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@Retsam more significant digits
@Retsam really? lol
thats like asking why one digit ones would come up more often than 2 digit ones :P
@AlexanderRoehnisch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 worded it more elegantly.
@Loktar You guys aren't doing the math.
For every alphanumeric digit you add, the possible results are multiplied by 62
Allowing A-Za-z0-9 gives 62 possible "digits", 8 digits long gives 62^8 possible combinations
@Retsam fine, show us how to do it
!!> die
Why limit to hexidecimal, where you only get 16^n instead of 62^n?
Q: Managing Sessions in NodeJS?

TimmyWhat is the best way to manage session variables in Node.js? Is there any library?

@canon "ReferenceError: die is not defined"
is there any point in closing these now?
!!> Math.exp(62, 8)
they are no longer a fit for SO
@SomeKittensUx2666 8.438356668741454e+26
!!> Math.pow(2, 128) / Math.pow(62,8)
@KendallFrey 1.5584968506330063e+24
@Retsam they are 128 bit
read the article man
so much uniquer
> , the probability of one duplicate would be about 50% if every person on earth as of 2014 owned 600 million GUIDs.
@rlemon software rec?
@Loktar misping cough
shit sorry @rlemon
@canon opinion based
so yeah.. they can be shorter
but thats the common practice.. and thats why you see them written like that most often
@rlemon Oh... still, it would fit here I'd think.
Is TextRecruit legal?
Yes. TextRecruit is a platform that allows companies to deliver and track text messages to candidates that have expressed interest and have agreed to texting communication from the organization. All clients accept TextRecruit’s Terms and Conditions during the sign up process which defines the government regulations that they must follow for compliance. TextRecruit is not liable for any un-lawful act done on our platform and we have set up internal triggers to help our clients understand their compliance.
^ hah
@Loktar But only the representation, not the actual storage size
So it doesn't matter
yeah exactly the representation can be whatever, thats just the most common way to represent them
@gumaflux Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
app.get('/', foo.bar, biz.baz); // express
are both foo.bar and biz.baz passed req,res and are they called synchronously?
I blame Microsoft
nvm, read down a bit more in the API docs and it does answer it
just in the ass-backwards spot if you ask me
+1 just for the title — Adam 11 mins ago
@RUJordan hah
Hmmm. Actually... if I've sent you my resume, I suppose I might have agreed to receive communications from you...
But if you're just harvesting resumes, I'm not sure that's the case.
@Loktar I guess I'm mostly complaining about the representation; I don't understand why they're so commonly represented in such a verbose format
> (edited ... sorry wrong paste)
@Retsam There's no compact readable way to express 128 bits of data
@RUJor haha suuure
@RUJordan is your node code for your game open source?
@RyanKinal Yeah, so it's ineffectual at best
you are doing things I'm just about to start on and I wanna see your code :P
snow storm on the way home
@KendallFrey Well, base64 is more compact and readable than the standard.
@Mosho already passed in Waterloo
sunny here now
base96, imo
it was short
but sweet
couldn't see shit
ohh you are home. I assumed you were bitching about having to drive in it
@Retsam not more readable
@rlemon as of right now no. Would there be a security risk in githubbing my game?
idk. I'm more interested in how you deal with logins and sessions
which is the security risk.
@SomeKittensUx2666 I guess. I can see a potential use case, in which you're a company that hires every so often, and you keep a list of prospects between hiring periods.
I lied -- yes there is. My db credentials are there
I am bitching about having had to drive through it
if that is even a sentence
[email protected]/ if you don't mind redacting your important stuff and emailing me a sample @RUJordan
But I think the potential for abuse is quite high
@RyanKinal Very much not the use case my company is looking at.
if (hash.verify(req.body.pass,rows[0].password)) {
    req.session.loggedIn = true;
    req.session.user = rows[0].id;
are you using some Auth middleware?
or did you press it yourself
I used a module called password-hash
@KendallFrey It's a randomly generated identifier (in most cases, though not always random I realize), what's to read?
@RUJordan does it offer anything extra vs your standard hashing methods?
@Retsam An important argument for hex is that there is a version number embedded in it which is exactly one hex digit long
so it would take you a couple minutes to parse it out of base64
@Mosho pre-link is for things that need to be processed before the child element directives are processed (child post links runs before parent post links)
@m59 are you on mars
Also, debugging GUIDs makes it very important to read them
but, you can (and probably should) just use a directive controller for whatever you would use pre for. I'm not sure what case it would ever be any good for.
Hello guys, what does this mean? JQuery Deferred object can register multiple callbacks into callback queues, invoke callback queues, and relay the success or failure state of any synchronous or asynchronous function
Am I wrong? @Mosho ?
is there anything wrong with this? $('#' + div_id.id).highcharts(chart_json);
@rlemon I'll have to re-look into it. It hashes, and salts, but it was quick.
I was getting funny results and chased them for a couple hours just because I didn't notice a single digit difference in 2 GUIDs
Also, I emailed you my server.js and post.js file. Please don't wipe out my database :O
@RUJordan what db tech are you using?
@KendallFrey Right, but if you're just trying to spot differences isn't shorter better?
@m59 I was referring to the half-day delay between every two messages
mysql? mongo? postgres?
@Mosho heh, I was at work.
@Retsam maybe somewhat, but I think the hyphens are actually more important
@rlemon mysql
@RUJordan that guy that gave you the wrong link is a stoner.
postgres is giving me a headache
not accepting my credentials.
Go to this codepen, make life, then combine water with life. It makes "weed"
so fuck it, mysql time
@m59 I was under the impression that pre is before the template is compiled
It's got a fucking weed picture on it even. Water + Life was supposed to make man
@Jhawins that's kind of cool
@KendallFrey True; though you could equally insert hyphens into a base64 encoded and it'd still be shorter. I'm not really against UUIDs, but in most cases they just seem majorly overkill.
aside from the weed
@Retsam overkill in what way? too unique?
@Mosho I can't exactly remember (it's complex after all). afaik, the important thing to keep in mind is that it is before child posts.
I thought so too. Then I was like...Wha?
@rlemon I haven't had any issues with mysql so far.
There's definitely no other reason to use it.
@RUJordan I combined it with fire and got "Bob"!!
@m59 I was trying to look into all this a week ago
could make nothing of it
@KendallFrey Yeah; I did the math on 8 digits of base64 (62, actually) and you'd need, I think 10 million records or so to have a 10% chance of a collision.
I just bought ng-book.
Kinda expensive for a book!
@RUJordan This bob! ^
@Retsam not nearly enough
I'm about 20% through it
Hahahaha this guy is fucking hilarious.
I cheated. had to look at the source code
I made shrooms!
@KendallFrey For Facebook? For Microsoft, no; but most use cases aren't using millions of records
maybe I'll get ng-book too
@Jhawins That's sort of man, yeah
earth + weed == mushroom
That's some wrong kind of alchemist
@Retsam We don't care about most use cases, we care about all use cases
@Ale Right haha.
We want the expected time to a collision to exceed the lifespan of digital computers
@LiamWillis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone know where is asp.net ?
@CustomizedName all over the place
Is @CapricaSix a real person or a bot?
@CustomizedName asp.net
@LiamWillis Both
lol I think my question got 8 upvotes (1 downvote) because of the title
I am as real as anyone else in here.
Oh No
there it is
what is it doing in java script room eh ?
@KendallFrey But why should I care about "all cases"; I'm only writing "my case"?
Are you saying "We only use solutions that are general purpose to work in all cases", cause that sounds crazy.
@CustomizedName Canadian?
@Retsam If there is a 0.1% chance it will break your system, that means that if a million developers use it, a thousand people will have their systems blow up
@CapricaSix Oh I see! I asked it because I got a customized welcome-template like message when I entered the room.
We want 0 systems to blow up
@CustomizedName "It" was created here
@RUJordan did you really include your actual credentials in that?
I'm not going to hack you, but dude I said redacted.
@rlemon yah
I didn't see redacted :P
This codepen is hilarious (Messed up the link before)
@KendallFrey But I'm not recommending every developer uses it? I'm just wondering why developers don't more often scale their randomness relative to their need for randomness.
I trust you not to screw with me lol
@RUJordan -_- lol
that is a serious trust. I mean, I won't. but dude.
learn to delete that shit
haha npoe
@Retsam because they have a built-in method that gives them more randomness than they could hope for?
I am not canadian
@rlemon will do boss
I got a problem here
@rlemon You're mad, eh?
@rlemon Your "eh", eh?
@RUJordan just looking out for you
@SomeGuy jetting there
my asp.net web applicatino lost tits database
@KendallFrey Built in? To javascript?
@rlemon :D
@LiamWillis it is mine.
^ can confirm
> All characters and events in this site -- even those based on real algorithm -- are entirely fictional.
All constants and variables are impersonated ... poorly.
The following program contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.
@Retsam to most systems anyway. It's a standard
@CustomizedName "tits databse" ? lol
Oh har har sorry that I trust a Canadian
no not tits database
I want a tits database!
lost it's database
Can we have a tits database too, though?
working on it..
He'd hack me, apologize, then restore my DB and then some!
i got a big problem here now
I got a big problem in my pants
Premature ejaculation isn't fun
@RUJordan well. the people want tits. and I now have access to a free DB.... so...
@SomeGuy hahaha
@Rumel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey True, but even then it's not free; you're bloating database rows, requests, and even sometimes URLs.
@Rumel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Any way chance I can start understanding angular in a week?
The syntax for strikethrough here is ---text---
@rlemon jokes on you I only have 12gb left. Enjoy you several thousand boobs until my host clogs up
@SomeGuy Yeah, thx
several thousand > 0
how can I add database to this
so jokes on you
It's a trade-off; but it seems to me like 128-bit GUID is being treated like the dogmatic correct answer. (Especially based on the "rtfm, noob" reaction I feel like I sort of got by asking about this here)
@Retsam did you read the manual before asking?
yea flagged.
@rlemon Yeah, I did a fair bit of reading, and even a fair bit of math before asking.
@rlemon nice!
@Retsam I was hoping you would say "no" so I could call you a noob.
how can i add database to tits ?
@LiamWillis see ya
Ive never had to index breasts directly.
@Retsam I think an extra 8 bytes is pretty good for 16 quintillion times better randomness.
@Retsam Yeah, I hate that one.
oh snap
@LiamWillis you saying I have moobs?
@user3438825 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan dude.
fs.readFile('./html/index.html',"utf8", function(err, html) {
INSERT INTO Tits (Silicone) VALUES ("1000cc");
!!tell user3438825 unwelcome
Did someone just said tits...
why are you using fs.readFile
@user3438825 You seem to have ended up in the JavaScript chat! Please kindly GTFO. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just don't ask your question. You have now been labeled a habitual oxygen thief and we would appreciate it if you stopped.
Silicone Valley?
We muted Jenny, huh?
@Jenny no - go away please and thankyou
@SomeGuy what? lol
@SomeGuy big time
@rlemon I got a flag... ohh and the post is removed
@Mr.Alien thank you
@rlemon somebody in here told me. It was either copy, dystroy, benjamin, or someguy I think. Maybe a kitten told me.
Who's Jenny?
a vampire
A friend of mine
@rlemon o/
Not a friend of mine
!!whois jenny
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@KendallFrey It's a valid opinion, I just think there are other legitimate views
    app.get('/', function(req,res) {
    	res.sendFile(__dirname + '/views/dashboard.html');
@RUJordan all I do
Yeah I don't want to serve static files
@SomeKittensUx2666 Just saw this. Well done.
Particularly the "GUID in urls" nonsense is sort of driving me up the wall
> How to query jayson (nodejs) with curl
Access revoked son. The less the client sees of my code the better lol
then ignore that
Q: How to query jayson (nodejs) with curl

user1680283I am trying to figured out how to query using CURL on the "jayson" npm package for nodejs available from here https://github.com/tedeh/jayson. I am using the test program below on the server side. Node is running properly and respond to Curl with an error output. no way to find what should be pas...

^ oh my
@RUJordan also that static line that keeps scaring you is just this:
however I have just dumped all of my assets into /public
yeah, just have one static
Share some weird gruntfiles please?
This is one of my examples gist.github.com/ale110/9769665
@SomeKittensUx2666 express multiple callbacks. I assume left to right is synchronous?
otherwise, what is the point?
app.get('/',foo.bar,foo.biz); // bar will be completed before biz is executed?
Well shit. My function only returns an empty object =/
But inside the object, it logs the object
wtf I thought promises would stop this from happening
@RUJordan Why the hell is your name Vice President Greg on Twitter?
Uhh.. why isn't yours?
Oh shit, it's Craig not Greg
someone offered a twitter account with 450k followers to me for 5k
so tempting.
@Loktar Probably all bots
yeah I bet a large portion are
but still even if 30% were legit users..
Dude you'd be so much zombie love
I wont drop that kind of money for it though
@RUJordan lol
yeah @SomeGuy I just looked at the tweet count
only 300
I bet 95% are bots
damn seems like a good business plan
I have nearly 10k tweets
And ~740 followers
jeeze man Im only at 3k tweets
@TheGreatRupert, Kitchener, Ontario. Canada
a.k.a rlemon - Software Designer: Tickling your keyboard until fun stuff happens.
1.4k tweets, 100 followers, following 154 users
you both have me trumped
@Loktar I doubt it really would be
I retweet a lot, and I've been on Twitter for a few years
@SomeGuy idk man imagine selling an account for 5k once every month or even two
thats a nice little bump
hell even once every 5 months
@RUSwavey, Virginia
Website Developer with a love for JavaScript. Instagram: RUJodan. #SwaveNation
4.4k tweets, 118 followers, following 108 users
extra 1k a month id take it
Yeah, but you'd need a lot of followers to convince someone to buy it for that much, wouldn't you?
yeah they have liek 450k
so they must have some secret to get the bots
And finding someone gullible enough to believe that it's a good idea might be a bit of a challenge
@loktar00, Bellevue NE
I love making things for the web, especially if it involves JavaScript and/or canvas. From time to time I pretend I'm a hobbyist game dev.
3.4k tweets, 681 followers, following 1.4k users
just to follow the crowd..
@AmaanC, Mumbai, India
JavaScript (game) developer. I like making HTML5 games. To be indie game dev. Also interested in psychology, philosophy, and rare neurological disorders.
9.5k tweets, 741 followers, following 1.4k users
heh you and I are close @SomeGuy
not in tweets though
Haha, yeah
We follow a lot of the same people too
Ive noticed that as well
I mostly follow game related people
Yeah, same here
Did y'all like my panda costume? lol
You guys have lots of followers :(
Oh, shit, I didn't even notice!
Badass costume!
hello all
@RUJordan i'm sorry all I see in that picture is tits
anyone here using node.js ?
@macroscripts nope no one
where is my girl friend now :/
@macroscripts nope, what is that?
In my basement
function login(req,res,con,mysql,P) {
	return con.getConnectionAsync().then(function(connection) {
		return connection.queryAsync('SELECT password,id FROM player WHERE name='+mysql.escape(req.body.user))
			.spread(function(rows, fields) {
			if (hash.verify(req.body.pass,rows[0].password)) {
				req.session.loggedIn = true;
				req.session.user = rows[0].id;
				var ref = new P(rows[0].id,con,req);
					"msg":"You have logged in!",
					"title":": Logged In"
no one knows node.
What's NodeJS?
cab u trol ?
@rlemon are u guys kidding ? :D
Is that like Java?
can I troll ?
@CustomizedName no
So, if I log ref before it's returned, it logs the object nicely. But outside the function, it's a blank object.
1 year membership before trolling is unlocked.
Okey so anyone used that thing called NodeJS on Windows? :)
Player = post.login(req,res,con,mysql,p);
@macroscripts DO NOT SPEAK THAT NAME
They have Node for Windows now?!
what the hell is a window?
@rlemon yup.
@RUJordan Really?
Look at where you declare var ref
@macroscripts mindblown.jpg
JS is lexically scoped, man
!!define lexically
next you are going to tell me they have hats that go on my hands! pft, yea right
@RUJordan lexically (manner) In a lexical manner.
Oh that's helpful
@RUJordan how have you managed to use promises and still make it look like callback hell?
Hahaha, basically, function scope
@phenomnomnominal I'm one of a kind my man
@RUJordan no seriously. those two girls. Combined age is still <30??
@rlemon actually, combined age of... 43?
> Tickling your keyboard until fun stuff happens.
That might be a bit low
21 and 22.
define combined age pls
Age1 + Age2
@RUJordan sweet. give them my number. <see edit>
sum of ages from n = 0 -> ages.length

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