){
				$(this).css("text-decoration", "none");

now it does :)
1 message moved to Trash
spaces, spaces, what i see is spaces
@JoshC. Yes, absolutely
I copied from AptanaStudio, there were less spaces. Sorry for that!
@Neil :( it wont HIDE DAMNIT!
just out of curiosity, is there any other elements then ul / li in #sticky_navigation ?
if not, you can reduce the selector to : $('#sticky_navigation a').
@KarelG Sticky_nav has got a div - ul - li - a
@Neil well i guess how would i have it run that line of code when the page loads? so that by default the extra stuff is hidden?
@JoshC. Make me a jsfiddle with the code then
@Neil honestly never worked with js fiddle soo i dont really know how to set one up. i can tell you rright now im doing the first part wrong on calling this.
@copy no, not sperm. I'm used to butcher random people and drink blood and eat some human flesh
Good idea! jsfiddle.net/Vvh4y is my code - the above message can be deleted
Ensure that this gets run, and once the page is loaded, it will hide "elementId"
@BadgerGirl notsureifsrs, but protein is in almost all vegetables for instance
@JoshC. Also, if you foresee yourself using javascript often, I highly recommend you learn how to create jsfiddles
@Neil yeah i really should learn that one
@BadgerGirl beside that, lentils and beans do have more protein per 100g than any meat
@jAndy dont forget about algae
@jAndy Nobody ever says that sentence unless the objective is to sell someone on vegetarian lifestyle..
true, but I hate algae :p
jsFiddle is not ... hard to learn
@Neil dafuq ? she asked me
@jAndy When?
I dunno I just had a notification
Just making an observation
who's a she
5 hours ago, by Badger Girl
@jandy How do you get your protein?
@KarelG Is that important to you?
problem on that topic is.. people always instantly feel offended or domineered (is that even a word?) for some reason
but that companys like mcd, bk, wendys, kfc etc. drive more advertise compaign than there is sand on the planet
!!/urban domineered
@derylius No definition found for domineered
@Neil : female programmers is a rarity due of stereotypes ...
everybody feels thats "ok", having huge advertises everywhere saying "eat more meat", "happy cows die happylie for you", "drink more cow milk"
@KarelG how does this comes to the topic?
@jAndy its not about cow, I eat all sort of meat, but we already discussed that
I was more about
> unless the objective is to sell someone on vegetarian lifestyle..
its paradox
if you tell people some advantages living vegan, this is the default reaction
@jAndy I can sell you a lifestyle, I have plenty of them
but as I mentioned, all crap you daily see from the meat and diary industry
is just fine
its beyond sick if you ask me
@jAndy what about eating ourselves? this way we leave all the plants and animals do their own buisness?
@derylius trolling is a good argument too :P
@user831142 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@derylius I say we stick to eating pond algae to avoid killing plants and animals
Humans are a hunter gatherer species, you can't change that by an idea
Algae can just stuff it
@derylius yea, if you mentally life 4000 years ago, you're right
@Neil algae are animals too
so how do i make it so this gets cleared after submitting?
http: //tigersocial /index.php ?selectclassenroll=BCOM301C&class+password=bcomb
@derylius I'd be a happy camper if everyone who wants to eat meat, goes into the wild and would hunt down an animal with his great hunting instincts and his dangerous claws and teeth.. after you catched the animal with your running abilities, you kill it with your teeth and eat it with hairs and brain
there you go, hunter :-P
@jAndy if you really think theres anything in your life that is about something more than eating and reproducing then you should not talk about intelligency at all
@derylius come again please ?
otherwise I would have to answer that with
We are all animals, the only way we can be superior is by understanding, accepting and improving ourself as one
@jAndy ill watch it later i cant put sound at work
what has that to do with the whole point
close it pls :
Q: Should I learn javascript before node.js?

Alexander AhlsenI'm new to Node.js and interested in learning the language. I have some knowledge of php but want to learn node.js really good. So I want to start from a place where I can really learn it. I have read that I should first learn javascript well and then move on to node.js, what do you think? Than...

the point is that not eating animals just because some abstract ideas just makes us weaker, reducing our chance to reproduce and dominate
@derylius for that line, watch the video twice
@jAndy ok :D
just watched it with subs, thanks :)
ill watch it with sound once at home
it made me feell better
@derylius That's why I said that algae can stuff it
it usually has that impact on hard trolling :-P
hello :)
> I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
@jAndy i was LWWNCOOMM
laughing with weird noises coming out of my mouth
came to here like if got attracted by the sound ...
Okay Microsoft Rant of the day comes from me.
I love this guy :D
user image
nothing to see here
"Fucking piece of shitrosoft, why the fuck half the winjs library is only usable if i write html code and no prgrammatic way to do it fucking idiots what were you trying to build... unusable shit?"
@AbhishekHingnikar Calm blue ocean.
there are two parts of microsoft
a shitty one with poor idea's and a good one.
@KarelG Yeah, the potential and the reality.
the first one is winning over the second one lately.
@KarelG the good one is sabotaged daily i guess
let's rescue the good one then
@KarelG they just dont listen to jefferson airplane anymore, thats the problem...
but is it me, or is Apple having same 'allures' as Microsoft too lately ?
Compare the evolution of apple in 2000-2010 with ms in '90
their recent iOS ... * looks for trash bin *
I'm seriously impressed by DHL. Turnaround time from processed at local facility to in the air on an international delivery? 30 minutes.
closed source is always somewhat douchebags makes customers suck their dicks
@derylius Apple?
it depends on when the delivery is at the plane.
if it's too late, the delivery will be stocked at the next plane, which is over x hours
@monners have you ever tried to send an image to you wife iphone with you android using BT?
@derylius I don't have a wife.
@monners girlfriend/boyfriend?
@derylius We both have iPhones. Works seamlessly
lol, @AbhishekHingnikar did you star that?
Why would someone star that?
@SomeGuy Uh, because it's funny? Ass...
@monners they I wish you stay together so you surely dont have to encounter interaction with people who intelligent enough not to buy a phone that andlessly overpriced and compatible only with other overpriced devices
@jAndy I think you want to see the "Volunteer to help with plugin conversion" spreadsheet, the one pinned.
@derylius I'd take offense if your message didn't also confirm how little you know about telecommunication standards.
@jAndy dunno who did that ._.
@monners nothing personal dude :)
@SomeGuy stereotypes
@derylius Everything's personal! (except craigslist)
@AbhishekHingnikar I prefer my types to be delivered in HD mono.
@monners Joint Mono*
@AbhishekHingnikar Joint you say? You might be onto something there...
wanna team speak ?
@derylius I am willing to pay for quality. I moved from Android to iOS and from Linux/Windows to Mac OSX and I cannot imagine changing back.
@monners you got it right ;-)
In Mp3 though Joint Mono or Joint Stereo is a type for encoding stereo audio
@monners then my appologies for projecting my personal preferences on your personal choises
@derylius Relax, I'm only upset enough to murder your entire family. No biggy.
@monners wouldnt be so long journey, they all died in a house fire last xmas...
@AbhishekHingnikar I've gotta work tomorrow, and TS makes me drink. Like, A LOT
what's craiglist ? or should i google it :o
First time that compiling a program in Visual Studio 2010 has caused it to crash, though somehow I'm not that surprised
@derylius Your family owned a house! Now I don't feel sorry for you at all.
@user2735454 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neil Did you try hitting the anykey?
@monners With my head, yes
A: WinJS: How can I access page functions and variables from HTML?

Tom GerkenYou have to use javascript here's the skeleton: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> //Code goes here </script> </head> <body> </body> <html>

what ? ^ LIKE WTF
@Neil : writing a dangerous/sensible code
@Neil Well, don't bother with MS tech support then. That's about as deep as their analysis goes.
Q: Define empty Bluebird promise like in Q

Fez VrastaWith Q I can define a new promise with: var queue = q(); But with Bluebird if I do: var queue = new Promise(); I get: TypeError: the promise constructor requires a resolver function How can I get the same result that I had with Q?

please kill that guy for me please please please please
@monners Well they did offer to send my error to Microsoft so they can give me better feedback... *cries*
@AbhishekHingnikar that'll be 32 Bitcoins.
@monners you can fuck him before you kill him.
gimme a better offer
@Neil you do realize that when they say feedback, they literally mean holding the phone up against the receiver?
@AbhishekHingnikar Woah, I ain't no whore.
var shit = MS && feedback ;
Microsoft idiots have to still answer me how to use self signed ssl certificates in their stupid as fuck oauth broker
Oh snap.. it crashed again
@AbhishekHingnikar Also, before?
i have emailed them like 4 times now.
your mail address got classified as spam source ;)
@monners Heh. Hehehe. Funny.
@monners you are awesome.
I do what I can :)
@AbhishekHingnikar First sentence. You're mixing tenses. One tense!
MS word didn't yell me for that :-|
@AbhishekHingnikar If MS Word wrote a book it'd be a self-help book based on the accounts of first-round eliminations from The Apprentice
> As he faded the class was shouting to support his rant, little did they know that it was a far cry not an assault. "Insane amount of editing"
@Feeds @BenjaminGruenbaum answered that for ya
I should write it in javascript and then port it into english :D
if they can read it :p
A friend and I used to go to TGIFridays in college, get drunk and write poetry. It was beautiful
We need a pig-latin translator
$.when(Him.Faded).then(Class.Shout).subroutine(FarCry && !Assault);
eHay eatsway ithway anxietyyay, asyay ehay entsay ayay iendfray equestray onyay “acebookFay”.
acebookFay.. fantastic
Mind. Blown.
Hmmm, there's no one in TS
oh wait
i am coming
@AbhishekHingnikar TMI?
Coming not Cuming
i am on mobile internet :-/
Sucks to be you
Yeah, not exactly stable
@SomeGuy You gonna jump on TS?
Maybe in an hour or so?
TS ?
Probably too late for me. Need to work tomorrow
You'll be on till late tomorrow, though, right?
some guy would become a lonesome guy :o
Maybe. We'll see.
@KarelG Nah, he doesn't know what lonely is. I don't think he's ever actually been in the same room as another human being.,
What's a "room"?
We I live in the grassfields
@SomeGuy I think you're stretching the definition of the word 'We'
hey guys
Hey Dave!
Sorry, I just watched Fight Club yesterday
have someone idea
Q: Pagination table tr add previous and next jquery

DaveI have a pagination that works fine, but I would like to add the "previous" and "next" buttons to my pagination code. What I want is this: Here my HTML markup: <table class="paginated"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">A</th> <th scope="col">B</th> ...

Idea must have
@Dave Me idea some have
@monners that is good :)
@Dave Sorry Dave, I'm being an asshole. you clearly put some effort into that question and I'm just not in a sober enough state to attempt answering it.
@Dave : i've seen that yesterday, still no solution ?
@monners is okay
@KarelG yes that right, i dont't have a solution
My new mission: Upvote questions that have obviously been down-voted because the OP didn't speak English but put considerable effort into forming the question nonetheless.
Diagrams may be required.
@SomeGuy Just saw your retweet of the Titanfall cheater policy. That's fuckin' awesome!
@Dave : found typo error in your code :p
@Dave How about you make something like this: $nextArrow.click(function () { $currentAcitve.next().click(); });
@KarelG oh thx
!!urban fiddling
@monners Fiddling The art of female masturbation.
@Miszy can you make this update in my jsfiddle
Hmmm, I didn't realize if was gender-specific
I'm drinking reasonably good wine out of a highball glass. Does that make me white trash?

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