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@BartekBanachewicz What's reduce1? I can only find Clojure sources (clodoc.org/doc/clojure.core/reduce1)
its that not abstract concept in performance discussions at all @dystroy :p
@Zirak doesn't matter to me :P
Algo's like Duffs Device use that concept to an extend
I made it :D :D :D pixter.in/i ITS UP :D
JS reduce is actually the 1 version
it doesn't have the non-1 version apparently
You can have it either way
!!> [4, 8, 9].reduce(function (r,i) { return r+i; }, 0);
@Zirak 21
That's a horrible example
!!> [4, 8, 9].reduce(function (r,i) { return r+i; });
@jAndy 21
y u passing in zer0
18 secs ago, by Zirak
That's a horrible example
@AbhishekHingnikar Awesome!
one more time
Looks really neat
@AbhishekHingnikar dat console.log
@SomeGuy it works on your android ;D aswell
!!> [4, 8, 9].reduce(function (r, i) { r[i] = true; return r; }, {});
@Zirak "TypeError: r is undefined"
@AbhishekHingnikar I think the buttons need some hover effects
@Zirak ah I see
@Zirak {"4":true,"8":true,"9":true}
I always forget the return...
!!> [4, 8, 9].reduce(((r, i) => r[i] = true,r), {});
@BenjaminGruenbaum "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
@SomeGuy I don't work there anymore but i will tell em :-) , this was the state that i gave them :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum "ReferenceError: r is not defined"
It has to tell the expression apart from the function
Fuckayou Dolphin!
caprica, y u no reevaluate it the second time?
!!> [4, 8, 9].reduce(((r, i) => r[i] = true,r), {});
@BenjaminGruenbaum "ReferenceError: r is not defined"
-_-' wtf
I guess thats her way to say... FUCK OFF
My guess: (r, i) => r[i] = true,r) got turned into ((r, i) => r[i] = true),r
If I do it with {} it works as expected.
comma operator semantics with () => syntax is going to be quite the repwhore goldmine
!!> [4, 8, 9].reduce((r, i) => (r[i] = true,r), {});
@Zirak {"4":true,"8":true,"9":true}
thats horrible readabilty anyways
in comparison to the classic pattern
Yeah, filling an object is not really a reduce use case.
It's not what 'reduce' is for. Reduce is for folding.
Fold into an object
I couldn't agree more
You fold one value onto the rest.
Muck your object
acting on objects like so reminds me more on a .map() for objects
This is actually a map(buildObjectWithSingleKey) .reduce(mergeObjects)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Got an alternative solution for turning an array into an object?
@Zirak yes, coming up
whats the usecase
just asking out of curiosity
Is there something which takes the error occuring in a minified javascript file and converts it to output of a non-minified js file ?
@Zirak What kind of object ? An array is an object.
Something out (pseudo code)
[4, 8, 9].map(buildObject).reduce(merge);

function buildObject(key,val){
  var o = {};
  o[key] = val;
  return o;

function merge(o1,o2){
  var o3 = {};
  	o3[key] = o1[key] || o2[key];
  return o3;
Of course, in ES6 this can be shortened a lot
@AbhishekHingnikar I thought source-maps would do that
so when I start with express.js today who should I bug for help?
oh, I need to .partial with true here
@rlemon The docs
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meh
There should be a better way.
@Zirak thanks smart ass
I mean who in here do we know uses it
@rlemon Love ya
@jAndy , @Zirak thats sweet
thank you so much :-)
Look at miaou :p
@Zirak merge should be available to begin with. It's Object.mixin one sec
I'm attaching myself to @rlemon on the bugging part.. I love if that was possible :P
You should bug @Neal (or @qwertynl or whatever)
rlemon.done(function( result ) { jAndy.report( result ); } );
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not bothered by that. It just seems...I'll work on it.
miaou is two frenchmen's attempt to assist NSA in a better way.
Yeah Neal doesn't know express but you should bug him
@Zirak the hard part is mapping an element to a map with it as a key.
Wait, that's it, I really want a map and not an object.
@MirkoCianfarani you are strange
Probably not a map, I want a set
That's what I was looking for
@rlemon did you try cross compiling BTW?
@jAndy smelly and consistent
@FlorianMargaine didn't have the Beagle Bone at home
@BenjaminGruenbaum The truth-map thing? It's totally a set.
read the page - going to try this morning
@Zirak so why not use a set :)?
Oh right it's morning for you
[4, 8, 9]
    .map(function (key) {
        return { key : key, value : true };
    .reduce(function (ret, mapping) {
        ret[mapping.key] = mapping.value;
        return ret;
    }, {});
you live in other part of the world... @rlemon
I think that you want "good morning"
@Zirak not good enough.
~_~ It's pretty much did the same thing as before, only with an extra step. Yay.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Buuuuut wasn't your problem with the folding? There, now it's really folding.
I'm still wondering if there is any valid usecase for turning an array into an object or is it just golfing away
@Zirak no
It should be
[4,8,9].map(Array.of).map(Set).reduce(Set.concat); or something like that
Although that's idiotic
I just want Set([4,8,9]) :D
@jAndy finding the frequencies of elements for example
@jAndy Sooooo many things
you would overwrite the keys with your current solutions anyways
Ok, I'm satisfied with new Set([4,8,9]) , sounds like a reasonable solution.
It's like, the very definition of a function.
I have a bunch of xs, and I want x => y
When you want to have O(1) access to data indexed by some kind of property.
!!learn attractiveCamel '<>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/2011_Trampeltier_1528.JPG'
@rlemon Command attractivecamel learned
@AbhishekHingnikar you have at least one account :)
nice work tbh, even if it has some rough edges
@FlorianMargaine what ?
nah okay.. element counting is a valid point to do that
Ah :-)
wait its broken !
but that is not really about pure "converting an array into an object representation"
@AbhishekHingnikar it takes over 2 seconds to get DOMContentLoaded
Yep, never under 2.2 seconds
3 on an empty cache
Wait a minute, why are you not using templateCache in Angular -_-?
i am geting iphone app to my server this format ..i am error as its just $_GET['results'] variable value
when i decode it with json_decode it is returning null value pastebin.com/4QB5BXSG
@AbhishekHingnikar Why isn't anything minified, did you forget to grunt build :P?
any help
I think I'm coming down with something *sniff*
You know that awful miasma you feel before you come down with something..
Discuss: HTML5/CSS3/ECMAscript vs. native App development
any thoughts :P ?
Based on how I feel now, tomorrow I'll be throwing up into a plastic bucket
Depends on what your app is
lets try to keep it general
@jAndy discuss: Wood Hammer vs SledgeHammer vs Screwdriver Vs Pliers Vs Wood Axe
I know what you're thinking. Neil, why would you mention something like that to everyone. And I thank you for your concern for my well-being.
the biggest caveat on the native part is, you have to code a lot of stuff twice or even more
like Java and ObjectiveC at least
@BenjaminGruenbaum i didn't deploy it :-|
You don't want the same app in Android and iOS anyway.
That's a blunt disregard to the user's experience
Unless it's a game
in most cases, you do
thats why you have to re-write the whole show twice
@SomeGuy in which case the dictating factor is something like Unity anyway.
well not "exactly" the same app in terms of UI elements and interface, but adopted to the devices native behaviors
@jAndy it really really depends.
I could not build what I built for Windows Phone using JavaScript as nearly as quickly or as well.
I never did a real big thing on lets say... PhoneGap for instance
to me it looks like a pretty solution to overcome a ton of different devices
The important thing is to figure out the architecture and how things are going to communicate.
Writing the actual code is really not that big of a deal.
Except for in Java because that makes you want to shoot yourself.
which you can't avoid if you aiming for native apps
Xamarin perhaps
Like I said, IMO the actual language is implementation detail. I chose native for WP because it had stronger libraries and much better tooling.
I'm just asking myself, what is the biggest.. caveat in using a pure browser/web-tech base app solution in comparison to a native app
@jAndy the ecosystem probably.
I actually only see advantages there
You don't get all the animations and goodies and you spend a lot of time debugging libraries and code you didn't create.
Code is written in one language and errors in another
that sounds philosophical :P
Not saying it's not worth it. Saying it's a consideration.
It also really depends on what you're building :P
I'm not sure if the "what" is such an important question when thinking about webGL and hw-accelerated web-tech
@GNi33 rlemon also uses a standing desk btw
@jAndy are you thinking about a game?
you can pretty much create everything.. except some specialized device feature-required things maybe
not talking about anything in particular
and I lost the game...
It's really hard to answer such a broad question :D
Q: How to match HTML Entities in JavaScript?

LaxmanHai I am new to CkEditor. I have a requirement in my project preventing CkEditor to convert from HTML Entities. &#123; and &#125 are the HTML Entities for open braces and curly braces. When i enter entities in the code view those html entities are prevent to convert curly braces in editor view...

ok lets give this a face, lets say we want to create a reader-app, which.. dunno has some advanced things in it for animations, sounds, like a multimedia-magazine
of course... creating two different apps, one written in objective-c and the other in java, would squeeze the ultimate performance and UI features out of each device
but you could do that very well based on phonegap/html5/css3/js and this would just be completely device independent
Honestly I'd write that in JavaScript only because my JS is much better than my Objective C
However, if there are special UI requirements - I'd probably learn Objective C and use that.
what could be so special you can't mimic with web-tech ?
I could, but it could take more time
It's not a yes/no question
@FlorianMargaine Hmmm? I've used express
@Zirak I'll clean it up
My spacing convention is beginning to annoy me as well...maybe I should get rid of it.
pfft, how difficult can it be!?
what is your spacing convention @Zirak
sooo who wants to help me with Fedora 14 + permissions crap?
@Zirak hi as for your reply Now i am getting as output ';and}'.i want only 'and' as ouput
me! me! me!
tl;dr - I am trying to get fucking root permissions via sftp (filezilla)
@ASR You're Laxman?
Why do you have two accounts?
tried gpasswd wheel -a rlemon
(also, commented on the question)
is anyone familiar with SASS?
@Zirak agreed, the padded spaces convention is fun when you try it, then it becomes annoying
I had it a while ago, then it annoyed me
@Zirak please look it once... iam thankfull to u
posted on February 07, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

I've commented again
pretty much only do the space padding for parantheses and arrays
@Zirak ok ty
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I was a fan for a couple of years, then worked on a few projects which didn't do it. Realised how silly I've been.
So you're back to tabs?
Never left. But I did leave padding parentheses and shit.
> Use hard tabs for indentation. I've recently been converted to spaces myself
Oh. I lied then.
tabs vs spaces... I don't really care personally, I just use the language convention
...why did I write that?
using spaces for indentation is .. by far.. the most idiotic thing one can do
spaces are like comma first.
just say no.
I have to imagine now how I need to fix some code which has comma first and spaces for indentation.. omg, feels like the worst nightmare

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