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(I just installed, haven't played yet)
Its fun SP as well
{ granted that i am working on apps for it }
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean by - throwing an exception on rejections.
/cc the whole room
@AbhishekHingnikar no.
Das Official!
Thats what i thought.
psh how do you test for touch @BenjaminGruenbaum /if u do ?
@Shmiddty Hi cutie
I got awesome feedback for snapick today.
@copy >:(
@copy Hey sweety
sounds like @BadgerGirl will have to share soon
@AbhishekHingnikar on a tablet
@AbhishekHingnikar great
@BenjaminGruenbaum and you say its not worth buying.. oookay then.
@AbhishekHingnikar not a windows one
I test Windows phone on a windows phone we got from Microsoft, Windows Phone is actually kind of decent, Windows RT is kind of dumb.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah get it.. browsers :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you know what is "River" in terms of windows ?
Guys, how can I submit a form only if it passes the "$('.wpcf7-form').validate();" function?
from jquery validation plugin
@LucasB if(passes) submit
@BenjaminGruenbaum Blasphemy!
@BenjaminGruenbaum passes && submit
Actually it only sends if it passes the function, but it doesn't display any message saying it was submitted
@BenjaminGruenbaum How does it respond in your opinion? Does it respond quickly or is there a small delay?
@LucasB thats what you code it to do
@Loktar I have no idea how to look around with an Xbox controller. :P
I'd just wiggle the thumbstick and see what happens.
@KendallFrey o/ @rlemon o/ C# developer _/_
wait what !
_/ _ <- this is actualy _ / \ _
@AbhishekHingnikar - It's because it's a wordpress plugin, so it's messy. I'm adding the validate plugin as an extra layer
@KendallFrey lol
Im pretty sure I used the mouse/keyboard for orcs must die
@Neil quickly, but the browser sucks
I do use an Xbox controller on PC, but not for FPS's
yeah I do for some games as well
there we go
I see no way to get mouse-like accuracy and speed
like super meat boy, thats impossible to play on a keyboard.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Does it get equipped with some mobile version of internet explorer or something?
@Loktar truth
rob lemon, owning abhishek ever since.
3rd person action games with a controller is fine too imo, where its mostly melee anyway
Would you two C# freaks help me implementing snapick in c# ?
I don't know modern c# well
not if it's ASP.NET
Windows Phone
My server ain't going anywhere from node.js land [well maybe pythonland]
my FoxOS phone is bawlin'
@Incognito o/ oh hi there !
@Incognito i get money from microsoft, so why not implement for WP ?
@Loktar I play a few 2D platformers with it, like MotN and Closure
psh @Incognito you are lucky, i want foxos
Closure's fun
fucks heavily with your mind
@AbhishekHingnikar I mean, if you want to, go for it, but it doesn't look like a fun platform to me.
I've seen their surface coffee tables at their office here, kind of nifty.
If you search me in the chat in past 3 weeks you will see how much i like microsoft :D
yeah platformers are perfect for it too
					if $('.wpcf7-form').validate(); {
						alert( "Everything all right, sending form." );
					else {
						alert( "It's not validated, so don't send form." );
its always funny to me how some people who pretend to be pc elitists are against controllers period
@AbhishekHingnikar We all have our flaws I suppose
but no lo
@SomeGuy MotN is funner though, because you can own so awesome
@AbhishekHingnikar The most impressive thing to me is probably the dumbest thing too. Whatever you search for, it looks up an image for that and changes your phone's wallpaper to that while it shows you websites/apps for that thing.
@KendallFrey whats MotN ?
@Loktar You can't play a flight sim without some kind of controller
@Incognito FirefoxOS or windows phone ?
@Loktar Mark of the Ninja
@Incognito Note to self: Don't search for porn on windows phone.
@AbhishekHingnikar FoxOS
Oh, yeah, Mark of the Ninja is awesome
:3 well thats kinda dumb
but definitely nifty
@Incognito do you know i am working on an image search app ?
It's a weird but honestly I like it.
It didn't have much replayability for me (Mark of the Ninja)
@AbhishekHingnikar Using yahoo's search API?
I never finished it
ah I havent played it yet
@Incognito nope
I've heard good things about it
I was disappointed when... nvm SPOILER
purely custom image search in your local files/ cloud storage / social services using natural language queries
But when it got hard, it didn't get more interesting
like "Photos of Benjamin with Amaan" //psh it uses facial recognition to detect whose who :3
@AbhishekHingnikar Ahhh cool. NLP is really neat stuff.
for now its not much nlp though damlev damlev
very lil nlp, but men nlp-> sql looks pretty close to me.
Have you looked at OpenCV? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCV
@KendallFrey I didn't either. I got stuck at one part, looked at a walkthrough, and apparently my game was bugged at that point
@Incognito i use Face++
and yeap, i know open cv
Haven't seen face++ yet.
wait lemme show u some magic :D
I've been loving Infested Planet
I'm going to 100% that game
@Incognito that ^
and once u find an image you can do nifty stuff with it
for that form message thing, I can change my current <input type="submit" class="button-submit"> to let's say a <span class="button-submit"> and add something like this on jQuery:

if $('.wpcf7-submit').click(); {
$('.wpcf7-form').validate(); {...}

It's somewhat the right way?
// it also finds location and more photos near location
I just want to show a success message when the form is valid and was sent
@AbhishekHingnikar Sounds interesting and yet completely useless
@Neil Think of yourself as a mountaineer :D
you can search "photos of mountains near me", as you travel nearby you get photos of mountains near you [dynamically updated]
you can tap on it, and find the location go for a camping :P
Direct3D -> OpenGL translation layer.
That's impressive
@Loktar thats neat
yeah surprised they threw the source out there
@AbhishekHingnikar Maybe I don't want to be a mountaineer.
haha well you can customize what you want to see .. :->
Maybe I just want to use my phone without pictures someone took of their bathroom in a nearby building
@Loktar wow, that's pretty awesome of them
the app is just a browser, nothing is static.. the only static thing is ['well nothing']
@Neil oh well you can restrict that too !
using the under construction feature not
"Photos of landscapes near me not indoors "
load ['well nothing'] with ajax - problem solved.
@BenjaminGruenbaum :o what ?
I can see why people might like that, but don't like the idea of downloading pictures to my phone consuming bandwidth and at the same time, telling microsoft where my gps position is
@AbhishekHingnikar what would "Photos of landscapes near me indoors" find? Pictures of pictures?
@JanDvorak yeap
I might want to try that out
it has a detector for indoor outdoor aswell :P
@AbhishekHingnikar that, was a joke.
the joke went an angstrom over my head, might wanna enlighten me to have a laugh
@JanDvorak My problem so far is the processing is fucking insane.
@AbhishekHingnikar an Angstrom is actually very little. It's used for light wave length if high school physics doesn't betray me.
Yeah, you're right
It might find some Christmas Tree Photos as well
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^ That was intential to say Angstrom
So you nearly got the joke?
@AbhishekHingnikar *intentional
yes. Amaan. good luck tomorrow
@JanDvorak ... i didn't want to ping him twice.
@AbhishekHingnikar *didn't want ;-) (and yes, you can ping me twice occasionally)
Can anyone answer this question for JS?
Q: from list of integers, get number closest to a given value

Ricky RobinsonGiven a list of integers, I want to find which number is the closest to a number I give in input: >>> myList = [4,1,88,44,3] >>> myNumber = 5 >>> takeClosest(myList, myNumber) ... 4 Is there any quick way to do this?

so.com is apparently the biggest search engine in China
My wiki voice code is getting matured out of the box because of snapick.
I assumed everyone used Google honestly
@BillyMathews I'm tempted to ask you what you've tried :p
It's quite a simple problem to address on a basic level
I have literally no idea how to go about doing this
@AbhishekHingnikar funny boy !
@jAndy what ?
oh shit ! it pinged you aswell xD
@BillyMathews Loop over, store the delta (difference) in a variable, update the variable whenever the difference is lower. The index with the lowest difference is your answer
I thought you were a smartass by pinging two guys at once :p
@AbhishekHingnikar ... when the purpose is to fix a grammar mistake, may I add ;-)
@SomeGuy Sounds about right.. That was simple. Thanks :p
@Jan WEL YOU BOTH KNOW WHAT you just lost the game
@BillyMathews Enjoy :p
@BillyMathews It is the same problem as finding the minimum value in a list, except you're looking for the minimum distance
@AbhishekHingnikar IDOnt play the gaem
@JanDvorak You just lost
and jAndy is now the ulitimate winner of the game
still surfing through that valve code.. funny to read the comments also :p
just his name reminds us of the game
good to know also a company like valve has comments like that :p
The ultimate winner of the game is some kid in Africa who has never even seen a computer
Can't compete with that
Someone ought to inform them of their winning status (and therefore losing status as well)
maybe I change avatar soon to make it fair again
var utils = {
    functionOne : function(){
        // ...
    functionTwo : function(){
        // which one?
@BillyMathews I can
Do they both work, and are they the same? ^
@BenjaminGruenbaum You can?
pretty much depends on how you use that object and in which context methods can get called
@BillyMathews Yes
You can what?
if you want it static.. go with line two.. for more dynamic acting on different objects, go with line #1
@BillyMathews they are the same... until you call functionTwo with some other context or reassign utils to something else
it's all static
lol @ Stackexchange trolling me
>> This site is currently in read-only mode; we’ll return with full functionality soon.
@BillyMathews code it
Code what? Lol
just code!
Just Code It! nike swish
is that "read only crap" only me ?
@BillyMathews that Math.min.apply thing
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ohhhh! It wouldn't let me see which message you had replied to
If you want to help me with some of the most intense javascripting I've ever done, that would be good.
I can put it up on GitHub
even just doing that little bit properly would help
What have you tried?
This is what I have so far pastebin.com/USNS2M9C
Atm just trying to do the getClosest function
For context, it's meant to scroll you nicely onto a slide on a page I have for iOS
jsfiddle.net create a self contained example just for that part.
It doesn't seem too much off btw
^You talkin' to me?
@AbhishekHingnikar That's pretty slick, nice work!
@BillyMathews yes
Ahaha I would say it's pretty off..
@BillyMathews I made you the most convoluted version of this algorithm I could think of jsbin.com/cijekuye/1/edit
how safe is it to use ES6 features on stable Node versions ?
stuff like, generators or arrow functions
@SomeGuy created the service, registered it, created the .sh file to start all of my applications in order -> rebooted -> nothing
Aww :/
@SomeGuy nice, thanks
could be worse, could have bricked it.
@ *nix guys - how do I get a shell script to run on boot and not on user login
I am familiar with profiles.d but that isn't what I need here
A: Setting up boot scripts for BeagleBone/Angstrom

Bradley PowersSo, after much digging, I found the correct way to do this. Angstrom uses systemd to launch things on boot, so putting things in /etc/rc*n*.d doesn't work correctly. Instead, you make a service, tell systemd about it, and then it works automagically. In /lib/systemd/system, I created a file ...

just tried this... nadda
Why this doesn't work?

		if( $('.wpcf7-form').valid() ) {
because your indentation blows.
also cache your elements.
and changing the what do you expect to happen?
like, in vars?
@LucasB Yup
I mean, you submit your form,then change the page href, then toggle some shit on the same page?
seems like you are confused
yeah, just in case the person has redirect block
Also, it's a little wordy to say "you.validate(); if(you.isValid()) ... "
then he can't click the submit button again
that is stupid @LucasB
don't do that.
Just say if(you.isValid()) ...
to use .isValid instead of .valid?
and cache in vars
@LucasB Maybe you're using a library, so maybe that's how the library works
However if that's your code, put your validation logic in "isValid"
if you have to validate multiple times, we're in the 21st century.. computers can handle having to validate more than once
Better for readability
In any case, if you were to check the validity status at another point in your program, how would you know if validate() has been called? You wouldn't, so you'd have to call validate() to be sure all the same
Is SO crashed ?
Any information ?
no its in "read-only mode"
Chat is live though, SO works as read only/not at all from time to time
whatever that means
For a moment the chat failed at "parsing" my messages
We are deploying an emergency fix for #stackoverflow now
@dystroy yeah, websockets went down
Need to refresh so it falls back to ajax mode.
Works fine for me without a refresh
Ah, because mine was already using XHR for some reason
After refresh, it seems to work on websockets - edit : no, doesn't seem stable, falls back to ajax after a minute
I've got ajax mode naturally because my mobile provider just can't provide websockets.
For some reason, I do too
Even though my browser does support WebSockets
Some mistake in their feature detection, maybe
@rlemon you first have to find out which init manager is used
it's either systemd or sysvinit
in root, type: systemctl --help
if you get a help output, it's systemd
if you get "command not found", it's sysvinit
well fuck SO man.
so i've added a service to systemd/system
Ask in the PHP room
@LucasB is that PHP? EEK
I think I'll do this instead of all that valid jquery
will be easier
1 message moved to PHP
@rlemon ok. You got any error? what doesn't work?
@rlemon It'd be hilarious if they just moved it back :p
none of the services start. the script isn't ran.
nothing happens.
I just cleared my logs because they were full of garbage and am rebooting
can you paste me the .service file? and the script linked in it if necessary/possible?
Description=Setting up the IDM

ExecStart = /home/root/idmboot.sh

/home/root/idmboot.sh? are you sure this exists?
it's not /root/idmboot.sh?
Do you have executable permissions set on that file?
chmod 777 i.e.?
chmod +x is enough
easier just to prove it to you guys
@SomeGuy showoff
i'l chmod 755
one sec, rebooting.
and atm all the shell script does is start mysql daemon and starts node (yes there are other ways to do this, but I need to do a bunch of other shit in here as well, and in a specific order)
@rlemon So make a shell script which calls a lot of other shell scripts
and then we are back to my original problem. how to make said script run on boot ;)
Well idmboot.sh is getting mysql to run on boot, right?
can't you tack it on the end of that file?
It isn't running
5 mins ago, by rlemon
none of the services start. the script isn't ran.
you are like side stepping my issue and creating new ones :P
> atm all the shell script does is start mysql daemon and starts node
the script isn't run*, by the way
seems it is doing something at least
No, that's what the script does in general
Not on boot
His problem is that he can't get it to run on boot
I know, I just figured it ran but he wanted it to do more
ahh fuck.
I think I just borked it :/
okay, so WTF?
Remember kids: In linux, there's only a space difference between rm -rf *.obj and rm -rf * .obj
MY service isn't ran, but the rc1.d mysqld call seems to have worked this time?
@Neil did you just do it ?
@AbhishekHingnikar No, but I knew a programmer who did once
He no longer programs :)
@Incognito :D
/var/log/mysql.err is empty
nvm, it should be mysqld.err ;)
and no errors in my logs
!!afk need to step away from this for a minute
There's no one in that PHP room
I just need to redirect to another page after form submit, I'm so close
I've googled, but I'm stuck.
My try:

echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="http://mysite.com/success";</script>';
There's another place where it calls the contact_form->submit();

So I added it there too to see if it works:

$result = $contact_form->submit( true );
echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="http://mysite.com/success";</script>';
@LucasB There's never no-one in the PHP room, and even if there were the JS room would not be the place to ask a PHP question, being that the two have nothing to do with each other...
Yeah, I know - But usually if someone is good at JS he usually knows how to handle a bit of PHP, and this is the last step that's keeping me from finishing everything
That's why I'm being a dick and asking here - for hope
I will point out, in his defense, that the PHP room seems to pretty much be ignoring every code question anyone asks.
Not really sure why, because I've had success there before, but this morning it's like they agreed not to help anyone. :D
That's in their defense
And this room is full of friendly, smart, and good-looking people. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to ask questions here?
I was about to ask about VBScript in Excel macros myself.
We do have good-looking and friendly people, I give you that
So in VB6 I'm trying to select more than one option in a list box can anyone help?
My gui interface to track IP's is so fucking close
@Loktar wait what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol just being dumb based off of @xianritchie mentioning excel and VBS
@Loktar Hahaha
@copy Especially good-looking
I got it, Loktar.
Oh yeah, I see someone asked a php question, I usually just bin those :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still in London?
No, just got back
@BenjaminGruenbaum I migrated it
Had a lot of fun
@rlemon cool.
@rlemon He did it again
I see
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah. What were you there for?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, hot.
@SomeGuy Weekend?
Oh, just a vacation?
Hi all
angular QU:
for some reason in: MainAngularModule.factory('$exceptionHandler', [ function ($http) {
$http is undefined..
but in smth like this its fine:
ProcessModule.service('DataService', function ($http, $parse) {
@FutuToad you should read more about how angular DI works
@eazimmerman lmao at the source of that site
@Mosho omg. so cute!
!!doge popcorn,source of the site,ascii
             many popcorn
                         such source of the site
much ascii

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