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you have 1537 rep, I'd guess you'd find out
some help: find out what this is
@FlorianMargaine :(
in my guess, this event is trigger after the radio button is selected
is this right?
@Daelis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RoyiNamir I'll avoid your questions in the future. You have the habit of asking something and changing your question each time I answer it. I have to be very patient to stop before being less courteous.
in angular, I'm doing some parsing and logic, and I used to have just one service for everything which has 2 "global" variables into which I put the results, then I return them, now I split the service into several and I'm not sure what I should do about that
I mean, any number of things I could do, not sure what is best
@CJRamki no
@FlorianMargaine then?
I gave you more than enough clues
i guess, i should use mousedown event handler...
its working fine...
no, try to guess why change doesn't work
28 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
some help: find out what this is
this as in $(this)
@FlorianMargaine so it takes all radio buttons
the selector does, but find out what $(this) is
the change - handler only triggers on select, not on deselect
that's not the issue
what would it be then?
well, kinda. But no.
Anyone else think gnat is like that guy from the office?
this is always the clicked button...
this is always the selected element, because it's the only one firing the event
oh I see what you mean
@Neil no, I'm this guy
@FlorianMargaine hey bro... i already told that...
I didn't see it then
change event trigger after the selection...
@FlorianMargaine Haha, true, but I think gnat is a little worse
30 mins ago, by CJ Ramki
in my guess, this event is trigger after the radio button is selected
@CJRamki uh, well
I guess we were misunderstood
you are really a good teacher...
too bad you couldn't make your point
of course the change - event triggers after selection
oh don't worry, I don't say I am :D
literally all of the last 10 posts are marked down -1 with a "bad question" post by gnat
I'm just a developer lurking around here, in no way I am a teacher
@GNi33 thanks
and now I got to screw around in PHP and a CMS again, I'm looking forward to the next project where I can get into JS again
I included browserify in some project
with grunt et al
it's nice!
Can someone help with a (simple?) console.log( ) and string escapting issue?
I read the following string from a file: "\x1B[1mAvinstaller først\x1B[22m"
and hoped that I could pass it to console.log( ) and get bold text
@FlorianMargaine it seems to go crazy for me, updating every minute or so without me changing it
@Phoenix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
not too bad on its own, but it's annoying with git
@FlorianMargaine yeah, we wrote a yeoman - generator including several stuff, requirejs and so on
browserify with grunt watch
@CapricaSix yes sure
@Mosho no issue personally
will update it with browserify tonight I think
@Vegar Why did you hope that ? where is this console.log escaping described ?
@GNi33 yeah it's really nice, I've already included a couple of npm modules, that's quite awesome
@Vegar I don't see why?
I think using %c allows you to do some formatting in the console, though
@dystroy asking something and changing your question each time ?
anyone had a look at Koa?
where do you see i've changed it ?
I use the colors.js to get bold/colored text elsewhere.
the only thing i've dont was to replace th word syntax with thing`
@GNi33 Haha, yeah, generators everywhere
using it, I can do console.log("avinstaller".bold)
it looks pretty cool actually
The problem was that the variable name was identical to the functio name
but anything involving the npm and node is just such a fucking PITA on windows, it's crazy
I have looked at the code for 'bold' and all it do is putting '\x1B[1m' before the text and '\x1B[22m' after the text.
can't get to run any workflow, it pisses me off quicker than it should
I never had problems with node in windows
!!> 'text'.bold();
@SomeGuy "<b>text</b>"
That's for HTML
it's in fact, probably the most stable thing I encountered since I started working in JS
@Mosho how do you run stuff like grunt?
HTML doesn't display in the log
@GNi33 I go to the folder with the Gruntfile and grunt command
@dystroy you are welcome to see the edit history of the question. and it's a shame that you let a single question impact the so called js friendship.
in cmd
or cygwin
That's why I expected it to work when reading a string with the special '\x1B....' sequences in it from file to work.
yeah, I seem to be the only one having huge issues with that
cmd doesn't work at all
and cygwin is just... bleh
well, it works in cmd for me
gotta setup my linux distro once and for all
But since it doesn't, I reason there's some escaping happening.
what does it tell you
yeah, I'm having a lot of troubles on my setup
probably some turned off services or so, should check that out
I guess my node install is pretty broken too
not sure what it tells me, I'm at the office
sent my MacBook to servicing and now I'm sitting in front of an iMac, I actually kinda enjoy it
only ever used one in an apple store :P
if I can run it at work, surely you should be able to run it
we have the craziest VMs and proxies
I can't ping google
@GNi33 Get git bash
I'm pretty sure I have it installed...
should try it I guess :D
Git bash is awesome
yeah I have that too
it's pretty nice
should I store persistent values in an angular service?
:-) isn't it weird that innerHTML is upper case while innerText is camel ?
HTML is an acronym
Text is not
make sense... ;-)
(in-consistent though)
any of you guys ever had anything to do with VAST?
@GNi33 puppet + vagrant
@SomeGuy what about getElementById vs getElementByID ?
(english is not my first language) but ID is also for identification.... no ?
Yeah, I don't know
I often type ID instead of Id
@GNi33 github.com/Canop/miaou/tree/master/vagrant look there, I set up vagrant with puppet for miaou, which allows anyone to have a virtualbox machine with everything installed correctly
Maybe the DOM API is more about Freud's theories
@FlorianMargaine Vagrant is awesome, but what is puppet?
And they just forgot to add document.getElementByEgo and document.getElementBySuperEgo
something to manage packages/configurations of machines
it can be used to quickly install and configure everything needed on a server for example
so, I can automate the configuration for a Vagrant VM?
it can be used with vagrant to provision the VM
the configuration and everything that has to be installed on it
that sounds pretty interesting, thanks for the tip!
package { 'nodejs':
    ensure => present,
    require => Class['nodejs-ppa', 'system-update']
will install the nodejs package after running the other classes
well, it will install it if necessary. That's what "ensure => present" means
cool, so include basically runs the classes?
what package manager does it use?
I installed a few puppet packages to handle apt
in this case, because it's an ubuntu machine
oh, okay. makes sense. that's awesome. Will need to have a closer look at the whole miaou - project, looks promising
Q: Promises and recurrent AJAX calls

KosmotaurI am trying to come up with a function whose signature would be identical to jQuery.ajax. It is a separate function because depending on the HTTP status in the response it should either complete and resolve the deferred returned, or issue a delayed subsequent AJAX request with identical parameter...

hi guys,can anyone see question
Q: backSpace not firing the keyup event in android mobile

user3279058This is the first time,I am working on mobile Apps.keyUp event not firing If I press backspace button. I made a jsFiddle for reference. Initially user entered 23 and then user deleted 3 using backspace button.While entering 23 event firing but while delete time event not firing. I am using dev...

Hello everybody :D
Can someone help me out with this
Solved my ANSI formatting issue: YAML-files can include escape sequences, but only in double-quotes. I had mine in single quotes... yaml.org/spec/current.html#id2517668
I have tried doing this: $('#sc_zonas_agente').append(html).find("select").attr("required", "");
But I cant seem to get it to work, what am I doing wrong?
@Vegar those yaml files....
@rlemon gonna sleep for a few, probably wake up at noon and ping you
Well keep in mind I do work and can't take lunch whenever the fuck I feel. :p
Can someone explain to me the following:
$('#sc_zonas_agente').append(html).find("select").attr("required", "");

Where it says ("required", "");
What is the second field which is empty?
@MONZTAAA the value
So it's basically setting the value to nothing which means it's not required
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you help me out
Why is it working than :S
@MONZTAAA what working?
and "then"
The attribute required is being added to each select
@MONZTAAA does the required functionality work?
@rlemon tell me when then, I'll be up :P
@MONZTAAA inspect the select, what is the attribute value?
@Connor required="required"
@MONZTAAA jQuery automatically does that, do you want to disable it?
No its good, just wanted to know what you explained about the value
@MONZTAAA I've just tested it in console
$('<select>').attr('required', '') === <select required=​"required">​</select>​
anyway it should be
.prop('required', true)
Q: Javascript promises in objective-c

Pratik PatelIn javascript, there is this concept of promises where you can pass a function as a parameter to another function. For example: doSomething(doSomethingElse()); I have written a block based code in Objective-C. Example usage of the code is as follows: [MyObject doSomethingWithSuccessHandler:^(...

@SomeGuy thanks, I got it, it was the cookies
You'll need the cookies to send messages too, IIRC
Oh I'll definitely be keeping those
And to connect to the WebSocket
I just didn't know you needed cookies before logging in.
Yeah, that got me too at first
Good to know :)
Are there any regexers?
Also, Am I right in saying string.replace accepts regexes?
Right. But you should've just checked the docs
!!mdn String replace
@Billy >:D
@KendallFrey you're just the man, if you've the time, how can i specifiy two characters in [] (regex) so I ultimately want to allow everything except {{ or }} and this wont work [^{{}}]
[] only deals with individual characters, so you'll need some fanciness
okie dokie
Guys im pulling my hair out..
console.log(jsonData); outputs {"key":"59"}
"anything but braces, or any brace not followed by itself"
but console.log(jsonData.key); outputs undifined
any ideas?
console.log(typeof jsonData); and tell us what happens
one moment
It will eventually be followed by }} this was my goal
@C5H8NNaO4 That matches ab cd <> but not a abcdef {a
    expression:  //
		^ \s* # allow whitespace at start
		{{ # start expression
			[^{{}}]*  # expression content
		}} # end expression

		\s*$ # allow whitespace at end
hold on
@KendallFrey string
@Brent You forgot to parse your JSON -_-
@Brent jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonData);

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