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##color yellow,brown
##color -g yellow,brown
(The flag)
very Washington Redskins
If anyone wants to test/break that with weird inputs so I can update the regexp for flags I'm in the sandbox, invocation pattern = '##'
@DemCodeLines are you sure theres any item in that feed?
Very McDonalds
I ruined my login streak again...
also, that is the maroon-est brown ever
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Practically red, right?
Although I'm pretty freaking sure I logged in on saturday
If this is acceptable, I'd like to implement this at the core level so it's available on all commands. Sometimes flags are required, so if we pass the flags as a part of args (which is already an object instead of just a string) we can do it easily without modifying old commands.
@JanDvorak Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Yes, I am perfectly sure
##color -g red,white,white,white,red
Oh, Canada!
That way we could always support flags, they'll always be passed as args.flags and then stripped from args before calling the command. So if a command doesn't support flags there would just be no noticeable difference.
I'd just make a color and a gradient command
Make an issue on the repo, and let everyone discuss it
Yay or Nay?
@SomeGuy I will, but you guys opinions are the ones I want first.
And I literally did it 5 minutes ago. Haha
(protip: we would be the ones commenting on github)
Ok, well I'll look into it further first. I added that to ##color only.
Just to see if it even looked normal.
@Jhawins ≖_≖
##color -g saffaron,saffaron,white,white,green,green
But it'll be easy. My stripping so far is just .replace(/-[a-z]*/, '') more-or-less
brotip: just the tip. just the tip
Ahem. Saffron, not saffaron
(Because multiple flags can stem from one - i.e. ls -alGRF)
##color -g saffron,saffron,white,white,green,green
Haha, probably isn't recognized
@SomeGuy :P boohoo
Try orange
##color saffron
Our flag is not orange
##color -g red, red
its saffron
@Jhawins like us & fr?
It's freakin' saffron, js! Get it right!!!
I should make a "color not supported" output...
Ok, I'm getting throttled haha. I'm going out for a smoke, feel free to remove these Oh wait!
@rlemon nice game man, did you draw the gfx?
##color #F4C430
2 messages moved to recycle bin
##color orange
@SomeGuy see the difference
I didn't say it was the same colour
no its very different :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar You sound like my wife when we're picking out paint colors..
@Neil i am a patriot
and i love my country
Hahahaha wow
though i agree it sucks
What happened to, "India is shit, get out of here!"?
@SomeGuy Till I am here, I am patriotic towards india, once i get canadian citizenship, viva la france :3 jk
Viva la france?
More like viva la Queen
@Neil oh noes! It's Roberto! The stabbing robot!!
what the what
If you ever wondered what would happen if someone made a game while on drugs, it would probably look something like Enviro-Bear 2000.
or N2O... (yay PS1!)
that game is retarded
For language it would look like rebel
@copy yeah, probably
@KendallFrey That looks amazing
it's a lot like a bad dream, but looks very fun
@Loktar Which one?
Enviro Bear
hahaha word
I found this the other day.. it's a little freaky to be perfectly honest
@spartacus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Neil reminds me of the fez 'ending'
@minipif Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the commentary is great though
^ pretty cool quiz
identify 86 retro games based on one screenshot
> This is what a clown's septic tank looks like after years of partying way too hard
@user3311313 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar I finally identified one by #13
I got 68/86
because I'm old.
Proof of concept? I guess. Definitely not the way to go per command.
I just crashed the fuck outta chrome :P
what is the difference between Date.UTC() and date.getTime() I think they both return unix timestamp
@rlemon Show that browser who's boss!
what is the difference between Date.UTC() and date.getTime() I think they both return unix timestamp
ok, ms pacman was too easy
@user3311313 Date.UTC() can take a comma separated list of int paramters representing a date, while Date.getTime() requires a UTC parameter, if you feed it one.
@KendallFrey haha yea
they did have the pacman arcade choice too though to throw some people off
@Loktar Okay mr tease when are you launching that game called "grapplehero"
@AbhishekHingnikar end of april beginning of may
you see the vine for it?
artist is working on the enemy currently
I need the snow tiles from him, and the UI graphics yet
@FabienPapet Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Frantic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user2299278 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
woo centipede
omg lemmings!
@Loktar Holy shit. Just saw Kareteka in there. I loved that game
yeah that was a tricky one
Elevator action too
@Loktar enemy !! wohooo !
not showing the combat screen those tricky guys :p
lemmings was such a great game
That quiz is hard, though
I knew about 5 of them
Often it was very challenging too, at least for me
I am going to have to wait 15 hours more for counter strike :-/
!!should i just download a few gb on mobile internet ?
@AbhishekHingnikar No
I liked it though it covered a lot of systems
yeap you are right caprica.
Caprica's should is so perfect :P
sigh still haven't gotten to address that namespace identifier properly :(
Caprica gaves better advices then a lot of people i know.
!!what is life
!!should abhishek be tortured or killed?
@DemCodeLines It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
@KendallFrey killed
!!should I start drinking now to get a head start?
@Metagrapher Yes, absolutely
@DemCodeLines [life](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=undefined) The state that follows birth, and precedes death; the state of being alive and living.
2013 June 1, “Towards the end of poverty”, The Economist, volume 407, number 8838, page 11:
But poverty’s scourge is fiercest below $1.25 (the average of the 15 poorest countries’ own poverty lines, measured in 2005 dollars and adjusted for differences in purchasing power): people below that level live lives that are poor, nasty, brutish and short.
perfect, huh?
I got 21 right of the questions that I thought I knew and guessed
!!how do I reference XML namespace in WinJS queryselector?
@DemCodeLines All signs point to no
I have two older brothers and I inherited a nintendo with lots of games :)
!!gin or gin
@Metagrapher Sounds like you have already decided
I was undecided.
!!Sapphire or Beefeater
@Metagrapher Sapphire
Caprica has impeccable taste
console.paint = function(url) {
	var can = document.createElement('canvas'),
		ctx = can.getContext('2d'),
		img_url = url;
	var img = new Image();
	img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous';
	img.src = img_url;
	img.onload = function() {
		var h = can.height = img.height,
			w = can.width = img.width,
		ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
		d = ctx.getImageData(0,0,w,h).data;
		for( var y = 0; y < h; y+=7 ) {
			l += '\n';
			for( var x = 0; x < w; x+=7 ) {
				var i = x * 4 + y * 4 * w;
run it
hey guys, quick question, not sure where else I can ask it. What would you like to see in a resume for a web developer
I have my site with my side projects and some case studies of the work I did in my last job but I don't really have any guidance on how to tackle the resume
@alexdmejias I'd want to know how much experience you have doing front-end & backend, and what technologies you know best
@rlemon wins
lol cool @rlemon
\o/ wasting time
!!tell @rlemon good job
@Metagrapher Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
!!tel Metagrapher learn u sum commands
@Metagrapher learn u sum commands
@CapricaSix don't be a bitch
@Metagrapher Illegal /learn object; see /help learn
@Neil how can that be best specified
ah man I was wondering where my imgur images went to
!!tell userName commandName or !!tel userName stringystringstrings
you have to pay to view them all :(
@alexdmejias Well job experience on a resume I hope you know how to do
It's the same on any resume
> Only 225 images in your account are visible.
shazam. Thanks man. (once upon a time...I was on top of this) haha
eh fuckit 23.95 for a year psh thats cheap
!!afk coffee
come on guys, someone
What I do for technologies is make a list and put down how many years experience I have with each and in the third column I list how well I know it on a scale of Academic to Expert
@COnnor was about to help, but then didn't.
^ their payment buttons aren't lined up
@Loktar my fave retro game ever:
@Loktar They are for me
@KendallFrey heh idk what that is?
it's about the same I pay for my VPS, domain and SSL combined, but I use the VPS for more than just image hosting..
@Neil What does Academic mean? Like, cursory knowledge? (cause that's totally not how I'd interpret that)
@Loktar Ken's Labyrinth
@3ventic per year?
I think it's the predecessor of Duke Nukem
@DemCodeLines I don't work with XML
thats extremely cheap
a bit more because of the SSL
Still available for free
@Metagrapher As in, your experience is limited to what you've experimented with or what you've studied at the university
the VPS is about £12 a year
@KendallFrey weird, made by epic too
@3ventic Which VPS is this?
That's super cheap
^ yeah id like to know as well
The cheapest one here: domvps.com
lol wtf $1 a month in the us?
er, not $ I guess
@Neil ah. yeah, that's not how I'd take that term at all. Personally, if I were hiring manager and you came in for an interview and that was your answer, I'd probably doc you a few brownie points for making me feel misled. But that's me ;)
the currency selection seems to be broken
and they're mostly UK-based nowadays
thats crazy, there has to be a catch
they dont mention bandwidth at all
However i need help badly I've been trying to do this for days, I've tried using regex and using conditions like is bracket open then do this, but no luck

if i have a string like this, then i need to somehow get an array result like so
string => 'item[ data[index].id ].name && item["name" + ids[0]]'
 // >
result => ['item[ data[index].id].name', 'data[index].id', 'item["name" + ids[0]]', 'ids[0]']
You can't run a lot on 128MB ram
How would you lot do it?
@Metagrapher Hmm, how would you describe that kind of knowledge then?
@copy A website, IRC bouncer and teamspeak3 server
@copy you could run some small static stuff easy
Bearing in mind it could have deeper levels
@3ventic damn ts server runs on it?
@copy if you are running a real operating system that is
@Loktar I'm pretty sure it's 100/100
hah thats pretty cool man
Yeah, TS is suprising
I upgraded the RAM to run a game server on it for a while
at least I have a head blocking mine
Lined up so well
@Loktar you psycho
now its even better
some advice please people?
@Loktar save your wife... a tongue is approaching her !
Calm down. Just licking her ear.
his tongue probably approaches her every night
@Connor You could ask @DemCodeLines
@KendallFrey which one is his ?
@copy and why do you suggest that?
@mikedidthis Yep. Doing the albums. Excited about #44.
hey @SomeKittensUx2666
@Neil I'm adding that to the bot
!!doge period,blood,menstruation,month
very period
           so blood
                             much menstruation
such month
Okay, kind of in love with Valerie June already.
@SomeKittensUx2666 (゚ヮ゚)
Domain expiry date means from that day on, the domain does no longer work, correct?
@Neil I write "basic working knowledge of: " and list appropriate languages. For anything intermediate - advanced knowledge, I list the language, the skill level, how long I've used it in practice, and how recently that experience was.
@RyanKinal nice, I may need to steal your idea.
Watching the messages pop up on the screen and finally realise why people hate javascript
Steal an idea ???
@Metagrapher So you separate basic from the other skills?
@mikedidthis There was one already that was unlistenable.
I never considered doing that
But I made myself do it anyway.
Yeah, pretty much.
I generally don't mention skills that I have basic knowledge of unless it is something the job description explicitly mentions
@ŠimeVidas ish
it takes a while for the domain to go down
you get a grace period
@Neil my thoughts exactly. So I tailor my resume when I send it out
Apparently in Canada, domains are auto-renewed
@Loktar I hope that grace period is at least 5 days, since that's how long it will take for the transfer I just initiated to go through.
they are usually 30 days @ŠimeVidas
omg imgur has new shocking kitten content
@Jhawins Nice, I like it
( ‘-’)人(゚_゚ )
but I wouldn't want an employer thinking I had book-learnin' on a language when I've only played with it. I might emphasize similar languages I do have more experience with if I wanted to illustrate that I can learn the needed skills.
I have all mine on auto renew, except stupid ones that I regret buying

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