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@Miszy amazing :) it works. so i have only one question
i am using toggle class to "fade" the right / left button :|
@Miszy okie dokes
i like if the first site active so the previous button dont clickly
^^ is this guy for real?
@Miszy can you post your solution in my question i want to say thank you
@Dave okay
@monners he sounds like he's dying
We can only hope.
CLI: "It's not like Linux or DOS, it's a C++ interpreter..." - Yeah, because that's what you want for navigating your file system/
handling event bubbles can be dangerous ...
@AndrewRoberts Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
He's the computer version of frankie
@Connor It's impressive, both in achievement and lack of achievement
@Connor Ok, that's just scary bad.
@monners Hahaha what the hell?
@Connor what the heck...
That's frankie
I seriously hope he is a good actor and trolling
otherwise I'm scared to death
Latests Warning: MAJOR Earthquake, make SURE YOU HAVE YOUR IPHONES CHARGED - says frankie
woohoo, saved 2 bytes in this line
from : .style.paddingLeft = '0px';
to : .style.paddingLeft = '0';
Q: Play Framework 2.0.4 Java : Multiple calls to a route via a Web Service

Pierre-Yves Le DévéhatI have an application that calls itself via a Web Service (My initial route intercepts the requests in order to do things...). The issue is that it does the call to the same route (and then the same action) twice. The second time, the web service action code isn't reached, according the output pr...

@Connor so he is obvisouly acting :P
I don't reckon so
but he's selling the piece of crap and dumb boy real good
out of curiosity
am i the only whom is always getting treehouse ad when checking youtube video ?
i didn't have seen other ads ...
i don't need that keh
style.paddingLeft = 0;
@Connor There's something seriously wrong with the world.
@KarelG no, I've seen it other a thousand times over the last year
gotcha send a ruby mail <.<
He's not acting, you can tell he's slightly off without what he's doing
@KarelG All. The. Time.
@jAndy People like that, if you ask them to dance, they will they think you're serious and that you think it's good
@KarelG Just be sure to never search for anything maternity-related - Google jumps on pregnancy marketing like dogs jump on... something dogs like.
I don't know.. I think he is smart enough to make money of this "idiot image"
I've learned that youtube advertisements do the best to capture your attention within the first 8 seconds, since that is the interval of time which you're obliged to watch an advertisement. The fact that I know this irritates me whenever I see an advertisement on youtube.
In the treehouse advertisement, the guy smiles, almost in a silly way to demonstrate that he is someone who you might find interesting to listen to
Then he hits you with something you agree with (which anyone would agree with for that matter)
@Neil True, but not all comapnies have caught onto this. Make me laugh or go Woah in those 8 seconds and I'll give your ad a chance. Make me listen to a voiceover about insurance and I'll actively hunt you down and murder you entire family while you eat breakfast. Alone. Because I killed your family.
@monners I dont' even think I would mind so much if the advertisements were different each time
If I've already seen an advertisement, then the advertiser is wasting money, and I'm wasting time
just get adblocker, it blocks them all
@Neil The ad that gets me all the time is one for Reid Bikes (they make affordable road bikes). I'm being targeted by them because I've researched (and subsequently bought) expensive bikes. Reid is like the last company I'd be interested in buying from, especially in my consumer niche.
Reid: "Hi, we see you looked up Cannondale Evo Six with Hi-Mod Carbon Frame. Would you be interested in Reid Everyday Commuter with Steel frame and free fanny pack?"
I also find it funny whenever someone complains about all the crossdresser videos that get suggested to them when they use youtube
They must have been looking at something that would have put them in that niche
@Neil Duh, dresser table with christian insignia - AKA Cross-Dresser.
@monners Right. *wink wink*
Like all the ads I get for fursuits and ballgags. Wait... No... Those are legit.
Its the "So you've been developing like a beast" ad that grinds my gears...
@user2735454 Haven't seen that one
@user2735454 I haven't seen that one.
Humm, myst be a Canadian thing
@monners ...
@Neil You are now my bitch until I say your name. SHIT!
@monners Haha! Free!
@user2735454 Wow. WTF! That's awesomely bad.
I know... and it runs like every third ad
I wonder if they paid Github for their logo or if they just used it and hoped no one would notice.
What the HTML was that!
As a cheap host, I'd say the latter
@monners github is hosted at DO iirc
@MaxLangerak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine You're like the lord and master of killjoy.
I say that with love, compassion and respect :D
DO is a pretty good host afaik
@FlorianMargaine Awesome!
Eh... A good host is one close to me :)
I host with webfaction.com
their support is amazing
I'm with a host called "Liquid Solutions"
a small addition concerning YT ads, i don't mind it, but i would like to see different adds. That treehouse ad became annoying for me. Back in time, it was very different, from cars to products ... now ... just treehouse.

gotcha burn the house down then
ProTip with youtube, stream it through VLC, no ads
It's true, you used to see a lot more commercials for cars, hair products, etc.
@KarelG I also get Treehouse ads. It's funny actually, my first web dev lecturer at College worked for those guys.
I outgrew their curriculum in about a week.
I think the company I work for owns Treehouse TV :P
@user2735454 you work for Bing?!?
jk jk
is there any other way to observe window.hash instead of setInterval in browsers that don't support popstate?
i loved the car commercials
I despite car commercials. They're either showing cars driving on some curvy road or showing it in some artistic sense..
" curvy road "
Is there really no better way to sell a car? Couldn't they talk about how it compares to other cars?
That's what would sell it for me
like if that would be objective ...
Seeing a car composed of pieces of junk doesn't "do it" for me
@KarelG And seeing a car on a curvy road is better?
@Neil you show me a car colliding with a cyclist at high speed with the cyclist walking away uninjured, I'll show you a customer.
@monners So basically never
@Neil Yes. That was my point (honest, I swear!)
Well, back to my Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock java game
just don't believe commercials that much. The only thing that i catch from a commercial is that a product X exists. If i need it, i check if it meets my requirements by searching it up.
I suppose that's true for most people, especially for cars
buying something based on a commercial is like buying an item from a trash belt
Though I can't help but wonder why you see so many car commercials on tv when most people don't just wake up one day and say, "Hmm, I've got an idea! I'll buy a car!"
recently I've been watching Cosmos - Found it interesting that Omega are advertising during that slot. Says a lot about where luxury watch manufacturers think potential buyers stand in the info vs entertainment specturm
You buy a car when you need one generally. Most people don't have the luxury to buy cars because they can
It's all about brand loyalty
Yet you don't see commercials all the time for say, refrigerators
You'd buy a new refrigerator if you needed one but probably not otherwise
I don't think I'll ever buy another bike that isn't Cannondale. Why? Because I like them, why would I consider other manufactureres?
I'd be willing to bet it wasn't a commercial that made you decide to stick with Cannondale
@Neil You'd be surprised how much space a human body can take up in a freezer. Even if it's be optimized for mobile.
@Neil That's an interesting question. I'm on my second Cannondale, the first one I got was great, but why did I lean toward Cannondale in the first place?
I reckon it's all about subconscious association (thank you B.A. in Psychology). If you personally value something akin to quality then you'll naturally be drawn toward a product with such a reputation.
@monners I reiterate: you're creepy.
Q: Display angular-ui Modal with data from a REST request (with delay)

Fred LaurentI want to open an Modal Dialog (angular-ui), but when the open() function is called, the data are not available. Data are loaded by a resource call so there's a delay. I tried to play with the promise opened, but data are not changed. var modalInstance = $modal.open({ templateUrl: 'myMo...

@Neil I think you mean efficient! ;)
Good day.
@rlemon I don't think it's going to happen
idk. Putin is pretty fucking crazy
watch the video of Harper
And yet world fears USA not Russia.
(he really isn't a great public speaker)
The Obama government is now saying they will defend Ukraine and Canada is now saying they likely won't offer military support so long as it stays in the Ukraine
kinda shocked me, that is a complete 180 from when this started.
USA won't defend Ukraine military. Noone will.
I didn't say they would. but they are talking the talk ;)
Noone is stupid enough to start was with Russia
at the beginning Canada was talking that talk.
It would be different if Ukraine was in European Union or UN.
idk - it seems like it will be an ALL vs Russia if this does go down.
They don't have much support
(not that they think they need it)
Russia + China
That's a lot.
For purely selfish reasons, I don't want Canada to get involved, because a) I don't really care about Ukraine b) I don't want Russians invading Canada.
I don't think China would be as quick to get into this as they claim.
Enough to destroy global economy.
it would be a huge economic impact for them
Chinese are built to manufacture, not to fight. ;P
so far (like in all worldly affairs) there is a lot of fucking talk.
@KendallFrey I'm living in Poland which is right after Ukraine to be conquered by Russians :P
Eeep. @Miszy
Yeah, that's different
Selfishness all around
I am curious to see how this goes down. I am also hopeful Russia / Putin gets their head on straight and stops all of this.
Scary to think that this is more or less how Germany started their charge...
@rlemon Like what, "oh, we're sorry, have your Crimea back" ? :D
They're like, don't mind us, it's just Austria. They were once part of us...we're just, uh, taking them back! They like us, c'mon!
Russia is (unofficially) starting to make claims to other lands around the world as well (North Pole)
^ not sure if that was just media, or he actually did make the claim.
@Metagrapher Exactly. Situation is really similar here.
OH WOW @KendallFrey
!!doge hair, mustache, Putin, communism, KGB, Austria, Poland
            very hair
                        so  mustache
such  Putin
              many  communism
                          much  KGB
many  Austria
austria? What am I missing?
so hair
               very  mustache
                         many  Putin
such  communism
            much  KGB
                             so  Austria
very  Poland
@basicallydan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey missing the part where I just said that Austria in 1938 is like Poland 2015
except I was less specific.
But that's my shot in the dark.
maybe not even that long. We'll see... :/
@James_Parsons Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
function * expandBordersTo(country) {
while(!country.willing) {
yield * occupy(country);
There, I made this conversation feel more relevant, for the new peoples.
The situation here is really similar to how the WWII started.
Germany had unstable economic situation ~1918-1933, Russia had unstable situation 1991-1999.
Hitler became a PM, situation got better, Putin became a PM situation got better.
Hitler got huge support from germans, Putin got huge support from russians.
Hitler attacked demilitarized Rhineland, Putin attack demilitarized Georgia.
Time made Hitler man of the year, Time made Putin man of the year.
Hitler attacked Czechoslovakia to take back some territory, Putin attacked Ukraine to take back some territory.
(see full text)
good morninggg
@Miszy That is really pretty scarily similar. I recall my teachers in school explaining that the reason that History was such an important course, was so that perhaps if we paid attention we'd not repeat our mistakes.
I'm wondering why Russians do not want Alaska back.
@Metagrapher yield occupy(country);
@FlorianMargaine unless occupy is itself a Generator, in which case it would yield something else and this pointer would be passed directly rather than requiring another expandBordersTo() wrapping function. ;)
@Miszy There's Sarah Palin there. Would you?
@Neil Who's that?
i'm back from lunch and i see ... history ?
@Metagrapher there is no pointer. And the * syntax is only to declare generators
never heard of her ?
i as a belgian did
@Neil I mean: I don't really care who that is but if you want me to answer you should provide some kind of hit.
Never heard of.
I just called it a pointer out of habit. I dont' know what to call the asterisk that basically acts kind of like a C pointer in this case. And the * can be used in a yield statement when you are yielding the value from a generator
I don't have tv at home.
you don't need a tv to follow media ...
you are on the internet. use it bro
What? There are only catz on this internet thing.
and cat porn...
only mouse love eh?
$.each(time['bw_time'], function (key, value) {
    $.each(value, function (k, v) {
delete the code.
catz ?
I'm having to subtract 1 freakin' day from a date and in order to do so, I'm having to write a method to convert to and from days since 1970...
i would likely tame her :3
What a pain
thanks @rlemon I'm bad at code pasting. Can that code be condensed into one each?
@KarelG after you see Halle Berries boobs the first time in SwordFish, she just isn't as attractive.
idk. haven't been a fan of her since
i know who she is. just took a random "hot female cat" pic on g ...
@Neil y u no timestamp?
@JacobRaccuia can I see the object your looping over/
but it still depends of the taste ...
@rlemon this is what it shows in the console log
[Object { 2014-03-26=[7], 2014-03-27=[7], 2014-03-31=[5], more...}]
@FlorianMargaine MFC C++
:backs out now:
UX question: labels on login forms or placeholders or both?
I do both
placeholders aren't cross browser
I don't care about shitty browsers
me neither :)
IE9 is a shitty browser ;)
the default browser at my work place
sucks for you :P
and even though the default was IE9 people were compatibility mode by default for IE7 for some reason
had to explain my websites usually looked better than that
Good morning
you can set other browsers as default ...
during my engineering courses, i hacked the AD to set FF as main browser instead of IE.
The tech staff was not happy with it and brought this GP offline " until they solved it"
force edge
I forgot how delicious fruit was in the morning
and unfilling
!!define delicious
@RUJordan delicious Pleasing to taste; tasty.
@JacobRaccuia the right fruit is filling. It also helps to have a croisent lol (however you spell it anyways..)
@RUJordan I will always be skeptical. I make fruit smoothies when I do breakfast but usually I don't eat it. I don't eat gluten or anything with dairy / eggs in it so fruit is pretty much all I can have :)
let the french speak.
and coffee, the only important drink
@FlorianMargaine in honor of you, I take this bite.
...at 2pm?
@JacobRaccuia step 1. Make smoothie. Step 2. Drink smoothie.. owait.
@daniel1426 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i checked the url of the bot and noticed that it got 'undefined' as param
= lulz
@jAndy Yeah exactly, it's for hyphenation, but i found only one guy who implemented it in tex (wasn't german anyway).
Selfie addict? Jesus narcissism has reached a new level.
I only take swelfies.
you take dildoies
@R3tep Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon it's too early to get personal brah.
..or is it. O:
A vacationing penguin is driving his through Arizona when he notices that the oil pressure light is on. He gets out to look and sees oil dripping out of the motor. He drives to the nearest town and stops at the first gas station.

After dropping the car off, the penguin goes for a walk around town. He sees an ice-cream shop and, being a penguin in Arizona, decides that something cold would really hit the spot. He gets a big dish of ice cream and sits down to eat. Having no hands he makes a real mess trying to eat with his flippers. After finishing his ice cream, he goes back to the gas stat
(see full text)
as a non-native english user, i thought first at "pinguin" when reading these "penguin" until i realized that you meant something else ...
What's a "pinguin" to you?
@RUJordan You don't wanna know!
It's the worst kind of cuss word.. the kind that makes bikers open their eyes wide and run away frightened
I presume..
The concept of "bad" words still baffles me.
@Neil : did you not have edited your input ?
Anyone that likes JSFiddle and NodeJS? I created a Node library to get JSFiddle content on the server side: github.com/IonicaBizau/jsfiddle-api Star it and enjoy! :-)
@RUJordan on your knees and smile like a doughnut?
It's spelled donut you barbarian!
@IonicăBizău Can you explain what could be a use for that ? EDIT : nvm, I figured you just fetch the 3 parts... this must be 10 lines of code...
@FlorianMargaine Promise.resolve()
@dystroy I will not tell you yet. But I already started an interesting project that will need it. I will surely publish it on GitHub, too.
How do I print a variable inside an object?
where print_type is a variable
Just like that should work?
Did you try it?
Yeah and it didn't work so I assumed that was the problem. I'll look elsewhere
!!> var x = {}; x.derp = "herp"; var y = "derp"; x[y];
@RUJordan "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal"
@RUJordan "herp"
@dystroy Being a separate module, anyone can implement a new method, for example. And not the number of lines counts but the utility.
@RUJordan does that mean it worked or failed?
I can't tell
@IonicăBizău yes but... this looks like a "hello world"...
@RUJordan not if you LEARN FUCKIN' ENGLISH!

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