Does anyone know how to register events for multiple touchdowns, like if you drag your finger across multiple DOM elements, to fire off a method for each?
@jerin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user123 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've created an application in angular-JS for sorting values in tables. Certain columns in tables are dynamic and been created based on the child JSON array
For example the JSON structure returning from a service is in the structure as shown below, here the others field of the main JSON contains...
I am using Jquery Mobile to create a popup form that displays select statements for the users to select. I am using ajax to make the select statements dynamic. I have gotten the data to display and create a new select statement. It just does not seem to be formatting correctly.
Picture of The Fo...
How can i play RTSP streams with HTML5 audio tag, I already check streaming links from wowza http and RTSP both work perfectly on VLC but when I embed these links in html5 audio tag, nothing seems to work any help would be appreciated. Here is my HTML5 code
<!DOCTYPE html>
Here is my index.html
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; ...
I am using Jquery Mobile to create a popup form that displays select statements for the users to select. I am using ajax to make the select statements dynamic. I have gotten the data to display and create a new select statement. It just does not seem to be formatting correctly.
Picture of The Fo...
@RUJordan Regarding what we were talking about yesterday about letting the static route handler continue checking for the other routes, I think the answer lies in the next parameter
@RUJordan If you look at some of the examples on the ExpressJS website for app.use, you see them calling the next() function and I think it does exactly what you wanted to
It has gotten better recently since Microsoft was obliged to allow users to "pick" their browsers in Europe by a law which demanded that this be possible
Anyway, it won't matter soon. XP support is dropping, which means it's gonna get a whole lot more costly for companies to maintain those legacy web apps instead of joining the 21st century.
@monners If you get into that conversation with honest business ethics, it may very well end up that you'll have to install chrome on all their computers
We get very little leeway for this type of thing. If the client insists on something, it's usually because someone told them some backward advice on the subject and the client, not knowing better, holds onto it like a teddy bear
@Neil If the client's an org that doesn't have a plan in place for moving into the modern web arena then think twice about your chances of repeat business
@Neil Yeah, I get that. But it's on your shoulders to show them the light. At the end of the day it's gonna cost your business more to deal with clients that are unwilling to take the advice they've paid for.
/me buries gullible victim's body in the backyard, next to the Atari, and the install disc of XP
Sometimes I just don't know what to say to clients. IE8 aside, sometimes they seem to actively want to get into a pissing match with an expert they've paid.
My mission is to spread the good word to management that not all clients are created equal, and as web professionals we have a responsibility to promote good experiences and further the industry as a whole.
Once it's done - it becomes an ECMA specification. I can't think of anyone with wiki access who'd change it in an inadequate way - the wiki is just too much work.
Does anyone know how to change the hash in the url when the browser doesn't support pushState? I've looked through History API Polyfill and cant find how they manage to change it visually
@vs7 I don't think I really understand the problem. In theory you of course could read in a file, using FileReader API for instance and parse the contents
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I tried observing it with my observer earlier which changes it, and forgot to remove the observer, that's why it didn't work. now it does
Suppose you have an array of N numbers and you want to get an array of N/n numbers, each new number being the mean of n consecutive numbers in the first array. How would you do that in a pretty and efficient way, ala map/reduce ?
you can do that. But thats not necessarily a good idea nor very elegant. It might be even slightly faster than loading/transfering files afterwards but its a guarantee for spaghetti code
The programmer's wife tells him: "Run to the store and pick up a loaf of bread, If they have eggs, get a dozen." The programmer comes back with 12 loaves of bread.
@FlorianMargaine You're an advanced user, or at least I thought you were. Either man up and figure it out or call support (because Apple's support is decent).