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@IamDesai Observe: Module. Module!
I didnt get it :(
does it mean that it has no dependencies?
@IamDesai Ignore me, I'm being a putz
hey fellow devs
How can I programatically click button 2 on click of button 1 ?
in javascript/jquery
@Ajey find the second button, call click() on it, prevent any default action of the event. How far have you got?
@JanDvorak actually I am using node + socket io
@Ajey I would do it like $("#button1").click(function(){ $("button2").click({ function(){}})});
@IamDesai that's not even valid syntax
@JanDvorak why do you think so? I believe it is valid.
@JanDvorak so if two users are connected, say for example one user1 changes the position of a div by clicking the button, the same should reflect in the browser of user2
how should I go about solving this problem ?
$("#button1").click(function(e){e.preventDefault(); $("#button2").click()})
@FlorianMargaine 3 grand for a fucking laptop?! I've never payed more than $1000 for a laptop
and the $1000 plays games just fine
@Ajey oh, that. Then just send a message to the other client, which should then trigger the same behavior except a message is not sent back
@JanDvorak thank you, I am trying for solutions. Will update you
@JanDvorak I see, I missed a ;
@IamDesai that's not the cause; you tried to pass something to the second call to click, but a block is invalid there, and if it was an object, it was missing a key
That awkward moment, when you realize your project grew into tens of thousands of lines and dependencies and you lost general view
I see
I'm just in it
@Oleg worked for me
It asked me to install some additional stuff.
yeah, installed the other extension, worked fine
I'll write something that works in command line so that it runs on build.
By the way, how do you guys share documentation inside of a team? Wiki? Or something else?
redmine's wiki
if it's for a project. For global doc, global wiki
@BenjaminGruenbaum you sure questions related to syntax problems are off-topic ?
Is it better than that of github?
no, it's a wiki
just use the one provided with your bug tracker
Well, I don't have anything provided, so free to choose.
@Ignacio SO is primarily a question repository for googlers, not a debug-my-code service
@Oleg where is your code stored? do you have a bug tracker?
@JanDvorak link to reference please ?
@Ignacio Yes. I'm sure
They waste the time of competent developers who come to help.
They're never helpful to anyone else.
@FlorianMargaine Just a git repo on an internal server. No bug tracker yet.
And, they can be solved using a debugger, or a code analysis tool. They require just the tinyest bit of trying.
Everyone, stop saying anything you want to say, provide me with reference links please ?
@Ignacio Oh cool, you're the guy with the syntax equestion ^^ Didn't realize that or why you asked the question. Hi.
I can find you a link on meta OR I can teach you how to solve syntax errors :)
@Ignacio wanna learn how to solve syntax errors for good :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes please
Basically I could choose redmine or go for a private repo on github instead ($7/month).
@Ignacio first of all, we'll be avoiding onclick handlers and inline HTML. Putting JavaScript code in strings like that is dangerous and hard to debug. It's also problematic and slow.
@Oleg private repo is good enough
@Ignacio Let's look at your code example:
var gg = "someGuid";
var callFunction = "<tr class='MenuRow' onclick='myFunctionabc('" + gg + "')'></tr>"

function myFunctionabc(abcd){
@Ignacio what you want, is to invoke a function when someone clicks a table row. First of all - <tr> tags are table rows. Table rows can only be in tables, and contain table cells. What you probably want is a div (a logical chunk) or a span (same, but inline) or something more specific depending on what it actually is.
@Oleg honestly I'd just make a private repo if I were to create something today
maintaining your own hosting for redmine and stuff is shitty
and $7/mo is really cheap
I really like this approach too.
@Ignacio here is a very basic example using addEventListener for the event and querySelector to get the row jsfiddle.net/kHMLK . So far so good?
@BenjaminGruenbaum you are right, and I do know basics of html, just don't use it often.

what I am actually trying to do here is, I am using JSON get method to get a item data , e.g. array of a an object let say dog

and then add each dog to a table as row (now it can be a div I guess within another div)

so what exactly I am doing is.
1 minute
You still working for Smile @FlorianMargaine? Is it fun?
@Ignacio You can create elements using document.createElement - that returns the element created. Then you can assign its innerHTML. You can addEventListener to it and have access to the items passed from there. You append it to the table using appendChild
@Oleg I still am
and it's fun sometimes, other times it's not
overall I like the team, less the management
Haha. The usual stuff.
I fought for a year to get a 21" widescreen
don't even think about getting a second one..
before I just had a 4:3 screen
with my laptop
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes that is right
but this is what I am doing
        $.each(data.GetwebMethodResult, function (index, item) {
        $("#TableABC").append(FunABC(item.aID, item.b, item.c, item.d, item.e, item.f));

function FunABC(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    var row =
        "<tr class='Row' onclick=\"AnotherUnrelatedFunction('" + a + "' , '" + b + "', '" + c + "', '" + d + "', '" + e + "', '" + f + "')\">" +
		"	<div class='mr'>" +
		"		<td class='mc mci'>" +
		"			<div class='mcit'>" + a + "</div>" +
		"		</td>" +
		"	</div>" +

    return row;
@Ignacio EEEK
using JS with asp.net has always been a pain
it's not due to asp.net
Something like that?
@Ignacio I use JS with asp.net (MVC), it's not a pain at all.
asp sux, .net sux, asp.net suxsux
@jAndy yo player.
How are you enjoying the game?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
yaya.. all fine, hiding most of the time
@Ignacio Great, see that code there, if I had a syntax error It'd tell me. When your code is not in strings you can use tools like JSHint that spot syntax errors for you.
user image
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, i am going through it now
@Ignacio Good luck, in general - syntax errors make for bad questions. The answer doesn't really teach you or anyone else anything. That's why we dislike them. If I may add - JavaScript is not scary or messy as people make it out to be. It's a simple, and expressive language - once you avoid things that are hard to debug like inline handlers and mixing JS and HTML together - it becomes quite fun and quick. You'll regret dismissing it as a bad form of "some other language X".
It's definitely worth learning.
how do you call the process of putting a price on what you plan to do for a project in english?
estimating every task etc
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, going to follow your advise now
@FlorianMargaine pricing? cost estimate?
cost estimate looks like a good word, thanks
I'm doing this right now for a project.
it's booooooring
Add an extra zero. Will suddenly become fun.
it's for a public RFP, so no can do :(
I'm already at 50k
66k with taxes
so you're more and more getting into project management at work?
dealing with excel sucks
I'm thinking about taking that step too
probably starting a master's degree that goes in that direction besides work
I already have the master's degree
but I don't think I'll last long..
PM is kinda fun, but I prefer the technical side
@GNi33 :/
@FlorianMargaine cost evaluation?
@BenjaminGruenbaum cost estimate is better I think
@BenjaminGruenbaum hm?
I dislike it :P
I'm at the same spot
Same problem :P
I'm currently the tech lead, and the project director wants me to move up..
well, for me it would be a step that I'd like to take for myself
"technical project manager" is my current title, to be exact
I really, really dig front end web development, but in the last couple of months I'm somehow extremely worried about my outlook at the future
In what sense?
don't worry, you can still be a teacher
@FlorianMargaine lolz
Not sure, I feel like I won't be able to do this for the rest of my life
it's probably just an unhealthy point of view of mine over the whole field, but I constantly have the feeling of not learning, not knowing and thus not achieving enough
Most of what I do has nothing to do with programming
which is really starting to get on my nerves
I feel like there are almost no offers in JavaScript front/backend in France.
Which I can't compare to other occupations, but that's got to be somewhat ironic since that's what you learn to do in school
@Oleg in Israel there are tons
@GNi33 you should join army. Shave your head now and apply.
that's a great idea, where can I sign up?
When other soldier asks you to "mate, could you pick me up that soap?" then you should never pick it up. ok?
got it
actually... depends on his tastes
he might be in a hurry to pick it up
he's got a pink ice cream... what do you expect
and what the hell, so many europeans today :P
Why would you assume that a lot of us are europeans?
"Cause none of you are stupid"
you're a peein?
@FlorianMargaine haha :D
I thougt that "picking up soap" - stuff was solely a US prison thing
from what i've heard from people in prison.... usually if you are not a rapist or something along those lines you don't really have to worry about that stuff. There are enough people in there willing to take it.
maybe that was just him trying to brush it off?
but that is what i've been told.
@Neil oleg, gni, me... that's already much more than usually :P
@FlorianMargaine Ah ok, I was just curious :)
@GNi33 the "picking up soap" stuff is universal
Lets just say I wouldn't pick up soap in a Tibetan prison
@rlemon Wasn't that an "askreddit" thread a few weeks back?
@FlorianMargaine don't think I will ever eat pink ice cream again
pink ice cream delicious!
@FlorianMargaine are you still working at Smile?
Has anyone here used getters/setters before?
@Å imeVidas which ones?
@Oleg ES5 get/set
Played a bit with them, yeah.
I mean in production.
Not in production, no.
@Å imeVidas ie8 support at work for me... so no
Found them to be slower too (at least it was so last year).
I wonder if they could be made use of on Node apps
I'd consider using them if they enabled interesting patterns
My bot uses them
I never had any problems
As for patterns, I'm using them for localStorage
@KendallFrey Interesting.
@Kippie maybe, I just assumed a friend told me. I've had a few buddies do time
FUCK I spilt mineral oil on my keyboard... you would think that would help with the key movement but they are all sticking now
... Why would you have mineral oil near your pc?
because work
@Kippie when your job requires mineral oil AND a PC, for example?
great, now I have to use some 15 year old DELL keyboard
this is not comfortable at all
it is dirty as well :/
I wanna purell my hands after each line
posted on January 08, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} What's this? A SECOND COMIC TODAY POSTED EXCLUSIVELY AT THE NIB?

lol ^
looking at function g(){this.go=function (){...}}; , Now lets say I have an empty function : function go(){}. Is there any way I can add this.go=... to the empty function ?
The more I use d3.js the more I hate it.
obviously : go.add=function... will not be right.
It's like the author has some nice ideas, but they're so elusive you never really understand what needs to be done to make it work.
go.prototype.add = function() {}
@rlemon r u sure ? im trying to add instance members this.xxx=...
Your question isn't clear
depends on how you are using function go(){}
*how can I add
... ninja'd
!!tell RoyiNamir class
I dont think its the same
setting Person.prototype.go = function(){alert('1')} is not like function Person (){this.go=...}
@RoyiNamir they are very similar
similar yes - equal not
how do you distinguish them?
the first creates the __proto__ which will redirect to the go method - if not found at the original func
both will have a __proto__
I mean, how do you distinguish them in code?
Im just asking if there's an exact way of adding this.go=... to an empty function.
Yeah, they told you
no. it's not the same
FunctionName.prototype.go = ...
that's what prototypes are for
You want to set it on the function or on the objects created using the function?
I dont want to troll , I'll have a look at it more deeply
why do you care about the distinction?
You're not trolling if you don't understand something, asking things is perfectly fine.
tnx :-)
you could overwrite the function, but that's about it. Use the prototype mechanism.
Jan 3 at 15:50, by rlemon
function Foo() {
    this.bar = function() {
Foo.bar = function() {
Foo.prototype.bar = function() {
(new Foo()).bar(); // 1
Foo.bar(); // 2
(new Foo()).__proto__.bar(); // 3
var OldCons = Cons; window.Cons = function Cons(){OldCons.call(this); this.go = ...}
tnx @rlemon
however if you did not define this.bar inside of function Foo the __proto__ is not needed, as it will bubble up (is that the correct terminology?)
@rlemon I believe the terminology is "check if exists" i.sstatic.net/j6OSm.png
that is assert
I feel @BenjaminGruenbaum would know this, however in the long run of things I really don't care :P
@rlemon propagation through the prototypical chain?
propagation! that is the term I was after
bubble up the prototype chain didn't feel right
Anything else I should add to my wish list? amazon.com/registry/wishlist/32PRD07QMK3H6 :-)
@qwertynl K is for Knifeball
@rlemon eh?
@rlemon lol oy
what else...
Go the Fuck To Sleep is a good book
I really hope someone gets me this:
Best amazon reviews ever :-D
@rlemon wth is that?
@rlemon I updated my profile to SILENCE HAS FALLEN
Gallium is a chemical element with symbol Ga and atomic number 31. Elemental gallium does not occur in free form in nature, but as the gallium(III) compounds that are in trace amounts in zinc ores and in bauxite. Gallium is a soft silvery metal, and elemental gallium is a brittle solid at low temperatures. If it is held in the human hand long enough, gallium will melt, since it melts at the temperature of about (slightly above room temperature). The melting point of gallium is used as a temperature reference point. The alloy galinstan (68.5% gallium, 21.5% indium, and 10% ti...
Gallium is cool as shit
@rlemon faaaancy
It's not as toxic as Hg, is it?
it disintegrates aluminium
Hmmm ebay doesnt onebox..
But look at that @rlemon ^ :-)
> It is corrosive to all metals besides those resistant to corrosion.
Brilliant statement from an Amazon reviewer
@RyanKinal He's not wrong, though.
It's just so... tautological
not really.
It would seem so, but if he didn't mention it, you might expect it to corrode all metals, even those resistant.
Okay. Not funny.
I get it.
The set of metals corroded by gallium equals the union of metals corroded by m over all metals where m isn't gallium

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