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good morning campers
3 hours later…
RT @assaf: Interesting: window.onerror and cross-origin scripts http://awe.sm/5VW12
RT @mfinkle: Simply in awe at the way Firefox Mobile designers and developers got the tablet UI built over the last 6 weeks... yes, 6 weeks!
RT @sethladd: A great intro to how 3D graphics work, all in HTML5! http://projects.mariusgundersen.net/OnGameStart/#1
RT @stshank: Proposal for mouse lock API for browsers = better first-person shooter navigation for Web-based gaming? http://t.co/jgQl2JY ...
RT @stshank: WebKit coders looking at bringing SVG filter effects (add a sepia look, e.g.) to CSS too: http://bit.ly/pHFKZo
RT @BoazSender: Blown away by @bartekd's unity3d WebGL export tooling for J3D: https://github.com/drojdjou/J3D #ogs11
RT @stshank: In Web game news, the joystick (and game controller) support discussion is resurfacing at @W3C: http://bit.ly/o2MDS8 #cnet
\o/ feed spam
@Feeds They'd better, because I'm getting impatient here waiting for that :P
those feeds are huge
RT @Pl4n3: Very interesting, quake3, optimizations. RT @tinysubversions My transcript of @tojiro's fantastic WebGL talk: http://t.co/2Kk ...
'Invalid atomic update value for $set. Expected an object, received object'
RT @sethladd: Mozilla engineer blogs about why he liked SPDY, a faster web protocol http://bitsup.blogspot.com/2011/09/spdy-what-i-like-about-you.html
RT @Jangaroo: Similar to our Flixel HTML5 games RT @singmajesty: First Glimpse at Cross-Platform Game Running Flash *and* HTML5 http://t ...
RT @jonathanstark: "Magazine Grid" - Lightweight CSS framework for creating magazine style layout w/o JavaScript http://bit.ly/qDkDKS
RT @borismus: Posted: Large game asset management using the HTML5 filesystem API. http://awe.sm/5VbNx
RT @awbjs: I just posted the latest "ES.next" specification working draft at http://bit.ly/nKjv0t #ecmascript
RT @mikebelshe: Given the respect I have for Patrick McManus- this couldn't be a much stronger compliment for SPDY. #SPDY #FirefoxRocks ...
RT @bbinto: Extremely valuable mobile web resources list: http://mobilewebbestpractices.com/resources/ @brad_frost #mobileweb #webperf
RT @Jangaroo: RT @Sencha: We take a look at Windows 8 and IE10 from a Web Devs perspective: http://www.sencha.com/blog/ie10-preview-html5-first-look
RT @balmer: Just digging into this, but the WHATWG Component Model spec sure looks like how I built Jo: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Component_Model ...
\o/ more feed spam!
what are you lads up to
heaps of feeeds !
@ThomasBlobaum what you up to mang ?
Feeeeeeds need to feeeeeeeeeeed!
But anyway, here's what Firefox on tablets look like: ianbarlow.wordpress.com/2011/08/30/firefox-for-tablets
I am sick of safari I wish I could get firefox for my iphone
@OmeidHerat That would never happen, you know that, right?
not really
why wouldn't that happen ?
Ah! this all started with Adobe and Apple issue and then the CS5 !
@OmeidHerat bloggin'
apple changed his policy after CS5 from adobe came with a App generator.
@ThomasBlobaum Cool, what about ?
using mongoose in node.js
sounds good !
tharr it be
on the last three use cases, the callback isnt optional
it makes the if else a bit too insane
why var self = this; ?
is it extraneous?
yes.. it is lol
a relic
no problem :)
Cool !

ome@ome-PC ~/node-v0.4.12
$ node --version
Cygwin FTW.
oh i need to fix that error too
which error ?
I got node running on windows cygwin !
throw Err('')
should be throw new Error('');
node is cool
youre running it on windows though?
Yes and No.
if you are using mongodb/mongoose, check out my other plugin too
though the underlying kernel is DOS (or whatever Microsoft uses for windows 7) I have cygwin over it which is a good env to easily port *nix stuff to windows.
yeah cygwin is cool if u have to use windows i guess
its far the best thing you can get, minGW is also good but it has way less feature and packages then cygwin.
what about dual boot :P
I have ubuntu with my win7
but I am mostly on windows because I have grown up here :D
and on the top of that, my right click is not working on ubuntu probook 4320 touch pad is not supported on ubunut :(
oh, suck
i run fedora lovelock on all my machines
one dual boots to xp, another to win7
just for testing mostly, though
gnome 3 on fedora 15 is pretty slick, i could never go back
though on my latitude i cannot get middle mouse click scroll navigation to work, but meh
okay i gotta get back to work
2 hours later…
@OmeidHerat use linux >_>
@ThomasBlobaum What is this?
That looks like compiled coffeescript ¬_¬
Why you do this
@MattMcDonald are you competent with flash & flex?
@Raynos: What do you think, is my answer still adequate?
2 hours later…
@Raynos I am going to switch but it will take time
@Raynos it is
@Raynos but i hate coffeescript so i compiled it when i forked it
what it actually is, is a session store for connect/express
it was just a mongoose session store
and i changed it so that it shares the same connection to the db as the global mongoose object
so... your app worker can live with only 1 connection out
omeid: try fedora :P
can/should it be possible to have traditional-oop-style abstract objects in the prototypal model?
you can have the same behavior, sure
@ThomasBlobaum why didnt you rewrite it?
@Greg lol what?
The notion of abstract doesnt exist in javascript
i did i just mimicked the style that was there...
show me your code & design and ill give you a better design
1 hour later…
Q: How do I inherit functions

Raynosvar proto = { "prop": 42 } var f = function() { }; f.__proto__ = proto; console.log(f.hasOwnProperty("prop")); // false console.log(f.prop); // 42 .__proto__ is non-standard and deprecated. How am I supposed to inherit prototypically creating an object but having that object be a f...

How I do that ^
@Raynos I don't get your question
The question is how do I alter functions prototype chain
How is it different than anything else?
Functions are objects, too
@Zirak see motivation
Well yes but how do I do it without __proto__
I still don't get your question
I want to create a new function
with a prototype chain
I dont want the functions prototype to be Function.prototype
I want it to be whatever I want
@Raynos nice question
I don't think you can have a standard way to do it. Object.create was made for that
Not fitting for your purpose, though. AFAIK, __proto__ was made for tinkering around with the chain.
So, sorry
What does the line `Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;` do i.e. what does it prevent from going wrong?
So that Foo.constructor won't accidentally take over
@Tom the community has a habit of storing the constructor in .constructor
some people assume it exists
@Raynos so it doesn't? that's confusing
Well it does exist
If you dont overwrite it
var F = function() { };console.log(F.prototype.constructor === F);
@Raynos oh ok thx
@Zirak thank you too :)
Holy crap, is SO really built on ASP.NET?
Arghhh he found out! Fast! Silence him :O
SO, I am disappoint
@Tom its ASP.NET MVC
Which is like WebForms
but only half as bad
Hey at least its not build on PHP o/
@Tom Why? It's not like they're using arcane or outdated, broken things. They use what they like.
@Raynos -__-
but PHP is for dem nubz
I'd rather have java then php
@Zirak Yeah I'm just traumatized, we use ASP.NET at work and it's just horrible.
You get some really nice server side architecture and theory coming out of java
like EDA & Model2
Then you've never done real things with php. I'd rather Assembly than Java
@Raynos No you!
@Tom ASP.NET 2.0 WebForms using VB ?
Or classic ASP using VBA
@Raynos naa, C# and 4.0 but no MVC
Oh 4.0 isnt so bad
php is decent+. Java is just horifying.
2.0 is :(
weborms isnt that bad tbh
@Zirak meh when I say java I mean jvm
and when I say jvm I mean scala
hey at least were not doing ruby on rails \o/
Java !== jvm...
Can we at least all agree we dont like RoR
I think we can all agree that we don't like Ruby :P
I don't like Ruby either, just as I don't like Java or ASP in any of it's flavours (prices)
Let's see if I can get a straight answer from you guys: Which is the lesser evil, Java or C#?
@Zirak That's like asking if meth is worse than cocaine... I don't know and I don't care cause I'm never gonna do any of both :P
Lucky bastard
@Zirak Does that mean you're a meth addict? Or you have to write C# / Java?
C# really isnt bad
.NET is bad
I have to pick C# or Java. I hate both, biased towards hating Java more, probably because I've dealt with it longer.
Install Nancy
Use C#. Of you go
Whats your favourite language?
By C#, I mean Visual C# or C#.Net, whatever they call it
@Raynos Client-side, they don't trust me with their fancy servers :P
Besides, their jsp pages are the hottest gajizzles ever
@Zirak If I were in your situation I'd choose C# cause I'm much more familiar with C-similar syntax than Java. But that's just me.
Holy smokes, C# has lambdas!
@Zirak told you it isnt bad
C# 4 is a nice expressive language
it even has dynamic
@Zirak Overrated if you ask me. Lambdas make a lot of sense in JS for instance but to adopt them in languages like C# or PHP is just "we has it" and will probably be more abused than correctly implemented.
I want to abuse C#
so it feels like js o/
But C#'s compiler is Visual Studio :(
VS2011 is not a bad tool
its a good tool (for C#)
I want my Vim
You can use jdk to compile/interpret/whatever java from the command-line, so no need for Eclipse or Netbeans or all that crap
you can compile C# from the command line
How so?
use a command line compiler
Wow, thank you very much. Couldn't find one.
Just use csc
@Zirak You could also give HaXe a try, they are launching C# and Java targets soon.
Though I cannot say I have any experience with it.
Isn't HaXe a language?
@Raynos What's that?
@Zirak Yeah sort of but it "compiles" to other languages.
@Zirak Wikipedia very intelligently says "CSC, Csc or CSc is a three letter acronym " LOL!
@Raynos flash yes, briefly toyed with flex
@MattMcDonald ah ok
A: How to prevent the Focus() method from scrolling the page to the top

TomThis question has been asked a zillion times. It's a bug in ASP.NET's JS library and the workaround is hacky: var oldScroll = window.scrollTo; window.scrollTo = function(){}; //... the ugly ASP.NET stuff window.scrollTo = oldScroll; The definitive solution to this is to stop using Microsoft...

See how he's lost?
I gave him the code and he still can't use it cause he has absolutely no control over the scripting going on on the client side. That's what I hate the most
@Tom thats because your doing it wrong with ASP.NET
.NET is about a thin backend
and controller client side code
Just use HTML/CSS/JS
As long as you dont use any asp controls in your html your fine
@Raynos I'm not the one doing it, I'm the one providing the answer. And exactly!
1 hour later…
room topic changed to JavaScript: Discussion for JavaScript and the many frameworks - jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, et al. [javascript] [jawesome] [jquery] [mootools] [nyan] [prototypejs]
I don't think it does
I wouldn't trust anyone with the internet.
Stay out of my pr0n!
@Zirak, I hacked your PC and am sorting through your Pron this very instant. Will be replacing all these hot skinny blonds for much larger blonds. As you need variety. Because I say so
Blondes? Where are all my horses!?
Hmmm...Guess Joe Hewiit beat me to it then...
@Zirak y u wrong
Wow, I didn't even know rhinos could do that Zirak
If you want to stay out of an institution, do NOT open the folder "disguisting and shameful with some dolphins".
What the folder with labeled xxxxxxxx-DONKEY-HOTNESS-xxxxxxxxx
I luv how some people think they can use the excuse that someone has to be in charge of something when it gets to big and successful like the internet.
Then why don't we have someone own the US government. Oh wait that's a monarchy. Just doesn't make real sense.
People want someone to blame
Besides, how can anyone "control" the internet? It's a really long network. What are they gonna do? Monitor every packet?
@Raynos, good find. I needed that.
The closest thing we have to a ruler is the w3c. And while they did restore peace to the internet-realm, they're going a bit offroad
@Raynos I like his design, though. Minimalism kick-ass
Hi, how can i make onclick call that stop the page from loading and links to a href?
Hey I am using ColorBox for 2 Links that are supposed to open separete Gallery Slideshows. I am forgetting how to do that, anyone have a moment to take a peek?
4 hours later…
If I were do develop an ipad web application
As a freelancer
Should I acquire a ipad at my own costs
or is it reasonable to ask for one?
2 hours later…
has anyone done any jsonp comet stuff?

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