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Holy shit, what?
no you only pushed master.js
not master.min.js
I must've fucked up the minifying...
damn my connection is laggy
I see green text for a few seconds
SO is laggy
Is there a badge for closing questions outside the review section?
Wow I'm a retard
@RUJordan Why would there be?
Because closing questions is a vital part of filtering crap out of our shit?
Fancy pants "review" section didn't come until after a long while of SO.
Is there a meta question explaining why close voting does not count towards your review task for close votes?
@bjb568 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RUJordan Because you didn't do it in the "review" section
That's lame lol
!!afk lunch
@RUJordan The whole point of the review badges was so people would go to the review section.
is afk held in memory or localStorage?
just wondering if a refesh was going to axe any afkers
Q: Include reviews made outside of /review in progress towards the badge

yodaThe recent changes to /review has gotten everyone interested in cleaning up the muck. At present, only posts "reviewed" (by clicking on the review link) and actions taken (up/down/close/edit/flag) from within /review count towards the badge. However, it is entirely possible that one catches a p...

Room challenge:
One of our perf bottlenecks is this function: https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/master/lib/rules/no-unused-vars.js#L74 Think you can make it faster? https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/574
function findVariableName(name) {
    throw new Error("Not implemented");
It's faster. Do I win?
Interesting fact: Closure compiler removed the bot variable.
Now the bot is faster as well.
@SomeKittensUx2666 More seriously, though, is it wasteful for them to be using a filter when they're just looking for a single item?
can you try loading that image in winjs ?
via simple code :
var img = new Image();
img.onload = console.log.bind(console);
img.src = "https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/s720x720/1528583_364319300372784_758974824_n.jpg";
Just try it :-)
Fucking closure
!!give me a stargate episode, bitch
@rlemon I think I broke something ~_~
!!tell Zirak sandbox
BUT I JUST RAN IT!!! From github!
@FlorianMargaine It's working...just...not practically.
I mean...I ran it...
oh, yeah, it's totally working.
@BenjaminGruenbaum (: it fails with https, i am wondering where do i enable all the domains
I think it died with rlemon's network
Error? Something? Where did I fuck up?
@rlemon TELL ME
!!live I tell you
I found this on some website and was wondering if this was something or just a comment... becouse it looks like it has some structure
<!-- paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/ -->
<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="no-js lt-ie9" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html class="no-js" lang="en"> <!--<![endif]-->
Google "ie conditional comments"
so it does stuff
See previous message
@Cicada3301 What site was that?
from my tecnology professor
need to go now
@Cicada3301 Also...you have a link...to an article...which talks about conditional comments.
<!-- paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/ -->
erm... wow
I thought that was some other sort of strange thing
anyway: this is the site if you wonder
the designer has done a great job
don't think the coder has tho
g2g now, really
@rlemon (@CapricaSix) I want to eat and go to a walk with my dog, but I can't until Caprica is up.
@Cicada3301 Keep in mind it's from someone who advocated its use in html5boilerplate.com . The same one who later got out of said project because he felt it's too bulky and stupid to be casually useful.
sorry I was afk
Status update! I'm sweating my balls off.
!!are you alive
@rlemon Definitely
!!give me a stargate
@Zirak Stargate (movie)
!!give me a sg1 episode
@FlorianMargaine EAT DICKS
@rlemon Season 8 episode #17 - Reckoning (Part 2)
afk, stuff
yea my network never died there BTW
sorry i've been reading express docs
@OliverM Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey my brain is frozen at the moment, What is the fastest way to search for an object in an array that has a certain property equal to a string? (it should only return one object)
For example: [{e: 'blah'}, {e: 'foo'}, {e: 'jar'}]
Find the index of the object where e is foo
!!> [{e: 'blah'}, {e: 'foo'}, {e: 'jar'}].map(function(obj) { return obj.e === 'foo'; });
@rlemon [false,true,false]
does that help?
@rlemon Well I now need the index of true but I guess I can do index of of that array, but that is another operation (especially for a "big" array, idk if it efficient)
I found that I can do this:
            scope.setEngine = scope.engineList.filter(function (element) {
                return element.engineName === 'N/A';
But that also returns an array. I need only one object.
        scope.setEngine = scope.engineList.filter(function (element) {
            return element.engineName === 'N/A';
^ ugly if the array is empty....
well the return true/false is just showing you
you can do .map ( function(obj) { if( obj.e === 'foo' ) return obj; } ).filter(Boolean)[0];
@rlemon Wouldn't that still return an array?
yea, grab the first value back
@rlemon But let us say there is no match?
Then arr[0] === ERROR
I changed my code to this:
        var filterNA = scope.engineList.filter(function (element) {
            return element.engineName === 'N/A';
        scope.setEngine = filterNA.length ? filterNA[0] : {};
It is the best I could come up with
arr = arr.map(function(obj) { if(obj.e === str ) return obj; }).filter(Boolean)[0] || 'some crap';
@rlemon Why are you doing map and then filter instead of just filter?
!!> [{e: 'blah'}, {e: 'foo'}, {e: 'jar'}].find(x => x.e === 'foo');
@BenjaminGruenbaum "SyntaxError: missing ] after element list"
@BenjaminGruenbaum {"e":"foo"}
function getEngine(scope, str) {
  for( var i = 0; i < scope.engineList.length; i++ ) {
    if( scope.engineList[i].e === str ) {
        return scope.engineList[i];
  return defaultValue;
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you!
@copy because I'm a turd
@qwertynl or did you want the index?
!!> [{e: 'blah'}, {e: 'foo'}, {e: 'jar'}].findIndex(x => x.e === 'foo');
@BenjaminGruenbaum 1
@BenjaminGruenbaum No I wanted the object, Thanks :-)
For an angular directive w00t!
@qwertynl shim with care, this doesn't work well on IE10 iirc. Also thank @FlorianMargaine he promoted it and stuff iirc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Bahhh! This is a Chrome site.
@AbhishekHingnikar I love the MJ jacket on the dude on your far right
indeed facebook was a bad decision :-(
@rlemon its my jacket ..
do you find it is Thrilling to wear?
I know how you feel about Beat[ing] it
I think i wasted my time writing code to make facebook work :-/
so what is this for btw?
I've seen you working on it but never asked
@rlemon its a photo discovery app
"app" is too general now-a-days
you can connect facebook , dropbox , skydrive -- etc
mobile app? desktop app? w8 app?
web app?
w8 for now, but webapp very soon :D
It uses tagged data from facebook or known sources
get it working in the dash in Ubuntu
and maps it over untagged data :D
would be kinda nifty
so then you can do "Pictures with Abhishek"
and it will find photos with me even if Not on facebook ;-)
@Zirak just being nosey, but who got out the project?
how nifty is that ?
I am making it for my mother :-) , she gets pissed off on scrolling through images
@rlemon ubuntu has chrome right ;D
fully supported :-)
I am doing it on winjs to get microsoft help :-/ cause the load of processing so many images is insane
look into it
the Photo lens isn't great
yes i can do that :D, friken love you :D
just realized what you meant :-)
@mikedidthis Paul Irish. Unless my memory lies.
@Zirak oh, thanks. That I did not know.
Apparently my memory lies, though github.com/orgs/h5bp/members
I find h5bp to be some nice laziness... the responsive version kind of just makes things difficult though.
is there something in jquery/bootstrap/underscore that makes sure only one setTimeout runs at a time?
@Zirak hmm, tell your memory off.
@Madd0g Why would there be?
Though what exactly are you trying to accomplish?
It's trivial to implement, though. Very foolish as well.
one timer to do one task and not create many timers (using clearTimeout)
I know it's trivial, but why foolish?
Because you're clogging everything. If you want to make a timer, abstract setTimeout; don't overwrite the native one.
hmm... that's not what I mean, I think you misunderstood
@Madd0g You might look into _.throttle; it can't do anything for the native setTimeout, but it helps control function execution.
I just wanted to know if there's some abstraction around that in some popular library
@Retsam - looks like what I need, thanks!
What exactly do you need?
If you want a function that can only run after the previous call finishes, something like:
var fnCanRun = true;
function myFunc() {
    if(!fnCanRun) return;
    fnCanRun = false;
    window.setTimeout(function () {
         //Do whatever
         fnCanRun = true;
@Zirak - Retsam gave the answer - make sure a function runs only once in a given timeframe
Oh, that
I wonder if there's a jquery equivalent
(But throttle would also work identically, you just need to make sure the timeouts match, I suppose)
Just extract the code from underscore or write your own
Woah. chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/blink/+/master/LayoutTests this is a goldmine for new API demos.
...and all of the DOM. drool
mmmm thai food
!!define plugin
@RUJordan plugin Alternative spelling of
...that needs to be fixed as well
... the anticipation.
!!define yermom
@SomeKittensUx2666 It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words
oh snap
I am failing hard as SASS right now
ass ass = as SASS
all i get is
"error": {
    "message": "An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later.",
    "type": "OAuthException",
    "code": 2
whatever i try wtf facebook
you guys are supposed to be better ffs
@AbhishekHingnikar use the windows8/windows phone sdk
Oh wait, you're doing JS, nvm
@BenjaminGruenbaum i am using facebook's javascript lib
now and it fails
@RUJordan Is this your github handle? github.com/RUJordan If not, what is it?
It irks me when people answer a question, but in the comment or answer they say "I don't quite understand what you want but try this" ... if you don't understand, don't answer. T_T It's one thing to be wrong, it's another to just guess
@Zirak nay, I'm RUJodan (without the 'r')
Well that's confusing
Not really, I was really drunk and bought an xbox in college and spelled my name wrong and ever since my usernames are usually RUJodan
Except the one here.
I wasn't drunk here :D
@RUJordan I was sure, then I wasn't sure...and now I am sure again. Downvoting is for girls... — VIDesignz 2 mins ago
Sexist much?
gets drunk, forgets where the R key is
Congrats, you've featured in ChatBot Monthly github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/175
@nderscore Selectively. He apparently managed to find it at first, then got lost.
@Zirak whose Dave?
Oh, you weren't around when the bot was actually SO-ChatBot.
Its avatar was HAL, so we made some Dave jokes.
Ah lol
I think it's featured throughout the wiki
!!learn spelledmynamewrong "<>http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/14581473#14581473"
@RUJordan Command spelledmynamewrong learned
What do people think of the "single exit-point" coding standard that some people enforce?
@Joker Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Dumb as fuck in most languages.
Are there languages where it makes more sense then?
If you don't need to free memory or shit like that, you're good.
Yeah, C.
!!google single exit point
@RUJordan That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: google, fools
Ah. Yeah, I just got told that all of our automation testing Java code is expected to have a single exit point. Great.
I wish I had started my zombie game on github. I like seeing version history to see improvement
Hahahaha. I'm known in the local Pizza Hut as "that guy who asks for unicorn drawings"
I'm known as "that guy who isn't allowed within 250 ft of pizza hut"
The delivery guy told me that they have a new assistant-manager who thought I wasn't serious. He (delivery guy) and the cook urged him to draw me a unicorn.
Took his unicorn-drawing virginity
That's oddly intimate
I used to be known at the local Pizza Hut as "The guy who makes origami stars out of his straw wrappers."
There was a waitress who took them all home...
... should have asked her out.
or at least gave her the sex
She obviously wanted you.
or made her an origami heart...
or penis, I think either would have worked.
that's when you snapchat a picture of your junk to her
it's bold, it's unexpected
Yes. That is obviously the way to go.
Lesson learned I suppose.
@mikedidthis Origami penis to pleasure herself with?
women love spontaneity ryan GAWD
@Zirak to give her a taste.
of paper..?
Why would she give head to an origami penis?
I don't know where I am going with this
Okay, is there something wrong with the online MongoDB demo, or am I doing updates wrong?
db.numbers.update({type: 6}, {value: 3}); // type is now undefined, but value is 3
@Zirak where are you located in this world?
Zirak is all things and everywhere. He is the alpha and the omega.
@RUJordan Its rule number 3. Don't Ask Zirak where he is located.
@RUJordan Give him an origami penis?
Duhh ^
oh whoops, there actually is an answer with 13371337 as the id
@nderscore hahah
Does anybody frequent in this room live near Washington DC?
does a couple hours away count as near?
kinda sorta
like 5-6 :P
too far lol
@JavaScriptRoom - Please try not to be so smelly.
@VoidWhisperer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Your funk was choking me out from the HTML room.
Hello. :)
Who's got the funk?
We've got the funk.
!!youtube we got the funk
... this is going to un-onebox, isn't it?
yup :(
there you go @RyanKinal
:clicks to play on YouTube instead:
Tear the roof off the mother sucker
god I love george clinton
Hellz yeah
I have a question here for anyone with expertise in node: I'm planning on making an api on my site using node.. however, I'm not really sure on the intricacies of node, so how would I go about doing a database call in it without blocking it but the same time not doing anything else with that particular request until the database request(s) are finished?
Asynchronous database calls! Yay!
@RyanKinal That's where I'm getting confused. Lol
I'm no expert... I just know that's how it's usually done.
It could just be that I can't think straight right now, but I can see how you would do one..

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