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Yeah, surprisingly, code does what you tell it to :p
well, you said that would solve jordan's problem :P
by ruining his website :D
No, I didn't. I said that that's how he can stop serving static files
it was implied :|
The best way to do it would be to serve his resources as static files, and serve the HTML internally
Which is what he did
yeah, was going to suggest that
Told him to remove the static serving at that time just to see if that part of it worked
When's your presentation?
4 hours
Also, will there be a recording?
I sure hope not
wonder if I should bring donuts
Do you guys have any feeedback about my website here: satyamevjayate.in/Persistent/insights.aspx
(except the donations part.)
looks great
I would consider making the navbar not so much bigger than the actual links
I think thats because of the logo.
obviously, but it takes up too much
I know
is there bitwise operation to return the positive number ? ( like Math.abs)
@RoyiNamir Why would you want that?
Q: How to make optimize ajax or request from cache

vs7I need help for Ajax, Actually I have server from amazon with cloud and have around 20K visitor at a time, but the problem is, I introduced a section to my site , which load content depend upon the height of page ... e.g. if a page have 2000px height , it request around 40 post's , Its ok for sm...

i = x < 0 ? -x : x; or i = (x ^ (x >> 31)) - (x >> 31);
but there is no need
yeah, I'm sure Math.abs is as optimized as could be.
I only came up with x^0xFFFFFFFE
Math.hypot is slower than just doing the calculation
Though that only inverts it
@Kippie that can't be right
But Math.hypot is a recent addition. I'm sure they'll optimize it soon
!!> -2^0xFFFFFFFE
@KendallFrey 0
function sfpside_bar_post_request(sfpnumber_of_post) {
        iCountI = 1;
        numbverofrequest = Math.floor(sfpnumber_of_post / 3);
        remainderpost = sfpnumber_of_post % 3;
        spi = setInterval(function() {
            if (iCountI > numbverofrequest)
        }, 1000);
    function handle_sidepost(num_post,count) {
!!> -3^0xFFFFFFFE
@Kippie 3
is this a optimized solution to request ajax
What's so special about -2? :(
only works for odd numbers
for 1000+ user?
@Kippie -2 & 1 === 0
or is it 1?
I forget, but point is, even numbers fail

I'm calling this function
nevermind this:
!!> 5 ^ 0xFFFFFFFE
@KendallFrey -5
@Mosho more charts are yet to come, this is where I used D3 that you taught me :)
looks very good
I hope my manager recommends me for that on LinkedIn :)
@KendallFrey why 0xFFFFFFFE
ask Kippie
I'm 99% sure you can't do an abs without a conditional
Yeah, you can't
I'm 98% sure that x>0?x:-x is the best way to do it
99 or 98 ?
Does it matter? It's a made-up number.
Did you know? 68% of statistics are made up.
@Kippie r u serious ?
Did you know? 45.671093% of statistics have more precision than is justified by the measurements.
Did you know ? 100% of players in this room just lost the game.
@jAndy The Game
@jAndy Which game?
for real? :p
I am always for real.
WTF ? !!>-0
The Game is a mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself. Thinking about The Game constitutes a loss, which, according to the rules of The Game, must be announced each time it occurs. It is impossible to win most versions of The Game; players can only attempt to avoid losing for as long as they possibly can. The Game has been variously described as pointless and infuriating, or as challenging and fun to play. Gameplay Rules There are three commonly reported rules to The Game: # Everyone in the world is playing The Game. (Sometimes narrowed to: "Ever...
@RoyiNamir 0
well , in chrome console it shows -0
(stupid test anyway)
@CapricaSix priceless
@jAndy If I did not know that game, I wasn't thinking about it, so I couldn't have lost it. Does that mean that I won the game? Or was I just not playing?
@Kippie :p
thats why I was so kind to remember you for the GAME, so you gracefully could lose it
@Kippie No, you didn't win, in fact, you are losing now
fuck, I suck at the game.
> "cannot" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.
wth google
It used to be even lower
what if you encapsulate in double quotes?
!!donuts or no donuts
@Mosho no donuts
@Mosho always donuts.
@Mosho also good luck at your presentation.
thanks man
@idrisjafer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how do i avoid multiple jquery files conflict
@idrisjafer Don't use jQuery. Period.
jquery 1.11.0 and jquery 1.9.1
@idrisjafer Who's inflicting this punishment upon you?
I <3 jQuery.
@idrisjafer don't use both?
Hi all
You need a special tool called JQManager. You can install it from npm: here goes some joke about rm -rf
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

<script src="sliderengine/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="sliderengine/initslider-1.js"></script>
<script src="sliderengine/amazingslider.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery.autocomplete.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/currency-autocomplete.js"></script>
@idrisjafer Whya re you using multiple instances of jQuery (may I ask)?
!!tell idrisjafer format
@idrisjafer Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Is there code in 1.11.0 that 1.9.1 somehow doesn't run?
Seems odd.
There should't be
@idrisjafer there should be no reason to use multiple instances of jQuery
Is the a Pure Js way of acheiving the same effect as jQuery's .change()? The problem I'm having is that onchange fires when the select dialogue is closed and change fires when an option is selected (In iOS)
@BillyMathews There always is a pure js way.
You know...because jQuery is a library written in pure JS
Yeah, of course :P
@BillyMathews element.addEvent<browserFn>('change', fn);
@qwertynl Thanks, I'll give that a try.
@BillyMathews Different fn for IE vs other browsers
Now you confused me, <browserFN>?
elem.addEventListener in all sane browsers
@SomeGuy :-P
From MDN @BillyMathews :
if (el.addEventListener) {
  el.addEventListener('event, eventFn, false);
} else if (el.attachEvent)  {
  el.attachEvent('onevent', eventFn);
Thanks @qwertynl
I don't think any sane code should make that difference anymore
@EvgeniyTkachenko Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BillyMathews No prob Bob (@BillyMathews)
@jAndy lol true, but that is the world we live in :-) People still use <IE9
lol.. nice edit
ha. Thanks :-)
it won't be supported in a few weeks though
(IE8, that is)
(by Microsoft)
By whom? @FlorianMargaine
rly? hmmmm
IE8. Ugh.
not exactly
but m$ is about to drop XP support
That sucks for almost every office out there still using windows xp and lower haha
I would gather that the VAST majority of IE8 users are corporate users on work devices.
@xianritchie And stuck using Sharepoint
sharepoint isn't that bad
Many fns only work in IE @FlorianMargaine
Sharepoint 2012 is quite nice. Believe me, I'm a corporate developer, and the alternatives are...well, I'm not a fan.
@FlorianMargaine FUNCTIONS
French people... :-P
yeah, but if we go with their suite, it works really well
nuxeo and alfresco are meh compared to sharepoint
especially the "open, save, it saves in sharepoint"
that only works with IE, for example.
Also, the number of users who utilize a version of IE version 8 or lower is all of 3.6% of users.
@qwertynl @CapricaSix if i dont use jquery 1.9.1 I get the following error :Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'on'
@xianritchie >9% gs.statcounter.com/…
@idrisjafer Then you are doing something wrong
...and if you use only it?
my autocomplete textbox is not working
@qwertynl If you look at recent usage even on that counter, rather than the 1 year spread, it's dropped to about 6.3%. I think it still stands though. I don't factor in IE8 or earlier versions when I code anymore. Heck, Microsoft itself supports this, since it prefers people to update to more modern browsers.
There are bits of MS own web products (Outlook Web Access, SharePoint, Project Server) that don't work right on IE8. It deprecates relatively gracefully because MS is aware of it, but it's amazing the difference loading some of these pages in IE8 vs IE10 can make. :D
@qwertynl I'm having the same problem with addEventListener as I had with onchange
@BillyMathews Which is ?
16 mins ago, by Billy Mathews
Is the a Pure Js way of acheiving the same effect as jQuery's .change()? The problem I'm having is that onchange fires when the select dialogue is closed and change fires when an option is selected (In iOS)
@BillyMathews That is the definition of a change on a select element
Jquery's .change() will fire when you select an element (but the drop down dialogue stays open), but using onchange fires only after you have closed the dialogue
What are you trying to achieve instead @BillyMathews ?
The latter, but without jQuery
Check the difference between the navigation on hipstamatic.com and theodysseyway.com (on iOS)
@qwertynl if i call both the jquery versions as in the code posted above i get the following error : Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'amazingslider'
@BillyMathews No I do not believe is true. change only fires when the option is selected (that is my experience)
@idrisjafer don't
hipstamatic navigates you away straight away
You have to hit 'x' and close the select dialogue before it navigates on odyssey
then ???
@BillyMathews theodysseyway.com does not exist for me so i cannot see what they do, but the other site is just how a select element works.
You will see the difference.
@BillyMathews I dont see a diff :-( sorry
> @qwertynl @CapricaSix if i dont use jquery 1.9.1 I get the following error :Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'on'
@qwertynl what mobile are you using?
> @qwertynl if i call both the jquery versions as in the code posted above i get the following error : Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'amazingslider'
> my autocomplete textbox is not working
What I'm hearing is "Help me nothing works help me!"
@Neil lol
now is the time to show off my supa jQuery plugin
@qwertynl ?
@FlorianMargaine ew
problem solved
@qwertynl...... ?
in angular, if I update something in the model manually, do I have to $apply or will it eventually pick it up on a routein $digest
@qwertynl Hello?!
@BillyMathews Shalom! Como estas? Esta aqui?
10 mins ago, by Billy Mathews
@qwertynl what mobile are you using?
@BillyMathews My Desktop browser. Please don't ping me 100000 times in 10 minutes... I work for a living...
C++ to compute them all,
Perl to find them,
One alias as a system call,
And in bash shell bind them.
Well, of course there isn't going to be a difference I said, the problem is with the iOS dialogue...
posted on March 10, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} ANNOUNCING! Dr. Phil Plait, aka The Bad Astronomer, will be a judge

And I was pinging you because you were either not seeing my messages or ignoring me because you were replying to others...
@qwertynl If you don't have time to reply to my messages, or even read my question properly don't offer your help, because you're just wasting my time.. :(
@BillyMathews CAAAALM. you are going into my ignore list for now. Sorry. You just do not understand how work works. I'll return you tomorrow. No hard feelings :-(
I was trying to help you. I also have a day job.
Ignore list? bit unnecessary
Don't you understand that by not reading my question properly (twice), you've sent me down the wrong route, and wasted half an hour of my time, when my boss is up my arse trying to get me to finish this in 5 minutes flat
What a little bitch..
@BillyMathews So now you've met qwerty :P
What the hell is his problem
I don't have time for this..
I only waste time for people who demonstrate that they're willing to meet you half-way
Is there anyone who can help me? I have searched and I can't find anything related to my problem. When you focus on a select in iOS, it brings up a dialogue. onchange fires when the dialogue is closed, but jQuery's .change() fires when the option is selected. I need a pure JS way of achieving the same effect as .change()
Note the difference by using the navigation on theodysseyway.co.uk and hipstamatic.com on iOS
@Neil why: ctrlitall.com
I forgot to sleep :(
@BillyMathews What do you hope to do on the callback?
window.location = nav.options[nav.selectedIndex].value;
@BillyMathews have you tried checking event.target.value
I have a bad feeling I'm going to have to gut my node server and do a proper MEAN app. Is it common to replace Mongo with MySQL (I'm comfortable with MySQL and I have a need for a highly relational db)? Jade looks interesting, and I'm to hit up angular with high hopes lol
@cgspicer No, what is that?
@mikedidthis ?
I don't see how using event.target will help me..?
@Neil check the link on @qwertynl profile. It redirects your profile?
@mikedidthis No, it redirects to that of Neal
@mikedidthis No.... it redirects to Neal's
Neal !== Neil
Learn to read :-)
@BillyMathews I'm not sure either; but it sounds like if the change event is firing even when the value is not changed, you may need a way to check the value yourself
Neal being qwerty's older account
Ahh my bad.
@BillyMathews Also, this may help. stackoverflow.com/questions/8004227/…
@cgspicer No that's not the problem
Are there seriously still people who think I am just another account of Neal?
onchange fires when the dialogue is closed, but jQuery's .change() fires when the option is selected.
You're not?!
I can't change my name! I'm not an animal! I am a human being!
If you can, please have a look at the two sites navigation: theodysseyway.co.uk and hipstamatic.com you will see what I mean straight away
^Must be on iOS
@Neil Well, you can change your name
@Neil sounded creepy
@mikedidthis Really? I mean I suppose Neil isn't common, but I never really thought it was rare
> Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova.
@RUJordan Damn, I would have wanted that name
Same, cause then people would call me Havok
I'll have to settle for Full Metal Gordon Freeman More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova
Do you mean Morgan Freeman?
Gordon Freeman was in Half Life
No, I mean Gordon Freeman
@BillyMathews I did look at them, but I don't see any difference in terms of behaviour.
@cgspicer on iOS?
@BillyMathews Right.
on hipstamatic, as soon as you select an item from the drop down, tha page navigates. On theodysseyway, You have to select an item, then cick 'x' on the drop down dialogue, then it navigates
I ought to change my name to "DROP DATABASE" in order to test the robustness of the American government database system
@Denis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BillyMathews ah, idk man.
@cgspicer No worries, thanks for your time anyway
I think it's a bad UX anyway, I'm going to try and persuade my boss. If you selected the wrong item you get navigated away and have to wait for the page to load before you have to re-open the nav menu and select another item
further more, if you swipe to scroll through the items, you will get automatically navigates to whichever one you land on.
This question is so broad that politicians would use it. — RUJordan 22 secs ago
I made a funny
Dang, my funny was removed :(
Your funny will always remain alive in the hearts and souls of those affected
That's all I ever wanted in life. :tear:
When using OOP can you pass in options that link to a var outside closure, but that can be set inside the Object? i.e. this.options.reference = foo; that obviously just overrides the closure var and not the passed in var on New Object({reference: var}).
stackoverflow.com/questions/22303419/… this just made me laugh too hard
if you follow the trail you find the question edited with 3 answers at the top
Breadcrumbs of bad questions. Love it.
@rlemon I awoke on Sat, 08 Mar 2014 15:39:45 GMT (that's about 1 day ago), got invoked 59 times, learned 104 commands, but forgotten 1 commands
damn, was hoping she had been up longer than that
but forgot
@Zirak ^^^
but has forgot X command(s)
I guess its prob more common for there to be more than 1 command lost

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