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@HarryMoreno I wasn't exactly asking for suggestions
@solvator Yeah, bananas are your best bet.
@SomeKittensUx2666 you mean the answer? it was pretty straightforward
lol, solved my problem. ^^
and common enough mistake
Turns out an ASCII art guy trying to grab his junk is tougher than I thought
(in relevance to the next line of that song)
Thinking about writing "how do I convert an API to promises" question
@Enumerator Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you don't
you cnveert it to hopes
@BenjaminGruenbaum interesting question. What sort of API are we talkin' bout
!!youtube nero promises
!!youtube eofphs;
@Barakados The Lords of YouTube did not find your query favorable
@mesutozer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan having to explain to my gf why I am looking at an ASCII penis.
And whose fault is that?
@RUJordan all yours.
Damn straight.
Clicked, and insta-closed. Didn't see the nsfw tag LOL
tbh I thought dick treasure chest screamed nsfw, but add the tag later.
@RUJordan I'll just do all of them, lemme try
You never know...
so i'm a moron and maybe pumped like 2 gallons of water extra into my fish tank while I was at work.
@rlemon oh god. Spillage?
which of course over flowed and is on the floor
user image
looks like fun
Don't ask to ask, just ask.
@rlemon oh man.. sorry bro that sucks ASCII treasure dick
Forgetabout his tank
Are the fishes ok?
tank is also fine.
stand is wet, I have fans pointing on it
hope to avoid water damage
Wood floor?
Please don't say carpet
Ok, that's not too bad
!!tell Enumerator format
@Enumerator Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Is there a !!tell [name] edit function that will tell them to hit the up arrow key to edit a previous post?
@Enumerator I think you are in the wrong room pal
Lol so many people in the trashcan
@Enumerator that is quite clearly Java
@Enumerator quick string comparison: 'Java' === 'JavaScript'
true or false?
I think that may have been a "ohh my, this is Javascript room"
not quite sure
it was a javascript question
according to him
@SomeKittensUx2666 I think you mean "Java".equals("JavaScript")
javascript uses var
so there's that
Not to mention functions don't use void for returns.
where did he use that?
@RUJordan yeah they do
guys, I'm saying he might have fat fingered joined the wrong room and didn't notice.
public static void main
Q: Android Draw Line (Java)

EnumeratorI'm having a problem drawing a line to a imageView ImageViewID=img Here is the code I have currently private void dline(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int color) { ImageView myImageView = (ImageView)findViewById(img); Bitmap tempBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(50,50, Bitma...

@SomeKittensUx2666 in JS?
There is his question.
@RUJordan whoops
I jnbow javascript
And java
@Enumerator dude your question it tagged java.
Somebodies a little high on Java tonight
was reading backwards
dude pass me that java
Java brownies
@Enumerator it probably isn't wise to antagonize the people you are asking help from ;)
cool. then you won't mind this?
8 messages moved to Trash can
@Enumerator quick, define high level language
I have a javascript question though, then i'll leave.
...why did you present us with a java question
Maybe it was an accident?
because Java room isn't active, so people join active rooms regardless of interests in the room
and dump the question without asking if it is kosher or not
lol i used to do that all the time when i was in java
honestly, I think if you asked first and didn't persist if they showed no interest in helping in another language you would get a lot further.
> hello, I know this isn't the right room but Java is never active. Does anyone mind if I ask a Java question?
go tot he irc's
who the hell is Mooseman?
to the irc's
^ perfectly acceptable
!!afk hometime
or, here's a crazy idea, go to the java chatroom, and wait?
@Mooseman whats up?
@rlemon I just wanted to request access to talk in this room. Thanks
ohh, you don't need to invite me to do that.
just request access :P
(which you did of course)
I'm sure I'm a moron who missed the button ;)
It's funny that everyone here does not care for "other languages" other than javascript, even if I asked for help (which I did) you'd still freak out that it's not javascript and remove the question (which you did)
@DanielGray Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I care for java
I removed it because you failed at formatting
It's just not acceptable to post at other rooms
> If you are going to post code, please learn how to properly format it. The chat formatting is pretty simple and a quick visit to our FAQ should clear some things up for you. Be Warned! Unformatted code will likely be binned. - rlemon.github.io/so-chat-javascript-rules
Ok forgive the formatting, i'm new to this chatroom stuff I've never used it much
@Enumerator kinda like working into a McDonalds and asking for a Whoper?
@Mooseman odd, you should be able to just chat
@SomeKittensUx2666 no the bot takes a few to grant access
@Loktar is this a pisstake?
DOM remember
!!urban pisstake
@rlemon pisstake A [satire], [parody], or mockery.
And just because javascript contains java, doesn't mean it's an extension
thought so, just had to check.
@mikedidthis I don't think whoppers exist anymore :|
they do
Are you all American?
Nope. British.
I'm Canadian
@Barakados, wanna help me with my java issue?
@Enumerator नहीं, मैं भारतीय हूं?
@Enumerator JS !== java
he know this now
he's still looking for Java help
I'm not in java mode right now
@Connor good work! :D
people join rooms because they are active, not because of the title.
@Connor lmfao @ indian
Let me rephrase then. :)
Sorry to bother you folks but the java room is empty, can anyone help me with a problem if you have any experience with "java"?
@Enumerator No.
( I hope you do realize I'm trying to give you advice on how to get help on the chats, I don't care for Java, but I know c# and could probably figure it out.. I am just tired and lazy so sorry )
Was that so hard?
it's not empty
the people are just inactive
As I figured.
did you try pinging them?
randomly pinging users doesn't get you help
DON'T randomly ping people asking for hlep
unless you already have a working relationship with them
This is getting rather long :)
right @Loktar
@BenjaminGruenbaum TWSS
@Enumerator actually, this room can help you better than any other
see the light, don't use Java
@Connor SEEMS LIKE IT =)
@Enumerator if you do this sudo apt-get purge openjdk-\* icedtea-\* icedtea6-\* it will fix your problems
I don't run linux
problem #1
ok, let me get other code fixer
Lol @ purge command
@rlemon Fedora FTW
Right-click on the screen at bottom-left corner and choose the Control Panel from the pop-up menu.
When the Control Panel appears, choose Uninstall a Program from the Programs category.
Select **JAVA** and then click its Uninstall button.
Click Yes to confirm the program uninstall.
@Mooseman eww
</sarcasm on the eww>
I'm working on an android apk, not a windows java app :\
@Enumerator there is an Android room you know


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
function bleh(a){
return a+bleh(a/2);
the room owner isn't accepting the invite.
I've waited two days :\
Anyone know any good features new and/or existing that would be good in a MVC data-binding framework? serious answers please.....
Like servers?
Thanks rlemon
@Barakados INFINITE LOOP OF AWESOMENESS jsfiddle.net/9UD4F
@Barakados 15
It's 20
Done :D
Q: How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?

Benjamin GruenbaumI want to work with promises but I have a callback API in a format like: 1. DOM load or other one time event: window.onload; // set to callback ... window.onload = function(){ }; 2. Plain callback: function request(onChangeHandler){ ... request(function(){ // change happened }); 3. No...

@KyleTruscott Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Barakados urm.. ok
and so on
@Barakados so its 19.9 recurring?
No, it's 20
@rlemon I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for them not accepting invites.
hmm ok
Go to the irc's
well I just asked them why and why I was asking, which was because you were in here begging for Java help.
> We look at recent messages to gauge if the person is likely to be help vamp like
so sorry, but it is unlikely you'll get in there. and it is unlikely you'll be received well if you continue to ask beg for Java here.
Q: How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?

Benjamin GruenbaumI want to work with promises but I have a callback API in a format like: 1. DOM load or other one time event: window.onload; // set to callback ... window.onload = function(){ }; 2. Plain callback: function request(onChangeHandler){ ... request(function(){ // change happened }); 3. No...

I mean shit, the room is already in Gallery... @RUJordan whenever you please
@Enumerator did you just flag me in Android?
like dude, i'm not even talking shit.
@Enumerator you flagged a guy, who is trying to help you get into a room, despite the fact that you didn't even go to the Java room and wait? That is literally the coldest thing I have ever seen.
You didn't even say anything in the Java room except "
Anyon here?"
I don't understand people sometimes.
@nttmsf Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Barakados no, like angular
come on........ MVC Data Binding features!!
Angular what?
I'm not sure
Well, i think you hould add faster data parsing
@Enumerator I'm one of the Android room owners. I was literally about to just let you in before you flagged the message. You seemed to be a decent enough person, and scrolling through your messages here showed some form of a willingness to ask for help nicely. However, after flagging I am no longer going to let you in. (apologies to the JS people for bringing this here)
ANd maybe a system that uses php too send data back and forth?
@RaghavSood no problem, thanks for letting him know.
what got flagged?

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