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@Marlon you are on the internet you know...
tons and tons of articles
@tereško that's what I meant. I wasn't trying to take an argumentative or belligerent tone. I'm the beginner here haha I can't afford to make waves
even tons of SO questions Im finding
Q: Does putting scripts on the bottom of a web page speed up page load?

dev.e.loperYahoo best practices states that putting JavaScript files on bottom might make your pages load faster. What is the experience with this? What are the side effects, if any?

@Incognito , did come out argumentative ?
@tereško You didn't.
I said that I wasn't trying to and I was apologizing for sounding as though I was.
Which is why I wasn't offended :P. It's important to know why to use something else.
anyway , it is as close as best practice can get
and it works without fail
essentially it does the same as defer attribute in IE
Okay! :D So...if I put my scripts on the bottom, then it makes the page load faster...if I put it at the top, then the script preloads. Am I correct?
Anyone know which room would be appropriate for ExtJs4? Sadly, it's not listed in the tags here.
@Marlon , you will have to read on your own about this
@LittleTreeX , i would go on freenode IRC server , there should be ExtJS channel
Okay. :) Well thanks anyway. I'm glad you raised the issue, because I'd never have known.
@Incognito thanks ill look into those
@Raynos Make a Gantt chart as well. app.gantter.com Put it in the doc, do a bit of visual-cleaning to the doc if you can, and ship it as a pdf.
Propose a start date and end date.
Work with those.
Hmm, I found this and figured I'd share.
Q: My form error javascript code

Project V1Simple really my javascript function for checking my form. var errors = {}; errors.email = true; errors.cemail = true; errors.password = true; errors.cpassword = true; errors.username = true; function joinAjax (id) { var val = $('#' + id).val(); if (id == 'email') { $('#emailMsg').hide(); ...

@tereško oh. I have never used IRC. I'll look into that, thanks.
Don't make any step on the gannt more than 16 hours, you'll regret it.
It demonstrates the page load time for both methods. It would seem that the <script> tag in the bottom is much faster.
@LittleTreeX , you can use it without installing IRC client : webchat.freenode.net
@tereško cool, thanks.
I wish PHP was more like JS. $airline->getAirlines( $dataArray )["data"] sucks that it doesn't work.
just realized you can use google docs to upload anything to anyone's account
hopefully that isn't too verbose for you
Ohhhh that itches so much less... jsbin.com/ipobac/2/edit
Someone at ease with regexp ?
What the in-one-line regexp to match an entity ?
I'm just extracting the content of a line and have to make it doesn't contain an entity as the first word.
I split the sentence at the first space and make a test with the first word.
sentence[0].match(/^&...../) is the condition
@Oddantfr Je ne vous comprends pas.
are you fetching text nodes?
is not that working for entities ?
@Matt ?
Hey, anyone familiar with the jQuery cycle plugin? I'm trying to run opts.addSlide outside of a callback as I believe the only ones available are before and after callbacks, and I need to run opts.addSlide at another location/time in my script which is not directly 'before' or 'after' a slide transition :/ Any ideas anyone :) ?
which kind person would like to help me beat up an iFrame?
@Mac You'll have to better demonstrate what you want.
I need to overwrite some CSS
I'm working with some company who are styling an iFrame for a site I'm making,
I need this done for Monday and they will not let me have access to the CSS file.
Can I append my own style sheet with jQuery?
I just need some way to overwrite their CSS for a couple of days, so I can give them the finished product.
So, can I insert into the iFrame head?
1 min ago, by Dan
I need this done for Monday and they will not let me have access to the CSS file.
can you elaborate on this one ?
you should have access later ?
No, I have a deadline of Monday,
might part of the project will be done.
but these other people, are dragging along...
it's about 2-3 hrs work, and they have had it since Monday
the CSS is on their server
they will not let me have access to it, nor will they point to the hosting I'm using.
Basically, they are extremely unhelpful :)
then talk to your boss
it is not a development related problem
yes it is??
because I think jQuery can do this
all I need is a way to insert my CSS, temporarily.
@Incognito Alright, I'll try and explain it better, 2 secs
what do you mean by "temporarily" ?
I need to work out the CSS myself, and give them a complete style sheet on Monday which they can upload.
basically, I need to do their job for them...
host it locally
that sucks @Dan
make a mirror from that conent of iframe
modify your /etc/hosts
I am not aware of this..
Is there any reason why lately my questions are not being answered or commented on? Just curious. :)
I can take a copy of the iFrame code from firebug I guess?
@Dan You work with idiots, stop trying to fit in. If you don't have the resources to do your job, that's their fault. It's like me asking you to build a house, but don't worry about where, we'll give you the land a week after it's started. It's idiotic.
LOL great analogy
are you a freaking 3rd grader ?
You want wood? Well were not giving you any!
@Dan Why not get a copy of their HTML, host it local and go from there?
°that's what i already said to him
@Mac That may be the only option.
now he wants to use firebug to do that
which is completely idiotic
I have an iFrame inserted into a WordPress template,
forgive me, but I don't know any other way to get the HTML they are using
@Oddantfr so you're trying to get the textual content of a node and then manipulate it?
@Dan Wait.
@Dan what are you trying to do? Javascript is one of the easiest thing to play around with especially when all the resources are at your fingertip.
@Dan Do you have a link to their site and their page loads?
line = $('#target').html();
if( line.match(/^&.*;$/) ) { ... }
@digitalanalog at the moment, I just want to insert my stylesheet below theirs in the head of the iFrame, I don't know if that's possible,
bad bad bad
Js is not my thing at all!
is the Iframe from the same domain?
do what you want with the text variable and then set it (via setText) when done
@Loktar the Iframe and the website are on two different servers.
@Dan What's theURL for it?
@Dan , iframes usually have an URL
you can take that URL and make a mirror
@Incognito back to the jQuery cycle thing, I'm basically trying to run
got this : powering2.expertagent.co.uk/default.aspx?aid={4d911980-cdd8-425f-851e-f967f219878d}&dep=1
if you do not know what mirroring site means , learn about it
opts.addSlide('<div id="areaFive" class="connectedSortable">hi</div>');
yeah like view source, copy blamo
urgh, that didn't work
@tereško I would like to, I have not needed to before.
from outside of jQuery cycles before or after callback
wheres the iframe?
I got the page up
@Dan I got it anyway.
lol ok
Well, thats the whole thing.
@Mac Huh? What library are you using? Can you make an example on jsfiddle?
one day.. someone will link us to a 0Day exploit :P
lol, ok hold on
@Dan There is no iframe?
and itll say "Oh you want to help hahaha help yourself!!"
@Incognito that is the iFrame src code
@Loktar I was on a freelance site, people were asking for 0-days for like $80, I told them they were morons.
@Dan The one you don't have access to CSS from?
LOL wow asking for a 0 day is one thing... and then wanting it for $80??
yes, I need access to that
view source.
I'm going to lunch.
Have fun boys and girls.
@MattMcDonald thanks Matt but this isn't resolving my problem
your next problem is RegExp manipulation, right?
what are the specifics?
word = $('#target').html();
if( word.match(/^&.*;$/) ) { ... }

but it appears that the word (if it's an entity) is rendered as a unique character
@Phrogz I read and understood it.
responds to hours and hours ago
@Oddantfr what is that RegExp trying to accomplish?
Is trolls being had?
entities are encoded as they're added
it's already been encoded by the time the script reaches it
isn't there a solution ?
as to using regexp
for example : if it's not in the range of ascii character it's an entity
> I have an iFrame inserted into a WordPress template,
it's not a word character
Yes trolls is being had
*.wordpress.com sites block iframes, lol
my friend tried setting up a facebook group box and couldn't
@MattMcDonald lol why do they do that?
you're a PHP dev and you have no idea?
clearly an input/output filter
I solve the problem @Matt thanks anyway
@MattMcDonald you assume @Neal is competent
That's a big assumption
i meant why fixed my original query :-P
the why is because iframes are an obvious security threat
@MattMcDonald true, but if a user wants to put it on their site, why not?
does anyone know how I can access these specific parameters ( function onBefore(curr, next, opts) ) if its not being called via the jquery cycle plugin?
go ask the PHP room
@MattMcDonald :-P
@Neal Imagine your users are complete idiots who, since they're using wp, have no idea what they're doing and what third-party things they include.
function isEntity(char){
  if( char.codeCharAt(0) > 127 )
    return true;
    return false;
@Zirak ahhhh ccchhhaaaaa. got it
is that right ?
I don't think WP is that relevant, I was asking about .append with jQuery or a similar solution..
it's String.charCodeAt(index)
that does the trick
@Oddantfr And it can be shortened to a single line, I'll let you think of the how
ternary syntax ?
thanks :)
Even shorter
ternaries suck
No special tricks, even
how so ?
Ive only used ternaries when Im doing crazy stuff
never for a prod site.
Imagine you have a function that returns true or false (let's call the output res). You want to return true if res is true, and false if res is false.
However, notice something repetitive going on...
oh yes
return ( char.charCodeAt(0) > 127 )
I can't see shorter
is that correct to include the first chars of the ascii table though ?
in my condition
I'm not sure this is the best way to evaluate an entity, some advices ?
It's not technically correct, since that's not the definition of an entity (and there might also be non-ascii characters afterwards), but unless you want to make a look-up table with all the entities...
no thanks, just hoping there won't be any problem (damn it doesn't really sound professionnal ! )
Random aside for ternaries: x ? y : z is almost exactly equivalent to x && y || z except when x is truthy and y is not.
(Particularly relevant to Lua, which doesn't have ternaries but does not short-circuit boolean operators.)
Boolean-weirdness isn't any clearer than ternary. It's just less abused
(If you want to deal with the case when x is truthy and y is not, you can just implement a mux)
For those that are awesome :
Will it make us cry?
Ok that spec was more boring then expected
no let
no class
It's very early days for the spec.
I like the part where the guy before I left for lunch was saying he didn't get the CSS file from the team that has a live website somewhere.
Other irrelevant news,
> Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, told lawmakers Thursday that the end of the space shuttle era has left the American human spaceflight program in an "embarrassing" state.
He's mostly right.
Fortunately, private spaceflight programs are making progress
Q: Point and click synonym replacement in text area with Javascript

SilentDI am trying to create a site that will allow you to type a sentence or passage of text, then click on words to bring up a list of synonyms (from an online API) and possibly authorized abbreviations from a list that I provide, then once clicked on it would replace that word with the word that was ...

A: string.replace(/""\n/g,"\"\""+ "\n") will this work?

IncognitoYou don't need a regular expression, just use normal string replace. "Whatever".replace('""\\n', '\\"\\"\n') ** Everyone:** ffs. Stop using regular expressions to do ONE replacement.

Q: <body></body> tags are being inserted into the head of my document from jQueryMobile

rlemonI have just started getting a very strange error when using jQueryMobile for my mobile website/app The code i'm using for the page is: <?php session_start(); $logged_in = isset($_SESSION["uid"]); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>DryerMasterWebClie...

I am about ready to give up on jQM (but then I will need to convince my boss of the same)
@rlemon Do what I do when facing a pointy-haired boss: It has technical issues, and when he asks what, just throw a bunch of fancy long words at him.
@Incognito nice one
@Raynos I deleted it, someone came in screaming up and down about how its needed to replace multiple occurances.
Because, you know, that's what a regex does.
So screw it, they can do whatever they want.
index of doesn't exist.
lol, I just showed this to my boss:
(I recently switched most of our data structure on a project from arrays to objects)
(took me about 15 minutes)
@Nathan Thanks for the confirmation. :)
@MattMcDonald laff.
/me Seriously distrusts jsperf results
Oh, but indexOf vs. hash lookup...of course :)
If valid, I find it surprising that the in operator is so slow.
So slow compared with what?
If it's any slower, then that's a weird design decision
Arrays are objects, so I wouldn't expect them to do anything inherently faster than Objects.
in being slower than a function (hasOwnProperty) is definitely odd
@codelahoma Pretty much all browsers represent array properties (sometimes only on [[Class]] = Array) differently to object properties, so a perf difference isn't surprising
@Incognito we have a winner
@MattMcDonald It should be marginally quicker than a property read, really
Duhhh I set up that test wrong.
@gsnedders What optimization could they make for array properties that wouldn't be just as usefully applied to Object?
Q: JavaScript inheritance question: when constructor has arguments

Grace ShaoUsing pure JavaScript to do inheritance, this is what I usually do: function A() {} A.prototype.run = function () {}; function B() {} B.prototype = new A; B.prototype.constructor = B; Since there is no arguments to pass into the constructor, new A has nothing to complain about. Now, I haven't...

@codelahoma We (i.e., Carakan) store uint32-named properties (in their compact representation) as a (C++) array of internal value representations, which has quite a few ramifications.
So named properties on Arrays are less performant than Object properties?
IIRC V8 has that too
@codelahoma No. There is no difference between Arrays and Objects in Carakan, V8, or Chakra, except for [[DefineOwnProperty]].
Has anyone read the new EcmaScript - 6 draft yet?
@JustinLong Everyone does
@JustinLong It's not very interesting insofar as most of what's been agreed upon in principle doesn't have drafted spec text yet
@gsnedders I meant named property lookup is slower on arrays than objs.
@Incognito rrrg that site always freezes in chrome
@gsnedders I noticed it was missing a lot specifically on operators, I thought yield was drafted
@JustinLong You should not create named properties on arrays anyway. If you need named properties, you should use an object
@JustinLong I guess in theory it could be slightly, because of the "length" special-case, but anything more than that would be surprising.
@JustinLong Most of what's agreed upon hasn't been drafted yet
@JuanMendes What users should do, and actually do are significantly different.
@gsnedders is that a conscious decision, because I've kinda been zoning on ES-Discuss lately
I wish there were a table of how expensive ops in JS are.
We have that in some compiled languages.
@gsnedders I'm confused (and trust me, it could just be me). Did you just say that Array and Object properties are often implemented differently, and a performance difference wouldn't be a surprise, then say that there is no difference between Arrays and Objects other than hasOwnProperty()?
@JustinLong It's the typical mode of operation for TC-39. Draft vague stuff up on the wiki, agree upon some level of detail, and then some editor actually drafts that
@incognito Every engine is different though, certain ones run faster, the jsperf area is really good to look at though
@codelahoma [[DefineOwnProperty]], not hasOwnProperty. SpiderMonkey and JSC only have an array representation for arrays, so performance differences there are plausible. Carakan, V8, and Chakra only differ in [[DefineOwnProperty]] between the two.
@Incognito As well as what @JustinLong says, there's also issues of things with immediate operands having different perf characteristics, and random special-cases.
And to add, the new JIT's radically change based on tiny ones too
@gsnedders See—I told you it was probably me. :-)
@Incognito and in what unit can we give such costs? For C for a specific arch you can trivially give cost in CPU cycles.
Which is why Chakra "cheated" in sunspider.
@JustinLong That's a good idea actually, but yeah the JIT is another layer...
Hey there!
@JustinLong Well, cheated insofar as their DCE only dealt with the ops in math-cordial (which is a badly written benchmark anyway)
Anyone has an idea of logout?
all rooms are sleeping but concept would be same
I personally don't think that deadcode elimination should be considered "cheating"
@Incognito For something like Carakan the cost of the interpreter as opposed to the JIT is pretty much irrelevant. You don't really want to be running anything in the interpreter if you care about cost.
Q: <body></body> tags are being inserted into the head of my document from jQueryMobile

rlemonI have just started getting a very strange error when using jQueryMobile for my mobile website/app The code i'm using for the page is: <?php session_start(); $logged_in = isset($_SESSION["uid"]); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>DryerMasterWebClie...

@JustinLong The vaguely cheating thing with only dealing with >= but not <, <=, etc., because math-cordial only used >=.
Oh, I thought it was deadcode elimination in ... I want to say... the encoding section
Wait, it was encryption, because it did computes, but didn't have any side effects.
(DCE in Chakra in IE9 does far more, and is sensible.)
Mozilla got mad about it
Mozilla didn't. A few people who work for Mozilla did.
That's true, I shouldn't say that ;)
It was rather silly on MS's part, though, including only what was needed for SunSpider, and not other similar operators it could equally be applied to.
It would have saved them a lot of bad press.
Yeah, I guess it might have been deadline time over in Redmond
@gsnedders Does Carakan do static code analysis (as far as you know)?
That was one place I always wanted to speed up my code with but was never sure how to do it
With any sane design it'd just be another case statement or four in a switch statement
@JustinLong What sort of static code analysis? Everyone does some sort.
@gsnedders for translation to native C/C++ objects, e.g. to INT-32 etc.
@JustinLong So not having boxed types in JIT?
@JustinLong Or not having boxed types in general?
@gsnedders Boxed types in JIT, but pushing native objects into the straight compile, rather than boxing
@JustinLong We've always had unboxed values in JIT. We were the first non-tracing type-specializing compiler.
@gsnedders I should really read up more on Opera, I think I'm cool because I test in it even :(
@gsnedders are there any tips on to make faster compiling code?
@JustinLong Specific to Opera? Not particularly. Avoid try/catch and try/finally in hot functions, though.
So I'm using some cowbell plugin.
And I can't figure out what setting lets me send custom HTTP variables to my server...
Thoughts anyone?
And you're using JQuery?
You want: $.ajax.headers(), with key value pairs.
@JustinLong I'd like to accomplish it for this request only.
I'd like to make it part of the $.jqGrid.
Bleh, it looks like I have to write a whole ajax call for the feature.
Alright, thanks anyway.
//losing his mind with this stupid thing.
Q: <body></body> tags are being inserted into the head of my document from jQueryMobile

rlemonI have just started getting a very strange error when using jQueryMobile for my mobile website/app edit i am adding a picture, probably a lot easier to understand the question edit2 i have found the issue. still curious as to why this is the way it is if you wish to see the original post ...

what is that attr crap?
I have narrowed down the issue. Can someone please tell me why
Object.prototype.hasAttr = function(attr) {
var _attr;
if(this.attr) {
_attr = this.attr(attr);
} else {
_attr = this.getAttribute(attr);
return (typeof _attr !== "undefined" && _attr !== false && _attr !== null);
would cause jQM to add <body></body> tags BEFORE the <head> tag
you don't need that method
why are you using it?
I need to filter results by their attributes... both jQuery objects and regular javascrit objects.
just have obj[attr]
not attributes
HTML is parsed by the time your script executes
DOM elements sorry.
The framework parses the DOM and modifies it.
AFTER my script is loaded.
load order is jQuery, my script, jQueryMobile
the DOM !== HTML
I never said HTML.
You're just being pedantic now.
If you don't know the answer; poke holes at the person asking.
what is:
Where are you getting that?
I'm confused now.
your edit log
ohh, thats just SO being stupid. I had edited the code while trying to fix it, I wish they would just show the original document. they have mashed up some changes and made it look like that.
$logged_in = isset($_SESSION["uid"]);
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>DryerMasterWebClient 1.0</title>

	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="bin/css/jquerymobile-1.0b3.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bin/css/master.css" />
	<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.3.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="bin/js/master.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0b3/jquery.mobile-1.0b3.min.js"></script>
that was the original code.
or you can view

take out the jquery mobile script tag and see if it errs
given that your HTML is wonky, it's either PHP parsing or jQuery mobile's automagic replacement gone awry
i did take that out and it works. My html is as per spec (jQM spec)
ha, figures
I have run the boilerplate example from the jQM site with that JS included and it still adds that extra body tag
modifying the Object prototype is a really bad idea either way
since basically everything in JS is an object, there's tons of potential for slipups
So how then would I add that functionality to DOM elements?
just write a function and pass elements to it
like I said earlier, you're very likely looking for DOM properties over HTML attributes
I am looking for data-x in <div data-role="foo" data-type="bar"
you want the dataset object then
hey, i have a problem on my javascript in httpL//trevorrudolph.com/move/ the first time you hit the up arrow key you go supper far up but it works normally the rest of the time, try it and check out my source
fetch the element, and then check against el.dataset.role, etc
Don't modify Elements (won't work in IE) and GENERALLY don't mess with object prototype
ok and (I wrote that function to be re-usable) what if I want to find <div customAttribute="something"
do data-custom-attribute
that results in dataset.customAttribute
ok, apparently I missed the boat when it comes to dataset. I'll start reading.
data-* attributes are mapped as properties to the dataset object
the big paradigm shift with the DOM is thinking with properties, not attributes
attributes are for initial state (HTML), while properties are live (JS)
good to know.
Q: .prop() vs .attr()

NealOk. So jQuery 1.6 has the new function prop(). $(selector).click(function(){ //instead of: this.getAttribute('style'); //do i use: $(this).prop('style'); //or: $(this).attr('style'); }) or in this case do they do the same thing? And if I do have to switch to using pro...

@TrevorRudolph your regexp results in an empty string
(jQuery's .attr maps to properties anyways)[one of the biggest flops in DOM scripting history]
@TrevorRudolph you never declared the "top" attr so it returns "" (empty string)
I can't believe I didn't know about dataset.. I recently moved back to web after developing for embedded control systems for the past few years..
It's new
@TrevorRudolph 1. missing a doctype + html/root element 2. UA sniffing 3. improper use of document.write
@rlemon read: developers.whatwg.org
@MattMcDonald UA sniffing isn't bad, it's just not as good as feature detection
@JustinLong any way you got that (or have a link to it) in pdf or some other printer friendly format?
@JustinLong thanks :)
@MattMcDonald You can send me a thousand articles like that, and some that hate "with" but both have their uses.
1 message moved to bin
@rlemon I don't see any way.
looks like i'm red flagging my tablet then.
would make more sense had Matt not removed my post..
Loves quittin time on fridays.

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