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@RaghavSood Thanks!
One of rlemon's messages over in Android
!!stat 1069068
@mikedidthis That dude sucks
You mean its too high to calculate?
@mikedidthis User Elusio proved elusive.
@Raghav, Well if you would have looked at your invites and not made me wait for hours on end then I wouldn't have come here. Your fault tbh, and if anyone neglects that then tbh i'll go look elsewhere, it seems as if you're all against new people. That's fine I guess, You do learn how to be aggressive towards people when you get asked allot of questions.
I'm not very statable, eh?
!!mute Enumerator 24h
Yep, it's his fault for not immediately catering to your needs.
@rlemon Muted user 1623923 for 24h
Oooh, drama?
@RaghavSood I think it was more a chance thing looking at the plugin: github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/source/plugins/…
!!stat 1069068
@mikedidthis Raghav Sood (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1069068/raghav-sood) has 38580 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 13 questions, gave 1394 answers, for a q:a ratio of 13:1394.
avg. rep/post: 27.42. Badges: 11g 58s 90b
@Enumerator If a room owner is present when an invite shows up, and able to review it, he/she will do so. My apologies if you feel neglected, but this is not our job, just a volunteer effort.
Hmm. Our bot hasn't been updated in a while. Mainly my fault. I'm in charge of the fork
I think the way you handle this two way interaction thing could also be worked on
I'm not going to hold you hand and sugar coat things, but if you missed the fact that I was trying to help you get help on the chats, then good luck with the endevour, just don't go at it here please.
@RaghavSood Big changes coming soon (we're moving to Node.js)
Quick Question: Why are most libraries called by things like node.js, and control.js?
because... javascript is .js
why not call it like node library?
I'm not a very Javascript person, and I've actually never used node.js or any of the new stuff, really. So I'd probably end up killing the bot if I tried to mess with the new version :P
@Barakados node.js is the name of the application
I imagine it is named thus because you use javascript, which is .js extension
most libraries are .js because of the same reason
they are written in js and it is catchy
source: I'm one of those guys
@RaghavSood I mean, don't expend too much effort updating your fork (if it's just a git pull or the like, go right a head)
@Md.Al-Amin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i want to make a zombie game
What can i do if i have a 500 gb of unused space?
On my 10tb harddrive on my macbook pro?
You have a 10tb hard drive in your laptop?!
It's a long story
Not directly...about 7 terabytes are on a network drive
Just like your 9" penis and 140 IQ?
Stop it flaggots :P
ooh, did I make someone mad?
what has a better market? Appstore, or XBox
Depends on what you're making
How much does titanfall make?
Why do you want to know?
I mean come on
School project?
Grand theft auto cost like $325 million
That's crazy
Angry birds costs like, $10,000
@Barakados There are more phones than game consoles in the world.
SAnd they made $200 million
in 2012
Flappy Bird cost like... (enter listing fee?)
in related news: unrealengine.com unreal engine 4 is out.
@rlemon $99 + owning a mac.
Of course, we're only looking at highly profitable successful franchises here
Once I can afford a Windows computer, I'm gonna get it
even better, linux
Flappy bird made $50K
Costs to make, less than $500 bucks
let's compare
Flappy bird upsets me though
mery much so
because it[he] made money and not you?
the concept, and the game itself, is so stupid
how so?
@Barakados And you secretly spent hours upon hours trying to beat my high score of 3?
simple requirements, simple input, hours of rage/entertainment/despair
that is what keeps people playing the game
I can do that
so do it
I don't have an idea
I'm not going to lie and say it will get popular, that is kinda the luck of the draw
An appl in which you need to shave peoples hair in a short amount of time
our resident @Loktar made GrappleHero which is an awesome game, but it didn't explode like flappy bird.
it's probably not dumb enough
and I don't mean that as an insult to FB
you can play it online
also released for Android
lol I remember this
we used to play it so much
what was it called
I have to find it now
H0ow about a game in which you have to throw an object and each time you do itfollows a set of rules that can make it land in some weird places
it bases it's gravity based on how you throw it
@Barakados how's about you build something?
I have
made games in java
never in javascrpt
grapplehero is pretty cool :o
@Volter9 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon say, can you direct me to a good place to see some UI's, maybe learn how to create something that is more aesthetic than a sack of potatoes?
what kind of UIs?
yeah, google is what I've been doing for the past half hour
who works with phantomjs ?
to present and manipulate financial data
got a sample
yeah those are good, thanks
Q: Which doge represents what number?

FEichingerFrom the original 2048 it was rather easy to tell which numbers I'm combining - after all, it says so right on the tile. But now with doge2048 there is much doge. What doge is 16? What is 32? Is this doge secretly 2048 and the game actually keeps going beyond that? very confuse wow

there's a good one on erm thecodeplayer.com
nice, will go over those tomorrow
time to pass out
night o/
however due to my window focus my code now looks like this
for( var i = 0, l = this.points.len*NOT YOU!*
            gth; i < l; i++ ) {
What do you use to edit code?
I use sublime
sublime / vim
rarely vim
jQuery TAG MOTHERFU****, DID YOU SEE IT ?! (j/k) — jAndy 5 mins ago
i'm like 70/30 sublime/vim
what plugins are goo for javascript?
(right now)
how could he not get it..
other times I go the other way
What sublime plugins are nice for javascript?
@jAndy your profile picture indicates you may or may not be steroid induced, ergo it seems like a considerably hostile comment.
"There is no need for such language" You're partially right, jQuery isn't technically a language though. — SomeKittens Ux2666 6 secs ago
lol @ roids :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 damn you are on form today.
I'm vegan dude
@mikedidthis :flexes:
@user3050141 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jAndy (above video indicates I already knew that, my comment was sarcasm (the wink implied that), and intended as a joke. see the aforementioned wink and then possibly laugh a little before your next response. regards, rlemon)
I got it I got it
@rlemon You're talking with a bit of a lisp there.
only two and a half beers in, sorry
talk to me in an hour
@jczimm Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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