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@Meredith haha no need to apologize - but if you do want it flattened then you would likely have to let us in on more than just that object
like, the actual need and program
This is all the same thing. JS is to JS as anything is to itself. How can you dispute that?? @Neal is this you trolling??
@Jhawins he's on Vacation memeber
Jon Skeet agrees (JS)
I don't think a man would lie about being on a beach with his wife.
Wanna know what I don't understand? How someone can say the things this guy is saying and not be trolling.
Idea: Whenever qwertynl is in the room, we call him Neal and vice-versa.
now... amis amiz amix amal amail am returns amis amiz amix amal amail am, what is wrong?
while it should return amis amiz amix amaux amaux ams
You most likely won't get anymore help here. We've wasted enough of our time teaching you but you genuinely do not want to learn.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Hahahaha
@Jhawins how about you start teaching me something that has to do with what I wrote?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I think that might end up annoying us more
$ umount /dev/sdf1
umount: sdf1 is not mounted (according to mtab)
$ sudo mkfs.vfat -F 16 /dev/sdf1
/dev/sdf1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!
what the actual fuck is going on
that was what I was asking for
Constant, "What?"s from Neal
@SomeGuy bin 'em
so moment.js does time differences correctly. I may have to peek at their code
oooohhhh killem
@rlemon Haha
Best of luck :p
like... where do I even begin
@rlemon Unmounting from the main OS will make it unuseable no? That's my only thought.
I know you have to be sure the main OS isn't using it, but if it's not mounted in it will it even show up as unmounted in the VM?
@Jhawins try and tell me why my code is not working properly (not how it can be better, i'll improve that as I understand what is wrong),,,
but I can't write a FS to a mounted partition
@Cicada3301 stop pinging him
@Cicada3301 no
he doesn't want to help you
I'm busy imagining I'm helping @rlemon
hey! if you have an suggestions on how to proceed i'm all ears.
sudo rm -rf /
(i'm trying to get Arch Linux on a beaglebone)
@rlemon (for no obvious reason I understand...) ok..
But no really. If the main OS has it locked up then the VM won't be able to do anything it couldn't do if it had it locked up itself.
I've only got experience in Kramernix on a really small TI-81
"locked up" meaning it's doing anything that would cause it to not be able to format/modify the drive to the extent it needs (or thinks it needs) to install the OS.
afaik the main OS (windows) doesn't even know it exists
source:: it is not showing up on My Computer
^ That is where you should start your Google search lol. Emphasis on the whole "running in Windows using nix trying to install nix onto a new drive"
time to eject, and mount again and try again
The nix system isn't a completely seperate running system. If the main OS doesn't have access to something then the VM shouldn't either. And Windows isn't going to cooperate very well with ext drives.
what the fuck man! now the second partition is gone
@rlemon Heh. It's a bit much... The reason why I haven't posted more on the details is because most of my code uses the ExtJS framework whose objects take some getting used to, and because this looks like spaghetti, despite the MVC. pastebin.com/kus6X7Ce if you're curious though
idk man. I bet if you boot up a USB installation or live CD it will work instantly. That doesn't solve your problem, but it may keep some more of your hair intact.
The problem is the way the drive is mounted/shared through Windows/your VM program as the host. It's gotta be.
@Meredith ohh wow, is that how you are supposed to use ExtJS??
This is the same thing from yesterday right?
big ass objects and arrays?
@Jhawins yup
I just taught my co-worker how to make m-dash in CSS
Yeah, my bet would be that it's related to running the VM in Windows. If it were nix running under nix it would probably be fine. But I don't have any knowledge whatsoever on how VMs share drives other than that it's not identical to traditionally running systems.
The VM program may have it mounted somehow and then forward the contents to the VM itself as a virtual drive. Which would obviously cause issues trying to do lower-level operations.
@rlemon What you're seeing is a controller in ExtJs. In other words all of my listeners are stored in controller files, and that this.control({objects....}) statement hooks up the listeners to other objects uhhh gathered together by the framework
The weirdest thing about ExtJS is how html components are declared through js though. Like muchos div generation and whatnot
And don't get me started on the CSS
-_- faceeeeepalm... the whole thing is that I didn't change the i-th index of the array... but just the variable taking it's value... everything else is working correctly...
Wish I worked at a company with snacks.
Never trust shortcuts.
I swear.
We have pizza if you want
I'll save you a slice or 2
@SomeKittensUx2666 get a bag of skittles and a bag of M&Ms and mix them together in a bowl and put them out for everyone
By 'with snacks' I mean we're currently out of pretty much everything but a handful of mixed nuts.
^ so mean
someone will grab a handful and pop a few in their mouth at once. hope they got a mix of the two - not a good flavour combo
@OctavianDamiean I'm not home.
@SomeGuy A duck trend started me.
@OctavianDamiean and @Zirak on the same day?! who did we blow to get this awesomeness
Not me. Unless you paid for that prostitute.
@FlorianMargaine BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: logic exam is the best exam
In which case... Thanks.
@Zirak Your parents were part of the waterfowl fetish fad?
I won't lie... I purchased my ducks after seeing @Zirak's desk ducks
is there an easy way to skip 'break' on switches?
wait... it's in french.
I wanted to be cool like him
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry. Don't bother with my previous ping.
no it is funny
you just need to let the translator have at it
I luled
@Cicada3301 Write your own flavour of js
It's all the rage.
@Zirak is that even a technical term?
Or don't use switch statements.
@Cicada3301 what do you mean?
@Zirak wanna help with JabbaScript?
@Cicada3301 anyway, there's almost no use case for switch statements in JS
@Cicada3301 Sure? Write a preprocessor.
map objects is all teh rage
@FlorianMargaine if/else if/else get me a bad style
@rlemon aw, you got my hopes up.
why? you thought it was already written?
you can help as well!
@cicada3301 Look into dispatch tables
I already bought jabbascript.com
!!afk administration stuff.
@Zirak thx
hello is anyone familiar with jquery ui; particularly .draggable()? I'm using it on a canvas, and I'm trying to get the coordinates where the mouse first started the drag event
Che 1..10 Bsha $i
    Choy $i Be 5
        Bolla foo

Bota foo ($a) ->
    Chalya $a*$a
example of JabbaScript once I finish it
for( var $i = 1, $l = 10; $i < $l; $i++ ) {
  if( $i === 5 ) foo.call(this);
function foo($a) {
    return $a * $a;
who else is excited to write JS this way?
completely unrelated question but needed to complete my code: how would you define the plural of 'on'?
looks like php
can someone help me to select inputs with some attribute inside a container with some class, the problem is that can exist another container nested with the same class with its own inputs, but i dont want those inputs. jsfiddle.net/sDL2D
There is no plural of 'on'
@RUJordan okeeeee
the italian language is weird.
i want to exclude nested containers from the selector, im trying with jquery
@nEAnnam why are you not using form tags?
just class example
so is that your actual code or ?
what is your real structure
@rlemon guess what.
chicken but?
  mediaCapture = new Capture.MediaCapture();
    mediaCapture.initializeAsync().then(function () {
        livePreview.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaCapture);
^--- html5isque spec works out of the box in windows html5 :-|
then() is part of promises right?
that was kind of unexpected.
@RUJordan for one time you are hearing me say... FUCKING MICROSOFT I LOVE U .
that is how you capture the webcam?
@rlemon yeap
and then you can do all the awesome shit you want :D
they even make it easy to take HD photos :-| holy shit man
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia;
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
video.autoplay = true;
video.addEventListener('play', init, false);
	video: true
}, function (stream) {
	video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
}, function () {
	// error
Dang, that's a first
I should change away from this snippet i've been using
@rlemon thats windows html5 apps ONLY
yea, but It reminded me that mines limited to native / webkit only
should look into new support now
actually i like microsoft's version more.
@rlemon given the outer div with class form, can i get just [data-x='1']
I am new to grid thing in css. What is the width of one column in Bootstrap?
@nEAnnam sure
@rlemon and given the nsted div with class form, get data-x=2 and data-x=3
IIRC they all have to equal 12, except the x small grid
Anyone ?
I couldn't find it in Docs
1 min ago, by RUJordan
IIRC they all have to equal 12, except the x small grid
!!google bootstrap grids
@rlemon i've tryied with :not(.form, .form *) but it excludes the form that im giving
Windows is fucking amazing !
function takePhoto() {
    pics.createFileAsync("photo.jpg", Storage.CreationCollisionOption.generateUniqueName)
      .then(function (file) {
        var photoProperties = Windows.Media.MediaProperties.ImageEncodingProperties.createJpeg();
         // Obviously you can do all the above shit and just wait for the tap to do this
         //   or discard the file perhaps.
        mediaCapture.capturePhotoToStorageFileAsync(photoProperties, file).then(function () {
            console.log("Image saved on disk.");
@nEAnnam however you can pass in a custom callback function for filter and just remove values that are not what you want.
$('.form [data-x]').filter(function() {
    return $(this).parents('.form').length===1;
the 2th worked!
A question was posted about jquery not working because 4 divs with the same ID were not working. I said the OP should study up on basic html before tackling jquery. No malice, but if you don't know that IDs need to be unique, you should take a step back.
Somebody said I should be more polite to new users
I got the job today
And then the question was deleted :(
they are going to send the offer on Monday
@Loktar NO WAY!Y!!
so.... idk what to do here lol
@AbhishekHingnikar thanks man
like I've been here 6 weeks
@Loktar i found love with windows today !
it seems silly to give a 2 weeks.. thats what 1/8th of my time here lol
Lemme share the love ... you can do real time video processing in html5 apps on windows !
I was thinking of just quitting today.
@AbhishekHingnikar woah nice man, you mean in metro right?
2 week vacation doode
@Loktar yeap man
@RUJordan thats what I was thinking
that works on motherfucking windows phone !
I mean it wont screw these guys over at all.. Im still new as hell
mediaCapture = new Capture.MediaCapture();
mediaCapture.initializeAsync().then(function () {
    livePreview.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaCapture);
^ Thats it !
> Error Publishing Git Repository: Git Error
Is it rude to tell somebody they should study the basics or am I just overthinking this?
@AbhishekHingnikar damn nice man
then you can canvas it.
well the only problem will be canvas performance
@blazemonger in response to your comment, how is telling somebody to study the basics impolite?
It's not like I called him a moron
Fuck this I can't publish
@RUJordan maybe just tell them to brush up on some specifics
> You should brush up on your recursive skills, they can be tricky
I'm going to tell everybody "brush up" from now on
> You should probably brush up on functions, they make you look quite stupid.
Much better
It's not even giving me an error...
@RUJordan haha
> yeah just brush up on your curly braces bro!
guys, at last I found out why I don't wanna use .addEventListener: all of the pages are linked to the same script, and it's gonna throw me loads of errors when I load the page if I don't have that specified element in my html...
Sounds like your script needs to be more verbose
Deleted .gitconfig and tried again... Worked fine.
@RyanKinal around?
@rlemon RyanKinal is afk: switching coffee places
or anyone good with Mercurial
initial commit: 2498 lines
First commit: Removed 40 lines of redundant CSS. lol
hello, anybody have experience with reveal.js I need to temporarily disable "swipe" changing of slides since on one slide I have touchmve events...
@SomeGuy Just how I roll bro :P
Q: reveal.js temporarily disable slide change

Dušan RadojevićI am using reveal.js to make some presentation. It is used on iPad standalone safari mode... So I have one slide that has touchmove event functionality. But it is in conflict with reveal.js swipe changing slide so every time I want to do some functionality on that specific slide by using touchmo...

I think my boss thinks I'm a naive teenager and that I don't know how much more he should be paying me or something?
I need to get something else lined up. I'm done here.
@Jhawins cya
That kid... Just... He doesn't understand words even.
But anyway, I was told I'd have a raise at the first of the year. Didn't get jack shit.
Still making $12/hr lol. No way will I do this. I've been here 1.7 years. Maybe when I started I was only worth $10 or so, but now, this is bullshit.
Time to go smoke.
smoke less, work more - get da money
!!afk smoke
!!afk smoking too
Get da same money either way...
I smoke twice on an 8 hour shift, and turn each into a 10 minute break. And I don't take a lunch. Usually anyway that's my routine.
I'm here 8-5 and usually a bit later. I take breaks when I feel like it.
Smoke breaks almost used to make the hacking cough and money sink worth it
Isn't it up to $8US a pack these days?
My last pack was $1.15
Likewise with @rlemon unless my boss is with me I can go out whenever
A pack of cigs where I work is $10, but at home it's only $5
I dont smoke, I just get up and walk around
I think all devs need to get fresh air
@Loktar you badass u <3
> Omg is that guy getting up and walking around?!
@DavidNavarre $12 in Canada for premium smokes
> So pro!
on average, smokers get 2 weeks more leave per year than no-smokers
I started when it was $3.50
When I am scaling down an image, there is a split-second flash where you can see the original size of the image; does anyone know how to get rid of that?
@phenomnomnominal really?
@rlemon I wouldn't smoke if cigs cost me over $7
@Loktar I am 100% on board with this.
@Loktar yeah there was some story about it on the news here a while ago
The best cigs I can buy are at most $6.50
every 2-3 hours I think everyone should get 10 minutes to themselves
Go VA, it's my birthday
@RUJordan I remember saying that
addictions are horrible
ugh, $12C? So, some of these folks work an hour to buy a pack of cigarettes?
Average price of a pack of cigarettes here is NZ$17.20 which is about US$14.20
@rlemon I honestly just think people should be given a block of like 8 hours, and only be expected to work 6 or so
NZ is gonna be smoke free by 2020
@DavidNavarre it just so happens that our most expensive smokes always rock around the same price as minimum wage
@rlemon aye, I'm slowly quitting. I've gone from a pack a day to a pack every 3-4 days
and they get to chose the 8 hour blocks time frame
And now I'm buying an e-cig rig and that should help a lot
it didn't used to be that way in the US
@Loktar I am a huge fan of flex hours
my next job has em :)
11-3 everyone has to be there - outside of that - do whatever you like
did I mention Ill be the lead front end developer
was $1.15 for cigs and $3.85 minimum wage
@Loktar so you got it?
yeah they are writing the offer up this weekend
but they wanted to let me know before then
congrats man!
thanks :)
the interview was cool
remember us little people
I had to write code on a laptop
haha I fumbled 2 jquery questions
so I pumped them out in plain js
I always like to see someone do some actual coding when I interview them
did they like that? or think "ohh, one of them"
no I didnt act condescending
When I started working minimum wage was $5.15. I got a raise to $5.75 on July 15th. July 24th, (my birthday ironically), federal minimum wage went up to $6.15. I asked if I recent raise would be added to that and they said, "are you nuts? you just got 2 raises in 2 weeks"
I just asked if it was alright if I used plainjs due to time constraints
I was like ... word
more important to see your process than your knowledge of syntax
I said I could do it in jquery, but I would have to look up the doc on it real quick
it was appending a list item to a ul :(
@rlemon Haha ours are like $5.45
I swear I had the synax right
did you see the post earlier about the guy who tattooed a syntax error on his arm?
Q: Have I tattooed a syntax error on my arm?

spydonA few months ago I tattooed a fork bomb on my arm and I skipped the whitespace because I think it looks nicer without it. But to my dismay, sometimes(not always) when I run it in a shell it doesn't start a fork bomb but just gives a syntax error. bash: syntax error near unexpected token `{:' ...

yeah, if they pump minimum wage to $15, there will be loads of people making minimum wage all the sudden
LOL wtf?!
too funny, rlemon
omg hahahaha
that's great
I wanna tattoo brainfuck on my chest now
1) why would you tattoo a forkbomb on you
2) why wouldn't you run it first?!
and it will be the most complex way to calculate 42
... the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything? Delish.
when I was like 15 I wanted to tattoo my personal information in hex on my leg.
then I sobered up

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