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02:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

RT @mozpub: [Newsletter] Updates from the JS team... http://t.co/Sd6Ge41 /via @dmandelin #javascript
RT @chriscoyier: In some browsers you can actually get your hands on generated content (:before, :after, et al.) via JavaScript - http:/ ...
RT @beverloo: Media Source, Binary Web Sockets, Accessibility and Border Images http://t.co/flnpI2p #Chromium #WebKit
1 hour later…
RT @jon_neal: syze, think media queries powered by #javascript http://t.co/mSLo6NS
jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
containsIgnoreCase: function(a,i,m) {return (a.textContent||a.innerText||jQuery(a).text()||'').toLowerCase().indexOf((m[3]||'').toLowerCase())>=0}
what is the purpose of above code?
It is used for searching the DOM, here is the full code pastebin.com/pJWnMUg9
RT @ezufelt: I'm curious what screen-reader users think about form fields that automatically receive focus on page load.
1 hour later…
Q: Script loaders vs wp_enqueue_script

WordpressorMy Wordpress theme has a lot of .js scripts running and it takes plenty of time to load them all one by one. I would love to use a script loader like HeadJS or yepnopejs to speed things up. But... what about wp_enqueue_script? I'm using it to load every single script (and I believe that's the B...

Q: JavaScript's prompt, confirm and alert considered "old-fashioned"

TheOm3gaLately I've been developing a web-based management system for a gym. Their previous app was developed in Visual Basic. All the front-end scripting uses jQuery, the server is running PHP & MySQL... you know, the typical el-cheapo linux based stack. Anyways, I was wondering why JavaScript's pr...

Q: Javascript get item in object code

James KhourySo I have some Javascript code that resembles the following: var mylibrary = new (function () { this._getLibraryObj = function () { var newLibraryObj = {}; var libraryData = window.specifiedLibraryData; // Add head librarian details // open library ...

Q: Better JS Contact Parser

MajidFor a site I wrote this JS contact parser. It simply reads contacts and parses links if a known service is identified. Could this be made more compact? How about robustness? (it cannot handle exceptions where the url does not begin with http for instance). What other services should I consider to...

RT @mozhacks: Detecting and generating CSS animations in JavaScript: http://t.co/YasK8RU #progressiveenhancement
Q: Rendering a marker "on top of everything" (including whatever is rendered in floatPane)

shylentI have a case when there is a number of points on the map and each of them has a "tooltip", that is always shown, which is implemented as a div, that's rendered in (onto?) floatPane, which means, that these divs are rendered above everything. I have a marker, that must not be occluded by these di...

Q: Using one function to go from one element to another

Jesse AldridgeAfter I made a change to the html structure for a project, I found myself having to change many jquery selectors in many places. To avoid this problem in the future I decided to make a simple function where I pass an element indicating where I am and a string indicating where I want to go. This...

RT @dalmaer: Both iOS and Android suck with :active. Shocking to have to use JavaScript to flip a class on and off at the right time (of ...
RT @assaf: The Secret Life of JavaScript Primitives http://t.co/gdF2qnY
RT @ezufelt: Looking for an alternative to fieldset / legend - http://t.co/eOFFJkg #accessibility
2 hours later…
Does anyone find it weird (aswell as annoying) that js does not have a .clear or .remove for its Arrays? Or can someone explain why its doesnt?
do you mean to remove actual contents or to nullify the array?
guys could you help me out?
I'm trying to reach an element buried in 2 tables and a div and can't make it trigger the zclip plugin
to use the clipboard
@LuisArmando you will have to give more info than that :)
@LuisArmando all you need is a valid path to the element, shouldnt be anything more than a jquery selector
@LuisArmando $("table table div a").zclip({...}); etc
When to reflows take into consideration css rules?
Im trying to insert a ul into an element. the css rules dictate that any ul within that element has a float:right
when it is initialised the ul has position().left of 0, but when repeated after it has a position().left correctly at 512 (taking into consideration the float)
when/how do i force the first append to read the float value correctly?
posted on September 06, 2011

Back in June I requested donations to pay for the time I needed to update the desktop browser compatibility tables. The community responded overwhelmingly. Today I present the first installment of my side of the promise: the event compatibility tables have been updated. Donations are still very welcome, and now you know that this is the sort of thing your money is going to be used for. Some

ah damnit, ignore that one, seems it was hidden when it was computed
This could be something one of ye have seen before:
Q: Unresponsive Google jQuery request

Adam LynchI get the following dialog on load: Warning:Unresponsive script A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue. Script: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1...

thought so... something to do with my code
@AdamLynch you have the correct answer already it seems
@shortstick just seen it
2 hours later…
hey all
Q: What is the point of the prototype method?

Mild FuzzI am reading through Javascript: The Good Parts, and struggled to get my head around the section on prototypes. After a little google, I came to the conclusion that it is to add properties to objects after the objects declaration. Using this script gleamed from w3schools, I noticed that removin...

> Using this script gleamed from w3schools
:( W3schools is where I learned all I know today, it taught me to make websites like googlesearch.com to trick people that I am associated with google, just how they do with w3.org :P
they appear way too high in search results
i usually try and use the mozilla docs, but they seem to be missing bits
@shortstick not really
w3schools has no data you cant get from the mdn
No data can't be found using Google
yeah I now will search "do blah javascript mdn"
@Raynos i didnt say w3schools was better :P
always add mdn to find what I need now.
still a long way to go!
thats a great site @shortstick
go go pirates of JSConf!
@Loktar Mozilla also has arewefastyet.com
hah nice
Is there a way to assign multiple values to the same key in an object literal? Like, var obj = {a: b: 5}, so obj.a === obj.b === 5. ((btw, the example doesn't work...))
It's interesting...I'll post a q about it
var obj = {};
obj.a = obj.b = 5;
Otherwise, no
Q: Assigning a value to multiple keys in object literal

ZirakLike how you can have: var obj = {}; obj.a = obj.b = 5; obj.a === obj.b === 5; //just imagine that it won't evaluate to true === 5 Is there the same thing for object literals? Something along the line of: var obj = { a : b : 5 } obj.a === obj.b === 5 //just imagine that it won't evaluate ...

@RyanKinal :(
I'm pretty sure that's the only way to achieve it. The parser doesn't like a: b: 5
I thought for a second var obj = {a: 5, b: this.a} might work, but it doesn't.
No, this is bound in functions. Thought about that as well
{a: b: 5} would be an awesome way to save bytes for a js1k, though
You know, if it worked
I like {a: b: 5}. Maybe add it as a request for ECMA6?
@Zirak Do it up
Hello all
Hhahah, is monotone intended?
Hey Neal how did you start learning Java?
Hello Joy
hi all
sorry "all" is not here at the moment. he just left :) :P
i am fighting a little problem until yesterday i got no anwer :S
Q: jqgrid autorefresh subgrid problem

user275284Currently I use this code for refreshing the grid: setInterval(function(){ jQuery("#grid").trigger("reloadGrid"); },10000); It works well. But I need a solution for expanded subgrids. When the grid refreshed the expanded subgrids are closing. Is there any way to refresh the grid without clos...

can anyone help me please?
jQuery! drink!
@user275284 I feel bad every time asks about jqGrid - because I know absolutely nothing about it.
@user275284 So, unfortunately, I can't help
I don't know anything about jqGrid either, but what do you mean "for expanded subgrids"?
so when you refresh the grid you want the sub grids that the user opens to stay open?
yes. i am not sure is it possible i am newbie on js
@user275284 I don't know if this is possible, but you might consider keeping a list of opened subgrids, and re-opening them when the main grid is refreshed.
hmm will be search thanks...
seems like from their demo that it changes the TR class from sgcollapsed to sgexpanded. I would think you could keep an array of TR that are open before the refresh and re-open them after
hmm you're right
ah @RyanKinal beat me to the punch :)
so thanks it's time to work nice to meet you
Does anyone here use OpenDNS?
@PhpMyCoder Nope, sorry
By which I mean "not me"
@Ryan Kinal That's alright. I was just checking to see if anyone else couldn't access JSBin. OpenDNS keeps telling me it's a phishing site.
RT @kylebarrow: Test your sites on Opera: “@hackernewsbot: I bought a webOS device and went to Taiwan. This is what I learned.... http:/ ...
RT @mozlabs: Mozilla demoparty winners announced - @codepo8 with a roundup/recap + some dreamy demos. Indulge. http://t.co/CQarBLt
RT @stucssplay: An image enlarger with open/close animation which can contain descriptive text and links. http://t.co/lQua4fG
RT @assaf: What Self can teach us about the future of JavaScript http://t.co/pf24H24
RT @IE: Blog: Write a small game with #HTML5 and #JavaScript http://t.co/FbX22BO #IE9
Great “Creating Accessible Interactive Web Apps using HTML5” presentation by @rachelshe & @minorninth at Google I/O 2011 http://t.co/eJ2aFhS
RT @beverloo: First draft of the #CSS Conditional Rules Module, adding feature and document queries, has been published. Exciting! http: ...
The historical view of AreWeFastYet.com is more interesting/impressive than the current view.
Any reason ele.type = "text" works but ele.type = "hidden" errors in MISE 6-8?
There's no such thing as a hidden type
@Zirak ... ?
<input type="hidden" /> doesn't do anything
@Zirak Erm... have you tried it lately?
The entirety of ASP.NET is based on <input type="hidden" />
goes to try
hmm, it appears that you speak the truth
@Zirak 17.4.1 Control types created with INPUT .... "hidden Creates a hidden control." w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.4.1
That's weird. I always relied on css' display : hidden
Ah well, thanks for the extra bit of information
Yeah............ Anyone have an inkling as to why I can't set it to hidden?
try something other than hidden
does it still err?
@MattMcDonald It works for Text no problem.
> As of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, the type property is read/write-once, but only when an input element is created with the createElement method and before it is added to the document.
RT @CSS3: Animated notification messages with CSS3 & Jquery http://t.co/sygG1HA
I get an error either way via IE 5 mac
It doesn't give an error description, just an error.
@MattMcDonald so, given that it's read/write-once, but only before it's added to the document, could you add it to the document, and then set ele.type = 'hidden'?
So, because I'm using create element, I need to do something like docwrite to get past this?
Code is literally this:
	var temp = node.appendChild(document.createElement("input"));
	temp.type = "hidden";
	temp.name = "descriptIdentifier";
I get errors when I try to modify type in any form
you can try doc.write if you're not using XHTML
That's not going to cut it, I'm working on a dom fragment =/
I guess I'm doing Zirak's thing and just making it style invisible. =/
setAttribute is a no-go as well
@Incognito you are failing
var t = document.createElement("input");
t.type = "hidden";
document.createElement("<input type='hidden' />")
may I recommend hard-coding the hidden element and then re-parenting it?
No, no you may not.
<input id="foo" name="bar" type="hidden">
<script type="text/javascript">
	var f = document.createDocumentFragment(), foo = document.getElementById("foo"),
	fr = document.createElement("form");
	fr.action = "./";
	fr.method = "post";
	fr.onsubmit = function(){ return false; };
if you want to maintain proper HTML, you can put it inside a dummy form, then reparent the hidden field, then remove the form in JS
Did david make this or greg? jsfiddle.net/g105b/Z4TFh
just saw it popup in a comment on reddit
I remember when he posted that in here months ago
such a cool little demo
ah ok ty
wanted to give proper attribution
bleh makes me want to make some random cool demo..
Wondering if anyone else has any input here: stackoverflow.com/questions/7285866/…
@Chris whats wrong with the answer u have?
@Raynos That explains a lot =/ lol my bad. thanks Raynos.
your question still enlightened a problem in very old IE builds
you can't set ElementNode.type
@MattMcDonald you can
you just cant change it
@Neal - the answer I have is a workaround. It works, but it is getting around some central issue that I would like to understand, if for no other reason than to know when to use the workaround.
@Chris what is in the iframe? some sort of comet implementation?
hmmm i see what you are doing. is there a reason that you are using iframes instead of ajax?
@Chris ^^
@MattMcDonald Yeah, but if I critically read what you pasted here ( chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/1405357#1405357 ) I'd have realized "before it's added to the document" meant exactly that.
@Chris Added answer
@Chris Which (I think) explains it enough.. ?
Is there a general catch-all script I can stuff in that fixes ie6 annoyances inside an [if ie6] tag?
@Incognito yes. dumbledore.js
You're a wizard, harry.
@Incognito try browsesad.com
@Incognito <!--[if IE 6]><a href="www.getfirefox.com">get a new browser</a><![endif]-->
@Neal - using an IFRAME to do AJAX-like submission of forms which have a file input
@RyanKinal Yeah, but then instead of shutting up and taking people's money when they hand it to me, I redirect them to some web browser home page.
@Chris there are so many js extensions to do that with plain js
@Incognito Well, there are trade-offs in every solution.
Yeah, but this one need to just work :P.
@Neal this code IS from an "extension" :P
I often find it amusing that we load more JavaScript to deal with older, slower browsers.
"Oh, you're running a 10-year-old piece of crap? Here, have some more processing to do."
@Shaz Badass
@Chris uhhhh doesnt look it
in other news... US boss: "I would be really happy to see it [the merge] done by monday"
so yay for more 12 hour days
@IvoWetzel So, I know a guy who knows a guy who can take care of that "boss" problem for you :-P
@RyanKinal So you know someone who knows Crockford?
Tell him to send him over blasting through that mess that they call JavaScript
Oh, did you ever hear of the proxy pattern? No. Good! So there's no chance you can mess up with it
@IvoWetzel Hmmm... 6 Degrees of Douglas Crockford... I wonder...
Today we encountered the file
also known as complete merge blocker
@IvoWetzel ... that sounds ominous
cool @Shaz
pretty much a frankenstein, made out of a former component of our engine, and a lot of inconstent style and misused patterns
ah, faulty interface code rears its ugly head again
time to grep and edit
@MattMcDonald perl -pi.bak -e 's/foo/bar/g' foo.js
I've got the pattern down :)
grep -r -l pattern directory_tree
you can use ack to finetune the regexp
wait, so that pattern is a grep + replace?
So, I can't use textContent in ie<9?
no, and it's not worth it either
innerText (don't approve) or text node traversal
Super duper.
what is the problem to be solved?
All I wanted to do was opt.textContent = "foo", but ie>9 hates this.
where opt is a document element("option")
append a text node
you can glance at this as well:
(it's meant for text nodes)
@MattMcDonald That's awesome. Didn't know about that.
@MattMcDonald Thanks matt that's done it.
Why wouldn't it normalize automatically?
It just seems to be something that isn't highly practical to need to do.
Q: CSS for cross-site widget, best practice?

IncognitoSo I've got code that people can cut+paste a widget into their site with (similar to google analytics or the Google maps plugin, if you've seen those). I've got a whole area that needs to be styled somehow. Now, I can either do this by manually reading config data from an object like var x = {i...

ok, sed is crazy powerful
Q: Wrapping functions and function.length

RaynosLet's consider I have the following code ... var _fun = fun; fun = function() { ... _fun.apply(this, arguments); } I have just lost the .length data on _fun because I tried to wrap it with some interception logic. The following doesn't work var f = function(a,b) { }; console.log(f.length...

@MattMcDonald sed is only half the power of the beast :P.
.length. RAGE
wait until you see my revised private/protected access checker
had to make sure that inner functions work...
@IvoWetzel you know how to fix .length?
@Incognito pedantry
not of the top of my hand
well.. use eval!
ran grep + sed to fix broken interface code
then grep + rm to delete the temp files :)
@IvoWetzel I know that trick and ffffffffffffffff
gist: More private / protected checking, 2011-09-05 22:01:18Z
  * Copyright (c) 2011 Ivo Wetzel.
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

(function(exports) {

    function shield(key, obj, id) {

        var level = Math.min(key.length - key.replace(/^[_]+/i, '').length, 2),
            value = obj[key],
            type = typeof value === 'function' ? 'method' : 'property';

        if (level === 0) {

        Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {

            configurable: false,
            enumerable: level < 2,
            get: {

                1: function gf() {

                    if (gf.caller.___guardId === undefined) {
                        new AccessError(key, obj, type, 'get', level, gf);

                    return value;


                2: function gf() {

                    if (gf.caller.___guardId !== id) {
                        new AccessError(key, obj, type, 'get', level, gf);

                    return value;



            set: {

                'method': function sf(to) {
                    new AccessError(key, obj, type, 'set', level, sf);
                    value = to;

                'property': function sf(to) {

                    if (sf.caller.___guardId !== id) {
                        new AccessError(key, obj, type, 'set', level, sf);

                    value = to;





    var guardId = 1,
        regex = /function\s([a-zA-Z_$]+[a-zA-Z$_0-9]*)\(([a-zA-Z,\s]+|)\)\s?\{/g;

    function guard(type) {

        var gid = guardId++;

        function ctor() {

            var result = type.apply(this, arguments);
            if (this instanceof ctor && type.___guardId === undefined) {

                type.___guardId = gid;

                console.log('patching members');
                for(var i in this) {
                    if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                        shield(i, this, gid);


            return result;


        ctor.___guardId = gid;
        ctor.prototype = {};

        // create prototype clone and shield it
        var proto = type.prototype;

        for(var i in proto) {
            if (proto.hasOwnProperty(i)) {

                var cloned;
                if (typeof proto[i] === 'function') {

                    var code = proto[i].toString();
                    code = code.replace(regex, 'function  $1($2) {$1.___guardId = ' + gid + ';');
                    cloned = eval('(' +  code + ')');

                } else {
                    cloned  = proto[i];

                cloned.___guardId = gid;
                ctor.prototype[i] = cloned;

                shield(i, ctor.prototype, gid);


        return ctor;


    function AccessError(key, object, type, method, level, by) {

        var id = by.caller.___guardId,
            who = id === undefined ? 'non-class' : 'other-class';

        console.error(method, 'of', ['public', 'protected', 'private'][level],
                        type, '"' + key + '"', 'on', object, 'from', who);

        this.name = 'AccessError';
        this.message = '';
        this.object = object;
        this.key = key;
        this.type = type;
        this.method = type;
        this.caller = by.caller;

        if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
            Error.captureStackTrace(this, by.caller);

        throw this;


    AccessError.prototype = new Error();
    exports.guard = guard;

})(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : exports);

yes... eval
beacuse there's no other way of patching the guard Ids onto the inner functions :(
@MattMcDonald awk
gaurd Ids?
so, we got that convention that we prefix privates with two underscores
and protected stuff with one
also, privates should only be called/set/get from the same class
protetcted stuff is fine to get called/get from our code
of course, everyone and their dog does stuff like SomeObject._protectedObject.__privateMethod() in their external code
this thing is here to stop it
I'll add it to our build step
so you can create a debug build with guarding enabled and BOOM
@IvoWetzel Hey american team? I HERD U LIEK NOT ABUZING MY CODE
You might want to slap some design by contract onto your debug build aswell
to varify the americans dont break your input API
Why do you use distinquish between private and protected?
hm, I'd like to have that be auto generated in debug build based on the docs :)
that would also be a pretty good doc test
we have those stupid jsdoc things all over the place, but nobody uses them anways for anything good
And then in the documents
> amount should be below this.balance
I think that can work
that would be cool :O But it would also be hard to make 7 people use this stuff all the time :D
not really
build it into the damn thing
force it to be on
and then its a matter of demanding people write docs
as part of the code review
code re...? what?
unit tests?
Ahaha... ._.
test plans
test reports?
I busy enough rewriting the crap to match the requirements
Version control?
"Oh hey... I WANT THIS!!!!!"
Do you just edit the production files on the server directly?
"Sure... gonna rewrite the the thing to completely separate logic and rendering" weeks later
HG ftw
with JSHint pre commit hook
Thats somethign right
which... at least... ensures some kind of code quality :O
try teaching mostly web-devs to NOT FUCKING USE jQuery!!!
$(comp.__element).hasClass('foo') > do game logic
are they weened off of selector engines yet?
Guess what... now comp doesn't have to be a HTML thing anymore
so... game code fails!
Because people thought APIs wouldn't change... or they somehow thing that jQuery can select stuff out of thin air
oh boy
the other day, someone suggested to write the other renderer from scratch (!!!)
"It can be made way slimmer this way!"
Sure! Duplicate 2000 lines of LOGIC
$('.oh .oh .oh, .its .magic');
What do people think why there are those 2k lines? Just because I'm bored? :/
So I did it the right way (which of course took time) factor out the logic into a base, and build different outputs on top of it (which resulted in the same thing to be done for a few other components)
which... oh wonder! Takes time now. but saves it in the long run, I don't want to patch the same logic in 5 different places
@MattMcDonald It must be magic, it never throws an error!
@IvoWetzel ask management to make you lead developer.
@Raynos Ahaha, management wants products in no time :P
Tell them that you produce results
show them your results
"Boy you've gotta learn, that's how the real world is!"
then tell them you can produce more if you get the authority and title of lead developer
Yeah I see how the real world is: Hack code, hack code, hack code... end up never upgrading to some newer version of something because merging is impossible. Spend a year rewriting everything from scratch.
"We don't have time to fix it now" - Fact. You also won't have the fucking time later that it takes to rewrite the thing from scratch.
So what? A couple of days now? Or half a year later one? Hm?
That's how the whole world works
which is sad
too much time massaging the clients, not enough time educating
I'm proud to be a developer, since I may be one of the few people that actually take their time to fix it today
@MattMcDonald That. US guys are lacking a lot of edu in software engineering :(
They're lucky that they are only building gaming stuff
And nothing that could potentially harm anybody when it breaks
@IvoWetzel I agree
The solution is found a better company
I see the same everywhere I go
no-one values being competent
quality - result - time. Choose two
Or to make it simpler for CEOs: Result
and what is the problem?
people founding companies on investor money and not on top of a product and actual revenue
So in the end. They money is the issue.
Everyone wants as much as possible, in as little time as possible.
Idea > ??? > Result
the inbetween are just details nobody cares about but the people actually having to do the work
CEO etc. should be payed no more than marketing people.
Devs should get paid, but well, I guess most devs wouldn't event want all that money
Devs just want the time to get it right. (And enough coffee)
Could someone spare a couple of minutes to help me with a slide toggle problem i'm having?
I am using this provided by jamwaffles, jsfiddle.net/jamwaffles/xZm9z/4 , but i need a little help in matching up the script to my renamed divs
My renamed version works in Firefox and Chrome, but it won't work in IE for some reason, but JamWaffles example does so its obviously something ive done wrong
ugh, queued animation by default is dumb
@MattMcDonald Is that to me Matt? To be honest i know no JS so i'm just a copy and paster :)
no, it's a complaint about jQuery
spam-click the div and watch the fun unfold
@MattMcDonald I don't mind. Do you have a better way to do it that an idiot like me can implement?
Anyway i've got a version in jsfiddle working now with my renamed divs etc, but my site version won't work so i think it must be something in the css as thats the only thing different
well, we'd need to see that site then
:) i've only got it on local at the mo. I'll figure it out eventually but man i do not like IE
@Dan you can learn web development o/
generally, we look down on "my site is broken, fix it SO!" questions because they pop up so often
and are so annoying to fix
if you can give educated guesses as to why it's broken and the code along with it, it goes a long way
@MattMcDonald i understand Matt, it was a text-indent problem in the css
not fixed yet but when i come to my ie specific css i'll sort it
Didn't mean to sound like i was after a free hand out but i guess thats how questions like that come across :)
02:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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