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I have some trouble with a navigation menu on a one page design. I want to have a smooth scroll to anchor. that updates on scroll, so that the current state changes when scrolling. And it should also work when I am on a single page, like single.html and when i click on for example video, it should go to that section on the homepage (index.html)
@mikedidthis awesome! thx
@t1wc you watch it?
@mikedidthis just finished
Also when refreshing the page it should go to the top of the page. Can someone help me with it. I have also a code.
@t1wc its decent, my youngest has the book, we told her is she finishes that, she can watch the film.
I thought it was one of the crazy american films... but a book
definitely worth it
@t1wc yeah the film was based off the book iirc.
Nobody using Bootstrap ? ;)
No, we use javascript in here.
@Kippie using both is not incompatible ;)
function ongoingTouchIndexById(idToFind) {
  for (var i=0; i < ongoingTouches.length; i++) {
    var id = ongoingTouches[i].identifier;

    if (id == idToFind) {
      return i;
  return -1;    // not found
Surely it should return ongoingTouches[i]?
What's wrong with that?
No, it should return index as the function name says.
Oh yeah I see now where/how they use the return value
Seems kinda pointless the return the index though, when you're just going to use the index to get the object from the array anyway
may as well just return the object..?
the world sucks
Usually you want an index. To do a splice for example.
^ +1. The most you are gonna get back is the index or an id
now, can you explain why it seems as if this will just remove the first x (where x = touches.length) objects from ongoingTouches, rather than the one's that have actually been cancelled?
function handleCancel(evt) {
  var touches = evt.changedTouches;

  for (var i=0; i < touches.length; i++) {
    ongoingTouches.splice(i, 1);  // remove it; we're done
sad moment in my life: found out that t1wc is actually a similar thing to kindle
@BillyMathews What is this function supposed to do? Remove everything from the array?
No, only remove the touches that have been cancelled
from the array
i.e evt.changedTouches
but there is no check that ongoingTouches[i] == evt.changedTouches[i]
Wait, what. You're using indexes from touches array but you're operating on ongoingTouches array. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Don't blame me this is MDN
You would need to read the rest to understand what is going on
Thanks ^
Got there quicker than me
I don't think it's right.
Me too
Also, isn't this:
      ongoingTouches.splice(idx, 1, copyTouch(touches[i]));  // swap in the new touch record
The same as:
    ongoingTouches[idx] = copyTouch(touches[i]);
Q: Can't change color of THREE.Mesh material, which exists in scene

Gelo VolroI have already added some mesh to scene. I'm trying to change the color of the material. The color changing occurs via color palette from menu. Using this jQuery plugin: http://colpick.com/plugin I know, that color palette can send me a HSB values, but I use the following function from that plug...

Well, maybe.
I don't know.
Seems confusing.
i gotta work
So my boss decided he needed to test something the day before the demo.. again
which completely failed and now ... The shit is going to hit the fan soon
I suppose in a formal development environment, we'd have a minimal amount of communication, however another development (my boss) changes things which create a ripple effect of problems with other things
@jAndy Shit hits the fan, if I'm the fan
Otherwise, it hits my boss and miraculously dematerializes
I think the boss is the fan
I'm confused.. as long as nobody is the shit... its all fine
Somehow through all of it, I still get the stinkeye from my other boss who probably, in the back of his mind, thinks it is my fault that I don't test everything every minute of every day
Well I could care less about the shit.. I just don't think we should work like shit
Day before the demo is not sufficient time to fix problems should they appear
@FlorianMargaine @BenjaminGruenbaum What's the practice to sequentially execute using promises an array of functions (like Promise.map but with sequential execution) ?
If my boss doesn't want to believe that, he doesn't have to.. it is enough to see what happens when he acts like that
In the meanwhile, my other boss, the one that fiddles with everything, isn't the one who has to fix it
how do i stringify a function ?
nvm .toString
lolz ;D
@dystroy Reduce an array of promises?
@Miszy Does reduce guarantee the sequential start of execution ?
... of course it does...
why would you reduce a list of promises ?
any example ?
Promise.reduce for that case seems a little hacky, if you don't accumulate.
@dystroy Promise.all ?
@AbhishekHingnikar It's not sequential, is it ?
@dystroy reduce is exactly for that, indeed github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/…
oh wait you want them to happen one by one !
and not parallely.
nvm reduce.
@jAndy concatenate the strings of a list of files
@FlorianMargaine It doesn't seem "exactly for that" but rather usable in place of a sequentialMap.
I guess
in bluebird, it's the one function to use though
@FlorianMargaine Is promise.all([Model.save()]).then()
sane approach?
it's pointless
just do Model.save().then()
what if i have almost 100 saves there ? // maybe 10k on first import
what does Model.save() return?
promise object
I guess i need to find a better way of batch updates / inserts in mongoose
so you have var models = [array of Model], and you want to execute save() on all of them?
and also want error tolerance
a single query would be way better yeah... (You need to emulate touch in Chrome Dev tools)
It's working :D
otherwise simply do something like:

models.forEach(function(model) {
    model.save().then(function() {
    }).catch(function() {
@dystroy @Esailija says that the use case doesn't exist :P
@dystroy there
// Loop through our chapter urls
story.chapterUrls.reduce(function(sequence, chapterUrl) {
  // Add these actions to the end of the sequence
  return sequence.then(function() {
    return getJSON(chapterUrl);
  }).then(function(chapter) {
}, Promise.resolve());
lol... I have a touch desktop
.reduce though
@FlorianMargaine that might end up with a few k promises
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^^
which is why i am worried
reduce executes one promise at a time and creates an aggregate result.
@AbhishekHingnikar it's either few k of queries and promises or a single query/promise
Otherwise, you can .map it and make every promise a .then of the previous one.
:-/ okay.
well lets find a single query in moongose
@BenjaminGruenbaum Here's the use case :
			console.log('Applying patch '+patch.name);
			var statements = fs.readFileSync(patchDirectory+'/'+patch.name).toString()
			.replace(/(#[^\n]*)?\n/g,' ').split(';').map(function(s){ return s.trim() }).filter(function(s){ return s });
			return Promise.cast(statements).bind(this).map(function(statement){
				console.log('Next statement :',statement);
				return this.queryRows(statement)
All the "Applying patch" logs are done at the same time :
Applying patch 001-test-patch.sql
Applying patch 002-nothing.sql
Next statement : insert into room (name,description) values ('auto_test','test of the upgrade system')
Next statement : CREATE TABLE false_table ( hurg varchar(30) primary key )
Next statement : insert into false_table (hurg) values ('useless value')
Next statement : insert into false_table (hurg) values ('not better')
And the statements start only after
@dystroy why the .readFileSync ?
There is no reason to do that, you're in promise code anyway :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum doesn't matter, it's before the start of the server
var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require("fs"));
I know that
Then just type another a before the S :P
Yes, in that case I'd reduce
reduce lets you execute a list one at a time, alternatively, you can .then them.
Hum... just using .reduce(function(_,patch){... doesn't seem to work...
@OctavienDamien @BenjaminGruenbaum do you know of any way to perform transactions like SQL in mongo or couchdb
@AbhishekHingnikar lol ;)
@AbhishekHingnikar Yes, implement them manually.
ain't nobody got time for that
i'd rather stay with pg in that case :P
Then do it.
@dystroy jsfiddle.net/A2u6g does this answer your question?
:-( this is dipressive man :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar PG >>> mongoDB :P
@AbhishekHingnikar hahahahaha
Couch does something sensible with revisions though. You can work with that. MongoDB is... well... :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I try to understand why simply changing .map(function(p){ to .reduce(function(_,p){ skips the first patch...
OK, you have to pass the accum argument
@dystroy try reducing over nothing, you need the initial value
This makes using reduce here feel very hacky. This isn't really the purpose of the function.
!!> [].reduce(function(x,y){ return x+y;})
@BenjaminGruenbaum "TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value"
What is needed is a sequentialMap
@dystroy tell that to @Esailija , not me.
Hi All
@Abhishek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix : Sure, Thanks for the info.. ;-)
I am trying to call the window.onbeforeunload from my js. Its working fine in Chrome and Safari, but not working in Mozilla and IE.
I have used flash as well.
Flash is not allowing to fire the window.onbeforeunload event.
Can you guys help me here ?
@CapricaSix the next time u ping me for an abhishek, i fill find u and i will kill you
@BenjaminGruenbaum dear god man .. why the fuck mongo gets so much people trying it out ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Easy to install, easy to use, JS syntax.
That sounds like an awesome tool.
Completely Useless, Hard to uninstall, curropts data ,JS My asss ?
The grave reality ^
Noo, I guess mongoDB is acceptable for PoC projects.
And once it's there people tend not to replace it.
bah hambug
i need to store face tags in almost 10k images with gestures and all
mongo and the document based approach makes perfect sense here
but without transactions a 10k image import sounds like bullshit to me.
Do you really need transactions for that? :P
mongo is webscale
Are you worrying about conflicts, race issues or do you want to rollback in case of something goes wrong?
cheese is all you need to worry about
/afk cheese
!afk cheese
!!afk cheese
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's still not sequential. What am I missing ?
		return Promise.cast(patches).bind(this)
		.reduce(function(_, patch){
			console.log('Applying patch '+patch.name);
			var statements = fs.readFileSync(patchDirectory+'/'+patch.name).toString()
			.replace(/(#[^\n]*)?\n/g,' ').split(';').map(function(s){ return s.trim() }).filter(function(s){ return s });
			return Promise.cast(statements).bind(this).map(function(statement){
				console.log('Next statement :',statement);
				return this.queryRows(statement)
		}, 'see github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/70')
All the "Applying patch" logs are still done before all statements
@Miszy conflicts and rollbacks
@AbhishekHingnikar Conflicts can be easily avoided if you import sequentially. But rollbacks... hm.
not really
even if i import sequentially i rely on updates from a service, say fakebook
and fb api's response are anything but sequential :->
is underscore.js good ?
!!is underscore.js good?
@rlemon Nuh-uh
underscore vs lo-dash .. flame war begin
@AbhishekHingnikar flame war over, there's nothing to decide
i wonder why they are 2 seperate libs ?
do they share the source aswell ?
@AbhishekHingnikar lazy.js game over
what the fuck
I just use underscorejs if I have to tbh :\
but I've never had to.
A: Differences between lodash and underscore

John-David DaltonI created Lo-Dash to provide more consistent cross-environment iteration support for arrays, strings, objects, and arguments objects1. It has since become a superset of Underscore, providing more consistent API behavior, more features (like AMD support, deep clone, and deep merge), more thorough ...

dude has almost all of his rep from that answer and one where he outlines how his script in jsperf works.
and 49 upvotes on another answer too
it kinda counts.
It definitely does not count
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

John-David DaltonThe W3C explains parsing in a pseudo regexp form: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#ns-using Follow the var links for QName, S, and Attribute to get a clearer picture. Based on that you can create a pretty good regexp to handle things like stripping tags.

you mean this community wiki he gets no rep for?
yea, that has to count ;)
Oh, heh

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