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Not reaaaally required. Just another worker would mean faster processing. I suppose I could leave it up to the user to decide.
@JoeyMorani You want to let a user decide if your code is faster with one more worker ?
It should be a turbo button
Usually, your algorithm gives big hints about whether there's a reason for one additional worker to help. Worker and communication aren't cheap.
@BenjaminGruenbaum tl;dr?
@SomeKittensUx2666 back up jsfiddle links in questions.
er, tl;dr on why it wasn't liked
In case JSFiddle goes under, keep a backup of the data, since many JS questions rely on it.
Oh, not sure, people said that questions shouldn't rely on JSFiddle, which I don't get at all since that's like saying "we shouldn't be having this problem in the first place".
Well, you have the problem, and I'm suggesting you don't dig a deeper hole -_-
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have to agree with you on this one. I can go into my history and pull up a ton of decent questions that were only solved because JSFiddle was there. If those links go down for some reason, the question is basically shot.
Yeah, I can kinda see where they're coming from - JSFiddle should be a nice add-on, not the full answer, but people are using it that way anyway.
!!afk commuting
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah, it's correct, but irrelevant :/
Sometimes I really hate the layout of a keyboard. For instance, the " next to enter was just poor placement
ITS friday
and my workdays start. today
!!youtube friday
Hell no!
Do you know what day it is?
Is it possible to stream MP4 files hosted on Dropbox, Grive, etc. inside a <video> element? I can't find the correct URL.
!!info no
@RUJordan Command no does not exist.
@ŠimeVidas you have to make a public url from dropbox
!!learn no <>"http://i.imgur.com/wOnJi.gif"
@RUJordan Command no learned
2 messages moved from PHP
@RUJordan you seriously dunno how to say no
!!youtube Oh God No
@AbhishekHingnikar How do I do that?
@AbhishekHingnikar you seriously don't know how to say "don't know" ??
!!learn hahano <>"https://i.sstatic.net/hQXac.gif"
@SecondRikudo Please enter some output
@SecondRikudo Command hahano learned
@SecondRikudo <> inside the quotes
@rlemon sorry man i am noob shark and you are Charles Dickens
You're welcome :D
@AbhishekHingnikar I have a MP4 file on Dropbox. I am able to (1) share it via Faceboo/Twitter, (2) download it, but there is no option to create a public URL.
hahaha I love that
@ŠimeVidas is it in your public folder ?
dropbox has a public folder
all the url's inside that folder are public.
@ŠimeVidas I think there is
And you can do that with Google Drive for sure
or OneDrive
@SomeKittensUx2666 Keys are overly confusing D:
@SecondRikudo SomeKittensUx2666 is afk: commuting
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't see a public folder on Dropbox. All I see is a "share folder" option, but that only allows me to share the folder with specific people.
Keys are simple. Slide it in and turn the lock!
How to share screen on hangouts ?
Silly question, did something change with the sidebar in bootstrap 3? I can't find it in the docs
Is it the affix?ç
!!afk communisting
@AbhishekHingnikar green thing on the left side
i am using talky and its better
@RalphWiggum seems to be
guyz, leaving to rome in 30 mins
I know you'll miss me
but I keep ctrl +f sidebar
in the docs
and can't find anything
and you will be sad this weekend
but I won't be here XD
@Trufa yeah, I didn't see it in the docs, but the classes still exist
@RalphWiggum kk, thanks but strange
@Trufa the example still exists though, getbootstrap.com/examples/dashboard
@RalphWiggum yes the only place I found it
oh wait, the class doesn't exist
the example uses its own separate css
@RalphWiggum hmm the calss is sidebar
but it seems to be custom
im dead
what's wrong, mister derylius?
im copying a website bit precisely without having ftp access
wget and his friends....
sort of manual crawling
@derylius 'bout ctrl+u; ctrl+c; ctrl+v?
having to go
thats not the problem
but all the link are hardlinks
and i need the site offline
so you need relative paths?
is this for a job or something?
not relative, just not http://.....
its my boss's request
all i know is that they need to migrate the site to somewhere else and they cant access the host
how many pages?
they didnt gave me details
whats it developed in?
just the task
I mean is there any serverside stuff?
node is pretty awesome for scraping content fyi
seems to be joomla with a bunch of custom plugin and handmade code
wtf dude
yeah thats an unrealistic task for you.
nearly finished
Hi somebody help me with this fiddle. Thanks

are they aware they will be losing everything joomla offers?
it will have only the static content but well... fuck
and will just have a static site?
heh, yeah man
yes they are
as long as they dont start asking you to make design changes I guess
I cant imagine that source is pretty
better not to fight with a stupid client
cause stupid client always better than no client at all
well no.
I've dropped 2 clients, and not taken a few
fuck dealing with crazy stuff like that.
@Vinay you're probably going to get binned
I hope you're not sending invites to everyone :P
anyway sorry i dont have time to help you got my own work, just popping in.
@ok thanks
@rlemon were you looking for development hosting with Node.js still?
Codio allows basically anything. Choose your own stack. The online IDE is a bit confusing but it looks promising... And it's free for open source projects, $12/month for private.
damn I should open my own hosting
id just charge for vm specs
@Loktar Should. And give me free hosting?
get @qwertynl to buy it
@Jhawins :P
Sweet. Thanks brah
I would just colocate a bunch of servers
with esxi
thats what I currently use, works wonderfully
100mbit backbone
I can even host game servers, windows/linux, whatever
imo thats the best route for power users, buy a server for liek idk 800-1500
throw a virtualization platform on it, and colocate it
posted on March 14, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

Today I'm a sales engineer. Fun!
so, anybody interested in a job?
@Pheonixblade9 You'll have to be more specific
@SomeKittensUx2666 TS?
@SomeKittensUx2666 my company is hiring for several positions. SDETs and SDEs specifically.
!!urban sde
@SomeKittensUx2666 SDE Smallest Dick Ever
thought I would come spam you guys, see if anybody was interested in Seattle.
@SomeKittensUx2666 yup, that's exactly what we're looking for.
I'm interested in taking over Seattle
SDE = software development engineer, SDET = software development engineer in test (basically QA that writes code instead of doing functional testing)
You trying to nail some sweet referral bonuses?
@SomeKittensUx2666 it's only $1000 for a referral here
Still would be nice if you had an automated way to grab some referrals.
just trying to find good people
Better yet, what if you could detect if they're actually interested in a job?
ehh, sure. but I prefer to get to know someone before I make a referral ;)
I'm just an engineer here. My boss is busy so I thought I'd ask around
and it's people you know, anyway.
that's pretty neat :)
posted on March 14, 2014 by Victor A. Rodriguez

Pi Day · Celebrate Mathematics on March 14th Wikipedia says : Pi Day is an annual celebration commemorating the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (or 3/14 in the U.S. month/day date format), since 3, 1, and 4 are the three most significant digits of π in the decimal form.[...] In the year 2015, Pi Day will have special significance on 3/14/15 at 9:26:53 a.m.

also wow. did a guy come in here asking for VB6 help? Did his butt survive?
Yeah, @Loktar is a well-known annoying troll in this room
@copy nice gravatar, btw. I Wanna Be The Guy!
Thanks man
Did you play the game?
I've tried many times :)
I've been a huge fan of Spelunky lately
I think I have 25 hours logged on that game...
Looks like something I might try
you should. Spelunky HD is worth the buy, but the original is free
you wanna see something beautiful? Oh, XSLT...
oh... I can't even post it, it's too long.
I don't even want to know
What that is or is supposed to do
@copy it's my life!
it's not always that bad. There are just some particularly horrible XSLT implementations out there.
pi=function(d){for(var m=16*Math.pow(100,d),a=1,b=0,i=-1;a>0;i++,b-=a+(a=(a*(m-1)+2*b)/(m + 1)));return i/Math.pow(10,d);}
i r genus
+1000 internet points if you can figure out how that works
don't run it with an argument of more than 7, or it will take a long time
!!> pi=function(d){for(var m=16*Math.pow(100,d),a=1,b=0,i=-1;a>0;i++,b-=a+(a=(a*(m-1)+2*b)/(m + 1)));return i/Math.pow(10,d);}; pi(6)
@KendallFrey "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@KendallFrey 3.141592
@KendallFrey fractal pi approximation?
not fractal
Gauss-Legendre? That's the only other one I know of that is useful
this one isn't useful
ah. lol
to be fair, digits of pi beyond 10 are effectively useless, too
it takes 31415926 iterations to compute the first 8 digits
hey guys, I have a weird problem, I'm on node and been using the extend library extensively - to copy properties from one object to another... I use it all the time.

Now I've encountered a situation where it fails miserably and I'm scared for my code now...

I'm running commands like this: `var extended = extend({}, objA, objB)` and get only one object's properties in the result
You'll probably notice something about that number :)
I've also tried undescores' _.extend command
@Madd0g probably because extend doesn't support arrays, maybe?
wait, at all? it'll just stop if it sees an array?
dunno, that's speculation
ahh.. if one of the objects is an array - no, that's not the case
possible it only supports extending single objects though
I thought you meant if it encounters a property that is an array.
No, both are objects
I'm going crazy because I use this pattern everywhere
Anyone who have worked with Basic authentication and AngularJS here?
!!welcome luckyluke
@luckyluke Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!welcome Caprica Six
@CapricaSi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Did you just welcome the bot?
I'm such a huge fan of CodePen.
> Successfully installed flask Werkzeug Jinja2 **itsdangerous** markupsafe
Cleaning up...
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm such a huge fan of you. (source)
@RUJordan Yeah
@somekittens for being such a messup :D
Well alright then.
I have a table cell with an explict width -- but it's appearing bigger in the DOM than this. Is there a common reason for this?
> makerops HR lady comes up to me as im walking in from lunch
10:36:40 AM makerops "hey i have some papers for you"
10:36:52 AM makerops "termination agreement, benefit spread sheet etc"
10:37:28 AM makerops me: "oh really? i didnt realize i was getting the boot"
10:37:35 AM makerops her: "oh... are you john?"
10:37:38 AM makerops me: no
div { !important }
!!urban div
@Connor div Actually originates from prison slang in the UK. A job often given to the lowest inmates was to put cardboard dividers into boxes. Someone given this job was a 'divider' or a 'div'. Now used as an insult to those who display stupidity.
fuck I can't breathe
!!panic attack or pants too tight
@Mosho panic attack
oh sh*t
@SomeKittensUx2666 that game's pretty good
Plot twist: the didn't show the bear smacking him back
how is that a plot twist
RESTRICTED ! -- Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Games;Streaming Media".
How ISNT that a plot twist?
 .config(function (...){})
What should I do if I want to open a modal etc from this function in angularjs?
I am using Restangular and I register an error interceptor
I want to show a modal when that happen
@RUJordan because it's a very likely outcome
Should I broadcast/emit this?
Pft. Did you see the short hair on the bear? That's a groomed bear, man.
They don't groom the mean ones!
it's also a brown bear
more likely to run away than anything
fine, then it's an exemplary plot twist
carry on
Why are we in gallery mode?
Writing relevant code samples to use for a job application for a specific company. Good move?
> /*! ------------------
* * @lang JavaScript
*! ----------------
u dont say...
Anyway, just spent the most time I think I'll ever take applying to one job... But it'd be awesome.
@AbhishekHingnikar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@RUJordan @BenjaminGruenbaum had a grudge.
Wait what?
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
You did work for the dude, dude didn't pay. Not saying that's ok, just not really a bannable offense.
that was years ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum how much would you charge to CR my angular, srs
jsfiddle.net/7mqL8 <- best 'hello world' I've seen yet.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I will pay up front :P
@Mosho Usually 40, but I can charge you 25
shekel? :D
CR your angular?
just show me your godamn code
@RUJordan code review :P
Ha... shoulda said $75 brah
too late!
@RUJordan I don't charge 75$
75 is almost consulting
definitely not CR
it's mostly coffeescript though
I assume that's fine
@D.Hayes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Never assume when it comes to code
@Mosho yeah, that's fine I use CS all the time
Assumptions bite me in the ass on a daily basis
Well, where is it?
that's what she said
give me a minute
how do you want to get paid
actually, let me organize it and add some comments so my money is better spent
oh shit he forreal
@Mosho I'm not going to take your money, the taxes would be a pain
@BenjaminGruenbaum :D windows tablets are really bad
@AbhishekHingnikar they're.......... different?
@AbhishekHingnikar told ya
My college gave me one to test.
My mom has one and it's cool... but it's weird
I am trying to struggle with windows 8 Internet Explorer
^ mostly that
chrome is lil buggy
@RUJordan I will never let my mum buy anything except for an iPad
if she was to buy a tablet.
Iunno, samsung's tablet game is pretty pro
My brother and his gf have those galaxy tab things (the $600 ones) and they're pretty tight
What would that look like all tied together? I'm trying it and it I can't seem to get it working. — Mathew MacLean 1 min ago
This is my fault for answering questions.
I liked his comment. Made me giggle
i don't know how to codez plz do it for me k
> I want a script that does this and this and it should us MVC and make me money no.
@BenjaminGruenbaum not very jewish of you :P let me get a repository up
@Mosho wait I'm Jewish? I wish I knew that sooner, that would make that Bar Mitzvah thing make a whole more sense :D
Also don't tell anyone but I think they cut my dick
my bar mitzvah was so stressful
ever sang 4 pages of small hebrew type in a high girly voice for 200+ people?
It sucks.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, right before you got your first bj
@SomeKittensUx2666 :D
Is there a better way to do this??
A: Detecting NoScript (not the tag, the extension)

JhawinsThe method I have used is as follows. <style> .noscript-error { background-image: url(noscript.php) } </style> <style> @import url(chrome://noscript/skin/browser.css); </style> </head> <body> <div class="noscript-error">If noscript is NOT installed (and enabled as an extension) then ...

This is the only method I've ever known.
@RUJordan totally worth the $10k that funded a trip to europe
@Novaugust Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah I got a fifth of that
and wasn't allowed to touch it till I was 18

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