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@Loktar Yeah that was me, kinda cool that it's still floating around the interwebs.
3 hours later…
RT @ChromiumDev: Track Chrome's HTML5 implementation status at http://t.co/Bkx1ilD #protip ^sl
RT @mozhacks: This month's Developer Derby by Mozilla is all about geolocation - http://t.co/NvScQma . Show us what you can do with it!
RT @mozhacks: New blog post: Webinar: Geolocation with Remy Sharp http://t.co/ildJh5e
RT @paul_irish: Browsers rely on feedback from you developers. Learn how to effectively report browser bugs: http://t.co/Yp1ctXi
anyone wanna chat?
whats up
whats up
@yourfriendzak hi
@david good morning
what time is it in your zone?
@yourfriendzak dude can you suggest me what is difference between primary vs foreign key
i have some confusion between these two keys
Q: Dynamic ListSelector Array problem

Ajay Patelall i am working now days on WebOs 3.0 This question may not require WebOs knowledge. My problem is i am using a list selector is like a HTML dropdown. its static code {kind: "ListSelector", name: "mySelector"} this.$.mySelector.setItems( [ { caption: "test 1", value: 1 }, { caption: "test ...

2 hours later…
hey guys, anyone here?
Hi guys
Is it me not getting the idea, or is the basic premise of this question completely crazy?
Q: Javascript find and replace string within substring not using jquery

frankHi can someone convert this jquery in to plain javascript? $("body *").each(function () { $(this).html($(this).html().replace(/\[br\]/\g,'<br/>')); }); What it does is, it finds all [br] and then replace it with <br/> The code above works perfectly in chrome but not in mozil...

What good does it do to replace <br> by <br/> in an already rendered DOM?
not really an expert here, but I'm with you on that one I have no idea why you'd want to do that
mind if I ask you a question?
Going to leave this here just in case anyone can help - jsfiddle.net/aBSyH/3
CAn anyone tell me why the hover is behaving so strangely? I suspect it's something to do with my selector, but can't get it to work.
@Pekka he's replacing [br] with <br /> ;)
Q: Navigation custom.js interfering with Ajax and other jquery?

japanwormIt seems that my contact form's ajax javascript and the custom.js that I'm using for my drop-down navigation are interfering with each other. The contact form's ajax fuction will only work properly if I won't call the "custom.js" in the header. Furthermore I've had troubles using some jquery sli...

@user597264 What behaviour are you seeing here which is odd? the red hover areas appears whilst over the nav item for me, is this not what's expected?
@dougajmcdonald if you hover over link , the text turns red. and the content block appears.
but when you leave the content block, sometimes it stay red, intead of returning to blue
it should go back to blue
but there's no consistency
Hello, is anyone familiar with the jQuery validate plugin for AJAX forms?
I'm having some issues with a contact form that's in the footer of every page on my site - it will only work on the home page and no others...
It looks like you've set the color of the link via css on :hover but I can't see where you set it back, could you set li.mainmenu a { color: blue; } and see if that helps
Also, because the UL is part of your .mainmenu, when you hover over the red bit which pops out, it still stays as the :hover behaviour of the mainmenu class, is that what you want? or do you want the link to go blue when you hover over the 'subnav' bit?
yes, I want the ul to inherit the hover functionality. I want the link to stay red when it's over the sub nav
@dougajmcdonald I've set it to blue, but no effect - jsfiddle.net/aBSyH/6
Hello Stackers, stackoverflow.com/questions/7346231/… see if you can assist
@user597264 That is indeed strange! I will have a proper look when I get a second, I suspect it might need some HTML restructuring or a breakdown of a classes/elements to see what's affecting what, have you run it through firebug and seen what classes are/aren't applied when you hover on different areas?
@user597264 Hi, I haven't read the whole question, but can't you do this with CSS alone?
@Dan I need to use replacement text, so I'm usng cufon
which is the only javasctipr in it
ah, I see ^
does jS have to do the styling too?
nope, I'm using normal styling - > li.mainmenu:hover a{ color:red; }
@dougajmcdonald I've had alook in firebug, it all seems normal to me
so is the problem with rollovers / hover states?
otherwise, I'll just shut up :P
problem with rollover states
@user597264 It's likley to do with the positioning of the child elements, if your cursor leaves the menu items via the top of the menu li's it works as you'd expect
@user597264 Ah, got it! define a width on your '.mainmenu a' in css. I set it to 100px and it works ok
I would assume that the reason was that without an explicit width they were being displayed as 100%, which would explain why when your cursor 'left' the hover state, it didn't really, as the width was wider than the li menu items...or something like that!
@dougajmcdonald really, I'm still having issues, I've put the width on here - jsfiddle.net/aBSyH/10
does that not work for you?
Ah, i took the JS out too...
I've made the same mistake, trying to debug
Do you need the JS?
The nav works fine without it
I know, it's a right pain but I need to js
**the js
client won't allow css3 font replacement
What for?
@user597264 no font-face? the google font API is good too
It's a custom font that the client has provided, and they want to obscure the font file, so using cufn
font's not available on google
Yeah I use the google font library on a couple of sites, it works nicely
**and no close match
ok, but this doesn't have anything to do with the CSS right?
from a CSS point of view, that menu could be built a bit better..
you don't need to specify widths?
*just checking
no I don't
How abouit setting the JS to only affect li a:hover?
so if the jS is working for you, you just need a hand with the CSS?
because jS is not needed to make the drop downs work properly, only for additional effects.
The js is setting hover = true for all 'li a' items though
so it's applying the red colour
I me
this seems to work, jsfiddle.net/aBSyH/14
***arragh, stupid return key
sorry, but no it doesn't. The font has not been replaced
Thanks for looking guys, much appreciated. I've to go for 30 mins.
I've put the question here - stackoverflow.com/questions/7338065/…
@user597264 You know you can edit or delete messages here, right?
@YiJiang no I didn't, how do you do that?
How do you only change the page content and not the css menus?
e.g menus like <ul> Title <li> FIle </li> </ul>
Q: Refactor 2 regular expressions in Javascript into 1 statement

JustAnilI have the following code, which replaces " " <-- Spaces with "-" <-- Dash. Because some of the title text will be returned with more spaces, it converts it into 3 dashes. Examples of Possible Titles: "Hello World From Jquery" <--- Notice 2 Spaces between the words, not 1 "Main ...

@user597264 Hover over any message. On the right there's a little triangle thingy that would open up a menu for you
There's the option for editing and deleting messages there
1 hour later…
Does anybody here ever find themselves playing code golf with themselves while answering questions?
Because I just edited an answer to a PHP question about 5 times, because I kept finding more concise solutions.
History stackexchange site for those interested: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/5169/…
guys does any of you has used the dataTables plugin?
ive used it
Brep brep brep.
@LuisArmando I use it a bunch.
Your largest problem will be making it interactive in any way.
Great idea for a history site
just committed to it
@Incognito yeah I've realized now I'm stuck with this problem
@Loktar Hello
Q: Toggle Column visibility using class in dataTables

Luis ArmandoI know that to toggle the visibility in a column using the dataTables plugin I only have to do: function fnShowHide( iCol ){ /* Get the DataTables object again - this is not a recreation, just a get of the object */ var oTable = $('#content-table-redesign').dataTable(); var bVis = oTable.fnSett...

In dataTables, Presenting small sets of data (<1000 columns x 5 rows), causes a bunch of issues because it's super inefficient at how it uses the DOM and binds events to each cell. The interactive problem you'll have is the AJAX isn't practical for working back-and-forth, you basically have to monitor the whole table on both sides of the site, and then keeping track of which record you want to manipulate is confusing as all @#$^
@LuisArmando Personally I'm waiting for jQueryUI's Grid to complete before I even want to touch any tables stuff, the project looks really really sweet.
Hi @NiteshKatare
Hi everybody, i'm using a jQuery Plugin (Plum) who as a builtin validation system for forms, but the problem is that it can't handle email with a dot in it, could someone help me whit this regex

email: /^(?:(?:"[^"]+")|(?:'[^']+')|(?:[\w!#$%&'*+\-\/=?\^_`{|}~]+))@(?:[\w](?:\-?[\w]+)?\.)*?[\w]+(?:\.[a-z]{2})?\.[a-z]{2,4}$/,

to help me add a dot in email user.

Ex: [email protected]
@Ingonito do you have the link for it?
@Loktar can we use datatable plug in ?
Sure.. be my guest
I didnt write it or anything
@Loktar can i get some example
@Loktar can i implement this is asp.net ?
@NiteshKatare jQuery is client side, so asp/php/... dosn't mather
@NiteshKatare and that use table that you've already output by your self (in the language you choose ;)!)
so this plug in only change the look of the table
Yeah the look and add some feature (Sort, Search, ...)
i thght it as a flexigrid
So now, did someone could look at my regex :) lol
As I see in flexigrid it's only changing the style too
javascript (in this case jQuery) is client side only... so you have to make some server-side with ASP/PHP to output data then after with jQuery you add feature and styling
as per my knowledge we can use flexigrid with server side code too
as it provides many features
Maybe you're right, but as all that I know you can't connect to a database with this kind of plugin, you always need a serverside code (PHP/ASP)
@LuisArmando No but I answered your question. Basically, just use data() on TR.
@JonathanLaf Yes ur right
I'm sorry if it's vague, I barely work up, coffee is sitting here too hot to drink.
but its a very powerful plug in
u can look the above article
yeah I know that it's powerfull, but you need a serverside coding to display the data first, that what i've said ;)
@JonathanLaf Ur Right
@JonathanLaf Are you trying to write the regex yourself?
anyway, need a cigarette be back in a few, by the time i push my question again, did someone could help me out with this :

email: /^(?:(?:"[^"]+")|(?:'[^']+')|(?:[\w!#$%&'*+\-\/=?\^_`{|}~]+))@(?:[\w](?:\-?[\w]+)?\.)*?[\w]+(?:\.[a-z]{2})?\.[a-z]{2,4}$/,

this regex dosn't alow me to have [email protected] in email

Did someone could help ?
@Incognito no i'm not really good in regex
i'm trying to modify the one that exist in the plugin
@JonathanLaf Don't go for a smoke, talk to me first.
@Everyone Any one have idea about JSON ?
@Incognito yeah i'll stay :) loll
Why did you think you needed to write your own?
The guys who wrote the rules on this over a decade ago... surely, they did this work for you, no?
@Incognito i'm not writing my own, it's a part of the plugin I bought on codecanyon... but it's dosn't handle the dot in the username of a email and I need it :P so that's why i'm searching if someone could help me fix that
Who/where is the document that says that's how email addresses can look?
Not supose to be this old ;) loll it's a brand new plugin :|
No, but the RFC wrote it years back.
The rules of how emails look.
There's no ... i've tryed my email [email protected] and that tell me it's a wrong email and when i tryed [email protected] that's work :P
They exist, written a long time ago.
They've been written by the international engineering task force.
The IETF releases RFC documents that are the spec for how things like this work, regardless of the system.
Okay and the RFC give javascript regex to compare to ?:P
in essence, it's the law.
No, the RFC doesn't give to spits about your programming languages
the RFC is the law, it's up to you the programmer to follow the law.
I know that for the RFC but i'm so poor in regex that I never understand a thing about all that code loll :P
You don't need to.
so that's why that I don't even know if that follow the standart of th RFC
You need to look at RFC 2822 and see what it says.
Then you need to find a regex that is RFC2822 compliant.
A simple search for "rfc2822 compliant regex" gives you dozens.
yeah :|
that so cool too have all the good word :P
Now, keep in mind, they all suck by far-and-wide. They don't take into consideration the more recent changes, and all of these will be crap in about five years when unicode rocks the address bar.
But for now, you're fine.
loll thanks @Incognito
But in five years you'd better have read over RFC 2822 and the domain name RFC as well.
Because you'll have to fix this.
speaking of which -- Does anyone know where I can buy a unicode domain so I can be a total jerk?
Awh never-mind, modern browsers decode them to ascii on the fly :(.
In other news, your browser address bar decodes unicode.
Everything work fine now @Incognito thank you :) have a nice day
@JonathanLaf Remember, read the specs.
@Incognito Yeah i don't even think about that... never think to search that way, but i'll read seriously the document you send me, it's realy nice, thank you
Any extjs/couchDb fans here?
@Ingol Nope ;). Actually, that's not fair. I've never spent more than 180 seconds with extjs.
Too bad!
How about couchDB?
60 sec?
Just about.
I never got into the whole NoSQL thing.
I like my ACID and stuff like that.
hey guys
I still need to get into the NoSQL thing, at least so I can hold a convo with people.
see this question (not mine):
Q: jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed?

BlaMWith jQuery, how do I find out which key was pressed when I bind to the keypress event? $('#searchbox input').bind('keypress', function(e) {}); I want to trigger an submit when ENTER is pressed. [Update] Even though I found the (or better: one) answer myself, there seems to be some room for ...

Apparently keypress() only works in Firefox
does anyone know if you can do this with keyup()?
@Loktar Data goes in, data comes out. You can't explain that.
AFAIK, it's a hash-map.
Yeah, but you can map reduce alllllllllll over that thing.
map reduce sounds cool.
See, normally you tell the data to stand in a line and go through the airport security check-in.
@AdamLynch Are you saying jQuery keypress only works in FF?
Map-reduce just means everyone in security get off their seats and walk through the crowd checking for drugs/guns/vegetables on each person, and every security officer checks 20 people, who reports to a central controller of 20 security guards, who reports to the security chief.
Because that doesn't sound right to me
Keypress works in tons of stuff.
Or maybe it's keyup.
@Incognito look at the link
Also, jQuery normalizes keyCode/which to which.
lol nice image @Incognito
heh I had a gentoo machine once...
Is there some reason i can't pull up pages on MDC?
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.
Huh... jQuery doc for .keypress has a warning about cross-browser compatibility. It seems you're best off using .keyup.
That's... slightly disappointing. Bad play, jQuery, bad play.
@AdamLynch So, the answer is "yes", you can do that with .keyup, and it seems to be the preferred method.
@Ryan I've already implemented it:P
@AdamLynch :-)
posted on September 08, 2011 by Thomas Fuchs

For our next product Charm (an email support and CRM app) we’re going the all full-screen, real-time, highly interactive web app path, and using a lot of cool technologies, like Zepto.js, Backbone.js and CoffeeScript, to name a few. As we believe that the details make the product, we’re also going to have keyboard shortcuts, so [...]

Has anybody here clue how can I evaluate() function() in context with jquery?
@genesisφ So uhh, where do you live, dude?
        $.wait = function(time,data){
                }, time);

when data = function(){ something.slideUp(); }
Just in case I ever end up having to maintain that code you're about to write.
I'm just asking. This is javascript room -.-
No no, I'm asking where you live.
Because if I ever have to end up maintaining something with eval...
@genesisφ well what's in data?
                var g = $("<div />", {"class":"popup"});
                $.wait(1000, function(g){g.slideDown()});
g = data
@Incognito in 90's
@genesisφ Not quite...
@RyanKinal I don't even know if we have an eval drinking game, but genisis isn't giving me his address.
the fuck, dude. seriously.
I know eval is not correct, so tell me, how should I evaluate code given through argument
> Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live.
You have a function...just call it.
@genesisφ "I know eval isn't correct, so how do I eval code?"
@Zirak good. Will do it
Didn't know this
        $.wait = function(time,data){
                        if (data && typeof data === 'function')
                }, time);
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'slideDown' of undefined
Oh, I see what's going on here. The function in setTimeout doesn't have g within scope.
It accepts a parameter, you need to pass through the parameter or use closure
Scratch that, it should be fine. I think.
No, he redefines g as a parameter, so the outer g is overridden.
Ah. That's the problem.
$.wait(1000, function(g){g.slideDown()}); g is redefined.
Remove the parameter and it should be fine
function(g) doesn't pass g into function.
25 secs ago, by Incognito
$.wait(1000, function(g){g.slideDown()}); g is redefined.
(function(x){...})(g) passes g into the function
        $.wait = function(time,data){
                }, time);

var g = $("<div />", {"class":"popup"});
$.wait(1000, function(g){g.slideDown()});
28 secs ago, by Incognito
(function(x){...})(g) passes g into the function
@genesisφ $.wait(1000, function(){g.slideDown()}); <--- do that instead
... and hope g doesnt change within the next 1 second :-P
        $.wait = function(time,data){
                }, time);

var g = $("<div />", {"class":"popup"});
$.wait(1000, function(){g.slideDown()});
This is what happens when we don't have a var declarations in function arguments... v.v :(
returns same error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'slideDown' of undefined
sigh time for a closure
$.wait(1000, (function(g) {
		return function() {
hey all whats the best wya to check if a variable is a function and not a string?
@JohnMerlino typeof
second! maybe i got it
like this: if(typeof(url) === Function)
typeof thing === 'function'
Damn cache.
@JohnMerlino if (typeof url === 'function')
thanks for response
Here's the other problem
thing.constructor.toString() === Function.toString()
$('body') returns a jquery object, where insertAfter expects a target.
@Incognito I'Ve got $(this)
but it works
@genesisφ No, this is what you just showed us.
<------><------>var g = $("<div />", {"class":"popup"});
<------><------>$.wait(1000, function(){g.slideDown()});
<------><------>g.html('<div class="popup-close">&nbsp;x</div>');

works fine
ignore these arrows
Yay, we prevented someone from using eval!
@Zirak For a short while.
Can whoever starred my $.wait post unstar it please?
(I'm guessing @genesis)
Man, there's actually a $.wait ?
Thanks everyone, and thanks for telling me better way than eval! Even I know that eval() is evil();
@genesisφ You may also want to look into .delay: api.jquery.com/delay
Just, you know, so you don't have to roll your own.
i have an issue in extjs4
Q: extjs/c# - how to save data from a form to a database?

astrocybernauteim trying to add a new user to my database via a form i prepared the form but my problem is how to save the data from this form to my database ? im using c# and extjs4.0.1 i know i need to use submit on a button and give it an url i did that but when i click on it nothing happens! no errors! i g...

@Ryan I think .delay() does not work with normal functions but only with animations?
can u plz take a look
@genesisφ But you're doing an animation ;-)
plz no, please yes
@Ryan I meant, I though that function called before SHOUDN't BE anything but animation
@Ryan @Inco and what about callback function ?
@genesisφ Right. It just seems that your use case fits with .delay
@genesisφ What about them?
$.wait = function (cb) {
    return setTimeout(cb);
$.addTwoNumbers = function (a, b) {
    return a + b;
Zirak - ?
@Zirak Striking similarity
Was a silent rant at how people are abusing jQuery.
@Zirak I've seen someone replace all the math features with jQuery plugins, maybe I can find it for you...
why's it abusing?
Because if all $.wait is doing is to call setTimeout, then it's abusing jQuery
ah. however I call $.func rather than func
and how can I call callback function ? after setTimeout() is completed?
Er... what the func?
setTimeout calls a callback after n milliseconds, that's what it does
nvm... Ill find it ;)
var tid = setTimeout(function() {
		// I can do whatever the func I want in here
	}, 1000);
Someone shoot me. Please. Make it stop. No more Java. No more C#.
hello, going to throw this out here again ,
Q: strange behaviour when changing the color of link when hovering on parent list item

user597264My issue can be seen here - http://jsfiddle.net/aBSyH/3/ I'm using cufon text replacement and think that's the source of the issue. The link's color should change when you hover in and out of the list item and it's content. But it's behaving quite strangely. It changes back to blue sometimes bu...

I've been looking all day with no luck
**asked about this already in here too sorry if you think it's a bit spammy
Man, you got like 10 plugins going on there,.
teehee, someone put a Rick Roll in the source code
This is still driving me out of my skull insane.
$("#accordion").html($("#accordion").html()); shouldn't do anything, right?
Expect, it makes HTML render in ie6/7.
Actually, document.getElementById("accordion").innerHTML = document.getElementById("accordion").innerHTML; does as well, this isn't even a jquery thing.
how do i pass paramaters from a .js to my handler.ashx ??
IE6 and IE7 are weird. Maybe it forces some re-render or something
@Zirak Here's the thing. It works for a smaller dom fragment I'm trying to append to the element, but not a larger one.
Alright, I'm going to set up a demo somewhere, I'm losing it.
@user597264 Commented
heh @david someone posted your visualization as its own post now rather than just a comment :)
Its so inspiring!!
@RyanKinal thanks will check now
I think... I figured it out.
IE6/7 appends a dom fragment, but you can't reference to the fragment's sub elements...? Maybe?
anyone used require.js before? i know there are two ways to load code, via require.js module system or a raw .js file, also heard that the first one is the most optimal. just wondering, does anyone go so far as to rewrite 3rd party libs (jquery and its plugins for example) into require.js modules? or is it not worth it and are they loaded as files from a CDN best?
Okay, I've recreated my problem on jsbin... jsbin.com/aticep/2/edit#preview
oh boy...
it's the HTML 5 draft except in DOM form
cell.setAttribute("class"... will kill you in older IE builds
cell.className = "whatever";
@MattMcDonald The issue occurs without any class-setting.
that's not really a JS question, but the difference is that a primary key serves as the unique identifier of a record
oh, crazy delay; ignore that
the DOM table API can help you here
@MattMcDonald Why in the blue blazes of hell does this work in ie7 but the other way won't?
I need to go cry into a hot sandwich somewhere.
> The sAttrName parameter requires the name of the desired content attribute and not the Document Object Model (DOM) attribute. For example, in IE8 mode, this method no longer requires sAttrName to be "className" when setting, getting, or removing a CLASS attribute. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer 8 in compatibility mode still require sAttrName to specify the corresponding DOM property name.
like I said, that code will kill you
IE < 8 expects setAttribute("className"), which is very stupid
which is also why any DOM expert will tell you to avoid attributes period
What I'm baffled by isn't the class thing, it's that the table-specific API does it.
using insertCell actually renders the damn thing, appendChild won't render-- HOWEVER, it's in the innerHTML if you inspect it.
try adding a tbody to the table before adding the rows
most browsers these days will add a tbody if it's not there to promote proper table structure
No, it just really wants the cell api.
Tbody won't make it render :(
I'm starring this so I can find it later =/
mm, now back to battling mysql + foreign keys
@MattMcDonald What's the issue?
error 150
table creates when I omit the foreign keys
What's your SQL?
CREATE TABLE `posts_tags` (
PRIMARY KEY 	(`post_id`, `tag_id`),
FOREIGN KEY 	(`post_id`) 		REFERENCES posts(`post_id`),
FOREIGN KEY 	(`tag_id`) 		REFERENCES tags(`tag_id`)
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `mydb`.`tags`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
  `tag` TEXT NULL ,
  PRIMARY KEY (`idtags`) )

-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `mydb`.`posts`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mydb`.`posts` (
I think that's the general thing you're after doing.
You might want to tweak things like onDelete as it'll give you issues eventually.
it's an intersection table
Tags for a post like a blog?
already have foo.posts and foo.tags
Above should work, just tweak the delete action how you want it.
I have a post and tag table, the intersection is the third guy.
I'll hop on over here:

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Good call.
Q: jQuery: Simultaneously fadeIn + fadeOut

lemonpoleall. I'm designing a small portfolio website for my friend and I am having difficulty trying to get the fadeIn + fadeOut effect to work properly. The images are sliding + fading, however, there is a long delay in between the fades and you can momentarily see the background. The slider I am using ...

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