RT @balmer: Just digging into this, but the WHATWG Component Model spec sure looks like how I built Jo: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Component_Model ...
though the underlying kernel is DOS (or whatever Microsoft uses for windows 7) I have cygwin over it which is a good env to easily port *nix stuff to windows.
@Raynos: What do you think, is my answer still adequate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6980781/how-to-prevent-the-focus-method-from-scrolling-the-page-to-the-top/7538026#7538026
var proto = {
"prop": 42
var f = function() { };
f.__proto__ = proto;
console.log(f.hasOwnProperty("prop")); // false
console.log(f.prop); // 42
.__proto__ is non-standard and deprecated.
How am I supposed to inherit prototypically creating an object but having that object be a f...
http://bonsaiden.github.com/JavaScript-Garden/#object.prototype What does the line `Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;` do i.e. what does it prevent from going wrong?
@Zirak Overrated if you ask me. Lambdas make a lot of sense in JS for instance but to adopt them in languages like C# or PHP is just "we has it" and will probably be more abused than correctly implemented.
This question has been asked a zillion times.
It's a bug in ASP.NET's JS library and the workaround is hacky:
var oldScroll = window.scrollTo;
window.scrollTo = function(){};
//... the ugly ASP.NET stuff
window.scrollTo = oldScroll;
The definitive solution to this is to stop using Microsoft...
See how he's lost?
I gave him the code and he still can't use it cause he has absolutely no control over the scripting going on on the client side. That's what I hate the most
room topic changed to JavaScript: Discussion for JavaScript and the many frameworks - jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, et al. [javascript] [jawesome] [jquery] [mootools] [nyan] [prototypejs]
@Zirak, I hacked your PC and am sorting through your Pron this very instant. Will be replacing all these hot skinny blonds for much larger blonds. As you need variety. Because I say so
What the folder with labeled xxxxxxxx-DONKEY-HOTNESS-xxxxxxxxx
I luv how some people think they can use the excuse that someone has to be in charge of something when it gets to big and successful like the internet.
Hey I am using ColorBox for 2 Links that are supposed to open separete Gallery Slideshows. I am forgetting how to do that, anyone have a moment to take a peek?