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There's more than 500 lines of JS in just one of several script files. It's not counting any of them.
@Jhawins D'AWW
The server port issue?
@RUJordan yea
Would main.js be an excluded filename? I don't see why.
lots of really strange issues all bundled up into one huge wall
11 working days on nothing but one issue
Interesting to see cfs jump, and f# stay static in gh
holy sht @rlemon
I thought I was going to go insane
congrats dude!
haha glad you finally solved it man
so am I
Congrats I guess
@Zirak @BenjaminGruenbaum was talking about escalation in Syria
Link to issue or something so I don't feel like a nooblet?
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol?
How is that related to Zirak?
@Zirak look at the log like 11 days ago! :P j/j
haha back when I had a job @rlemon had this issue!
@SomeKittensUx2666 No worries, I'm not gonna storm in with guns ablazin anytime soon.
@Loktar Wait didn't you have a job
I demand a weekly report of what I miss here
@Zirak TL;DR - trying to get a BeagleBoneBlack running Angstrom Linux to communicate via Modbus serial RTU (rs232) with some addonboard via node.js to QNX4
took 11 days - had oscilloscopes out and everything converting waves to bytes to hex and hand checking CRC's and shit
Well, in leu of sounding repetative.. @rlemon
2 mins ago, by Loktar
haha glad you finally solved it man
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not saying Israel's going to start a war, just saying stay safe and we're thinking of him.
The trouble with Israel is that it never IsReal.
@SomeGuy Zirak demands reports you wanna start a google doc or something and you and I can keep him upto date that way?
@Zirak watch out for carpal tunnel syndrome - VIM people get that.
called out lol
@rlemon We already collect all the goings-on in the room in this transcripty thing.
if BadgerGirl can read the whole thing, why can't he?
@SomeKittensUx2666 he wants a tl;dr version
!!afk home and shit
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm not :(
Good morning!
@Zirak Do you use Twitter?
@Zirak haha yeah I dont have a job
I did have one, but quit it
they wanted us to work saturdays and 12-14 hours on weekdays
@Loktar Fuck that.
and the CEO said I needed to work longer hours.. me in particular
In my country that's illegal
"Its not a 40 hour a week job" is what he told me
@monners wish it was here
@Loktar lol, my CEO actually asked me not to work too much overtime (I'd signed up for two weekends in a row, at double pay!).
@Loktar you have a job lined up?
yeah supposedily anyway lol
waiting on the offer letter
Im the lead UI dev for the next place Im going to
@Loktar Nice!
that's my dream job.
Well, as long as the designers aren't assholes.
@rlemon This. Is exactly the kind of job I want...
@Jhawins rlemon is afk: home and shit
@Loktar you're a beast doode
for some reason, my code works perfectly in FF with no issue - but in IE it keeps stopping and screaming invalid argument.
if ($('#chartWizard-modal').length) {
        // if chartWizard-modal exists - show it and do add/edit functionality
    } else {
        // if chartWizard-modal does not exist, draw it and do add/edit functiionality
@RUJordan haha thanks
what is the argument for having all the vars at the top of a function?
@phenomnomnominal They're hoisted anyway.
Yeah, so why bother
from a stylistic point of view, isn't it nicer to declare them where you use them?
@jbolanos post the error and the line it points to
SCRIPT87: Invalid argument.
app.js, line 1521 character 5
its pointing aright at the buildChartWizardModal();
@phenomnomnominal You may get unexpected results
var k;
doesn't throw
@phenomnomnominal Twitter?
@Miszy not if you know how to use JavaScript?
k is undefined, not undeclared.
@monners Stalker.
Twitter MotherF*cker, do you use it?
@BadgerGirl That's the pot calling the kettle black.
@BadgerGirl That's black calling the kettle black.
@phenomnomnominal All your tweet are belong to us.
@monners enjoy!
oh hey miszy
@RUJordan Here is the full source: jsfiddle.net/jeremybolanos/B32q8 the error calls on line 1521
only in IE9 - everything else runs fine
!!afk home
@jbolanos Holy shit you need to start using Angular or something
no kidding - about 4 versions ago - but I can't use anything more than jquery etc
I knew I was coding myself into a hole making dynamic modals
@jbolanos Have you tried googling?
I always google the crap out of something before coming here to be told I'm an idiot :p
@jbolanos And have you tried debugging?
yes - I did - and everything says its clean code - nothing glaringly obvious that should work in IE9
@jbolanos If you debugged in IE9 then you would know what's wrong in IE9.
I hate it when jQuery answers make vanilla JS answers look so much harder
Q: Delete object by attribute in javascript

user2917413I have a few different tables on the same page but unfortunately they were not assigned any unique id's. I want to remove a table using a JS command, but since id cannot be used, is it possible to delete a table based on a certain attribute it has? For example, is there a command to delete all ta...

Oh wow, 2 upvotes already. Nevermind
What I hate is when you are trying to get away with not using jQuery and all the answer are why don't you use jQuery
I'm in a love hate relationship with jQuery. I use it at work because it makes things easier, and it's not overhead to load the script, but I advocate no-jQuery code a lot lol
^^^ basically this whole room
In the latest project we dropped jQuery because there was no reason to use it.
We're very high on cross-browser compatibility, so we almost -need- to use jQuery at work.
With only 2 developers, we can't spend our time debugging IE7 JS, CSS and worry about the Coldfusion.
@RUJordan Yeah, we too are very high on cross-browser compatibility, we just don't support IE8 and below :D
I want to see if I get code review feedback on using document.getElementById inside of a jquery attached event earlier today...
I got us up to IE9 - if I had my way we'd do away with IE all together
@Retsam I always do $(document.createElement()) to create elements in jQuery projects :D
document.getElementById(id) seemed cleaner than $("#"+id) anyways.
also easier to manage
(I'm guessing there's another way to select by id without string concatenation in jquery, but I didn't bother to look it up)
Unfortunately since a lot of the military uses IE7 and we're a DoD funded crisis hotline, we need to support it.
I'm surprised they aren't still using IE5.5
I'd refuse and risk being fired
IE7 sucks enough, I don't want to program for a browser version that was around when I still shat myself.
when I was in the Army we didn't have no internet - nothing similar to what's around now - LOL
hey @BadgerGirl do I need to account for duplicate timestamps in a single array?
@BadgerGirl I mean this in the best of ways, are you always here watching us?
I've seen people ping you at almost every hour of the day and most of the time you're waiting peacefully.
Too.. peacefully..
Not always.
Good 'nuff for me I guess.
crap - the issue was a stupid bad type set? I had to use inputEle.setAttribute('type','number') instead of inputEle.type = 'number'
i'm getting 502 :/
Object.setPrototypeOf() landed in V8 master, niice :] code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2675
I have about 300 images saved that I want to order according to how "good" they are. I know I clearly don't have the capacity to evaluate each one with respect to the other 300, so are there any sorting algorithms that could help me with this sort of thing?
@rlemon Jeepers
@Zirak rlemon is afk: home and shit
give them a goodness score, then sort based on that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum pfft, VIM people...
Quicksort could work
@monners twitter.com/zirakertan , "use"...very loosely.
@Loktar Yikes
Take out one random image, categorize by better/worse than that one, recursively repeat
That sucks, you said you likes that job
Yes that was what I was going to do
but it seems kind of bruteish
I could easily compare two images and say which one is better
can I somehow compare each of them relative to one another and then use that to rank them
@Zirak I am here. Just doing after work #2 and getting a beer.
Balls, how do you onebox a tweet?
Link it
anyone know of any good sites similar to DailyJS? looking for some tips / javascript reading and such to add to my morning routine
without checking all $2^{300}$ subsets
Js weekly
@Joe ng-newsletter :P
@Ethan Quicksort gives you O(n log n) comparisons
@rlemon nice i already sub - should have mentioned that
@Miszy ty ty i like angular
@rlemon I might have to skip this one...I'm falling asleep on the keyboard
Plot twist: he just woke up
Plot twist: You suck
@Ethan Google for sorting algorithms.
Can't even make a subtle one...
@copy yea I'm just going to d&c
thanks anyway I think I'm in the wrong chat room lol
@Zirak you home tomorrow?
@Zirak lmao I like the "attempt"?
@rlemon yeah, until Sunday.
Nice! Shore leave!
@Ethan What's d&c ?
I reckon someone needs to build a Best of SO site for some of the funny/ridiculous stuff that goes on here
A: understanding html 5 data attribute

Joethe html5 data attribute is there simply for the purpose of storing additional information within html elements. i've used it when printing various sets of data programmatic-ly to include information like user account numbers. bits of data that you may want to access with javascript or jquery ...

divide and conquer, going to rank them into smaller groups and then repeat the process
the absolute best of stack
ok all gnite gents
Joe you should provide the vanilla dataset information.
Ie11 now supports them
Q: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Thomas BrattWhat is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

var inputNum = document.createElement('input');
inputNum.type = 'number';
is invalid IE9
Let's make like a recent breakup victim and move on.
Try setAttibute
I did - I had to find the ones for number and switch them. Does IE tell you that was the problem? Nope - it just says that function has an invalid argument.
> // drunk, fix later
That is ridiculous, who writes comments when they're drunk. — Jiminy Mar 16 '09 at 0:23
// some idiot contractor wrote this and for some reason it works so we left it
// sorry future me.
In a lot of my code.
> // somedev1 - 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen
// somedev2 - 5/22/07 Temporary my ass
For those situations when you know your code is shit.. But you can't figure out how to clean it up
how can i get fixed positioning on x but not on y? jsfiddle.net/4F3tq
I don't think you understand positioning
I learnt my positioning from the Karma Sutra
@monners just so you know, that was a pity star.
Do not leave space for the element. Instead, position it at a specified position relative to the screen's viewport and doesn't move when scrolled. When printing, position it at that fixed position on every page.
Oh damn hahahaha
@phenomnomnominal I'll take it!
@recruiterbro Do you have empathy for the people who use your products? We’ve got the job for you.
@phenomnomnominal remember learned skill !== used skill
yes, i would like it to move when scrolling horizontally
fixed for x and not fixed for y axis
@SomeGuy ^^^
I laughed out loud
@shnozolla okay well you will not get that with position: fixed; the way you think you can
it positions the element relative to the viewport - you cannot control it that way to my knowledge (allow one scroll and not the other)
use position:absolute; and javascript to fix the x position
function merge(a, b){
    var hash = a.concat(b).reduce(function(hash, item){
            hash[item.timestamp] = (hash[item.timestamp]||0) + item.value;
            return hash;
        }, {});

    return Object.keys(hash).sort().map(function(timestamp){
        return {timestamp: timestamp, value: hash[timestamp]};
@BadgerGirl I don't like this solution, but it works
Then send it
int MyFunction()
    // There once was a man named Dave
    int Result = 0;

    // Whose code just wouldn't behave
    MyObject *Ptr = new MyObject();

    // He left to go to a meetin'
    Result = Ptr->DoSomething();

    // And left his memory a leakin'
    return Result;
@BadgerGirl I still need to update my CV
Wait, you're sorting the final list?
That's why I don't like it
Yeah, they won't like it either.
!!afk catching a train
-- (Timestamp, Value)
type Entry = (Integer, Integer)

mergeLists :: [Entry] -> [Entry] -> [Entry]

mergeLists a [] = a
mergeLists [] b = b
mergeLists (left:leftRest) (right:rightRest) = case compare (fst left) (fst right) of
    LT -> left:(mergeLists leftRest $ right:rightRest)
    GT -> right:(mergeLists (left:leftRest) rightRest)
    EQ -> mergeLists (combined:leftRest) rightRest
            where combined = (fst left, snd left + snd right)
@copy You're hired.
I know
@Shmiddty JavaScript is such an ugly language
@copy true
Either you write it like that and it looks like a Python clone made by a 9 year old or just a plain old for loop and it feels as powerful as AVR assembly
1. I lost the game
2. What do you guys think is a good resource for learning Javascript? I'm comfortable with Python, including closures and functional programming, but I don't know how to start with Javascript.
@CodyPiersall @jAndy
@CodyPiersall You've come to the right place

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

Noob Javascript Resources

Jun 15 '12 at 13:05, 1 minute total – 11 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jun 15 '12 at 13:09 by rlemon

^^ should be enough to keep you busy.
I am so happy about this right now. Thanks @SomeKittensUx2666!
I've bookmarked them, but now it's dinner time.
food's good, enjoy it
I also dislike this answer:
function merge(a, b){
    var result = [], i, rItem;

        if (result.length === 0){
        } else {
            for(i = 0;rItem = result[i]; i++){
                if (item.timestamp === rItem.timestamp){
                    rItem.value += item.value;
                } else if (item.timestamp > rItem.timestamp){
morning! can I ask what this regex looks for?
@SomeKittensUx2666 yea... I sometimes do useful shit in here.
backgroundPositionY or backgroundPositionX or backgroundPosition
@rlemon, +1
ok, all the 3 variants
@Zirak, nice! that will go straight into my bookmark!
@Shmiddty Can you read Haskell?
@copy I'm not familiar with Haskell
Well, basically take the first element out of both lists and compare them. If they are equal merge, otherwise take the smaller one. Recursively repeat

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