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Can you use it like app.get
Chris Hansen even ran a scambaiting operation for a bit. It was gold.
app.io.route('read', scan);

app.io.route('write', write);
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
	res.sendfile(__dirname + '/public/client.html');


console.log("Application started. Listening on port " + listen_port);
last few lines of my app
Do you get sessions n shit?
and throughout I broadcast shit with app.io.broadcast
it is latest express with latest socket.io basically.
but married together for you
guys, anyone got an idea:

<resizable-panel id="html_col" name="Ouput HTML">
anyone has any idea where resizablt-panel comes from
But, It's hard to get sessions with socket.io
@Mosho directive, that would be
A: socket.io and session?

pr0zacThis won't work for sockets going over the flashsocket transport (it doesn't send the server the needed cookies) but it reliably works for everything else. I just disable the flashsocket transport in my code. To make it work, in the express/connect side, I explicitly define the session store so ...

I don't have to worry about sessions myself.
but yea.
I've seen all them, Just pisses me off
@JustDon't no it's not :P Just the first time.
With express 2.0 it was hard
is there new ways that i havent seen?
@JustDon't hmm, elaborate?
@phenomnomnominal waiting like a retard here ;)
@JustDon't oh, it just got way easier with express 3
@JustDon't thanks
found that, but wasn't sure :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum hahah, I won't
@t1wc It's called "data-binding"
ugh.... 4 hours now just to figure out the docs were wrong :/
Anyone know the purpose of _();?
@JustDon't context?
Are they using underscore? Or just assigned a function to _ randomly.
I've just installed underscore, and logged to check it, and yeah, It shows
underscore: function () {
        var args = [this._wrapped];
        push.apply(args, arguments);
        return result.call(this, func.apply(_, args));
is it generally a bad idea to have a server do business logic?
No, not at all
In fact, the opposite
all the apps I see all work offline
top to bottom
@m59 you again
how's life?
I keep my chin up.
@RainingChain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@m59 sounds like a recipe for sore neck.
hehe, which interestingly is part of my present issue!
My shoulder/neck causes me a lot of pain
Huh.. I didn't think this would give the same result:
console.log( players[1] );
console.log( players["1"] );
smart JS
@Schoening all properties are strings in JS
Yeah. That's why I thought the first would give me an error :)
!!> for (var i in ["foo","bar","baz"]) console.log(i + typeof i)
@KendallFrey "undefined" Logged: "0string","1string","2string"
@KendallFrey Ok. I actually don't understand that for loop. " i " doesn't look like it is defined
@Schoening object keys are always strings in JavaScript
(At least until ES6 symbols, but never mind those)
So obj[1] and obj["1"] is always the same.
Yup. Gotcha :p
@Schoening Sure it's defined. var i
@Monjer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Qantas94Heavy How's the mod bid going?
I just don't get how the function works. if I iterate over array elements I give " i " a number, and look up the value at i / number. But here it looks like this to me:
for( undefined in [...]) @KendallFrey
@Schoening read about for... in loops.
yeah. I do that instead. nvm
@Schoening It's not undefined, it's defined with the var keyword.
back at long last
@monjer Oh wow, you got Caprica's personal greeting!
Thinking of having a legit avatar, but I don't know what of, and I have no good pictures of my face
@RainingChain hi
1 hour later…
@SomeKittensUx2666: not too sure
1 hour later...
@Tobarja Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Welcome Young Padawan
@Sawarnik Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix That is your own site?
@Sawarnik She's a robot
You should have told me earlier.
Why are you wasting a robot for this job?
what job?
talking to you?
Welcoming newbies.
Because unlike other rooms, this room has people that care about "noobies"
HA, that's probably bullshit
I dunno, and don't really care
Do you care?
I don't
She's a little sweetheart mind, so don't take the piss
Yes she, what did you think Caprica is a male name?
But she is a robot?
^ contradicting
This chat seems so different from my usual one.
[And did you giver her[?] such a name?]
No, I'm not related to her
Ok. First time I have seen so many people online, yet so quiet.
@Sawarnik Yes, people here work so hard
It get's busy sometimes/a lot
There is usually just under double the amount of users in this room
Are you all Javascript developers?
You know why?
Not all, most though
But I am not.
I find this Javascript daunting.
Lost interest.
Well, many don't
do you do php?
@JustDon't Are you busy? Or we can chat freely now.
I'm working at the same time
Ok. I am just a kid, you know.
i do know
How come?
because you just told me
Do not you get bored coding?
I read your conversation, and I must say it is one of the more bizarre exchanges
@Sawarnik Surprisingly no
@Sawarnik you?
@JustDon't I tried to self learn Javascript last year, learnt enough to be useful here and there. Btw, that image you see I posted above, is the result of the first code after I learnt how to make random numbers.
@Mosho My conversation? Why do you think so?
just is
@Mosho Maybe you guys do not talk things like I do?
not sure what you mean
@Mosho Was trying to find an explanation for you.
@JustDon't Where have you gone?
500px west of chat
What kind of things developers do?
Dont you get entangled with the long pieces of code?
@Sawarnik no, look at coffeescript if you don't like js
@JustDon't I like JS, but it got the better of me.
!!google coffeescript
@Sawarnik That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Sawarnik That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!tell Sawarnik help
@Sawarnik Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Now that this is a good robot. First time I have seen thing like that. Some lazy developer made it?
@Sawarnik ...wasting?
@SomeKittensUx2666 What?
29 mins ago, by Sawarnik
Why are you wasting a robot for this job?
@JustDon't After rediscovering some code I did last year, I thought to come here, gain some inspiration and some advice, try once more.
cool, if you give up then don't expect to get anywhere, having problems is the best way to learn
I had problems, 5 of them I posted here, all got closed or duplicates.
!!stat Sawarnik
@SomeKittensUx2666 Sawarnik has 139 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 0 answers. avg. rep/post: 27.8. Badges: 0g 0s 4b
!!stat SomeKittensUx2666
@JustDon't JustDon&#39;t has 6197 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 48 questions, gave 358 answers. avg. rep/post: 15.26. Badges: 2g 11s 43b
oohhh, love the name
@JustDon't SomeKittens Ux2666 has 6310 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 58 questions, gave 273 answers. avg. rep/post: 19.06. Badges: 2g 23s 52b
@SomeKittensUx2666 Oh, I had meant, that welcoming newbies is a wasteful job? Cannot they read the description given at the top right?
@Sawarnik You'd be surprised. Most don't
@JustDon't How did you guys learn this lang?
by writing it
But how did you learn it? Some book, internet, tutors, what?
By googling
and here
@user3211198 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
imo, the problem with books and similar sources, is that you don't really care (and therefore don't really retain) about what you read unless you have a problem to solve
Googling? That is what I tried.
@Sawarnik are you from india ?
IMO, you can't learn something unless you do it
@AbhishekHingnikar Yes, Patna to be exact.
if so fuck edumication system you don't need books or some asshole who knows nothing about programming to teach you
@JustDon't that is basically what I said :X
Programming is an art, and science mixed :P
you learn it by doing it and you do by learning it :P
@JustDon't I tried some small [very small] projects of my own.
@Mosho Well, I said it in a simpler manner
soooo the usually good way is to imagine something and start building something
@Sawarnik trying is no good
when you face problem ask and rad about how to resolve it
@AbhishekHingnikar you also potentially learn some bad habits
and make your own tricks in the mean time
@AbhishekHingnikar I rad alot
@Mosho yes you do but then later on you also realize why they are bad ;D
@Mosho That is one of my points, one of which I very afraid of.
for instance i never use try / catch on client
@Sawarnik Mostly "I need to X. Googles how to X."
@AbhishekHingnikar same
@AbhishekHingnikar you aren't really supposed to in JS
@AbhishekHingnikar I only use for JSON.parse
but on server in python i flooded it with it ... just to throw 500 and blah
@JustDon't Not trying? Then
@Mosho did you ever thought what makes the difference ?
@Sawarnik do
@AbhishekHingnikar functional programming and stuff, callbacks etc.
@JustDon't That is what I did.
python is more functionally attached then javascript
@JustDon't What for example?
@AbhishekHingnikar What's with your English today? Rough night?
@AbhishekHingnikar JS culture then
Helloooo everyone
@monners didn't sleep for more then 4 hours for 3 days and then last night i got 8 so am dizzy still
know dat feel
@AbhishekHingnikar Ah, knew it was something :P You're usually so well-spoken
@JustDon't You were right, the crowd gets out of handle.
ps i anyways have fault in my brain with human language module
@Sawarnik that's nothing
@AbhishekHingnikar it can also be because the try...catch implementation in JS sucks for some reason
otherwise I dunno
@AbhishekHingnikar brain['language'].delete
@Sawarnik Just go and make something with javascript
@monners DONT
you will delete my programming knowledge aswell
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm sorry what? That didn't make any sense.
@JustDon't I have done things like that.
calling that function in my brain will remove programming language aswell
you should do
@AbhishekHingnikar I see you're trying to say something, but all I'm getting is wingdings
brain['langauge'] = brian['language'].filter(function(lan){
    return lan instanceof ProgrammingLanguage;
thats safer way of doing it.
oi vei
@Sawarnik Well, what do you want me to say?
@JustDon't Any example to take?
So Ruby's pretty cool...
@Sawarnik simple function?
even though we dismissed books, I can recommend
!!google jsninja
@monners :-(
i dont understand what ruby guys wanted to do
@JustDon't simple functions?
i find python the most elegant and clean now
@Sawarnik geez, do u know how to use the console?
@JustDon't Which console?
@Sawarnik javascript console, chrome, firefox...
@JustDon't Yes.
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't either, but I figure I've gotta learn at least one strongly typed language lest I fall into that black hole of X is the best, Y sucks. I know X, why would I ever consider using Y?
@Sawarnik really?
@JustDon't Just enough. Just.
@monners why didn't you go with C or C++ ?
@Sawarnik how would you log something to the console then?
I mean after knowing javascript or any of these cool kid languages
going back to the grand daddies is enlightment
pop quiz!
also would off increased your knowledge of how lower level stuff happens aswell.
@AbhishekHingnikar Honestly? I don't think I have the patience for it, plus I don't really see an immediate personal use for it.
psh hidden bonus.. you can write native bindings for javascript off them
programming in C++ reminds you that you are using a computer, and not sending messages to elves who do your bidding
@Sawarnik ok, create a function that does the same as console.log but is called log use jsfiddle.net or jsbin.com if you want
it opens your brain to a lot of things that javascript hides from you
that is exactly what I meant
@Mosho Writing in English reminds you that context matters, and words thrown together at random does not poetry make.
@JustDon't Not learned that kind of stuff. I learned it to put the code in <script> tags in Notepad.
there was a context :|
@Mosho lol, your interpretation of my message strengthens my point :P
I don't know what to post next to not sound like a dummy
> what is the of console.log in jquery
What is the use of console.log in jquery..! can any one explain with example Thank you
He got 93 upvotes for that.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Sorry, I got tired of creating new accounts. I'll add more votes tomorrow.
@SomeKittensUx2666 You will only get 93 upvotes if it is something very simple [not for me though].
@SomeKittensUx2666 reminds me of that chat room, "java and jquery beginners"
@SomeKittensUx2666 That really pisses me off
Ruby is doing my head in
if a page has a plugins.js file with minified libraries, any easy way I could find out what libraries are used?
@Mosho Unminify with the dev tools then look for the parent object of each plugin. Hopefully the name of the object will be descriptive (or you could just look at the version comments preceding the plugin code, assuming they haven't been stripped)
@Mosho you know how to unminify, right? In Chrome (and FF now I think) it's the {} button in the bottom-left of the source view when you're viewing a js file
I'm getting a blank file when I open plugins.js
but I think
it shows the libraries :O
@Mosho In the Elements tab, are you clicking the src value of the script? It should open that file in the sources tab
@SomeKittensUx2666 Hey come on. We've all got bad habits.
oh I see
I went straight to sources
@Mosho could do this
paste it in the console
looks like a virus!
it returns ["colorbox", "flexslider", "tinyNav"]
@SomeKittensUx2666 what's wrong with Ruby?
@JustDon't All that code and not one semicolon...
@JustDon't cortado.io
@monners why semicolons? The compiler can figure them out anyways
@Mosho well, then they don't have any jQuery plugins
@JanDvorak I disagree a lot with the philosophies they've got
@SomeKittensUx2666 namely?
@Mosho where's the site?
@JanDvorak Are you really advocating reliance on semicolon insertion? shakes head
@JustDon't cortado.io
@monners not really. But ASI gets handy when golfing.
@JanDvorak Convention over configuration. In almost anything, I value being able to configure to my heart's delight. This is one of the reasons I use Linux over OSX
@JustDon't if jQuery pluging is a thing, it's not what I meant, I meant the page's plugins.js is all the libraries it uses
@Mosho I've got Angular, Underscore, Google Code Prettify, jQuery (2.0.0) and Google Analytics.
I know for a fact it has angular in it
@SomeKittensUx2666 how did you check :X
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm not using RoR, but I don't think I've met this problem before and noticed.
@Mosho it's using angular
I know it is
I could find jquery and angular
@Mosho The Chrome plugin I linked you to earlier.
I missed that
@SomeKittensUx2666 This is why I wanna learn Ruby. Fodder for language critiques. Nothing more :P
time to look at that site's insides
Ruby return behaviour is strange...
you mean, w.r.t. blocks?
I love it
@JanDvorak I don't know what that means
I was referring to the cascading return values within blocks. It's interesting for sure.
@JanDvorak Like I said, the differences are more philosophical than implementation
return returns from the innermost function (def) or lambda, but jumps right out of blocks and procs
also, especially coming from a JS perspective, calling functions without parens feels weird.
@SomeKittensUx2666 you don't have to
@SomeKittensUx2666 the problem is mainy bad, insecure convention over configuration :P
but I love to
Although, I like convention over configuration in some places. Namely stuff like routing.
for me, "configuration" reads "huge XMLs that we know from Java Enterprisey solutions"
Ruby's sooo not JS. I feel like a freshman again! Time to hassle some co-eds.
anyone care to explain something in cortado.io/scripts/modules.js
the syntax seems a bit... off to me
@Mosho maybe
the first function
it's been minified, of course the syntax is off...
@Mosho hmm... maybe it's because whitespace has been removed?
(function() {
}).call(this), function() {
well, I'm using beautify
comma operator, IIFE
call(this) ensures the context will be preserved
!!urban IIFE
@monners No definition found for IIFE
!!tell monners,mosho google IIFE
I know what it is
but I never knew comma could be used like this
Ah, right. I know em as SIAF
!!tell mosho google comma operator javascript
I googled it
@Mosho comma works just like in other languages, C and Java have it too
yeah, I never knew that lol
I admit that the use cases are kind of limited
never seen it before
and the next chunk
function() {
is it the same as (function(){}).call?
No, it's a syntax error.
So is def Ruby's equivalent of function?
You can't start a statement with a function expression.
there is a comma in front of it
Then sure.
The () are only used to convert it to an expression
he did use it that way in the previous function
@monners it defines a method; Javascript functions are also used as blocks
(function() {}).call(this), function() {}.call(this)
that's basically what it does
so there's no significance?
just several IIFEs chained together
@JanDvorak Forgive my ignorance, but I'm used to methods being associated with objects. In Ruby is there some kind of wrapper object that pics up methods not explicitly assigned to other objects (like global namespace functions in JS)?
@JanDvorak yeah but why is the first .call after round parentheses and the second after just the curlys
@monners Kernel serves the purpose of a global scope.
In case it isn't obvious, I'm only just getting started with Ruby :P Breaking this JS mentality's gonna be interesting...
@monners The closest thing to function is lambda
@Mosho first one starts a statement so the () are to convert it to an expression
oh I see
@monners blocks are implicit function arguments that can be passed to every function
I mean, I see now
@JanDvorak Ok, ok. Not there yet. I'll hold off on the annoyingly basic questions until I've got a few more tuts under my belt. Thanks!
it didn't make sense when you said it at first :P
 (function() {}).call(this); (function() {}).call(this)
so this ^ would get the same result
@Mosho ...
@Mosho yep, except it's two chars longer
@BenjaminGruenbaum wat :|
!!afk new semester starting :)
@JanDvorak implying that minify does that?
@Mosho could be
@JaydeepPandya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
nope, doesn't seem like it

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