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@dystroy lol division ftw
You should probably use the jQuery arithmetic plugin - I hear it does division really well. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 4 secs ago
Someone make this code pretty:
var learner = null;
var countryData = countries[country];
    if(countryData.visitors > MINIMUM_VISITORS){
        learner = countryData.learner;
    } else if(countryData.visitors === MINIMUM_VISITORS){
        learner = defaultLearner.clone();
        countryData.learner = learner;
    } else{
        learner = defaultLearner;
    countries[country] = {learner:null, visitors:1};
    learner = defaultLearner;
@BenjaminGruenbaum This looks like a brain fart, but maybe there's something I don't get in his question. Or maybe he needs Math.floor
A jQuery plugin which does arithmetic! Take my money!
@dystroy I think he's not really understanding the problem himself
He's rationalizing in terms of scroll bar height and scroll bar piece height
@BenjaminGruenbaum stop being lazy and do it yourself :P
var learner = null;
var countryData = countries[country];
    if(countryData.visitors > MINIMUM_VISITORS){
        learner = countryData.learner;
    } else if(countryData.visitors === MINIMUM_VISITORS){
        learner = defaultLearner.clone();
        countryData.learner = learner;
    } else{
        learner = defaultLearner;
    countries[country] = {learner:null, visitors:1};
    learner = defaultLearner;
} 🌹🌹🌹🌹
now is a little more pretty with some roses :P
The 🌹🌹🌹🌹 is a nice touch
@ManuelPires Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Does somebody here have some insight regarding the release date of Chrome 33/Windows ?
chrome releases are fixed
every 6 weeks
@FlorianMargaine Do you see the expected date somewhere ?
I wonder how many people in total work on Chrome.
All I found was like "probably end february or beginning of march"
@Oleg None. There's no such location as "total"
@phenomnomnominal you can say "I can't do it" :P
Is that invalid English?
Or "Your code is too awesome and pretty"
@Oleg No, that was perfectly understandable. Don't mind me, just being a dote.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Your code is too boring, nobody wants to prettify that. Drop in some promises and regexes
@Neil Besides, there's a company called "Total", so... :P
@dystroy //g , there, now do it :P
(and of course reduce)
@Oleg Answer would still be no in that case, at least I think
!!less than 100 or more than 100 people work on Chrome?
@Oleg less than 100
more than 100...
^ I'll trust her.
More than 1000 likely if you include google affiliates
var countryData = countries[country],
	learner = defaultLearner;
if(countryData) {
	if(countryData.visitors > MINIMUM_VISITORS){
		learner = countryData.learner;
	} else if(countryData.visitors === MINIMUM_VISITORS){
		countryData.learner = learner = defaultLearner.clone();
} else {
	countries[country] = {learner:null, visitors:1};
@dystroy good nuff ty
Who was the asshat that coined the term "open recursion" that has nothing to do with recursion?
According to this, it was Benjamin Pierce
Q: Debugging a batch program

09stephenbContext: I am making a program using batch and I am going to compile it in to an exe. I am only a few weeks from completion and i have come across a bug. the point of the program is to save you hard-drive space and make your PC run faster. When I was testing the code I came a cross this problem. ...

Installs Windows 8 on machine. 27 GB of disk space free..
Anyone else think that's a bad idea?
@VaibhavArora Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Unable to extract data from json while calling webservice on server side

Vaibhav AroraOn Client Side var pre = "{\"objEmployees\": {\"Employee\": [{"; var array = JSON.stringify(employee); var last = "}}"; var ArrayofObjects = pre + array + last; DoSort(ArrayofObjects); function DoSort(ArrayofObjects) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "applicati...

@VaibhavArora why pre and last?..
You've got 3 of { and 1 [ in pre and only 2 } in last. Does that even work?
You can JSON.stringify the entire object.
@SomeGuy Thanks, glad you like it.
After fixing that weird mistake, good enough to publish?
Yeah, it's great!
@user2115154 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Just need a title, then
@Zirak "Then, by Zirak"
I love creative people.
Q: Timer function on ajax generated content

user2115154I have a web page which displays a live twitter feed. The content is a set of links having class mlink. If I click on a link, it displays the particular tweet details using a jquery tooltip fired on an OnClick event - This works perfectly. Script 1 the content is continuously updated every few...

@Neil "\"Then, by Zirak\" by Neil"
thanks for ruining my friday.......
/Generate HTML
    var htmlstr = '';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'<div style="display: none; max-width: 600px; position: absolute;" class="ttx" id="'+xid+'">';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'<div class="row">';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'<div class="large-3 columns xicon" id="'+yid+'">';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'<img src="'+imgcon+'" />';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'</div>';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'<div class="large-9 columns xtcon" id="'+zid+'">';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'<h2>'+tcon+'</h2>';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'</div>';
That's a beautiful code
@Zirak "\"\\\"Then, by Zirak\\\" by Neil\" by Zirak"
The repetition makes it look like some kind of poetry
@jAndy I always code like this.
reminds me of a provider's API requiring us to do HTML in js...
I'm fairly certain it could be considered offensive in a dozen different cultures.
although we went with the ['', ''].join(); way
the only missing part is a dollar-sign to begin each line with
then it was true poetry
The rhyme's rich :
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'</div>';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'</div>';
    var htmlstr = htmlstr+'</div>';
@rlemon mine was impressed
hi, I'm trying history.js to maintain navigation in my asp.net mvc app. How can I add state if I'm performing a post method to all my pages? bcoz if I click back button the page shows nothing as it was generated with a result of post method.
can anyone help me out with PHP real quick?
I'd need the equivalent to parseInt for PHP
so if I got a string like "A00" I'd just get 0 out of out, "B1C" would be 1 and so on
oh. parseInt won't do that
You'll probably want to harbour the power of regexps.
true story bro
!!> parseInt('A00');
@jAndy "NaN"
var htmlstr = 'There once was a man named newline.';
htmlstr = 'Who could never quite finish in time.';
htmlstr = 'He once tried to say,';
htmlstr = 'How line went away';
htmlstr = 'But he could not due to his <br/>';
Or advance on the string, and each time try and parse the remaining string as an int (so first, toInt('A00'), then toInt('00'), etc), return the first actual number.
dammit, right
posted on February 14, 2014 by Victor A. Rodriguez

Chromium Blog: Compiling in the background for a smoother user experience Let’s have a look under the hood of V8 to understand how this works. To reduce the overall time spent compiling, V8 defers compilation of JavaScript functions until immediately before they are executed the first time. This compilation phase is fast but doesn’t focus on optimizing the code, just on getting it done quick

On the other hand, php doesn't have NaN IIRC, so does it make a distinction between 0 and not-a-valid-number?
!!> "A23DE".match(/\d+/)[0]
@OctavianDamiean "23"
Kinda like this.
$('body').on('click','.mlink',function(){ .... how do I use "x seconds" instead of 'click' ?
@OctavianDamiean Feedback please: medium.com/p/903aa8dfdc44
@user2115154 You want to do something after "x" seconds?
@Zirak You just stole my Twitter credentials, didn't you?
!!tell user2115154 mdn setTimeout
@OctavianDamiean Ah crap I forgot, one sec
yep ... on ajax loaded content
@Zirak What ? PHP has no NaN ?
@dystroy is_nan
!!> /\d+/g.exec('4B1C5s');
@jAndy ["4"]
how do we get it to get greedy for all numerical values
@jAndy exec only increments the internal pointer, to get all matches, you need to run it until there aren't any more. You want .match
@jAndy that's not what greedy means.
I know
Yeah, you want .match(..).join(..)
wrong wording on my part
@dystroy someone even more knowledgeable answered :)
!!> '4B1C5s'.match(/\d+/g);
@jAndy ["4","1","5"]
Zirak is the man !
@dystroy Last I checked, there wasn't
But I could be wrong, and I could be mis-remembering
Yo people!
@FlorianMargaine OOH, Vyacheslav Egorov answered
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, that's what I meant with "even more knowledgeable"
Lol, "unfortunately this is not the correct answer"
Hey. Is the "Length" in the Chrome Console in Bit, or KB ?
now downvote the wrong answer and upvote his :P
i have tried but the signature of webservices doesn't matches
if I had a guess, I'd say its in "byte" actually
I'm not 100%, but it makes the most sense
bit would a horrible unit there, kb would we very careless without suffix, byte is the lowest logical order where information is transfered in so
kbit could make some sense, but it would also be totally careless to not suffix
@Schoening The length is always in bytes
@Schoening Test it out
There was a young man of Japan
Whose limericks never would scan.
When asked why this was,
He replied "It's because
I always try to fit as many syllables into the last line as ever I possibly can."
You have to content. Paste it somewhere, find its size.
@Neil hehe
Didn't make that up, actually
Just thought it was funny
@FlorianMargaine @dystroy you might be interested in it too
Here is a nice read up on what @VyacheslavEgorov said about the array lookup : jayconrod.com/posts/52/a-tour-of-v8-object-representation . V8 deals with numeric properties a bit differently. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 1 min ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum yup
@Zirak It was beautiful, sad and a bit confusing at the same time.
sounds like another tragedy
If that was on purpose then congratulations, mission accomplished.
@OctavianDamiean Thanks. Though was it a good confusing, or a bad confusing?
@Zirak linkies?
@Zirak It was a little tough to follow at times but towards the end I figured that it was on purpose.
what to do without twitter account ?
32 secs ago, by Zirak
@BenjaminGruenbaum https://gist.github.com/Zirak/b727bc3a98c9bd6d7c3b
holy cow
you have too much time in your hands thats for sure
@jAndy ... and a crystal clear voice!
To write a 2 page story?
so crystallized !
you need to record the story, end of story
!!doge crystal, clear, voice
              very crystal
                             so  clear
such  voice
such perfect.
@FlorianMargaine I've just read the first answer. It started by simply saying what was in my comment, then went into wrong assumptions... downvoted. I hope the other one is better.
@dystroy the other one is written by an ex-v8 developer
it's not just assumptions, it's facts :)
@Zirak I dig this so much.
and the guy just deleted his answer
exv8.. exveight, hmm could become viral!
@phenomnomnominal Thanks
Just need a title...titles are too difficult
hi @pra
hi @Pragnani
hw r u
"Remorse" is too melodramatic. Maybe "A man who went out on a walk"
u r pragnani kinnera right @Pragnani
@Zirak Luke-warm tea
or Strawberry tea
Shopping list?
seems to focus on the tea, so i'm thinking the title ought to have something to do with that
"A man got out to buy strawberry tea"
Or just, "Strawberry Tea"
"The Edge of a Cliff"
That's good. A bit of foreshadowing, a bit of mystery.
Today's xkcd is funny.
erm, what was it...
!!xkcd new
The Bitter Taste of Strawberries
Sour strawberries (playing off sour grapes)
The fall
Sorry, I liked @phenomnomnominal's idea
@Zirak You never pick my ideas! *runs away crying*
Release the bears!
...so that they may cuddle
My turn to shamelessly plug myself (again): been doing covers and stuff lately , listen, critique, hate, etc.
Oh yea, I didn't even notice his proposal. That sounds good.
There was square bracket on end, just noticed
@phenomnomnominal Wait a minute, that's not you singing, is it?
@Zirak I tested. I only had the constructor, so I created a object litteral and uglified and minified it. 188 bytes. if it was in bits, it would be 8x. So you are right about bytes
@OctavianDamiean every note is me
@phenomnomnominal Are you fucking kidding me?
@phenomnomnominal You're awesome
Yes, it's all an elaborate scheme.
That's quite some kick-ass vocal control right there.
@BenjaminGruenbaum @FlorianMargaine Is it me or did (too) many V8 core engineers migrate to the Dart team ?
@OctavianDamiean he's pretty darn good, isn't he?
No shit dude!
@dystroy it's a much funner language to work on, just not work in.
@OctavianDamiean glad you like!
How/where did you record?
@BenjaminGruenbaum From an outside viewpoint, V8 looks like a more impressive and interesting accomplishment because the language didn't make it easy to obtain the performances we have. But it's mainly that I feel JS is more important than Dart right now.
@phenomnomnominal Oh dude, there so much potential with that voice. It's also a little raspy at times. I bet a cover version of Gravity would sound amazing.
@Zirak just in my room
@dystroy I agree, but from a programmer PoV you want to work on the hip new thing with Lars where you get to make all these new optimizations, not on the old horse with all the spec changes and having to reimplement stuff for specification reasons and a lot of bureaucracy. Consider the fact dart is nowhere - that makes is so easy (in terms of dealing with boilerplate etc) to develop compared to JS.
@phenomnomnominal Have I mentioned that you're awesome?
@OctavianDamiean It's normally a lot more raspy, but I'm chucking it up on Facebook for my mates and stuff and I don't wanna go full angst just yet haha
I'm working on a cover of Nervous Breakdown by Black Flag that will hopefully let me balance the growl and the intensity
Gravity by John Mayer?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree that the changes in spec must make that painful... You make a beautiful thing to deal with closures and scope and everything and bam, let....
@dystroy let isn't that easy.
@Zirak you are also awesome, your writing is pretty transportive.
@phenomnomnominal Yes.
No spoilers on what Zirak wrote, I didn't read it yet :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know. I mean it breaks all the optimized construct
ah, ok then :)
@OctavianDamiean great song, one of my friends requested Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
@BenjaminGruenbaum You can now read it without exposing all your twitter: medium.com/p/903aa8dfdc44
I just got an accept by linking to a Netscape documentation :)
Is that hipster ?
@Zirak yeah but I'm doing a project with a friend now and don't have the attention span.
So you're saying he's more important!?
No problem, it won't go anywhere
@EnglishMaster wth?!
In related news: cheezburger.com/190981
Hahaha, that Mario one
@Zirak This question looks stupid to me
So what they're saying is that … Java is actually C++?
How did this question and answer get upvoted ?
@copy It'll be difficult to choose which is worse.
This sums it up and should have ended the question :
@dystroy The question is bad, but the premise is interesting and the answer is neat.
nah, that comment doesn't explain the "why"
The premise ? What premise ?
Messing about with string internals. Not just the reflection, also why the s3 didn't mutate.
The third in fact is implementation dependent. substring implementation did change recently
afk walking on the roof
In other related news:
Q: How does Facebook disable browser's integrated Developer Tools?

Derek 朕會功夫So apparently because of the recent scams, the developer tools is exploited by people to post spams and even used to "hack" accounts. Facebook has blocked the developer tools and I can't even use the console. How did they do that?? One StackOverflow post claimed that it is not possible, but Fa...

That was cute of them
725.5 in Grapple Hero. Has anyone beat me? (Probably yes)
1012 or something for me
@Loktar What's your highest? :D
@Loktar: whats behind the naming of Grapple Hero? Thanks for this addictive game btw.
He's a hero, which uses a grappling hook
ah, I see
Why does the body element in FB on my account have a class called hasPrivacyLite?
Also, hasSmurfBar?!
You're welcome – The NSA
This is just awesome!
If only I actually had any use of it
hey y'all weird question... can I make a scroll event on the page then disable this scroll event upon a certain action?
am i doing something wrong here
it never comes to onsucces
!!> new MouseEvent('scroll');
@phenomnomnominal "ReferenceError: MouseEvent is not defined"
Hmm, the guy who my ex cheated on me with (we were together for 6 years) is dumping her on Valentine's Day. What do I do?
That's the fate she chose.
Hmm, yeah. Hard to not give a shit. She moved to France to be with him.
Oh well, drama.
I mean, yea 6 years is quite a lot of time.
@OctavianDamiean Are you calling me old??? :P
@KendallFrey Yes.
Thanks, old man.
Eurgh, jesus, I'm 25 this year.
Yea? I'm 26 this year ...
We're getting old brah.
I am trying to clone a prototype, and use it in another class.

However, I am not being able to find how to clone the initializer function too, and therefore it is showing me that an object is not a function:


It looks like Man does not get the function that sets the name and age in the Person. I've tried using it as a prototype too, but it does not work.
@AbhishekHingnikar nope
but why nope :P
does it not make sense ?
White up the top looks bad. Font weights are all fucked up
Spacing under 'home' on the screeenshot is whack
Well, don't lie. It's not one of a kind, you showed us something else that does it. Also... "integrating all your photo in one place"
@Zirak it does image processing to auto tag images
Use a device people actually recognise
that works on your hard-disk
with doesn't need a capital
so then you can search for photos of me when i was a kid
and bling it gives u them :P
@phenomnomnominal :-( i can use somebody good with english
weird background
weird shadow
hmm ps the snapshot is broken .. just placeholding it
but oooookay
Social connections aren't a feature, they're basically part of the MVP for any product these days
SO much whitespace.
You have all that room to impress me, (hopefully without just spurting buzzwords) so use it
and yeah the font...
This has no individualism.
What is the statement you're trying to make about your product, what about it's look and feel makes it memorable?
Sorry, probably a bit harsh.
[: its cool
u havent seen the live page (xD)
but yeah i kinda need to fix the fonts :-/
I can't find a good enough font. :-(
Open Sans sucks, Ubuntu font is ugh since the app will have Segoe inside [windows]
Proxima Nova is too costly and so is Helvetia Nueue
just buy a decent font
and That android font makes it look like a joke
@phenomnomnominal like ?
Totally depends,
you need to workout what your signature look for the product is going to be
you dipressed me though :-(
@phenomnomnominal The product uses image processing and nlp to magically find out photos from wherever you can see em
does that ring a bell ?
That's a great font
And a super light font for text...
though it looks very elegant for headings
holy christ i love it
How'd you find em ?
you see the price btw ?
$29 for thin?
Just ask your boss for money so you can buy a font for your program. Bosses always understand that sort of expenditure
@Neil i am my boss atm
It's a startup
atleast on this project is sole done by me.
@AbhishekHingnikar And do you understand that sort of expenditure?
Then find a free font that is similar
@AbhishekHingnikar Well aren't you enlightened
but $29 is over what i can afford atleast till 1st Mar
i have $0.00 in bank :D
The non-thin version is prettier, methinks.
@Zirak I was open. no errors. strange.
and i am still parsing messages
Don't refresh!

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