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@BartekBanachewicz not exactly
Can anyone tell me where in ES spec/draft spec/discussion list I can find function^ and function*^ ?
I'm pretty sure I saw these somewhere.
* were generators IIRC
Yeah, I know. But I mean function^ not function*
From what I remember, it's supposed to be a function returning a promise.
foo :: Promise Int
foo = return 5
if the only thing function^ is supposed to do is the thing above, then wtf.
@BartekBanachewicz The same with function*, right?
@Miszy eh, kinda. JS could just borrow Lua coroutines for that
I mean, it couldn't, but if it could it could could do it.
Well, it makes sense, but I did need to read it twice
That's because it's missing a comma
> The author wrote the novel was likely to be a best-seller.
> The government plans to raise taxes were defeated.
> The old man the boat.
> The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families.
@Miszy Where's your perfect sense now, huh?
@SomeGuy Gosh I hate you!
It's not missing a comma.
The comma here is optional.
All the faith he had had, had had no effect on the outcome of his life.
I don't know about that :p
the comma's not needed, I believe
Q: "All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life" is it correct

Clinttt"All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life." Is this a grammatically correct sentence?

though it probably should be added for clarity
> Use commas to separate words repeated within a sentence to avoid confusion.
But it's not required.
2 days ago, by Some Guy
This http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_while_John_had_had_had_had_had_had_had_had_ha‌​d_had_had_a_better_effect_on_the_teacher
You might like this one :p
@SomeGuy Pretty sure nobody likes that one.
@Miszy are you reading the type book already?
@BartekBanachewicz I'm actually reading it now :)
@Miszy I've just solved the first exercise from Chapter 5
very enlighting
@Miszy how do you like it so far?
I'm chapter 1 because of yesterday's exam. I didn't study at all, but still felt guilty for doing anything else than having the exam-related materials open on fullscreen...
@Miszy Congrats :p
everytime i switch to this tab the last days, somebody is talking about weird english sentences
@GNi33 I'm actually talking about partial type signatures.
!!doge Types theory, chapter 2, mathematics
           so Types theory
                         such  chapter 2
very  mathematics
!!doge had, had, had
                 many had
                             much  had
so  had
@GNi33 That's only happened twice :p
It happened in the HTML room as well, though
i m new @ JavaScript i m got following bookmarklet for my site, it open in current window but i want open in new tab

window.open may be able to open it in a new tab, but it might get blocked by the popup blocker
user script? chrome extension? or try javascript:(function(){ window.open("http://www.google.com", "_blank"); })();
I have an array of ids, for every id I need to make an Ajax request and fetch data,
When I got all the data I need to show it to the end user.

Is there a good way of doing it with jQuery deferred?
@Wes now i m try
is it right ??
@SomeGuy iirc there's a way to make it safe
it really shouldn't get blocked by any browser when it's invoked by a direct user-input
I've seen Chrome's popup-block bug out on usual links when the system is really slow though
ah yeah, when it's on user input it's fine, that was it
That's what I'd thought, but I remember it being blocked regardless at times
But that might have been what GNi33's talking about
yeah I'd need a canonical resource on this
As per usual, it should work
I always put a "please check your popup-blocker"-notification besides the link nontheless
I don't trust this stuff, sometimes the behaviour seems to be totally random
Q: What's the right way to open popups?

Florian MargaineI haven't found a single answer able to tell me what's the right way to open a popup. Times have changed, and popups have been mostly replaced with fancybox-like boxes. However, there are still times when popups are needed. For those cases, I don't want my popup to be blocked by the browsers. ...

We're lazy people :p
All it would take was some experimentation
It's better to have it well-documented and available to search-engines on SO, though
besides, "some experimentation" is never a sure way given the heap of different platforms, browsers and versions around
@Kippie ^ exactly why I opened this question
@All* who helped for the app
It blew the day :D, the ms people were blown away :D
and now :-( i have to port it to C# and windows :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar Why?
I mean: why C#, does it have to be native?
@Miszy windows phone
@AbhishekHingnikar Ah, I see. HTML5 is not an option?
no webapps in windows phone .... i mean seriously a web app in microsoft internet explorer ?
@Miszy i need naked/low level camera access
for android i have google Chrome and Chrome Web View as an amazing option
@AbhishekHingnikar I see. :) IE11 is not that bad though, but native is probably the only way for now.
but for windows phone and others i will need someting like that
@AbhishekHingnikar What about iOS then?
@Miszy no for 2-3k images scrolling + animating + javascript calculations itt might be a problem
@Miszy do you really think a microsoft engineer will suggest iOS ?
i mean like seriously ?
No. What I meant was: Are you going to create Windows Phone, Android and iOS versions?
@Miszy its written in html 5 as of now
and will be a minor port to windows 8.1 [decent level api's]
and hence android will be supported with google chrome :P
iOS ... god knows .. if the app is recieved well
maybe by august.
because for iOS we will need a lot of cash to actually start it.
@AbhishekHingnikar Why is that?
@Miszy Macs :P
and iOS devices for testing
and then iOS store fee
@AbhishekHingnikar I heard that you can save some money by outsourcing the development to India. :D
Yeah, I always forget about hardware cost :D
+ learning objective c [cry cry cry cry]
@OctavianDamiean yeah it still costs hardwares bro
Obj-C is a very nice and easy language!
And the environment is just awesome.
@Miszy I am a javascripter / python junkie
@AbhishekHingnikar I know, I was just trying to mess with you. :D
ps i have written iOS apps colorbay.me
has 5-10 lines of Obj C by me
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm mainly JavaScript coder, but Obj-C was my love from at first sight o.O
its just that i dislike writing same stuff in 2 languages :P
I'd rather write the core in C++ and write bindings on all platforms instead
but well thats not an option here :
@AbhishekHingnikar It is some kind of option, but I think it requires more work than three separate native applications :D
@BartekBanachewicz are you there?
@BartekBanachewicz I was wondering if you still hate DirectX and why / why not.
@Miszy not really
just lots of issues can go wrong
also i will need access to lower level download api's aswell :P
right now i load 4k images at a time and since its a timeline i want to make sure i only download the image in the users viewport or the ones closer to it first
@OctavianDamiean Hahaha, I use that all the time
Does anybody knows a javascript library which can prioritize downloads by viewport ?
Trying to do responsive images?
@OctavianDamiean trying to do an image gallery
did u miss the screenshots ?
I remember them but I just don't see how the viewport is relevant to it, other than maybe responsive image loading.
Beiber is in jail
19 years old - DUI in the states.
But he didn't go to the "big house" jail yet, I guess?
> Citing Chief Raymond Martinez of Miami Beach police, the Herald said tests showed Bieber was "under the influence of drugs" and "incoherent" when arrested.
Well, being "arrested" still doesn't mean actually going to jail
> Bieber is now in custody and is at the police department where he is being tested -- presumably to more precisely measure his blood alcohol level. Our law enforcement sources say Justin was given a field sobriety test at the scene ... and failed. His next stop will be jail, where he will be booked and processed and bail will be set.
being arrested and charged means you goto lockup until bail is set
so he will be in jail. PC. but jail
Him and Rob Ford are really making us look like a bunch of drunken drugged up assholes.
@rlemon Who is Rob Ford?
Mayor of Toronto
While most of you are nearly never drunked or drugged
Wasn't that Chris Christy?
@rlemon Oh, I know. He's was actually a nice guy.
What chances do you think he has at being reelected?
tl;dr was caught and admitted to doing crack while in office. Constantly plastered in public. makes crude comments to the news. admitted to being a pot head during all of 2013/2012
it outspoken at meetings
constantly having to be told to shut up by the other ministers.
@Kippie none
people like to watch him, they don't want him running their city
Well, he was elected once
would you want Charlie Sheen for president? fuck no. would you watch that race because it was entertaining as fuck? yes
@Kippie this all came to light after the video of him smoking crack came out
before that he was just a little outspoken and had been seen drunk a few times in public
@Kippie That would be before he got a crack addiction
Who says he's addicted?
he does drugs, and admitted to doing crack "occasionally"
but claims to "not be addicted"
any drug user who swears they are not an addict... are addicts.
Crack is not a drug, c'mon. It's like root beer.
> I'm not addicted, I can stop whenever I want. I just don't want to yet.
<wink />
It's a void element, doesn't need that.
Or that.
no, at best we're talking XML here
> I'm not addicted, I can stop. I've stopped 14,927 times before.
it needs a closing tag
@OctavianDamiean no
@rlemon We're talking HTML5 here :]
well i load almost 4-5k images [atleast my dropbox folder camera uploads]
@rlemon Are you saying XML doesn't support self-closing tags?
XHTML4, no?
Sup @KendallFrey!
so now if i press back
@KendallFrey no, but given the context it should have one
@OctavianDamiean braaaaaah
it has to load all those images first.
@Kippie What? I remember XHTML 1.1 but not 4 :D
i can paginate them while rendering
@Miszy then it is invalid markup
but adding it while rendering causes flickers
@OctavianDamiean How's life?
@rlemon It's a web component :D
also if they are loading and the user changes the locatio
i need to cancel all the current downloads
so anybody got such a lib ?
<wink-wink> I would accept
but not <wink>
@rlemon You're right.
So <wink-wink>
I love stupid internet debates about pointless shit :)
they are the best kind
@Miszy Oh, sorry, forgot it was 2014. It hasn't been invented yet :s
Of course they are :D That's the point of the Internet :D
@rlemon No they're not.
round one! fight!
is there some practice to make a banner image fit into a div? Ie, it transforms to match the dimensions of the div
no they are not
source: - your mom
You're such a nazi, @rlemon
ohh my Godwin that was a good argument.
We don't have "My Little Pony" command ?
!!mlp Miszy
@Kippie That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!pizza 1920 1080
ohh the cheeziness
I just threw up a little in my pants.
what picture did you get?
I got one with alot of cheeze and black olives
The one C6 posted doesn't look very tasty, though
yeah, that one
Seriously, what kind of cheeze do they put on thos pizzas? None of them seem properly cooked
The cheeze has to become a bit crusty, at least
hey I need help with jQuery. Is that the place to ask?
@AxerFli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
my company now has an internal stackoverflow
I somehow forgot how to write cheese
@FlorianMargaine What, why?
@FlorianMargaine sign up with the name Jon Skeet
hah, nice try. Next you're going to tell us they have an internal github as well ;)
~700 employees dispatched throughout Europe, it allows us to have a centralized knowledge base
this is what we use: askbot.com
@rlemon not enough jquery :(
My button fade in/out is glitching, is there anyone who may be able to help me?
@FlorianMargaine Don't you mean "not enough .NET" ?
@KendallFrey mostly boring but oky. :D
wow it really is a SO clone
Also, how does askbot compare to SO?
@OctavianDamiean Boring usually means nothing bad is happening, right? :)
@Kippie feels like SO, except a few rough edges
@rlemon Thanks, didn't see that.
They should probably hire a new designer, though
the design is better on our site
@KendallFrey Yea, well I'm self employed now. So I'm kinda like my own boss, it's a little weird though because when I fuck up I have to yell at myself.
lol, that probably wouldn't work out for me
I'm home, homies.
When I fuck up, I would just go grab a drink
@Zirak OH BROOO!!
@Zirak It's like old times again!
do people really do this?
@rlemon Oy!
@rlemon wat
get that away.... ouch
@Zirak I can't rape you if you keep asking for it.
1 message moved to recycle bin
keep it sfw
some browsers inconsistently pad the elements with text nodes because of white-space.
I'm asking if people ACTUALLY write html like that?
Besides Zirak is a hurricane rider now, you can't just rape him.
A List Apart article says they do
I've never met anyone
@rlemon Why would they do that?
we know
you've never met anyone
it's ok, you're not alone in the world
hey guys!
@FlorianMargaine hahah
I have a good news and a bad news
the good one is that it went well with the psycologist...
@Cicada3301 We've heard of Justin Bieber already.
Oh, look who I'm not in the mood to talk to
let it haunt you
Awww, I missed you guys so much.
We missed you too <3
@Miszy Your site is borken
it's not even valid html
@Zirak My site?
1 message moved to recycle bin
enjoy your invite ;)
@FlorianMargaine looks valid to me
the second is that the guys who were looking looking for a coder for the school thingie decided they were going for some automated website generator, so they don't need me anymore
so you had a website!
@KendallFrey a closing li is missing
@Zirak It's not broken. It's perfectly fine, why?

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