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but can't get to grips with adding certain functions so still looking at people's code how it's done
@jAndy That really was a bad argument, though :p chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/3543216#3543216
@BenjaminGruenbaum He sounds like me in the way that he bitches about everything. Except he's a more seasoned bitcher so he does it better. :P
Raynoses is a super term
@Jhawins Raynos builds a lot too. Can't take that away from him.
lol @jAndy what a shitstorm
May 2 '12 at 15:33, by jAndy
I will undefined = true; all of your applications one day
it was a harsh time :P
I always do #define while if
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yea I wasn't comparing myself in any positive aspects to him.
Can someone trade me knowledge for awhile? I'll give you all the boobies cats I've ever seen, you give me your knowledge of CSS. Then I can get my work done and you can feel sorry for cat people.
Basically, I'm supposed to be cleaning up this form, and I haven't slept hardly at all in 3 days, the ideas won't come to me and this has to go live in an hour.
@jAndy that conversation is definitely not his high point, he comes off as a total douche and as an poor developer there.
so how would you add a if statement on "flash.text(flash.text()+".");" jsfiddle.net/Ak7pa
just tried one didnt work
I mean I got him.. at every time I knew what he was saying, but then again, he never wanted to admit the good parts of i.e. jQuery or any toolkit lib ever
especially during the "oldish IE" days
@DavidSmith Show us what you tried please
Then we can help you learn instead of help you solve a problem.
ok so here's the example you did
I tried adding "function type()
if(dots < 5)
dots = 0;
in the place where you put flash.text(flash.text()+".");
didn't like
@DavidSmith append adds element.
@DavidSmith you want to change .text not just add to it
ok so have a look at this. This code works in adding the dots up to 5 etc
what I want is step 1 to look like that, so have tried adding that piece of code but didn't work
from your example, so I have added the click function and inside that managed to define it must rewrite to STEP 1, which works. Defined it to flash once on STEP 1, that works too. But when adding the final part of the dots doesn't like it
arrrg. This Chrome update is confusing! The flipped over the dev tools...
so don't know how to go about adding it like that
Q: POST Form without a redirect

HKKi would like to post a forms data to the page where the database-query will be made. but i dont want that like in normal cases a new page opens up, or the site gets redirected, it should be something like a "hidden" post. i tried to use an xmlhttp-request (GET) with an URL, but since there ar...

@BenjaminGruenbaum I've got an Angular question. I have a search box in the header (appears on all pages) as well as a dedicated search page. How can I get the search page and the search header to share information?
Hey hey hey @SomeKittens is here
@SomeKittens a service
They also removed "seconds" from the timeline on the dev tools... Isn't that the point in the timeline?!
Same answer as "how do I share information between two X in my app" where the two X are not nested directly.
I'm assuming nesting would not be best practice in this case.
Sorry :ranting:...
@Jhawins hey hey hey!
@SomeKittens you can nest scopes - that'd work, as long as you don't update the data from the subscope (it's prototypical after all)
@qwertynl No, that's the "seconds" in the timeline. Can't you read?
@Neil huh?
@BenjaminGruenbaum So the page controller would get the header scope injected (instead of plain 'ol $scope?)
You said they removed "seconds" from the timeline. Isn't that the point? No, that's the "seconds". You clearly said it yourself one sentence ago.
I am so confused...
@SomeKittens yeah, but don't do that, use a service - seriously
A timeline is supposed to show passage in time @Neil
Sounds good. @m59 tried to help me with that last night but I didn't quite get it.
@SomeKittens Angular is that simple, if stuff shares information it goes in a service - always, no matter hwat
What's the most efficient way to write a SQL query where you have a list of items for an "AND/OR" clause? (Example: select * from derp WHERE state="Alabama" OR state="Virginia" OR state="Oregon") <-- expect those state values are in an array (or CF list)
@qwertynl Yes, thank you. If you can't appreciate the humor in what I wrote, at least don't patronize me
@Neil Yea. I do not get it :-(
Could you show me an example query?
@qwertynl Just taking a more literal interpretation to what you said, that's all
@RUJordan color in ("green", "3", "apple")
this too complicated not understanding why it's not working
@Neil oook....
@copy thanks!
Wow, ColdFusion kind of makes using a list to query a db easy
AND States.StateName IN (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="true" value="#FORM.states#">)
All I had to do was add list="true" and all the list elements are wrapped in quotes without me having to do it manually
wtf, why would adding DISTINCT break my query...
@RUJordan cause..
Somehow I got more hours on this pay period's check than I've ever had before, but I only worked like 4 days and they were hardly anything. I guess I get snow days.
Yup, I literally worked the least I've ever worked here in a 2 week period, but got paid the most I've been paid on a single check. To ask if it's a mistake or not to ask...
I found out, ntext is a non-comparable type so you can't run a DISTINCT on a field type ntext or text
@copy You're totally falling behind in codegolfs
@Shmiddty Hrm
I have my projects and I'm busy with uni
Those things couldn't possibly be as important as codegolf.
Wrote my first subquery outside of college GO ME
@Shmiddty I've done tetris recently, you go beat that copy.sh/tetris
!!doge short,obfuscate,compress,golf,print
                            very short
so obfuscate
               such compress
                          much golf
many print
And now I'm out for beer and billiard. Cheers
Hi everyone, may I ask a question?
!!welcome @Salahuddin
@SomeKittens That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: welcome
@@Salahuddin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
OK, I have some problems with using Eclipse
I don't know how to finish a debugging session
Is this with Java or JavaScript?
infact it's C but I know that debugging rules are the same for all languages
This is the JavaScript room, they are two separate languages.
and I'm sorry to bother you but I really posted a question and had no good answer
I asked about this in the C room but no one knows
about eclipse
why does everyone default to the JS room when their languages room is empty?
Because we obviously rock
@Salahuddin I don't think your "asking random rooms a specific question" will win you many friends.
I'm sorry again but I'm running out of time and I think this is an urgent case, I don't always do that
@FlorianMargaine :3 lol
that made my day :D :D
@Salahuddin it isn't like we're going to tar and feather you - but you are not likely to get answers in this room about it. Maybe the c++ room
but they are usually pissy about any kinda code question :P
OK, I just thought that you, JS guys are using Eclipse
thanks any way
Eclipse is big for JS?
Does Eclipse even work with JS?
whats a better framework to mobilize a site, getskeleton or boilerplate mobile?
or maybe a better one i've never heard of?
@SomeKittens , @rlemon i think he is confusing car and carpet
Actually, he asked a C question
So, it's more like confusing car and hamster.
!!afk lunch
@RyanKinal Hurry back, ok?
Rrrrg anyone know how to get the scroll arrows back for Chrome 32 (on the scrollbar...)?
Is the JS room the most popular chat?
@RUJordan Na, i don't think so
Hey connor
Maybe C
or something
@RUJordan It's up there.
I think C++ is the most popular
I never venture out there. The only other room I'd go to is PHP and I'd rather not
C++ has had the most messages, but this room seems to have had the most users.
Hrm, I have to figure out how to "reverse" a query result.
@qwertynl Who's top?
35 secs ago, by qwertynl
http://chat.stackoverflow.com/?tab=all&sort=people <-- see here
@qwertynl Who's top on your screen?
@connorspiracist The same as yours....
How come when I click "Frequently In Rooms" on my profile JS doesn't show up? I have 6k messages here now and it's even starred as my fav
@qwertynl Who?
I am done..
@RUJordan Because
lazy ass
@SomeGuy go on
I really don't know why
Shows up for me. But I have 40k messages in here
@qwertynl Can't answer a simple question, it's just you said javascript has the most users and this is what i see
@SomeGuy odd
@connorspiracist read the numbers in the corners...
@qwertynl Well, you could have said!
@connorspiracist :-P
I thought it was obvious
> Congrats to Telkitty on 100 messages with the word "fat"!
@qwertynl gray, 4 digit's with 9px font size? not exactly in your face is it?
@connorspiracist bleh
@qwertynl Back to your cheese then
@connorspiracist Cheese?
Yeah, weren't you eating cheese just now?
@m59 stackoverflow.com/q/20167633/1216976 BAM STOLE THE ACCEPT.
@connorspiracist Ummm... not that I know of.
@qwertynl Oh, it's just you said
6 mins ago, by qwertynl
I am done..
@connorspiracist What does that have to do with cheese?
@qwertynl It's just usually when eating cheese and you feel that you've had enough you say "I am done.."
@connorspiracist I say with any food...
@qwertynl Geez
@SomeKittens oh you son of a gun :P
@connorspiracist Cheese?
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + " ";
How do I send a "space" ?
@Schoening huh?
@Schoening div.innerHTML += '&nbsp;';
There is no such thing as a "space" at the end of text in html.
Use &nbsp;
@connorspiracist No...
@qwertynl YES!
@connorspiracist Yu edited that like 2-3 times lol
@qwertynl I wasn't suggesting that as a space
@qwertynl I was suggesting the += more than the ' '
@connorspiracist Why?
Yay another 0 score accept
@qwertynl Why not?
@connorspiracist Why yes?
Eat pickles RIGHT NOW!
Cuz why not?
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + '&nbsp;';
div.innerHTML += '&nbsp;';
I am absolutely certain that crockford is for the first one*
@Schoening "you bet" doesn't count
@qwertynl I have the most messages in this room - the highest c++ room user message count is like tripple mine
with like 2x more stars (when we had that info)
@rlemon wow
146k messages for me in this room
Holy shit
I suppose it isn't too much off now
c++ most active user has 207K
@Schoening So, you must know the reason then?
Isnt it just because of clear syntax?
Caprica is getting up there
The !!stat should also show chat stats
@Schoening Well, that's just being petty
I'll see if I can work on that tonight
I'm on mobile
HA! Suck it CF I WIN
I'm getting excited as I learn more and more about the bots API
Well.. I'm not sure if a triple nested loop is win but whatever it freaking worked T_T
Zirak did a really good job
I'm more impressed now than before :P
@connorspiracist isn't that blasphemy?
Zirak will be here this weekend
@Jhawins Nice
My bad @someguy that was a misping
Hi. I'm using this JS regex: (/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i).test(filename) Any idea on how to pass a variable instead of "gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png"?
@rlemon Haha, yeah, it's pretty impressive
@enzo where is this file name coming from?
<input type="file" />
@enzo var regex = /\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i; regex.test(filename);
var derp = "/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i"; derp.test(filename);?
@RUJordan Nice touch on the name.
Only the best
@RUJordan you don't need quotes iirc
^ Right
@rlemon do the quotes hurt it or are they just optional?
I think they hurt
not sure
!!> var regex = /\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i; regex.test('taunTaun.jpg')
I never include them :P
@Jhawins true
!!> var derp = "/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i"; derp.test("herp.gif");
They make it a string literal and not a regex one
@RUJordan "ReferenceError: herp is not defined"
@RUJordan "TypeError: derp.test is not a function"
@RUJordan You do need quotes for that string though...
@BenjaminGruenbaum wasn't sure if js did any fancy-ness to correct it
Ya I saw that :P
you would almost expect it to considering :P
^ that's what I thought
Afk bus
make that bus your bitch!
mmmm I think I messed up when asked my question. I mean I need to pass a variable with the file extensions, not the filename. I've got a variable like this: var extensions = "gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png"; So I want the regex to take those extensions
Well defining a regex is /regexShitHere/flag. Quotes just makes it a string doesn't it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hurry back, ok?
!!> var derp = /\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i; typeof derp;
@Jhawins "string"
@Jhawins "object"
there is the constructor if you need variable inputs into the regexp
new RegExp("\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$","i"); <- note there is no // surrounding this expression.
@rlemon could you give me an example? I'm not sure how to set flags... I suck with regex
@rlemon Because you used new RegExp. Derp.
yea I'm just showing him the difference
Oh I thought it was for me.
why would I help you!?
someone wanna get @Jhawins some ice.... FOR THAT MASSIVE BURN!
I was like wtf the slideShitter is helping me?! ;)
Oh is it burn day?
@RUJordan What'd I do?
Burn day is the 10th in Lounge.
nahh I just liked that 70's show
@SomeKittens Hmm?
Which is great because I get to insult them all day and they condone it
@RUJordan (Check the message I replied to)
VM or dual boot :/
Oh, I was being.. snarky? when you said you stole a checkmark lol
oh, ok
snarky might be a harsh word. It wasn't a harsh comment it was a funny
I need serial support -> which is emulated on Windows via some usb to rs232 converter and some software
I'm afraid this will be hard to get the VM to recognize
Just caught myself trying to write an IIFE in an if statement.
Hey. Does anyone know how to disable the new scrollbars in Chrome?
> Update failed (error: 12)
@qwertynl Didn't even know there was an update.. ^
Now I do, thanks. Haha
@Jhawins :-( It is so confusing. And they changed up the dev tools....
I wish Chrome would ask before it updated...
I just figured out today that you can zoom in and out on the dev tools. Which is great because they're usually so cluttered.
@qwertynl i'm looking in the flags right now but I don't see anything glaring at me
@rlemon eh?
@Jhawins you can also undock them :P
@Jhawins What do you mean by "zoom in and out"?
var actualSearch;
      if (Object.keys(newValue).length === 0) {
      for (item in Object.keys(newValue)) {
        if (!!newValue[item]) {
          actualSearch = true;
      if (!actualSearch) {
Trying to detect if the object has any values in it. Is there a better way?
@rlemon I got it, thanks!
@qwertynl Open dev tools, make sure focus is in the dev tools not on the page. Control/Command + or -
@rlemon Don't have 2 screens so it doesn't work out for me..
@Jhawins The Dev tools also has a dev tools (as it is also a webpage in and of itself)
How come the slice didnt work here?
@qwertynl Well... Not a web page, but you could call it that. I'm sure we both know what you mean.
It's not on da webz
@qwertynl chrome://flags
you've never been?
@Jhawins Yes it is.. it is a web page on your browser (html)
!!define web page
@Jhawins web page A single hypertext document (transmitted as HTML) on the World Wide Web, often hyperlinked to others, and intended to be viewed with a web browser.
@Jhawins I like how chromes settings pages are also done with HTML
@rlemon I have, why?
!!ping @qwertynl he can make up all the BS he wants but it won't make it true ;)
[pong](@qwertynl he can make up all the BS he wants but it won't make it true ;))
Hmmm Why cant I get to the dev tool dev tools anymore?
you said eh when I told you I couldn't find anything in the flags about the scroll bar
made me think you didn't know what the flags are
!!ping test
@rlemon I thought u were referring to chat flags...
!!info ping
@rlemon Command ping, created by ctrl on Tue, 31 Dec 2013 18:51:06 GMT, invoked 2 times
!!forget ping
@rlemon Command ping forgotten.
What? Who fucked with my /ping
@ctrl I hate you
@Jhawins @ctrl did
such a shame
many fucked
                much command
                            so ping
such why
!!doge doctor,who,is,cool
such doctor
           very who
                             so is
many cool
okay but we have to show restraint
people may get bothered by all the Shibe
haha ok. fiiiiine
not me, I love it! :P best meme ever!
What version of chrome u have @rlemon ?
Google Chrome	32.0.1700.72 (Official Build 243157) m
I got the new ugly scrollbars
to be honest I didn't even notice until you said something
Ditto... I hate the new scrollbars and what they did to the dev tools...
who looks at the scrollbar!
scroll wheel FTW
They moved stuff to the top that used to be on the bottom of the dev tools...
yea I was a little annoyed about that
but they left my pretty print button alone so
that is good
And they changed <select> element style
And the options show up on a delay...
With a weird animation...
wow Im just going to use Firefox now
I can't remember who showed me this
but it has changed my life
!!doge stop
so stop
@rlemon Yea.. but too many buttons were moved around
And the network tab doesnt show times on the top anymore...
@qwertynl honestly, that is pretty much the only one I used.
I don't often change tabs
@rlemon which tab?
Also I liked the icons they used to have for the tabs on the dev tools...
This code is foul
idk what that is
f12 or ctrl + shift + j depending on where I want to open too -> then right click > inspect
I don't often while in the dev tools have a need to actually change tabs.
or if i do, it is not often. (profiling)
@rlemon I always do CTRL + SHIFT + C
f12 is faster :P
easier for me to press
F12 doesn't work on Macs. I have to command+shift+C
Yea I mainly use the console and the inspector. but the network tab is very useful
@RUJordan FN + F12?
Doesn't work
The screen slides to some widget bullshit I never use
@RUJordan another reason to not use macs
tee hee
Doesn't fucking work anymore.

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