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@t1wc I hate it, but I like the slide-in features. It has potential at least in that area but vertical text is always a bad idea.
@t1wc you just abused my visual cortex
ok... I'll take it back as it was before maybe
@t1wc maybe pick more neutral colors
@t1wc Try experimenting with a 3 columned site maybe? Might come up with something that works for your general design thoughts.
@Jhawins they were there before I changed the colors
@t1wc I don't think I've seen it since the "Cicada" days
@Jhawins oh, lol
well... much has changed since
@t1wc also read some about semantic design, those divs are worst than the visual
@Mohan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@t1wc but nice butterfly :)
@derylius -_- dude, the semantics are great
@derylius it's a cicada
@t1wc ah then i dont like it anymore :D
@t1wc just googled it, its creepy like a moth
wait... where did you see the cicada?
@CapricaSix I am unable to understand
I thought I removed it
@Mohan that's not a real person, it's just a bot
@t1wc first thing I watch on a site design is the source... its there
blehh :| I am having a hard time getting started with require.js
@Jhawins reload page: that's how it was before toda
eh too big doesnt fit here :D
@derylius I thought I removed it
once it was part of the site
go look in the bugs pag
I haz like 7 Sublime windows open right now :/
and look at the image, that's back when I was using the cicada
and my nickname was cicada3301
look in the chat and I'm still 3301
i see
@t1wc I just realized you're running 2 entirely different designs based on the width of the window...
It's O.K
@Jhawins one for phone and one for pc... theorically
I know there are better ways to test them
But my server doesn't have a 27" screen like I do, so it defaults to the "phone" view.
but I hate when I see a phone page when people are on ipad
@t1wc As long as you know. Lol
@t1wc native fluid design and you'll have no problem with screen sizes
@t1wc check this out. I've used it before, might be useful to you might not. Just sharing. mobiledetect.net
as I said... it's about the screensize, not really the device
but it started as a device problem
this i where i start
@derylius That's just blatantly untrue.
Nothing will ever just work. Ever.....Ever..........Ever...
There will always be "that new (Windows|Apple|HTC|Samsung) device" that's a POS because it uses some new ridiculous non-standard idea and messes everything up.
@Jhawins like win8 and its virtual screen resolution, i know
So you're a liar :(
but as long as you write clear semantic html and dont make hacky css it will work
Oh, well don't worry about that what he has now works... ;)
Anyway, I can barely concentrate on chat today. Too much other stuff and Two Door Cinema Club being awesome. Time for work.
W3schools.com offers certifications I believe.... lmfao it burned my fingers to type that — Jhawins 6 secs ago
nice one
I'm almost done with my html5 certification
then I will go work for Google
@Jhawins haha Jon Skeet is closing questions now
Hahah, that post is great.
I'm recoding iOS onto Android. GOOGLE WILL LOVE ME NOW!
im starting to use only MDN
@KendallFrey A question that I commented on.... I think that makes me a demi-god
Its a valid question, just not for SO
there are lots of schools out there that are complete shit or cert programs for that matter
My last bit of bitching for a bit.... Foster the People is coming out with a new album, it is gay even for them. Don't waste your ears.
@Jhawins hahaha
dont be blamed, the university bachelor i atended to make recycable certificates as well if you know what i mean
if i would knew...
i wasted so many money on bus tickets i could spend on more alcohol
I think a better route would be trade schools for programmers, and competitive courses
the traditional school system for development is so hit or miss
obv there are some great programs out there, but I feel the shit ones far outnumber them
2 years man, its at least a gallon of spirit
even the web-dev school i made gave me about 10% usable knowledge
the rest of it got binned the moment i graded
2 years of (Bus tickets|school money|much of anything) would buy a lot more than a gallon of spirits...
i lived nearby and the state payed the school, so bus ticket mostly
and sincerely i have no idea how much is a gallon.. 10-20 liter?
just googled it, sorry im all about the metric system
3.something, right?
3.8 roughly
I love Google
> 1.3 cdn per litre in usd per gallon
and it tells me
we all do in a certain way.. :)
!!google speed of light in teaspoon horsepower per acre calorie
powersearchingwithgoogle.com that was my favorite
@NinjaEcho search speed of light in teaspoon horsepower per acre calorie
did I fuck up
@NinjaEcho search for something
wakey wakey
@NinjaEcho search speed of light in teaspoon horsepower per acre calorie
what, no result?
can you bind things to the window level in requirejs?
darn, that was awesome
no idea what the speed is, all I remember is that it was such a cool unit
anyone got a resource on how a mail has to be sent to not get in the spam folder? (not taking into account the content of the mail, just the headers/DNS/etc.)
@SomeGuy mickeys aren't humourous, I've worked with them seriously
Q: How do you make sure email you send programmatically is not automatically marked as spam?

Leon BambrickThis is a tricky one and I've always relied on techniques, such as permission-based emails (i.e. only sending to people you have permission to send to) and not using blatantly spamish terminology. Of late, some of the emails I send out programmatically have started being shuffled into people's s...

> A Kardashian is a unit of measure representing 72 days of marriage. This unit of time came in response to the 72-day marriage of Kim Kardashian to Kris Humphries.
My wife and I just celebrated of 43 Kardashian of marriage last week, Kendall..
@SomeGuy merci
@Zirak Yeah, fair enough. And I don't think many people are interested anyway
Especially since FF supports most of the things we'd want to use already
@xianritchie we just passed 3 Kardashian, could you suggest a good framework?
you could measure uptime in Kardashians
or in Microcentury at its worst
One microcentury is 52 minutes and 35.69 seconds.
thats the average uptime of my dev server
anyhoe my uptime is finished now, i gotta go home
see ya all
no; you're not allowed to leave
you must stay here.
im back
there two minute left from my worktime
and thats all folks
I still have at least 4 hours
man I love SO
solves so many random issues for me
@Loktar well you must be a girl.
Randomly search container 3px higher than element
"How many fists can an average person put in their butthole"
and SO has the answer
@Zirak you aren't normal, I bet you can have 5
I'm glad to say I never tried
@AbhishekHingnikar most random statement ever.
> @Loktar well you must be a girl.
usually girls love things/people that solve problems.
lol what?
@AbhishekHingnikar Tell us more, sensi.
being a male shovanist :P
Do men dislike solving problems?
Apparently @Zirak
Men Like solving problems
females like creating them :P, they just love them solved by males :3
Edison was like fuck light I hate it.
fisting to problem solving?
@Loktar that'd hurt in a pleasuresome way.
@mikedidthis Fisting as problem solving.
Don't get it... Imagine a bulb up the butthole and then you getting electricuted from there :3
@mikedidthis fisting: the cause and solution to all of lifes problems.
!!urban fisting
@AbhishekHingnikar fisting the act or art of putting a fist in an ass or vigina, very popular practice among more evolved(kinky)gays. requires great care and huge amounts of lubrication
@AbhishekHingnikar ....
@AbhishekHingnikar Hrm, I can't quite get that mental image. Can you elaborate?
you need to watch 1 man 1 jar I think you would enjoy it
@Zirak "I have this bug in my code, I am just gonna fist it out".
@Zirak bend over :D
I'm lazy as shit, is there a tool that will generate the package.json file for me ?
@rlemon can we / I get drunk on TS again soon?
I guess twerking is the closest representation of someone getting electrocuted from the attempt of trying to plug something inside their butt.
@AbhishekHingnikar Why do you want to put stuff up my special place?
@mikedidthis what you doing tonight big boy?
@rlemon npm install --save
@rlemon Look into npm init
@AbhishekHingnikar thanks racist Chinese money!
^ that if you are initing
@rlemon lmfao
It's also for changing it: npmjs.org/doc/cli/npm-init.html
@rlemon getting drunk on TS?
@mikedidthis I can get on there in a few
@mikedidthis i am quite drunk at the moment, do i count in
I shall be on / in / around in about two hours. Feeding time at the zoo.
I have to stop at the fish store and the beer store on the way home.
so i'll be on like 6:30ish my time
so yea. 5 hours for me
fucking timezones.
@mikedidthis you are getting eaten by something ?
Sweet put it on TS.
me, he is delicious
@Zirak is all init does is create the package.json?
it isn't very specific on what it all does.
@rlemon AFAIK, yes.
> If you run npm init in a folder, it’ll ask you a few questions, and then write out a package.json file. The init command is pretty new, and doesn’t do much. But sometimes all you need is a little nudge to get started.
Q: Are the Weeping Angels Timelords

PyrodanteIn the End of Time the leader of the Timelords states: "The vote is taken, only two stand against and will stand as monument to their shame: the Weeping Angels of old!" (36 minutes into End of Time part 2) And the two Timelords and standing, covering their eyes like the Weeping Angels. The Docto...

you made me think about this question
@RyanKinal You know stuff, what's that name of the CSS reset files, which don't really reset everything, but have some sanity?
the amount of effort people put into researching this shit amazes me
normalise.css! Thanks
A: Are the Weeping Angels Timelords

JackWay I see it, Rule 1: The Doctor lies. It's entirely possible that the Time Lords, once shamed, were turned to Angels, because of one simple reason. The Time Lords were a**holes. I mean, think about it; Weeping Angels are quantum locked. If someone looks at them, they cease to exist. What race wo...

I hope the writers read that and play it up in the future
@Zirak No problem
thats badass
I want to get in it
I wanna test drive this
yeah that think looks pretty sweet as well and is actually functional
iirc you can buy that for an obscene amount
or one like it anyway there was a site to order them
1.25 mil iirc
I remember the video
kinda dumb if you ask me
wheels are gay
if you read about it, apparently it isn't that great to function
I dont like the wheels either @Mosho
looks impressive as shit
I wouldn't test someone driving that
if the one above it was functional it would kickass
401 is fucked up
2 and a half hours to get to work
user image
@rlemon yeah looks really cool, wonder how long it would take to recoup the costs if you charged people for rides
@Mosho haha, LA problems
> yall are ignorants
quote of the decade.
hrm, requirejs is giving me a weird error
@rlemon No no, that's ignorance
@Zirak seems blissful
It's the psychotropics I fed him.
I don't know what you're on, I don't see any tropics, just slushy whales.
@mikedidthis we are still on for tonight. but now we have a scheduled meeting tomorrow
Shhhhhhh, it's alright, @Zirak. Tell us what the trees are saying to you...
@Zirak Why does that sound like a troll?
@SomeKittensUx2666 10:30 pm UTC
@Raider_Rackz The internet...allowing stupidity to shine in all its glory and spread across all 7 condiments
> Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova
bug? search the chat for "and"
@rlemon yes bug
you subbed to that?
Q: Searching for AND OR

webartoTrying to search Stackoverflow Chat for AND or OR results in an error: curl -iL --head 'http://chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=AND&room=11' HTTP/1.1 302 Found Cache-Control: private Content-Length: 145 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Location: /error?aspxerrorpath=/search Set-Cookie: .A...

Not a bug. It's a boolean operator.
@Loktar yes sir
Turns out that the search supports boolean operators.
I need to take updated pics of my tanks / jars
pretty cool sub, makes me want a tank
How do people get namespacing on their base app? Eg, MyApp.controllers.SomeController({}); ?
@Loktar I can walk you through setting up a jarquarium
(2.5 gal cookie jar with plants and cool shrimp)
it is inexpensive and VeRY low maintenance
oh yeah, tomorrow is pi day
g+ likes to make gifs out of all of my pictures.
I might take you up on that :P
Hi all
$20 jar, $20 light, $15 air pump, $15 for proper soil, the plants and shrimp I took from my other tanks.
but depending where you go, the prices can very greatly.
that is only like 2 months in. I'll try to remember to get a 6mo in shot tonight
I don't feed the shrimp. they eat the algae in the tank. I only top off the water once a week.
I have never "changed" the water.
!!choose C# vs JavaScript
@AbhishekHingnikar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
everything is really happy and the tank is clean.
!!shall i do it winjs or c#
@AbhishekHingnikar shall i do it winjs
put a timer on the lights.. and basically you have a no work desk lamp that has living shit in it
@CapricaSix if you please !
@BenjaminGruenbaum , @dystroy any suggetsions about the jobs architechture
@rlemon you reminded me I really want this
so pricey though
yea I've wanted those for a bit
idk, I don't trust them mailing me jellyfish
^ I have three of these going atm. they are so much fun
heh yeah that looks sweet man
where do you get the jars?
@AbhishekHingnikar Err... about what ?
ah crazy, Ill have to look next time I'm there
we will probably go tomorrow
@dystroy can i grab you for 5 minutes ?
@AbhishekHingnikar You may try... As soon as I'm bored or feel too much incompetent I'll leave...
here they are like 21.99
heh nice
yeah man Im pretty sure I'm going to do this
what kind of shrimp are they?
ohh nvm. that is the .5 gal
that is what it looks like, but the 2.5 gal one
get a 1 gallon jar?
ah 3.5 ok
if you can get three go for three.
I just don't think they make em
ill check them out and determine how theyll fit on my desk
Neocaridina davidi var. red or cherry shrimp is a variety of freshwater shrimp from Taiwan which is commonly kept in aquariums. The natural colouration of the shrimp is green-brown, however the red morph is more frequently sold. The density of coloration on adult shrimp, dependent on breeding, determines their sale price and "quality"(grading). This "quality" is purely aesthetic, as the size, behavior and other characteristics of the animal is more or less equal across varieties. Full-grown cherry shrimp reach about long. They prefer clean water, with a pH of 6.5-8, and a temperature of ...
the lamp is your standard desk lamp (adjustable kind)
cool I have one of those
the bulb you need to get the cool blue CFL
pack of three costs me like $8 here
replace the bulb every ~6mo
they are like 6500K temperature rating
standard bulbs are too low temp rating and grow a lot of algae
nice, writing all this down
as for the shrimp do I have to wait a while before putting them in?
(in contrast, the big tank gif I have above is a 20 gal tank... the lights for that cost me ~$300)
@Loktar i'd wait a week
and then just standard aquarium rocks and a few plants?
I'll write up a "guide" on what you need and how to set it up
alright lunch time
Last minute hacky fixes just bit us.
I finally bought a github paid account
bitbucket blows
My brother's (mostly) finished Metal Flappy Storm!
harder now

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