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Sometimes it's convenient to put it in a link
@RyanKinal yea there are a number of ways to just block those images
Writing a link can be correct, though. Especially if you're using a normal-navigation fallback for something that can be done with JavaScript.
@RyanC I have a question : Just a coincidence ?
Probably not anymore but google used to look at all links, including ones that pointed to itself
.htaccess / php solutions do require HTTP_REFERRER to be passed
@rlemon Yeah. I might suggest that.
In that case, I usually just put href="#"
@dystroy the monkey thing?
so they are not bulletproof but they are a nice detour-ant
@RyanC yeah
I didn't think monkey testing was such a thing
What is the monkey testing?
@dystroy everyone needs their monkey to check for bugs
@dystroy notice bad code and such
@Neil you put a monkey on your back and have him code-review while you develop
@rlemon I've heard that, except we call it pair programming
@Neil Me too
@Neil Tomāto Tomäto
@rlemon I say pair programming, not Tomato
Stop letting your monkey chat !
I say delegate instead of do work
@Neil is the question about monkey testing serious? I'm not sure if I have to boast my knowledge
(It is a thing)
monkey.js right :P
@FlorianMargaine I'm familiar with the concept, just not the term
eh no thats a library to do monkey testing I mean
I think thats what its called damnit
It is the fact of pushing many buttons on your app to see uf it crashes
/me looks
Wait... why do you need a library to do monkey testing?
Apple is famous for doing this on their review
@FlorianMargaine yeah liek releasing a thousand monkeys onto your app
@FlorianMargaine That makes more sense to me
@rlemon my main reason for favoring the javascript:void(0) approach would be to make the code more readable as you don't have to jump files to see what's going on. Worth noting I don't do the html/css on the team so assuming we have to prevent a <a> from linking still best to use event.preventdefault.
gremlins js thats the one I was thinking
I think the GIF there explains the concept well
yeah definitely
@FlorianMargaine Oh, that's not what @rlemon said
@RyanC it is in fact less readable and less maintainable.
don't fall into that trap
var horde = gremlins.createHorde()
Usually you take customers noobs, not real monkeys, because they're easier to bring in your office. But you shouldn't just see if it crashes : well trained monkeys report anything strange
@Ryanc, I end my functions that are triggered by <a> with a return false and it does the same thing as event.preventDefault().
^ FALSE - you use jQuery, it does that for you.
@Neil Because he was kidding
@Matthew It's not exactly the same
@SomeGuy Oh, well you never know.. I've heard stranger things
@rlemon, Oh, I didn't know. I have never used straight JavaScript.
gay javascript is a thing ?
I think that's jQuery?
@dystroy, gay javascript stole my man.
@Mosho horde = undefined; // horde defeated
@dystroy Involves heavy coupling
Straight JavaScript stole my woman.
I've stolen my javascript
Straight or Gay Ryan stole my monkey :(
@RyanKinal, well at least that means there is another woman who started coding. They aren't as well represented in this field.
I have my own monkey
in pure JS return false does stop default, but not bubbling
@Matthew Hmmm. Yeah. Maybe it was gay JavaScript... and it stole me.
stole your heart.
stole my spare time
@Loktar Did you.. did you just edit that to add a period?
Well... I did write it a love letter
@Neil nope
@RyanKinal Ryans are weird
!!urban ryan
@RyanKinal ryan the cutest guy ever, and has the greatest respect for girls, is funny, and very very LOVING!
@Loktar, thanks for the link. That was a good read and I learned something new :)
@Loktar ಠ_ರೃ
np @Matthew
does sound like something gay javascript would be after
@Neil lol I really didn't
I must be working too hard.
@RyanKinal, My comment to your love letter is awaiting moderation.
@Zirak (and anyone else), I would really appreciate feedback on what I'm doing here with blackhighlighter.org. It's too much bad JavaScript code to implement it, but I think the idea has merit.
@Matthew Just got the email
@rlemon for readability/maintainability I assume you are going with the event.preventDefault in a separate file triggered by an onclick, correct?
element.addEventListener > element.on<event>
makes sense
@HostileFork, that black highlighter website is so cool! Maybe marketing people for product releases like video games could make use of it to reveal teasers.
(har har)
thanks for the help guys
@dystroy may our monkeys one day meet again
@RyanC no problem. if you don't "agree" with these concepts now, re-visit your code again in 8 months and you'll understand :P
@HostileFork That's a cool idea
@Matthew Glad you like it. Though I think of it as a tool for transparency. It's kind of like instead of writing a message and letting it go to someone's inbox, it flips it so your message stays in your outbox... it's searchable. For any time you have a communication with an imbalance... like writing your government representative who can just ignore you, or a fake job listing where they really already know who they're going to hire and just are required to publish for a VISA, or personal ads
even though it's two-way encryption, it can't be solved without the missing pieces
@Neil Thanks, yes, it's been hard to isolate out the contenteditable div stuff to a jQuery only dependency; I am going to switch comments on my blog to use it. Disqus sucks.
@Zirak I presume you will know this, I have put my main user in the sudo group and am creating a www directory in var which is owned by root and group is root.
Fair warning is: I am not a JavaScript programmer, so if anyone looks around at it and has ideas on how to make it suck less, I am all ears.
I am cool to set the group ownership to sudo?
or should I create a new www group and add both root and my user account?
Anyone here ever going to use hack?
@HostileFork I think the sha256 means contacting the server
unless there is a way of encrypting in sha256 client-side that I'm not aware
even if nothing gets sent to the server
@qwertynl Definitely not
@Neil SHA256 is calculated client side, small piece of code: github.com/hostilefork/blackhighlighter/blob/master/…
It's just another one of those OMG WE NEEEEEEED STATIC TYPING languages.
@RyanKinal lol
@HostileFork Oh wow, complicated :)
That attitude bothers me
okay anyone who knows anything about groups and permissions
ehhh it will just go the way of Dart @RyanKinal
@rlemon on what system?
@Neil If you want complicated, read the contenteditable div handling crap. THAT is non-standardized, painstaking, complicated stuff! But I make it look reasonably slick, as if you're marking out with a "black highlighter", it's reasonably ergonomic. But what-a-pain
@rlemon Check your .htaccess
you people suck.
@rlemon you should take a linux course online
Sorry. It's been the .htaccess the last two times I recall you asking about this.
I should. honestly it is mostly the permissions that scare me
Ive fucked them up too many times
No two browsers handle contenteditable divs the same way. It's a nightmare.
@HostileFork Yeah, that is a pain
yeah I suck with them too tbh
@rlemon What is the issue that you have?
I have two users, and root obviously. I am creating a /var/www folder (which is root:root)
why someone design a framework to redirect you to you own site when running on localhost?
@rlemon mmk, and?
do I a) just set the group on the /www folder to 'sudo' ('admin')
or b) create a new group (www-group) and add both users to that, and set the folder to that
That's the problem with being tied into jQuery is that you're tempted to query often which both makes you strongly dependent on the structure of the html, it also tends to make you want to stylize as well, which should be kept in css world
@rlemon Did you use chown?
You get code that is hard to follow and isn't even that stabile
@Neil Anyway I've got to run, but thanks for looking at it... I'm going to try and spend this month evangelizing and trying to get some pro-transparency government branch to sponsor using it... :-/ But first I think I have to integrate it in so I use it for commenting on my website, to prove its modularity.
@qwertynl what does that have to do with my question?\
@rlemon Change the owner to the group
the dudes avatar irritates me though
yes I know how, that isn't my question
@HostileFork I don't know if I'd sell it as "anti-government"
[POLL] what would you change about angular, if you had the chance to do it?
look at my bicep bros omg. Just casually stretching for this picture.
@rlemon So what is the Q?
@Connor Its last name
go away Neal
You can imply that it can be used to hide information, but I wouldn't raise eyebrows
1 min ago, by rlemon
do I a) just set the group on the /www folder to 'sudo' ('admin')
or b) create a new group (www-group) and add both users to that, and set the folder to that
@Loktar Didn't even notice until you mentioned the bicep
@rlemon OOOOO sorry! I misread :-(
@Connor It's not anti-government, it's pro-transparency. To the extent that the government is anti-transparency, I guess it's anti-government, but some people in the government give lip service to wanting to be transparent.
@RyanKinal haha I think I noticed because the vein
@rlemon Personally, I'd probably go for the second option. It seems more correct.
I imagine both will work, but what is the accepted strategy for this
@rlemon hmmmm. I think option B
okay, two for B
^ b for sure
B it is
I have no real reasoning for this, though
@andrew.fox Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@HostileFork You might be on the wrong planet my dear friend, I'm on about angularjs.org ;)
Except that more restricted access is probably a good thing?
permissions groups are for exactly that
grouping permissions logically
@HostileFork anyway, what is the angular you're on about?
fuck logic, this is the interwebz.
Why do I find it extremely hard to get opinions about features in javascript frameworks?
No one answers, yet this is a javascript topic room
@Connor, you have to type "!!Let me speak my mind" for them to auto-unmute you.
:? well your question is a bit lame.
because we don't care.
its like a 13 y/o girl question
@Connor Mis-linked reply, one post off. Sorry. But I am talking about JavaScript because I've wrote a stupid lot of it to make blackhighlighter.org, and I am soliciting the wisdom of people who know things like "what angular.js is" who are probably able to look at the code and go "don't do that! do this!" If you have a couple minutes to look and say such things, I'll spend the next week following up on your suggestions.
> If you could write any program in the world what would it be and why :) <3
POLL - What would you change about the freckles on my face. Be kind, thanks friends.
@Connor The namespacing.
@Loktar print 6 * 7
@rlemon I'd keep them all. They're perfect.
also, I have never used Angular but I hear a lot of complaints about not exposing window
Yeah man I wouldnt change any of your angel kisses.
@rlemon what do you want to do?
not to be confused with exposing yourself in the window.
XY problem, bla bla, let's get this out of the way
@RyanKinal thanks for the answer, how do you mean? I'm not familiar with "namespacing" in angular?
@FlorianMargaine have my web served from a folder that makes sense and not /home/userName/www
so dump it in /var/www like i'm used to from Apache
(was my intention ^)
personally I have a folder in /var/www/project-name/
well ultimately that will be how I structure it
so /var/www/ is root:root
and project-name is www-data:www-data
@Connor Let's say you have two modules that access users from two different sites. The modules are called Facebook and Twitter. Each of these modules has a service called 'users'.
yeah, why would you want apache to use /var/www if you don't have any site in it?
@FlorianMargaine and how is www-data setup?
You add the modules to your list of dependencies for your application module, but then trying to inject the users service is ambiguous.
www-data is apache user on debian/ubuntu, on centos/red hat it's apache
@FlorianMargaine (i'm not using Apache, I'm saying I was used to it)
i'm doing this all in node
and some nginx reverse proxy?
just place them all in your user directory then
way better
@RyanKinal absolutely, good suggestion, so a case of extension compatibility awareness then
angular.module('MyApp', ['Facebook', 'Twitter'])
.controller('AppCtrl', ['users', function(users) {
    // what does 'users' refer to?
@FlorianMargaine there are two users who will be working on the code :/
so I was like, should I put it in my user directory? or roots?
then create the "developers" group
@AnnonomusPerson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
put both users in it
@rlemon woah you're going to get dev help?
I have had dev help for almost a year now
create a folder named /home/projects and put the group's rights on it
the embedded systems guy
@RyanKinal this is why this sort of talk is good, i would have probably not have thought of such a specific case.
I mean, when you're building a framework, it's hard to think about such circumstances, with everything you have going on
@Connor I've been writing a lot of services lately. Thinking about how to avoid namespace collisions has occupied a fair amount of time.
@rlemon lol
@Connor Yeah, agreed
dat casual bicep and stash
> Yeah the beach is that away
@RyanKinal do you have any suggestions of how it could be fixed, or is it just a bad design pattern that isn't likely easily fixable without breaking existing design?
oh man I played the shit out of Luftrausers so fun
@Connor I'm not entirely sure. I haven't really thought about solutions to the issue. I just think it's an issue.
if you guys like arcade shooters its a must get
@RyanKinal Have you seen the module system ES6 will have?
Removes that problem entirely
I mean, I tend to name my modules something like McK.API, and then services withink those modules something like McK.API.students
@SomeGuy We're talking about Angular currently. But I'll take a look at ES6 modules.
@RyanKinal do you think something like this is going over the top?
.controller('AppCtrl', ['Facebook.users as users', function(users) {
    // what does 'users' refer to?
something along that sort of line
@RyanKinal It's like in Node, you don't just include something. You have to create a variable to include the module. Like var fs = require('filesystem');
but obviously keep the original style, only allow that for backups?
Except it'd be something like import $ from 'jquery'
@Connor Well, that's basically how my naming ends up working out. But it would be nice to not have to write the extended service names.
I don't think the as is necessary
# groupadd developers
# useradd -g rlemon developers
# cd /home
# mkdir projectName
# chown (root|rlemon?):developers ./projectName
@FlorianMargaine ??
cool, thanks
not sure if you'll be able to create folders/files however :\ gotta check
yeah you should
I've decided that Rolling Stone sucks at Electronic Music.
@FlorianMargaine nope :P
$ touch test
touch: cannot touch `test': Permission denied
Hmm, just throwing in suggestions
App.alias('FBusers', 'Facebook.Users')
.controller('AppCtrl', ['FBusers'])

App.prefix('fb-', 'Facebook')
.controller('AppCtrl', ['fb-users'])
ls -la . ?
prefix vs. alias?
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   developers  4096 Mar 21 10:47 projectName
well now guess why it doesn't work :D
chmod g+w projectName should fix it
suggest me a linux book please.
rwx means: read write execute
any good song from the 80s for traveling?
the first is for user, the second for groups, the third for "others"
no, so I don't have to keep asking you these stupid silly questions :P
@derylius dealing with traveling?
@RyanKinal anyway, thanks for the I/O .... is helpful
The Go Go's Vacation
I feel like such a linux vamp
@Loktar just taking a trip in the weekend
I don't like that.
@Connor Something like the following
angular.module('Facebook', [])
.factory('users', [function() {}])

angular.module('MyApp', ['Facebook'])
.controller('AppCtrl', ['Facebook.users', function(fbUsers) {
    // etc.
So, you don't have to explicitly name your services to be unique. They are automatically namespaced into the module name.
drwxr-xr-x -- first 3 are owner permissions followed by 3 more for group permissions followed by the last 3 for public permissions
Not sure what the d means
@rlemon plenty of resources online
@RyanKinal interesting, thanks
@Neil directory
:goes to write more servcies:
I'm implementing an Angular SDK for an internal API
also, still no permissions in that folder :/
Ah, why would one have execute permissions on a directory?
had to 777 it
but that isn't right :/
well wtf
I just groups rlemon
If owner already had full permissions, and granting full permissions to group and public fixed it, then you aren't owner
and it didn't add me to the group
okay, added to the group now
amazing how that works when I am actually part of the group
@FlorianMargaine thanks again for all of the help. 2.9 you so hard.

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