> Former GoDaddy Investigator here. Did you read your Terms of Service. GoDaddy reserves the right to access your dedicated hosting box at any time for any reason and yes they do encrypt customer passwords. What you experienced is not out of the norm. They've got thousands of dedicated hosts all crammed together on the same network and are charging you a fraction of what it would cost for you to have your own truly private box on your own truly private network. The reason they wanted to investigate your box is because it strange or large amounts of traffic was detected to or from you box. Granted, it's legitimate... but they won't know that without investigating. There are a lot of bad people out there who use stolen credit card numbers to get dedicated hosting boxes and use them for malicious purposes. Any not having any right to investigate, would result in absolute chaos. Imagine if they didn't investigate anything. I can guarantee your box would be under a DoS attack from another dedicated host right now, or the network would be completely congested with port scan, or your box could be infected or compromised leading to other customers getting infected or compromised. It's for the greater good my friend. A word to the wise, be nice to them and explain what the traffic is... There are no-name hosting providers that don't give a ****. Those hosting providers typically can't brag about 99.9% uptime because so often they have botnets and infections running wild. Think on that a bit...