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Like.. that's just mind bogglingly visible.
in Sandbox, 2 mins ago, by FlutterDashie
@Mosho I hope they don't delete that question... the upvotes on my answer doubled my rep XD
(I was testing linking a comment)
how did he find that :|
No idea lol
@RUJordan your answer disappoints me :(
Eh, the question disappointed me anyways
@SomeGuy sshfs?
it has just been brought to my attention that GoDaddy stores your root AND user account passwords in plain text.
and their support agents have access to them.
@rlemon lol yup
...are you forreal?
@rlemon remind me to not use goDaddy ever
One of the contributing factors to us ditching that POS
Literally as I get an email from godaddy...
With your password in plaint text... lol
I had issues logging into my work VPS (it has been a while since I needed too) so I got on their chat support and the agent starts on "well I cannot log in with either of the passwords we have on file"
hmm... how do you even make controllers in seperate files in backbone?
and he confirmed there is no way to opt out of them storing your passwords in plain text.
on top of that I had to explain to him what that meant, and how I knew they were doing it from what he said to me
Hey guys, I'm not sure where to actually ask this, but what is this weird line pattern called, and how can I fix it? i.imgur.com/A8vVHwK.png
if I crank the resolution, it goes away, but also runs a lot slower
2 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Looks pretty cool
It should look more like this: puu.sh/7sVKh.jpg but if I run it like that, I get massive lag
Pattern line? The whole image is a pattern
@Jaxo show some code and people will be able to help a lot easier
We're completely out of context and have no idea what you're doing
Perhaps the snippet that generates that light pattern
I'll stick it in a gist, one sec
gist it good, brah
@Loktar @rlemon @everbody does anyone know of a good HTML5 flappy bird clone that's free to modify? I have a hilarious idea.
has anyone played with ace editor
trying to implement autocomplete but can't seem to find up to date docs on that
@SimonSarris @Shmiddty made one, he'll surely allow you to use his
Hard to share just a small chunk of it, but the function that casts the light is just "cast": gist.github.com/JaxoDI/9515776
seriously though. I can't get away from GoDaddy fast enough now
all of my passwords are on file with them and they will not remove them at my request
Threaten to sue them or something
@Jaxo offset everything by .5
(pure guess)
@rlemon Shouldn't be too hard to hack them then... :P
^ That's a point....... Haha
@rlemon puu.sh/7sWj2.png oops
Teach them a lesson
I see what you mean though - the lines are "phasing" (for lack of a better word)
Seriously, if GoDaddy was hacked and all user passwords leaked... that could be the end.
most of us are better when we have an example we can play with
do you have this on codepen or jsfiddle or anything?
@Loktar's does the same
true, guess I'm stuck
That's cooooool
I was thinking about blurring the lines, maybe that could help
doesn't work for me :/
(your demo)
You have to mouse over it
^^Yeah um what
yes I run Caprica, yes sometimes I don't realize which window I've tabbed too.
I didn't realise haha
normally my FF isn't full screen (or in the front of the tab queue)
but I checked his demo on FF
...my phone is on something sticky and I'm scared to know what it is
Hey I know this is a little messy but I'd appreciate if someone can help. jsfiddle.net/KX6fc I want to prevent the form submit if certain fields are empty. I feel like a dummy but can't figure out this simple thing.
it's like... pink lolipop residue.. but where the hell would that come from
ooh.... now I get how lighting works...
@rlemon I see, for some reason it isn't working in FF, I'll work on a fix
hmm, I managed to get the coffeescript map thing to work in chrome dev tools, but I can't watch from it
have to go to the JS file
any idea?
reduce opacity, increase line width.
it isn't perfect but it is smoother (for me)
my hero <3
Haha, this is so much better, thank you!
I would investigate better solutions.
@Loktar and @SimonSarris are good with Canvas as well.
When you find out that @GoDaddy stores your passwords in plain text, it makes you run. Run far, run fast @TheGreatRupert.
There's an odd, out of place shadow appearing when you're near the bottom left of the canvas
retweet to get even with GoDaddy
happens on all edges.
yeah, I have no clue where that's coming from
Lots of debugging to do, but this was the one really eating at me, thanks a ton guys!
I now follow @KendallFrey on twitter. Better be worth it >=(
@kendfrey @GoDaddy and it gets worse. Their support agents have access to them and are permitted to snoop around on your servers.
!!afk backing up servers before GoDaddy reads these.
@RUJordan I don't tweet a whole lot, but I don't tweet trash
That's a bold statement and I like it.
Who the fuck rents a server and does not change the root password?
@RUJordan No, this is a bold statement
No this is a bold statement;
that other one is just an expression
@ThiefMaster I've always wondered why your name is blue? (Because you're a mod?)
This is even bolder.
nah, just italicer
You literal bastards.
no, bastards is an identifier, not a literal
@Shmiddty are ye around? Can I make a derivative of your flappy bird?
@SimonSarris did... did you just hit on Shmiddty?
in C#, 19 secs ago, by Tom W
Definitely. Should find some marketing material where they say words to the effect of 'we keep your details secure' (they must do somewhere) and sue them
@rlemon is there such a statement anywhere?
@KendallFrey rlemon is afk: backing up servers before GoDaddy reads these.
This file has 107 variables in it...
predefined in a row.
All form inputs.
@KendallFrey That's what I said; sue them
Can you sue them if you didn't lose anything?
Negligence maybe
Maybe for false advertising?
A class-action might be the best
@mikedidthis We have to find them saying it's secure though
If they are blatantly storing sensitive info like that, surely?
It's just common sense to hash passwords anyway. Like, wtf.
It's well-known, but not common sense
If you don't you either a) are a blundering idiot b) have a reason to access customer data.
This has been an issues for over 4 years it seems blog.sucuri.net/2010/02/…
how can we make this more visible?
@KendallFrey yeah, they don't mention secure on 5 of the 5 pages I had looked at.
The only mention is on the SSL page.
that's 100% fail rate, we're fucked
no internet money for us :(
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 32 secs ago, by Billy Mathews
!!afk taking a killer dump
new bot command?
Hey, could anyone please help me in getting the months of the year going across the bottom of morris.js? It should not be this hard I must be missing something.
@RUJordan he didn't open any tickets for me
this was in the "web chat support"
Was your server probed by godaddy?
If your server holds sensitive data protected by say contracts, I'm sure that breaches some sort of protocol
(your is a general term there)
Q: Autocompletion in Ace editor - can't find module

MoshoI'm trying to implement autocompletion. All the examples I've seen so far, on github and SO, mention this: ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools"); var editor = ace.edit("editor"); editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: true }); However, ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools") returns ...

if anyone has any idea
-1: Your letters are only the same as the OP's letters if the input is English... — 280Z28 1 min ago
hooly shit some people hate regexes
Former GoDaddy Investigator here. Did you read your Terms of Service. GoDaddy reserves the right to access your dedicated hosting box at any time for any reason and yes they do encrypt customer passwords. What you experienced is not out of the norm. They&#39ve got thousands of dedicated hosts all crammed together on the same network and are charging you a fraction of what it would cost for you to have your own truly private box on your own truly private network. The reason they wanted to investigate your box is because it strange or large amounts of traffic was detected to or from you box
(see full text)
Not trying to be picky here, but the word choice of "encrypt"...
encrypted passwords that can be decrypted by support are almost as bad.
!!s/by support are almost as/are/
@SomeKittensUx2666 Indeed
Maybe the guy who wrote the article overlooked the difference
@SomeKittensUx2666 encrypted passwords that can be decrypted are bad. (source)
Let's hope
The fact that he's defending VPN breaches and decryptable password security makes me question his credibility at life.
@mikedidthis Ha.
two fucking downvotes guys? ugh i hate SO
!!learn downvote rage '<>http://www.memegene.net/media/created/emkd12.jpg'
@mikedidthis Command downvote learned
!!downvote rage
@BillyMathews Input not matching /<>http:\/\/www.memegene.net\/media\/created\/emkd12.jpg/. Help: User-taught command: rage
@BillyMathews Input not matching /<>http:\/\/www.memegene.net\/media\/created\/emkd12.jpg/. Help: User-taught command: rage
I think you did stuff wrong @mikedidthis
!!forget downvote rage
@RUJordan Command downvote rage does not exist.
1 min ago, by Caprica Six
@mikedidthis Command downvote learned
Can anybody use learn?
!!learn downvoterage '<>http://www.memegene.net/media/created/emkd12.jpg'
@RUJordan Command downvoterage learned
!!forget downvote
@BillyMathews Command downvote forgotten.
@BillyMathews yeah, but they're easily forgotten
For instance...
But then, anybody can !!forget stuff too
I'd like to forget that last gif. Not sure how successful I'll be.
Typically images linked to the word suppository don't come off as... welcoming.
One of my roommates always got the words "repository" and "suppository" mixed up.
Led to some interesting sentences.
ANOTHER recruiting email
that's three in the last two days
Bro can you fork my suppository? I really need some help here...
Wait, this one's from Google. Now I feel special.
Don't read, just accept.
Commence money.
Commence ping pong for lunch.
Load "ping pong" failed. Default load "bag lunch"
@RUJordan thanks for fixing that!
awww D:
@mikedidthis sure thing man
I don't think commands can have spaces
Yeah, me neither :D
@RUJordan They aren't job offers, more invitation to interview.
Do you know how many free lunches you could get from those?
I already get free lunches at work
Actually, that's a really good strategy to keep employees.
"pd" is the word for "fag" in french
Like cigarette or gay?
In a pejorative way though.
..How do you pronounce that?
You pronounce each letter separately, in french.
So, "peedee"?
@Shanoop Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Well if it's french my guess would be Pay-Day :P
Rather pédé
So yeah pay-day was closer
How do you say pussy destroyer?
Destructeur de chattes
Hm, no, it's not really quality talk.
Florian Margaine, destructeur de chattes
Sounds hot
My wife won't be happy.
@ThiefMaster ok, thanks
@FlorianMargaine she might be if you lived up to the name
@Billy I don't think she'd like the plural is what I meant.
@SimonSarris go for it
is arr.slice(0,-1) a good way to do that
@Mosho good way to do what?
just that, remove last element from array
@Mosho arr.pop();
@Mosho .pop()
and return that array
then yeah
great, thanks
arr.pop() returns the element removed
!!> [1,2,3].pop()
@Shmiddty 3
I think we are all in agreement on that
slice does not modify the array
I'm doing arr = arr.slice(0,-1)
1 min ago, by Mosho
and return that array
do you want to return the array or the removed element?
that new array*
@Mosho no
well, yeah
I give up, going to w3schools for a breather
textOffset = filters.offset();
heightAdjustment = filters.height();
baseOffset = -51;
zIndex = 59;
heightAdjustment -= 4;
^ Oh yep, that makes sense, no need for any comments or anything there.
!!> var a = [1,2,3], b= a.slice(0,-1); console.log(a, b);
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: [1,2,3],[1,2]
Awesome. Parking lot is snowed in. Land lords are not picking up their phones.
Kill my back and shovel a path in or get a ticket by parking on the street.
Need latest jsshell ...
I have a problem with javascript
So in the code, the selected point doesn't move, and any help will be grateful. Here's the code: pastie.org/8912692
:-( Still no destructuring + spread.
!!> [x, ...xs] = [1,2,3,4]; // :-(
@FizzyTea "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
@JosephPotts Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If anyone can help me out, you shall get rewarded
JavaScript isn't Python yet? :(
@copy of course not, you cant run python on the jvm
have you guys tried project euler?
@softarn Good one. I like you
What is that, a Project Euler parody?
Dammit, I dont know why I call it euclid.
or eucler
I always thought it had a c in it
Now shall I tell you how to pronounce it?
I hope not
!!> var head = 1, tail = [2,3,4]; [head, ...tail];
@FizzyTea [1,2,3,4]
ahem oylar
No symmetry. :-/
and not yooler like I thought for a while
its like oye.
about the site... I'm a Level 2, but haven't touched it in a while
That's like 50+ problems
Do you think practicing those problems have any benefits?
There certainly won't be drawbacks
It teaches you critical problem-solving skills
What kinds of situation(s) require that kind of skills
It teaches you that you should have paid more attention in math
hah, true.
@JosephPotts work
I just don't understand which types of programs I could use the knowledge I gain from Project Euler to make.
Not the knowledge, the skills
You don't need to know how to find the greatest sum in a triangle, but you do need to know how to figure out how.
Ah, I see.
@rlemon just to clarify since you werent online all day, me saying you were being a bitch was supposed to be "bitching" but I misspoke and just went with it anyway. I don't really think you're a bitch (most of the time anyway) :P
Do you think I should focus on optimization to my solutions once I solve a problem?
I said it to @SomeGuy but not sure if you saw it so just wanted to point it out
@JosephPotts If your program takes more than a minute to run, yes
So a script that takes 40 seconds to run isn't quite good enough to move on.
@JosephPotts You'll probably learn a lot
@Loktar it's cool. I'm not going to lie it did kinda piss me off. so I went offline and worked instead of arguing.
yeah I figured you were pissed so I felt bad
I got over it. no worries.
now i'm mostly pissed about the fucking snow here and being blocked out of my drive way
@KendallFrey True. Thanks man! I'm aiming to solve the most problems in my country on PE.
Peace :D
heh its like 50 F here
we got like ~3' of snow between noon and 3pm
was a nice day yesterday, melted most of what we just had
@rlemon That is awesome
then this.
once march hits snow can gtfo imo
hell once New Years day is over
@Loktar Very eloquently spoken
and we have one shit ass shovel... and because it was so warm the bottom foot is all slush
@Loktar and then you can bbq?
I have a nice landlord
with a plow
but yeah this was just as bad as january
the guy my landlord hired always shows. but usually between 7pm and 7am.
never know when
I just drive over it
can't park on the street or i'll get a ticket. can't pull into the parking lot.
it is three feet of snow
are you sure
I didn't see three feet
was just out there.
we get bad drifts.
I see
well I can still mow down what we have here with my car

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