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I got a 2nd instance running instead
just fired up another so-chatbot-driver.jar
with a start script of the testing room
since I'm not an owner of the main room
ah man, idk what's going on... did it summon now...?!

 Groom Lake

You're probably looking for The Hangar; this is a separate roo...
getting 2 damn replies
Alright, enough docs reading. Break time, then building.
@rlemon Is there any chance you could come to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/12308/aviation-chat-bot-testing for a few minutes? Really strange issue with the original instance having joined, but it thinks I lack permission; then I get a 2nd reply from the correct instance
@PeeHaa what's that supposed to mean?
var p = document.getElementById('p'); while(p.hasChildNodes()) p.removeChild(p.lastChild); gone — rlemon 11 secs ago
@m59 I have no fucking clue. I was about to downvote it for stupidity, but I wanted to check in here to be sure it didn't make any sense
@rlemon is the other way not more practical?
@m59 What other way?
.innerHTML = "";
it is debatable.
innerhtml is ugly and slow
imho :)
a lot of people think it is okay to use, a lot of people look at it as a very poor method IE came out with and the rest of the world was forced to adopt.
@PeeHaa they have been making large efforts to speed it up
now it all depends on the amount of HTML you are having it generate
It has been some time ago I benchmarked it. Still I think it's an ugly way of doing it. Part of which comes from the fact people are abusing it to dump strings of html in it though
lol @rlemon same comment same minute
well it only makes sense. :P
not even going to mention scripts in the head are downloaded and parsed before the body even starts to load...
@SomeKittens working on your angular project?
Just got angular-seed up and running
!!xkcd 1002
with the rift computers might beat humans in seven minutes in heaven!
Ohh gosh
Q: Creating a clickable area in HTML/CSS/JavaScript

BodokhSo I have this code that I created with some help: I don't understand how to enter code it kept creating everything on one line at the formatting looked unreadable so here is a link: http://jsfiddle.net/QFF4x/ <div style="border:1px solid black;" onmouseover="change(this)" onmouseout="restore(...

that sort of thing makes me want to never be on SO again.
I even got downvoted literally because I gave a good answer.
Reason downvote - answer must use inline style and inline js
holy gosh
funny that computers can't beat some human at poker
@ctrl they can't apply psychology
@JanDvorak You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
I wish inline js support would just be removed.
@m59 why?
@JanDvorak yes that's why financial strategy also loses..
there's a small part of psychology in short time steps (buyers vs sellers), but manual traders are not better
@JanDvorak It seems that 90%+ of code on SO is using it like it's the right way.
and there's just no fighting it.
\o/ It works!
@m59 SO ddoesn't count. They use nested tables for design
I meant SO questions.
Inline scripts are a good way to inject data from PHP
sadly there's a high % of bad questions on SO
eh its to be expected.
@JanDvorak I don't get that one
I mean, the server has some data Javascript wants
you can have a huge data-attribute, or you can just do window.sth=["data"]
Does anyone have experience with SO-ChatBot? Really struggling to find a log.... I'm trying to write a plugin/command, but I'm seeing no response in the chat room. There's nothing after Running... in the SSH window either. Tried bot.log('hello') but not seeing that in stdout either.... ANY help appreciated
@JanDvorak Well ok, but why does it have to be inline?
@PeeHaa how do you send data from non-inline script? Generate it twice?
also, fight some caching issues?
the URL points to a javascript file, how would the browser know it shouldn't cache the file?
if JS needs something from PHP I either do an xhr request or add a script tag at the bottom of my page with the data
I love it when there's no server formatted pages.. just static content, and for dynamic content, ajax..ws..whatever, angular even if I don't know it yet
@PeeHaa that one at the bottom would be inline
@ctrl yeah, because f* no-script
@JanDvorak Well yeah, but weren't we talking about just putting it in the html element?
fuxk you MD
Oh. This one. I wouldn't block it, but it might sense to restrict it to a single function rather than an eval'd string
swoonsports.andrewjorgenson.net/baseball.html I've been toying with these thumbnails for over two hours and still can't figure out why they won't display inline. Please take a look.
any duke nukem 3d fans here?
@deadbeef The container is not wide enough
Also the elements are display: block
@PeeHaa Not that I don't believe you, but I'm pretty sure the column container covers the entire screen. Are you sure?
@deadbeef Why don't you inspect the DOM and find out for yourself :)
Oh... I should really use ctrl+u more.
Yes. Yes you should
@deadbeef ctrl+shift+w
a good shortcut too
ctrl+w too
user image
This is awesome.
@ctrl I hate you.
it('should render home when user navigates to /home', function() {
      expect(element('[ng-view] h1:first').text()).
        toMatch(/Welcome to Bloggy/);
      expect(element('[ng-view] h3:first').text()).
        toMatch(/hello world/);
Should this be split up into two different it() statements?
You can nest describes
I'm doing that
@rlemon codepen.io/rlemon/full/KDujC isn't working for me :(
@SomeKittens I don't test that thing tbh
That test will be rewritten over and over, unit testing it is pointless.
@BenjaminGruenbaum a bit like saying you have less chance of being infected by virus on windows Vs linux/mac
which is true
@BenjaminGruenbaum What thing? Page render?
@SomeKittens the contents of the view.
What about the binds?
It's pointless to test should render home when user navigates to home imo.
yea APIs need testing above all, and all other type of sofware, views hmm
I test services and directives. Not things that are bound to change like the text on a page.
Servies = anything above the UI layer, that's angular services/factories/providers etc as well as anything above Angular.
This isn't unit, it's e2e
in PHP, 5 hours ago, by Wes
is there a way to search on SO excluding from the results questions where i have participated already? i tried "[css] -user:me" but didn't work
@Wes no.
Write a userscript.
@rlemon That notification system is golden! I love it.
!!weather Nice
@ctrl Nice: 11.74C (284.89K), moderate rain
needs hint for a smart trading strategy..
all my attempts so far are not glorious
@ctrl have you considered a pyramid scheme?
:) not sure it's my context, you could have said a a Martingale though
@ctrl tipranks.com our startup, we believe in it and we have interesting data, check out the free version or the better ones if you're serious.
yes thanks, that option is definitely interesting in real time, for trading stocks, with low frequency (days-months)
Can anyone tell me why I'm getting Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : on this code:
$.getJSON('http://dannybeckett.co.uk/AviationBot/Weather.php?a=PHTO&callback=?', function(data) { console.log(data); });
The JSON appears to be valid
@DannyBeckett can we see the JSON?
@DannyBeckett but you're trying to treat it as JSONP
@BenjaminGruenbaum that will be a good fallback, yet it's not backtestable if you don't keep historical data in your API, but it's more addressed to manual traders, I'm developping algorithmic strategies.
or why is the callback argument there (and ignored by the server)?
ok, I haven't used JSONP before... I just need to wrap the whole output of the PHP file in callback(...)?
do just $.get to see the error
@ctrl that shows a CORS error, which is why I want to use JSONP in the first place
@DannyBeckett I think jQuery can make it for you
!!tell Danny jquery ajax
@DannyBeckett if it's your server, just fix your CORS headers
^ or this is better
I actually have to use JSONP anyway
just using jQ to debug
It's for IO.jsonp in Zirak's chat bot
wait, what?
does the bot not support CORS?
Ok, from the beginning... I have this XML: aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/…
I don't think so
I can't grab the XML via a XHR due to CORS
So instead I wrote a PHP script to convert it to JSON: dannybeckett.co.uk/AviationBot/Weather.php?a=PHTO
but I get a SyntaxError
So I tried the basic jQ example on JSFiddle, and got the same error: jsfiddle.net/7b7qb/1
the server isn't sending valid JSONP in any case
right... I hadn't realised the server was supposed to send anything other than vanilla JSON
!!tell danny wiki jsonp
do I just need to wrap the JSON in callback(...) in the PHP script?
if the callback is named callback, then yes
more generally, <?=$_GET['callback']?>
@BenjaminGruenbaum well is tipranks still focused on stocks only (no futures, forex, ..)? else things like the live feed is interesting, but the people I'm working with use something like that, will ask..
(PHP uses way too many sigils, by the way)
wahey, it looks like it works @JanDvorak
gonna try the bot now... thanks
fucking awesome, it works... thanks Jan!
(been trying to get the XML into the bot for about 4 hours)
@BenjaminGruenbaum also I still believe in short term (so-called scalping) strategies, price is fluctuating between price levels like energy levels, trying to implement something hard-coded. machine learning with supervised training for this data is really hard..
@Loktar How's your redo going?
@JanDvorak why do I want inline js erased from the earth?
Q: Is it possible to make global Variable in JAVASCRIPT?

user2970484I have the following html code. I create an Object of Customer. (the constractor in custForATM.js) : <html> <script src="js/custForATM.js"></script> <script src="js/ATM.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var customer = new CustomersATM("300321758","1234","Eric")...

the accepted anwer :) again
like I said, there's no fighting it.
Suppose I have an object like this: var r = { data: { @attributes: { num_results: 4 }}}, is there any way to access @attributes using dot-notation?
I.e. [email protected]_results instead of r.data['@attributes'].num_results
I seem to remember JSLint complains about not using dot-notation, and I'm just kinda curious anyway

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