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let's play
the game
you got it !
@SomeKittensUx2666 performance-wise and disk space-wise
@FlorianMargaine SomeKittensUx2666 is afk: food
@SomeKittensUx2666 I still don't know what you want to do.
disk space-wise, performance-wiser
damn, I was so close to dat 1024
coming from the guy whose CPU idles all day and whose disk only has space for a few more games
Does karma require a browser to run correctly? Or can I run it without one?
Or would that be pointless?
You can use a headless one like PhantomJS
@FlorianMargaine Was wondering what tech it would take (inspired by this: github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/186 ) to have universal chatbot plugins
> Vernon M. Briggs III
@Zirak become one of my kids
I bought it for my 2 sons and myself
we're going to play so hard tonight bro!
lol in all seriousness if you do want it and when it goes on sale (im sure itll go on sale in a few months) Ill grab it for you if you dont already have it :P
Can someonehelp me with canvas?
It doesn't work properly for me
!!welcome javawarrior
@javawarrior Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what seems to be the problem?
Well, I tried running a basic demo in html and javascript
and to no avail it fails
which part fails?
When i try drawing to canvas it doesn't work
@javawarrior Hi JavaWarrior
I tested javascript, and things like a datestamp work perfectly fine
can you show us your code?
I don't have it currently
but lemme see if i can find it
what methods are you using to draw?
yeah will need to code to help at all
Do you guys want both html and javascript classes?
all the classes
including AP ones
advanced placement
bad joke sorry. Only US people might get it
anyway if you havent used jsfiddle.net thats a great site to put your code on to show
I am in the us
It took me a while, sorry, I was like what?
haha I assumed you werent in the US I was just being dumb
I'm pretty new to javascript, and i've been working with java, so i apologize for any slipups
ah no its cool
But did you die?
when you mentioned HTML and JS classes I just had to poke fun :P
ok, we'll i'll use pastie.org
@qwertynl Ooh, it's like Threes, but its Fours!
@phenomnomnominal ooo ok
@SomeKittensUx2666 HTTP API is probably the simplest.
@FlorianMargaine Node's HTTP API?
every language can implement an http client and talk to the main guy, or the main guy can easily implement an http client talking to a list of plugins
basically an n-tier architecture
@FlorianMargaine Awesome, thanks for your help.
using chat as imgur uploader
theonion.com/articles/… This is so current eventsy lmao
imgur website is not working for me :-/
got it
hmm, so I'm using browserify - I have bundle.js but when I move it out of the folder that contains what I browserified it complains it can't find those modules
is that intended behavior or am I doing something wrong
any idea on converting an array into an array of objects?
var titles = ["eNB Mkt","AF (%)"];
var titleRow = [{"sTitle": "eNB Mkt"},{"sTitle": "AF (%)"}];
var titleRow = titles.map(function(elm) {return {"sTitle": elm}});
@SomeKittensUx2666 as you guessed, you're just choosing HTTP as the "common language" with this case
Sounds reasonable, HTTP should work for all regular languages
if by "regular languages", you mean even brainfuck, then you're fine
@Maria Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
rebooting. down for a few mintutes.
@FlorianMargaine Yep, that, REBOL/RED, etc, etc.
Does a dual core system with 4 gigs of ram seem a bit low for a production web server?
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location.href = 'http://localhost/ourwork/photoshoot/new.php#close'; </script>";
i am working on a form after submittion i want to close that modal i used this any other way i can get that
which is not working for my objective
@Shmiddty depends on the load it will get, the application, the cache, etc.
@FlorianMargaine It's a max of about 200 concurrent users, but it's running some .NET 2.0 gunk and Crystal Reports
200 concurrent users is a lot
I have returned.
alert("I have returned.");
I don't want to look at your pasties.
I've already explained the problem
the canvas doesn't work
It does, but I don't see the text inside of it
and it's connected properly, so I have no idea what the problem is
script after canvas.
<canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300>NOT HERE</canvas>
<script src="apply.js"></script>
I tried that just now
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
<canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300>NOT HERE</canvas>
First thing I noticed.
Oh yay!
check you ids.
A combination of those two seems to work
id="canvas" != id="myCanvas". :D
You guys are awesome
Except those poppyseeds. I owe a friend some muffins.
Won't say how much.
i want to close A Modal window how to do that in javascript
A tip, scripts should always be after the element you want them to work with.
@Maria bananas
@javawarrior Send them over, I'm in Mountain View.
@SomeKittensUx2666 $modal->close(); (source)
@javawarrior I don't think I have ever had a poppyseed muffin.
bananas ?
@BadgerGirl still?
@Maria correct.
@SomeKittensUx2666 again
I love poppyseed muffins, but I prefer poppyseed cakes.
@BadgerGirl oooh
@MohamedAbbas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I feel like I am missing out, it doesn't seem to be a thing here in the UK.
@somekittens my brain is freezed due to my project simplify bananas lol
Thanks other
Oh well tea and scones it is.
@Maria You're very welcome
Germans make Mohnkuchen, which pretty much guarantees no one in germany gets randomly drug tested.
@FlorianMargaine Is that sarcasm? I can't tell.
Wiat what?
I'n in palo alto
i didnt thank to u somekittens :p bananas not gonna help me modal->close(); is :p
@Shmiddty no, it's really a lot
Just putin in out there
I know i'm so advanced in html
Like, omg sur advanced
@BadgerGirl, are you in high school?
@xianritchie I gotta ask, but its that for real?
@javawarrior Alameda guy here (but I work in SF)
Is what for real? Those cakes?
Because there was a hackathon in San Jose, ebay headquarters, that i got to attend.
Yes. Germans (and East Europeans in general) make a sweet pastry filling from poppyseeds.
And I was wondering, what do you guys think of hackathons?
Fuckin hell. Is it really too much to ask a guy to test his code before checking it in?
I mean, it's a THICK layer of poppyseeds.
@javawarrior Nope, working.
@xianritchie the cake is a lie. I mean the poppy content messing with drug tests.
AND, if you watch Mythbusters, you'll know that they actually determined that it is true that eating poppyseed muffins before a drug test will cause a positive result for opiates.
@Shmiddty no
I hate when people do that
Imagine eating this cake, which has an exponentially larger amount of poppy seeds.
git commit -m"6pm"
We need smore girls in coding
@xianritchie I can imagine failing the drug test the next day
@javawarrior No >:(
What is this I don't even drugs
@Shmiddty Yes. Yes it is.
Then blaming a poppy cake? Sure sure..
@javawarrior They're neat
Of course, it means you can do heroine and just be like "Damn Mohnkuchen!" and your buddies would be like "Ja ja!"
@Shmiddty if it was a classic website, it'd be a couple millions of visits per month
I got fired today for failing a drug test / aka I ate a poppy cake.
@javawarrior they are cool. Tiring, but fun.
I participaatedin one
It was sooo fun
@FlorianMargaine 200 concurrent users happens once a week. It's only a handful of people who use the site daily.
The idea that you get all your work done in 24 hours is just too awesome
@BadgerGirl Wait, we DON'T need more women in coding?
@xianritchie We don't need smore women.
I was having a hard time figuring out what you were saying no to.
Women made of graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate?
i.e., women who made of graham crackers and chocolate. They keep leaving sticky residue on the keyboards.
We need women who 1) code 2) come to these chat rooms 3) participate in sex jokes
@SomeKittensUx2666 That's semen.
@SomeKittensUx2666 That residue is yours. The women were just on your screen
@Shmiddty only load testing will tell you if it's enough then
use stuff like jmeter
I think, and I'm going out on a limb, that requirement 3 is likely what keeps requirements 1 and 2 from going largely unfulfilled.
@xianritchie No, I hate women. Women hate other women.
Damn, a game taking over my Alienware lights? Never had that happen before. If only it did something besides make them a boring lavender.
To be honest, I'm not sure what it is about programming that makes people go "You know what I like around the office? A nice dick joke!"
@SomeKittensUx2666 To be honest, I'm not sure what it is about programming that makes people go "You know what I like around the office? A nice dick!" (source)
@javawarrior To be honest, I'm not sure what it is about programming that makes people go "You know what I like around the office? A nice dick!" (source)
What's that?
A bot?
@mikedidthis Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!doge javawarrior,joke,your_mom
            such javawarrior
                        many joke
much your_mom
!!doge xianritchie,misunderstand space,can't spacebar
                 so xianritchie
                          such misunderstand space
very can't spacebar
Wasn't sure if it could do so. :)
!!doge !!doge !!doge !!doge !!doge
much !!doge !!doge !!doge !!doge
When i use this
var c = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
c.onmousemove = function(e){
The rectangle doesn't focus in the middle of my mouse
how do i fix this?
!!tell javawarrior format
@javawarrior Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
  var c = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
c.onmousemove = function(e){
^ good mobile one going on right now
@javawarrior you need to take the canvas position into account
@javawarrior The position of the mouse isn't relative to the canvas.
how do i do that?
alright titanfall tiiiieemmm
@Loktar enjoy man! I am totally not jealous! :D
how do i take the canvas into position
Has anyone used datatables.net? I'm trying to figure out how to get it up update when I change the data and column objects.
this is why it takes me so long to program: youtube.com/watch?v=YCi-Dn1pzxY
sigh I don't want to work any more today.
that's the spirit!
having some fun trolling a recruiter.
> Dear Randall,

I have a very urgent need that I believe you are a great fit after reviewing your profile.

I have a unique client in Silicon Valley that is the leader in their market niche, is porting their architecture from a static model delivery to a SaaS model and delivers a product that is a critical factor that affect the capital markets across the globe. This client performs catastrophe modeling to price risk for 60% of the global insurance/re-insurance market.

We need a Sr. JavaScript engineer with strong commercial development experience and either knockout JS, Angular JS, backb
10 internet points to whoever can figure out what the company is.
yes you
@RUJordan Are you DoctorJ?
@SomeKittensUx2666 What letter does it start with?
I don't know myself.
EQCAT is based in Oakland, so that's possible.
@SomeKittensUx2666 he is.
Why are you trolling the recruiter?
@SomeKittensUx2666 LinkedIn? Purely based on the Sass references.
@mikedidthis The company isn't LinkedIn.
My favorite: bootstrapper JS
@JunpeiTajima Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 It's the company you work for. They're testing your loyalty.
ha! That would suck / be pretty funny.
i wouldn't put it past some of the employers I've met.
@monners haha
I've been pretty snarky
!!tell monners hug

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