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b) I don't want there to be any option to find my callbacks list, the consumer of my object shouldn't be able to affect it
You are arguing from the assumption that it isn't designed well... I think its design is perfect for its utility... Not being able to access these state properties on the object is by design
its a "read only" view of the deferred
What if your object had your own done property
then i can name mine whatever i want
I just believe your should use pseudo privates with _
and if anyone touches them they can go upgrade their code when I change my internals
Again it comes down to convention vs enforcement
jqXHR.error = promise.fail
psuedo privates are public
But there's nothing wrong with making internals public
as long as they are documented as internals
whereas the internal state of deferreds is truely private
Well not truely private
It's simply local state bound to a function
access it
Whether its truely private is interpreter specific ;)
I'll write an interpreter that exposes __Scope__ on all functions
Or use older versions of firefox that allow me to steal access to the local variables by using eval
the ES5 standards says I cant access it.
then how is not private again?
its stored in a scope you can't touch
because promise.fail.__Scope__["local_variable_name"] reads the data in my custom interpreter o/
sounds private to me
I actually need to write that interpreter
I need programmatic access to local variables
and then if your custom interpreter is not ES5 standard - is it truely JavaScript?
Actually better I make it an js->js transpiler
is any interpreter ES5 standard
prolly not
I dont think there is one which is fully compliant and only fully compliant
The point is why do you care about private state
cuz i don't want it stored on my object
I dont understand why people care about private state enforced at the compiler level
Why do you think storing it in the scope context is better?
i don't want to expose the internals
Why dont you want to expose the internals
it gives the consumer of my library the ability to break it with a lot more ease
So what?
and provides no benifit
If they break it's their problem
It provides performance benefits
Use closures everywhere \o/
Use closures where you need them
and don't when you don't
like the diff between $.each( obj ) and for ( i in obj )
9 times out of 10, the .forEach / $.each is the wrong way
if you want "performance"
but we still write em
i bet even you - mr. anti closure, uses the forEach closure in your code
and if you don't use a single iterative closure in your code, you're lying
Since when is a factor of 7 neglible?
@gnarf ._.
since when is a factor of 67.1m -> 67.9m measurable?
if you want to create a whole lot of objects quickly, sure - your simple prototypal constructor makes a lot more sense
still - it seems that the actual - more realistic use of that object is largely unaffected
which is make one, and use it a bunch
@gnarf why would you make one deferred and use it a bunch
you make one deferred, and forfill it once
You should not use for ... in on an object
forEach is faster on objects
of course for loops on arrays are faster then forEach
and case 1 also not supported across the web front end
its way slower in IE
where function calls are expensive
@gnarf IE can die :p
my benchmarks proof me right in chrome o/
also if you remove the hasOwnProperty
thats whats eating your time
you didn't prove shit
@gnarf but you need to use hasOwnProperty
@Raynos not if you aren't an idiot marking up Object.prototype
I see the point in using closures though
@gnarf meh
Were iterating over generic objects
dont assume the prototype chain just contains Object.prototype
If you iterate over Object.create($()) then you get all the jquery junk
i can safely assume that iterating over {} i should expect 0 keys
Well yes you can
sure you need hasOwn if you are iterating "anything" but most times you aren't iterating "anything" you're iterating something specific
but you cant assume iterating over new Thing() you should expect 0 keys
agreed, but I wouldn't be iterating a new Thing() without hasOwn
I can see the point of closures though
the overhead is bloody minimal for JITs
Again JITs keep suprising me
First job doing nothing but IE8+ and we sorta pretend IE8 doesn't really matter. The speed is awesome.
i think thats more realistic measure
but Object.keys() is super optimized
in v8
so it still wins (minorly)
too bad you can't use it everywhere :)
Oh yes
Object.keys is impressive o/
Sure you can
I'm starting to think a progressive enhancement approach that just gives you the non-JS version when you're in any browsers that's more than 2 years old may be the way to start going if you're writing something other than a public facing site.
you shim then watch performance degrade
I dont care about performance in legacy browsers
IE8 is already a 100 times slower then chrome
If I optimise it, then its still 50 times slower
@ErikReppen I agree
Except I do progressive enhancement for public facing sites too
and dont serve JS to IE6/7
I still use graceful degradation by supplying IE only CSS style sheets though
Thats why I use the ES5-shim, always
You don't always get a choice. If you find yourself working for a dinosaur of a retail organization for instance... I recommend avoiding unless you need name recognition on your resume.
I'm also going to use a DOM shim
But I need to write it :(
@ErikReppen I dont sell my soul
I work for companies that are a) competent, b) have mantra that aligns with me and c) allow me to program effectively in the way it should be done
Graceful degradation !== progressive enhancement. !@#$ing Jeremy Keith's fault for that misconception.
@ErikReppen I know that.
But I think supplying CSS styles for IE is graceful degradation
or does that term not apply to CSS
with chrome frame out there now
Well by the def I've seen for graceful, it's where everything works so that the lowest common denominator has the same behavior. I thought it was the opposite.
i'm not so concerned about ies
Oh that :\
I thought it meant "dont crash and burn in legacy browsers"
Well, again, you don't always choose your boss. When you can, I highly recommend small organizations doing SaS.
I'm having trouble justifying support for IE8
I want to drop IE8 support because well IE8 is a pain in the ass
@ErikReppen either I'll go into a node based startup and found my own company, maybe join something a bit larger
SaS is good because you're typically dealing with people who aren't going to get tripped up over upgrading their freaking browser.
SaS or SaaS
Yeah, IE8 still has hijinx. Perf is embarrassing but at least I don't have to argue with people about whether table-as-layout is completely stupid or not.
I've seen both. I like the lazy version.
Again what is SaS ?
Same thing. I've seen both acronyms.
Ah ok
SaS stands for statistical analysis thingie
I thought it was SaaS originally though so maybe somebody just had it wrong.
Yeah, I'll go with aa
What do you think of this?
Q: Why use object inheritance instead of mixins/compositions

Raynosgist What are the reasons to favour inheritance over mixins or composition Given the following psuedo-code example : class Employee class FullTimeEmployee inherits Employee class PartTimeEmployee inherits Employee // versus class Employee class PartTime class FullTime class FullTimeEmp...

I think cascading/heavily layered class-inheritance schemes are the spawn of satan in most cases. I could see some situations where it might have a purpose but it's mostly just a really nasty antipattern that Java devs keep wanting to inflict on JS.
I heard the GOF patterns book actually advocated against it. Keep meaning to get that thing.
Anyway, my personal beefs with it are that it tends to be really hard to read, not at all portable and a pain in the butt to modify.
@ErikReppen this is language agnostic
In javascript we use objects in the prototype chain for run-time changes that cascade
@ErikReppen what is "really hard to read" ?
Q: Why aren't ◎ܫ◎ and ☺ valid Javascript variable names?

Peter OlsonI noticed that in Internet Explorer (but, unfortunately, not in the other browsers I tested), you can use some Unicode variable names. This made my day, and I was delighted that I could write fun unicode-laden code like this: var ктоείναι草泥马 = "You dirty horse.", happy☺n☺mat☺p☺eia = ":)Yay!", ...

Well, JS is flexible enough to allow class-style inheritance. If you want to have some fun, try reverse engineering EXTjs.
ew I dont want classical OO
I can't speak to its legibility in other languages but I think I would still tend to favor composite object approaches. But to be honest I haven't written enough outside of JS to give an informed answer.
I wrote an article about object composition : raynos.org/blog/4/Doing-Object-Oriented-JavaScript
Compositing does feel cleaner to me somehow.
anyone have any experience with the jquery plugin SWFUpload?
I generally agree that's it's better. Of course inheritance has values
Again mainly about cascading changes to the prototype (at run-time) to existing objects that use the prototype
If you compose A and B and create a new object o from A+B. Then changes to A don't cascade to o.
@LordLink - nope - i used plupload
I think there's ways of making a composite inherit but not without coming up with your own structure that merges objects rather than relying on prototype.
@gnarf - looking into it now, any idea if it has the issue of the flash cookie bug?
@ErikReppen impossible.
@LordLink no clue - it worked pretty awesome for my use
Cascading changes from A to o requires prototypical inheritance
Unless you do something stupid
Like define all properties on o as getters that get the property from A
Which has a performance penalty of about 10000%
in a language with virtuals you could prolly get away with mapping it
I have a benchmark for that somewhere
@Raynos i actually composited something in UI the other day - storing an instance of 2 objects on my instance and wiring functions together
not the same "composite" you're talking about
but still a "composite" :)
Hmm... you said the 'i' word. I may have to do something stupid now.
I'm not picky with grammar in chat
Well, I gotta run home. I'll think about it, but you may be right on doing it efficiently. I thought base was doing something like that but I've never checked it out.
seems like a really lame thing to be obsessing about when there are much more interesting things like conversation to be had ;)
@gnarf yes thats composition delegation
What do you mean we're not talking about composting?
When you forward method invocation to another object it's called a proxy or a method delegation
@gnarf sorry whats more interesting.
@gnarf hmmm ill have a look at it...

on another note does anyone have any idea why a jquery function being used to pass params (either post or get) isnt loading php data when the params are specified in php code. Eg. <? echo session_id(); ?> would be the param being passed in stead it loads the literal text...
@Raynos if it implements the same public methods as the interface, its still compositing - no?
Depends what you mean
@LordLink never ever put php code in your js
its just a bad idea
its not rendering php cuz the extention of the file isn't .php so your server is never sending it
its just sending the raw text
not parsed through php
gist: 1223475, 2011-09-17 01:02:23Z
var Bar = { bar: ... }
var Foo = { foo: ... }

var Delegate = {
  foo: function() {
    Foo.foo.apply(this, arguments);
  bar: function() {
    Bar.bar.apply(this, arguments);

var Composite = extend({}, Bar, Foo);

var Prototype = Object.create(extend(Bar, Foo))
@gnarf the code comes from a plugin i didnt put the php in there but your a genious i didnt realize i wes working in the .js file!!!!!!!!!
@LordLink have you tried learning web development instead of add-hoc hacking?
@gnarf thanks a bunch that will definately get me out of the headache i was in haha one of those things you miss and just cant see even though its right in front of your eyes!!! HAHA
@Raynos aye - that definition of composite disagrees with en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composite_pattern
my current app uses the composite :)
@gnarf yes it does
I need a better word
Lord-Link you brought a smile to my face, sticking php code in a file with a js extension.
@Raynos - but I knew what you meant anyway
I guess mixin is the correct word here
@Raynos thanks i do know webdevelopment and the majority i do on my own im using a plugin that i havent worked with before and am modifying it quite a bit... but thnx for the negative response -_-´
probably Raynos...
@JohnMerlino haha ya i must admit i laughed at that myself sometimes things are right in front of you and you just cant see it :P
@LordLink it's ok, I was overly harsh o/
he does that
I do it too
Then again I have higher standards.
anyhow thanks alot for the help im going to get on the move now take care everyone!
@ErikReppen why do you appear competent but don't have much rep.
You really should contribute more to the SO community o/
it makes me sad that good dom questions only come around once every few days
@MattMcDonald like?
@MattMcDonald github account?
Q: Determining cells that reside in a table column underneath a cell

cc youngin the following table: <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Th1</th> <th colspan='2'>Th23</th> <th>Th4</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>...

I really liked that question
it lets me expose the true power of the table API
question: what do you think of the blacklist variable?
it's a pattern that's piqued my interest
@MattMcDonald it's a standard pattern for look up tables
Although why you prefer blacklist[val] to !val is beyond me
I do that because I want to keep certain falsey values
in this case, I want to keep 0
a bit lazy, but more applicable for the desire to keep more than one falsey value
!val && val != 0
yes, except I'd have to do that 3x
What you should have done was called parseInt on all of them
and then checked for NaN
my JS still needs a lot of work
watching Crock's function video right now
if([props.start, props.end, props.width].any(function(v) { return isNaN(parseInt(v)); })) return false;
@MattMcDonald .any is a better pattern
Although using it inside an if kills readability
var isNonNumerical = [props.start, props.end, props.width].any(function(v) {
  return isNaN(parseInt(v));

if (isNonNumerical) {
  return false;
I actaully didnt realise that 0 wasn't in the blacklist
that's defiantly worth a // all falsey values apart from 0 comment
@MattMcDonald you really aught to use/understand ES5 ;)
RT @jamespearce: My #fom presentation is http://www.slideshare.net/jamesgpearce/cross-platform-mobile-web-apps - a lot of fun, but apparently it was controversial?
the quasi-death of flash is not more than 3-4 months away
I've still got a lot more work to do
depends what you mean by quasi death
IE 10 is going to kill it
@MattMcDonald why?
(in terms of new development)
full HTML 5 support
Well yes
I still think it takes 1.5 years for there to be a html5 game portal site to rival kongregate and newgrounds
oh of course
Once that exists then flash is dead
ooo IE10pp3
I'm buying win7 when IE 10 comes out
why not win8?
win8 allows you to do native html5 dev
oh, right
IE10 is awesome
like I said, IE 10 is going to be big
IE10 html5
IE10 has websockets
@IvoWetzel WEBSOCKETS in the IEs
HTML5 history in IE10
I finally understand why crock prefers the bottom-to-top pattern
Web workers in ie10 o/
File reader ie10
They keep referring to "Metro style apps"
such a terrible name
I can only think of "metrosexual"
Oh wait
metro apps is just an app store build into ie10 -.-
like the chrome web store
Oh dear god.
The html5/js script kiddies
The wave of bad js developers that is going to flog to metro apps :(
you'd better believe it
as3 alienated designers
so they jumped over to jQuery
The horrors
Oh the horrors
the designers helped give flash a terrible name
Whats the ETA for IE10 ?
next year sometime
IE 9 was march 2011 I think
@Raynos Ah! IE, who cares !
@MattMcDonald wait what you said 3-4 months and now you say next year
@MattMcDonald Douglas Crockford fords has some good articles !
@MattMcDonald I have a copy of that
@Raynos I'm referring to the same time
have you read the one that is title liked 'JS the most misunderstood language in history or something like that.
its a bit of a pain to get into
check out the top-rated review on that book :)
I've currently got 500-odd pages to go in code complete 2, but that's going to be in my next mass order
@Raynos added you on skype btw in case you ever want to reach me off of SO
WebSocket is a technology providing for bi-directional, full-duplex communications channels, over a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket. It is designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers, but it can be used by any client or server application. The WebSocket API is being standardized by the W3C, and the WebSocket protocol is being standardized by the IETF. Because ordinary TCP connections to ports other than 80 are frequently blocked by administrators outside of home environments, it can be used as a way to overcome these restrictions and provide similar function...
@MattMcDonald :(
I'm too easy to find
@MattMcDonald I recommend the pragmatic programmer instead
I'm about 50 pages into that :)
Ah ok
I finished that, and I'm about 15% into code complete 2
tpp is on my bedside, cc2 is on the coffee table
Next I guess design patterns is worth a good read
I have two as3 dp books at work
I suppose a java one is worth buying
Why java?
2 hours later…
Hey I need help...
Well, I sized a canvas to the window size, I made the body overflow:hidden
sorry i havent used canvas
when I press the keyboard keys up, or down, or left, or right, the browser moves as it's scrolling
:/ ok ok
thank you anyway :)
that's a pretty cool trick =D
I'm amused by simple things
have u guys installed npm using source
good morning javascript
Good morning user
5 hours later…
7 messages moved to bin
Q: A testing environment for JavaScript other than browser?

Saeed NeamatiWhen I want to test something in JavaScript, I open up a new browser window (mostly Firefox) and start writing code in the provided console (mostly Firebug). However, this tends to be really tedious and slow. Is there an environment, like an IDE with self-execution capability for example, in wh...

2 hours later…
RT @annevk: Acid3 has been updated: http://annevankesteren.nl/2011/09/acid3-2011
RT @hsivonen: Questionable parts of Acid3 dropped; Firefox and IE score 100/100. https://plus.google.com/107429617152575897589/posts/JdHnqpuUER4
test262.ecmascript.org << testing suite for ECMAScript 5
You guys know about IE10 right? and how its awesome
@tereško is there one for the DOM?
it is for ecma5 spec
Well I know
Hey guys. I am trying to enter javascript into the URL bar on any website. However when I type and then hit enter nothing happens. Does anyone know why this is happening? Im using Firefox 6.0.2
but is there are similar test suite for DOM compliance
not sure
the is sputnik.googlelabs.com , but i do not know what it does exactly in relation to DOM
hmm .. 5 fails for opera in the test262 page
and i launched the test on opera and firefox at the same time : firefox is still at 21%
fail fail fail
and it is still running ... yees , and eating up all of my CPU
ok , firefox 6.0.2 got 209 fails
it's kinda two orders of magnitude
2 hours later…
How'd you delegate document keyup?
$(???).delegate('keyup', function(){
just bind it and use api.jquery.com/event.target
problem is that when (document) changes (there are new elements), they should be binded again, shouldn't they?
No. That's why you have event bubbling. If the element doesn't know what to do with the event, it bubbles up the DOM tree until it finds something that can handle it.
$(document.body).bind({ keyup: function(){ /* blah blah */ } });
pay attention @genesis
now when you add new elements to the body tag there is nothing to re-bind
@Zirak ah, so when I use bind to non-existing element, it just waits till it finds one?
then it spits out error
please , learn about event delegation
in the normal javascript . before you try something with jquery
ok, silent-rant time: Do you guys think that people like us (aka "nerds") are more likely to be attracted to someone who is their opposite? i.e., a normal person?
From my limited experience thus far, it seems like it...more popular with the guys, obviously.
... are IT-related people only ones who think that they are not normal or is this more wide-spread effect ?
most people think they are "werid" compared to others.
thought so
only , replace "weird" with "special"
I say "normal" when I mean the average Joe or Jane
what would be ?
okay, replace "normal person" with "someone who is wildly incompatible to them"
perhaps you should rather consider setting yourself up for a failure instead
in that case : no , i am no attracted to girls over 7ft
And I mean they're already in a relationship where they didn't murder each other (everyone was attracted to the prom queen, doesn't mean you'd want be with her)
why dont you just give us the full <markup> of your situation instead of these breadcrumbs :P
and this really is not the best place to ask for relationship advice
Not a relationship advice, more of a general wondering actually.
A friend of mine is engaged, though. He's one of the smartest people I know. She's a complete blockhead who changes her opinion to whatever the news is saying.
And it might be a coincidence, but it runs in my family as well...my parents, uncle and brother. But it doesn't seem to affect the females that much.
perhaps he doesnt want to be challenged intellectually on that level.
His dog gives me better arguments than her. And he loves arguing, raising it to an art form.
maybe he just likes winning the arguments
So intellectual challenge isn't it...it might be just the sex-appeal or general attractiveness.
But seriously, living your entire life with someone like that?
bah, people are weird.
2 hours later…
doesn't think he's normal, but that's more because of being an androgynous goth more than anything CS related :)
@tereško Apparently some of the new tests (in test262) which Opera fails are invalid.
one is
i do not know about the rest 4 tests , @gsnedders
but still , the result is pretty nice
@tereško Which one?
(I think the one referred to in the Opera blog post has been disabled now)
@tereško Also: note the reporter (i.e., me). :)
and the blog post i am referring to is : my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2011/09/13/es5
@tereško So yeah, that test is now disabled.
did anyone run that test on chrome ?

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