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@SomeGuy nein dollars an hour
Hahaha, that's a great one
I wonder if you could develop faster with a touch screen + keyboard
I wouldn't
I think @FlorianMargaine uses a tablet with his development, though
I develop faster when I have less distractions, a good design, and as little time with my hands off the keyboard as possible.
honestly interaction I need to do with my mouse are annoying
yes mouse is problematic
touch would be the same here
indeed not much better.. selecting a chunk of text for example ..
*for programming that is
gaming on the other hand...
@ctrl a good editor would allow you to do this easily with just the keyboard
nah gaming :)
@rlemon I know, I know, having to remember a 20's of shortcuts though
and then you change editor, and have to reconfigure the same shortcuts
it isn't difficult. you remember tens of thousands of words, hundreds of patterns and techniques, colour codes, etc.
what is a few keyboard commands
:) right
Where is zirak ? How dare he leave the room ?
Yeah, and at least for text selection, most editors have pretty much the same shortcuts
@dystroy There goes the neighbourhood.
What triggered that?
Oh, a return from afk
Never seen that before
@dystroy Some weekends they don't let him come back
@rlemon @copy @SomeGuy
Seems good
I don't like the buttons
I think they're alright
drop the 'Sign On With'
miaou now accepts SE and GitHub as OAuth2 providers
just list the names
@rlemon OK, I'll try that
Sign On With:
just seems very redundant to say it three times over.
Ah, yeah
Done. Is it better ?
Is it "Sign In" or "Sign On" ?
Sign In is probably more appropriate
although I think both would technically work
In other news, the OAuth2 protocol looks barely normalized. It's surprising how much specific code you need for each provider. The fact they don't even provide a user id in a standardized way is disappointing...
@dystroy Nice, I'll be right there
As soon as there seem to be a real need for a bot API, I'll work on that
.dialog_buttons button {
background-color: #E3DAC9;
padding: 4px 8px;
border: 1px solid #999;
border-radius: 2px;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #999;
.dialog_buttons {
padding: 11px 15px;
text-align: center;
@dystroy try that ^
My CSS starts to be messy. I'll probably switch to less to have it more organized
ahh hehe
Needs some hover effect. And The rest of Miaou would have to be coherent
.dialog_buttons button was an addition
.dialog_buttons just replaced the float with text-align
I'm not sure it's better centered
@rlemon Can you design the hover effect ?
also needs some cursor:pointer now, I don't know why
@rlemon I deployed your new button style. Will work to adapt it to other pages, I think (already did it for the profile page)
@dystroy i'm working on it :P
hover,focus is easy
active needs work
I changed also the chat page (not deployed). It's a little too heavy for the eye.
Looks good. I'll wait for you to finish it :)
There is a margin problem on FF
yea i gotta test it all yet
also, you should look at SCSS / SASS
I just realized how much more powerful it is than LESS
I deployed a new version, with margin improvements, and also the buttons in the chat room (where their color should probably be made lighter)
Can you check that ?
@qwertynl You're the sole admin of the miaou/javascript room. Could you make me admin too ?
@rlemon do you use scss or sass ?
now I think i'm getting ahead of myself :P
@rlemon It's fun but... ^^
I've stopped developing on tablet
Web Dev is impossible
Everything is impossible, tablets are just a hype
@FlorianMargaine You mean developing on or for ? Why develop on tablet ?
Not really, it's useful in other cases
@dystroy on
and I wanted to try it
not good for web dev, but otherwise it's actually nice to have something small
I did some C on it
The croissant convinced you, didn't it?
I could do what I wanted to
@copy that's not a real croissant, so no.
You used a keyboard, did you ? If so, that's not really developing on tablet in my opinion
yeah a bluetooth keyboard
That's cheating
I tried coding C on Palm, back in the old times. Was as awful as it sounds.
Of course there was no keyboard, not even a virtual one
@FlorianMargaine But … the screen is tiny, the keyboard is small and you can't even keep your head in a good position
@dystroy Wait … OCR?
@copy I palm you used some gestures to draw the letters. You had to learn how to draw them but it was much more efficient than the modern virtual keyboads
I loved Graffiti
Ah, makes sense
damn margin issues :/
gist.github.com/rlemon/8257054 (oooo oneboxing is fixed!)
scss, no mixins
You know, I don't care for opera and ms or old versions of Chrome and FF, so I prefer to include less vendor prefixes
@rlemon When you click one button, they all move
@copy but you're lying in the sofa
@dystroy Definitely.
Although there are things similar to it in modern phones/tablets.
@MadaraUchiha You're 22 and you used Graffiti ? When did it die again ?
@dystroy My father had a Palm for work, and I really liked the input method
Although Hebrew was a real drag, it was still better for me than a keyboard
Today I use Swype on my phone, which I find the fastest.
Palm OS was a wonderfully elegant thing, made by Mac OS people who brought a lot of smart ideas from Apple. It was very efficient for small CPUs and memories.
15 mins ago, by rlemon
damn margin issues :/
I need some advise, I'm using emberJS and i think this question can be answered by people who don't know ember but understand the way it routes, say for example I was buidling a desktop and i wanted to open the file manager and skype and chrome, how would you lay that out with ember routes, I'm not sure how it would work
@rlemon In the meantime, the commit number 100 holds your name
And I think using scss will hit the top of the TODO list soon
fixed the margin issues.
well, in Chrome at least
but gf is demanding food. so I gotta take her out for lunch :P
I still wouldn't fit miaou without a massive redesign
@rlemon Good night
@dystroy he said lunch :P
@FlorianMargaine Well... doesn't mean it's not the key for a good night
!!afk lunch
@rlemon Why are you leaving me!?
What's the purpose of !!afk?
(I obviously meant well eating helps to sleep well)
Will it notify me that you're AFK if I try to reach you?
@MadaraUchiha Why don't you try ?
@rlemon ping test
@dystroy Nope :P
morning fellas
I'm guessing that either it's not supposed to work, or his last "food" message canceled the AFK? :P
monin @Wes
@MadaraUchiha exact, i believe "food" canceled the afk status
@AbhishekHingnikar lol thats a great pic
If you're not interested in legacy browsers support, is compass really interesting ?
Hi everyone I'm back
Hi @BenjaminGruenbaum Welcome back...
So what has everyone been up to?
I have to interview someone tomorrow and I'm looking for suggestions
Ask him to codegolf tetris
@BenjaminGruenbaum miaou. I've included Stack Exchange and GitHub authentication.
@copy Seems too random.
If someone can't codegolf, you probably don't want him anyway
@copy hahaha, no :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum You want to check developing competencies ? For a specific language ?
@dystroy web, I've asked around here (you weren't here) for the first round
web ? That's wide those days. front-end ? Any framework ? Do cocoon seduce you ?
Lemme show you the results of the first assignment
one sec
@dystroy this is loktar's take , you got the assignment with no limitations, he chose Angular (Shmiddty chose Angular too, TM did jQuery and Handlebars and others did vanilla)
And what's the goal ? Just list analysts from a jsonp service ?
And more importantly, did you decide to hire Shmiddty, Loktar or TM ?
All three of them would 'pass' the first interview
I'm looking for another task that's similar but a tad harder.
@dystroy It checks building something from scratch, JS, CSS and HTML
New question : dynamically update the same list (depending on the initial query of course) with server pushing the data (new analysts, changed ones)
The solution should be efficient, of course, only changes would be sent, and no pulling
Hmm, sounds very similar to the first one. I meant similar in difficulty not the same task :P
I mean the candidate would have to design the whole solution (including the server part)
!!/afk baby care
@dystroy Why are you leaving me!?
@copy shh
I'm there now, my flight was okay.
@BadgerGirl where?
To my new work place in Guadalajara.
@BadgerGirl cool ^^
Thanks. :)
I have an addEventListener timeupdate with 36 time check functions inside, It will be worth to branch it to make it faster?
...and I'm banned from my favorite IRC channel.
@SomeKittens ?
@Marchy wat?
!!afk foo
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stay safe.
@BenjaminGruenbaum There was some drama there in Nov, took some time off. Basically one guy ruining it with his ego. Lots of other awesome people on there, so I swallowed my pride and rejoined last night. Everyone was happy to see me. Log in this morning and I'm banned.
@BenjaminGruenbaum data_video.addEventListener('timeupdate',function(e){
if (data_video.currentTime > 22 && data_video.currentTime < (22+((1/24)*15))) {
Lot of functions like this ↑

@SomeKittens What was the ban reason?
Well, maybe you guys should make your own channel in this case
If the admin of the channel is such a dick
Yeah. It's sad because pretty much everyone else is a lot of fun
though enough venting. On to Angular!
@SomeKittens Was your vhost the.ops.on.this.channel.cansuck.it?
@SomeKittens Are you just getting started with Angular?
Reading through the tutorial, will be building a toy app later today
Let me know if I can help at all.
I don't mind answering the scrub questions so that you don't have to search so much - it's a bit hard to find some things.
Do you use anything to bootstrap your app? ng-boilerplate/angular-seed/etc
Is my answer here bad?
Q: Is it possible to make an AJAX call to javascript instead of ASP?

Noahb32I am making somewhat of a Content Delivery Network but what I want to do is have a jQuery AJAX call to a javascript file instead of an ASP file. The javascript file would then handle the input and then return a response. I don't want to use ASP because I don't want to set up a whole server, espec...

It got downvoted with no reason of course.
@BenjaminGruenbaum build on the first example to implement editing the analysts information. It'll force them to implement a model and implement an edit GUI or stuff like this
@FlorianMargaine BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: foo
Also see how they handle writing more lines on an existing codebase (refactoring)
Q: Ember routing design. Desktop like routes

connorspiracistSo, I want to build an app that would have the same effect as a desktop, so I have a load of routes and I want them to open in windows "(modals)", I'm not even sure if this kind of design is possible with EmberJS, but the only way I can think of is to have the URL ending to look like this app.co...

@m59 Wrote up my own answer to complement yours.
Suggested Edit:
Either way, there's not really a way to have javascript code running outside of the browser and not have a separate server. Hope this helps, comment with any further questions.
or not
@connorspiracist don't use the default router. Don't use Ember for this.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
Ember is great for prototyping, once you're in production in your example I'd ditch it.
15 mins ago, by SomeKittens
Do you use anything to bootstrap your app? ng-boilerplate/angular-seed/etc
Curious about your perspective on this
@SomeKittens sure, I use Angular and Knockout all the time.
Angular and Knockout in the same app?
I build a lot of proofs of concept and maybe 95% of them don't make it into production.
No, Angular or Knockout
and the bootstrapping question was specific to an Angular app
Ah, I don't really use angular-seed or ng-boilerplate
@BenjaminGruenbaum don't use the default router?
I use Grunt a lot, but the rest of Yeoman Yo and Bower are only so useful.
They're nice if you work in a place that makes the same site for different people multiple times, that is a web-development shop.
We're a company with a product, we do a lot of different things.
I like Grunt, but am not that knowledgeable about build systems
So instead of doing the same thing 100 times, which would make the Yeoman workflow very valuable, I do 100 different things.
@SomeKittens good addition!
@SomeKittens I don't always use grunt either, I roll my own often.
@m59 Thanks! The question wasn't that bad, it just showed a misunderstanding of how webdev works.
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you saying there are other routers?
I'm in a web agency, but most projects I work on last for months... It's not everyday I bootstrap a new project
@BenjaminGruenbaum How so?
Is the extra time worth it?
@SomeKittens you need a build.
Shell script or Makefile?
Currently it's a shell script.
He's on windows...
Q: Mr. UUID guy just entered our chatroom

Benjamin GruenbaumSo, this guy enters the JavaScript chat room: However, when I look at his chat profile - I see this: His main profile: http://stackoverflow.com/users/3161072/user3161072 See the chat profile: http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/3161072/a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c353d75ae

@FlorianMargaine who is?
@copy I hate makefiles, if you refer to actual traditional Makefiles that is.
Probably a small c# app, like 5000 lines to clear his caches
@FlorianMargaine ?
Just trolling :p
Can you repro this?
The uuid thing? I'm on mobile
Ah, anyone else?
Which makes me think I should get in android development to make an app for this chat
Angular routing: How does the user refreshing the page work? i.e. if I have routing on index.html that takes care of /kittens/:kittenId, does Angular make magic happen when there's a request for mysite.com/kittens/1337 or do I have to handle that server-side?
@SomeKittens magic.
It's a part of routing, if you enter the route manually the router will intercept it and call the route.
what if I open a new tab and paste in mysite.com/kittens/1337
Yes, same thing, routing should work
@EnergyNumbers seeing your site rep/meta rep I'm assuming you're here because of the meta post, can you reproduce?
Angular router uses the history api? Does it use a shim for ie8 to go with hashes?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can repro
Hi guys, I have a question about ajax, I have this code: pastebin.com/A8gac5q9 my target is to popup and avoid the submit based of the ajax responce, if I put alert(responce) it works and the modal works too, what am i doing wrong in the code? Thanks
@FlorianMargaine You choose. docs.angularjs.org/guide/dev_guide.services.$location
(Hint, where are you returning from? Not the outermost function)
you're right, the return there is wrong, now I've understood, thank you very much
You're welcome. Consider reading that post too :)
It's really about how concurrency works in JavaScript.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do have any idea how i can route that using angular?
@connorspiracist using Angular? Weren't you using Ember?
@SomeGuy just came back from the Optometrists, my vision is still better than perfect. Slight Astigmatism in my left eye, but not worth correcting (and both eyes together are still better than perfect) - however he is concerned about the migraines and suggests I get an MRI
@rlemon Welcome back!
but the spots in my vision are nothing to worry about.
Did he tell you what could possibly be causing them?
according to him, they should only last ~15 - 30 minutes, and they (in most cases) only persist for 2 to 5 years.
I told him mine last anywhere from half an hour to two hours and have been happening for over ten years.
thats when he said get an MRI
then he said something about 'pressure on the base of the brain' or something
all I herd was Tumor
so monday i'm calling a neurologist
please don't die
If you die in Canada, you die in real life!
Wait. I had no idea Canada was supposed to be hardmode
Oh derp, I'm an idiot, didn't realize Angular was using URL hashes. Was wondering how magic that was.
@SomeKittens haha, no he didn't actually say Tumor. but that is what I heard :P
probably is nothing, it hasn't gotten worse over the years (and that is always a good sign it isn't serious).
Get your hearing checked too!
So my wife's looking for a job and I'm slowly realizing how lucky I am to be in technology.
the spot in my vision that i've been seeing for the past three months he says is a fluke. it is a floater (which he told me are just twisted up proteins that position themselves just right over your retina so they cast a VERY TINY shadow which you pick up)
however it is the first floater i've ever had that doesn't move around, it is persistent.
What'd he say about that?
Floaters are supposed to move around, since they're in the liquid
apparently <40years old it is more common to have static floaters than ones that move
the 'liquid' in your eyes is more rigid when you are younger, gets more viscose as you get older
All my floaters disappear when I look at them.
Kind of like girls.
buh dum tsh
!!youtube eugene the librarian
@dystroy well lets get re-designing!!!
@rlemon dystroy is afk: baby care
likely excuse...
Hey @rlemon - I don't suppose you've used IO.xhr before in Zirak's bot?
Struggling getting it working, and I can't find any examples... all the default commands seem to use IO.jsonp
@rlemon Well... it was true at that time
@dystroy Welcome back!
Sorry Danny I really don't have much experience with the bots internals
I just host her
ok, no problem!
looks like I've found something in !!undo that might help..
so many views
do you know if there's a log at all @rlemon? Just created a room for testing and tried to summon, but the bot didn't join
or a way to run 2 instances?
@DannyBeckett you need to summon the bot from here.
It doesn't just watch every room silently.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's not Caprica
I got slightly told off for testing in the main room
> I get that you were trying to get the bot setup, but maybe do your testing in another room. Any pilot who comes to this room looking for actual talk about aviation is going to be incredibly off-put by this spam.
Yeah, that's why there's a sandbox
but it won't summon
tried to summon it from it's main room: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/12036/aviation
There is a debug mode
Which includes logging
ahhh shit, n/m... I haven't given myself superuser permissions... so I guess the summon needs 2 normal users to run it
where's that @SomeGuy? Any idea?
bot.activateDevMode I think?
Yeah, it's in there
There's a bunch of documentation that isn't actually easily accessible github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/_pages
not sure where the log goes though...
yeah I've looked through all of that
Pretty sure it goes in the console
!!closest 747
@connorspiracist That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
ah, ok, I have it running on screen mode, no stdout
thanks guys, will experiment
@DannyBeckett how i use
@DannyBeckett 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, 5318008, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick, stackoverflow, rimshot, fools, hal9000, oregon, botnet (page 0/5)
@connorspiracist but try it in here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/1/sandbox
@rlemon one last question, maybe you'll know... how do I set myself as an admin?
i.e. to be able to run summon/ban/etc
if you are an admin for that room it will detect it
ah that's what it runs off, ok

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