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It's not running in Sandbox either @rlemon
don't know what to tell you
Tried installing Node & Git on CentOS and building from source, still get parseMessage invalid
!!are you alive
@rlemon Yes, absolutely
^ she is running in FF
using the same bookmark
try running her in FF
I did
for Aviation.SE anyway
tried Sandbox on Chrome
will try Sandbox on FF
same shit
guess I'll have to wait for Zirak to reply (he's not been seen in about a week)
thanks anyway @rlemon
Q: How do you correctly construct and use a buffer for a socket?

Oliver SalzburgI'm trying to convert a piece of code to TypeScript and I've run into an issue with a Buffer that I use with a UDP socket. The code I'm working with looks like this: /// <reference path="../node_modules/DefinitelyTyped/node/node.d.ts" /> import dgram = require( "dgram" ); var udpServer:dgram.S...

Damn you TypeScript!
A blessing and a curse at the same time
Is it possible to make a background image fade in (from transparency) with the body attribute with JQuery? I'm failing terribly.
@deadbeef Fiddle?
Give me a sec.
@SomeKittens jsfiddle.net/4MRXN
reading it
It's one of those moments where I'm like "this should be really basic, why can't I get it?"
No luck here either. Mostly has to do with difficulty on background-image
@rlemon thats weird
I thought it was cool
lol looked at your fiddle @rlemon was about to tell you your shadows are backwards
then I noticed the setting :P
also, just finished. codepen.io/rlemon/pen/gnEJp
theres one thing about the shadows that seem a bit off
as soon as you're on the element they go away
seems like they would bleed out around it idk
just seems a bit jarring how they are gone
but it looks cool nice job!
eh i guess Im just in the middle when it happens
so it makes sense, just seems odd
there is no reason (technically) for it other than I liked it that way :P if I get feedback otherwise (you are the first) i'll change it
Lots of cool new tools with Angular. It's growing on me. Still have yet to write a toy app of some sort.
@SomeKittens bleh yeah man I mean I like it
but idk its tougher when delving into an already mostly developed app
Yeah, totally.
Anything's harder to change when there's already stuff there.
I have to write some sort of app with it this weekend
sucks because I was not planning on doing that
but after failing at my task today at work I have to
Same here. Probably going to be a blog framework
I was thinking of redoing zombiegames.net front end
but a branch of it, some unused game portal domain probably
is that only a weekend thing?
might be longer than that
but it would be a project I can really delve into
I could also practice my git noobishness with branching/merging ect.
how bad are you?
pretty bad lol
I mean i've stumbled my way through so far
my biggest issue is fear
Im like "crap I dont want to try and merge this.. dont want to eff something up!"
@SomeKittens Got it!
					$('body').fadeTo('slow', 0.3, function() {
						$(this).css('background-image', 'url("resources/baseballbg.jpg")');
					}).fadeTo('slow', 1);
Nice. I had something along those lines, don't know why it didn't work
Yo, I'm stuck
Working with this Picasa App: github.com/pmoor/rndpic
function switchImage() {
var linkTag = document.getElementById("rndpic_link");
var imageTag = document.getElementById("rndpic_image");
linkTag.href = image.target_url;
imageTag.width = image.width;
imageTag.height = image.height;
imageTag.src = image.thumbnail_url;
i changed that to...
function switchImage() {
var image = eval("(" + xmlhttp.responseText + ")");
function switchImage() {
var imageTag = document.getElementById("wrap");
imageTag.attr("background", image.thumbnail_url);
Question about using websockets, i have a live chat room but i also have a seperate feature on my website unrelated to the chat which is real time. Should i use the same app.js or run two on different ports ?
And I'm switching from applying it to <a id="rndpic_link"><img id="rndpic_image" /></a> to <div id="wrap"></div>
...so what did I do wrong?
@jmalais your missing a } on that second function
also two functions with the same name ?
sorry, repeated the line...let me edit
@jmalais You run over a cat 2 weeks ago and now cannot confess to your wife or parents
xmlhttp.responseText is this json.parsed ?
Well nvm I cant
@SomeKittens That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
yes I believe so, using the Google API
@SomeKittens @jmalais You ran over a cat 2 weeks ago and now cannot confess to your wife or parents (source)
@copy Is that wrong?
@Dave AFAIK, sockets are on their own port, same serverish
@jmalais Yes, especially if you did it using the Google API
function switchImage() {
var imageTag = document.getElementById("wrap");
imageTag.attr("background", image.thumbnail_url);
image.thumbnail_url < check for this
@Dave ^ That's the correct function
if(!image.thumbnail_url){ alert('no thumbnail'); }
or better yet use console.log
@Dave I didn't want to post the whole script, but its found here
the sooner they remove alert the better xD
var preloadedThumbnail = new Image();
preloadedThumbnail.src = image.thumbnail_url;
preloadedThumbnail.onload = switchImage
is "wrap" a <div> ? or a <img>
It's a div
imageTag.style.backgroundImage use this to test
...and yes i can see some of what i was changing is wrong
this? imageTag.style.backgroundImage(image.thumbnail_url);
that works
of course it works
the tree.jpg
its javascript
let me replace
All good now. You did said "try" though!
i didn't say try. some one else did but try usually means "google it"
Oh you're right. Well thanks
I can google this, but if you're in the mood... what does this do? (xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
...I googled. Tell's the function when to load?
Close enough
request is finished and response is ready

So in reference to this SO post, I could use 3 to have it load "quicker"?
Then the response is only partly there
o mah gerd that answer has w3 schools link ! KILL IT WITH FIRE
So, no
@copy What does the single & operand do?
Do logical and on each bit of the two operands
0xff is the 8 low bits set, therefore that operation selects the low byte
Ah, ok
haha nice @rlemon
man I just signed up for github private repos
about to get my branching on SO HARD
basically going to skip 2 coffees a month for the $7 fee
@Loktar :gasp:
wonder if there is a size limit
@Loktar yea i've been meaning to do that.
but on the company dime :P
hmm looks like 1gb
we need one repo
that leaves me with 6 :P
@rlemon yeah my company has a private account
but meh $7 for 5 private repos isnt too bad actually
one repo, MANY FOLDERS!!!!
i thought it was 7 for 7 :?
nope only 5 :(
leaves me with 4...
$1 per private repo would be nice
I could see that really racking up for some people
or $1.50 i guess
if you remove the useless whitespace... so little code.
raycasting is fun
so many line breaks
bleh my games directory for zg.net is over a gig
guess I cant include them in my repo
@rlemon I got it working - it was a really simple mistake - I was trying to get the bot to respond from the same window/user
It has a line of code disallowing that
for infinite loop reasons
it's working now though! :)
@DannyBeckett cool :)
i.e. you need 2 users... 1 for the bot, 1 to send a command to it
thanks again
@DannyBeckett bot.activateDevMode();
1 hour later…
@SomeKittens good to know - setting up it headless now on the nix box anyway :)
What would be the best replacement for Javascript objects (In following situation) in a Object Oriented langauge that doesn't support this feature?
function test(){
  var testObject = {
     "test1": "t1",
     "test2": "t2"
  return testObject;
Just use a JSON library?
The function object or the object literal?
object literal, I think
What language?
And are you converting it back and fourth?
Hmm, let's say in AS3
Just for experiment
I think AS3 does support object literals... doesn't it?
it actually does, I haven't realised it so far
Hitler also had millions of followers
But anyways:
var myObj:Object = {
	"test1": "t1",
	"test2": "t2"
var myObj = {
	"test1": "t1",
	"test2": "t2"
This still works in AS3
Thanks to type inference
I'm loving AS3
Don't get used to it.
I'm guessing it'll expire in a few years tops
It is a real easy way to learn emcascript
They'll remove it from AS3?
@EnglishMaster No, no. I'm just saying that the web development community will deprecate it soon.
Your site's killing some of my brain cells
@connorspiracist why?
unless it's for spam
<h2>contact me: <span>jeremy<span>f</span>@jfein.net</span></h2>
span span => hide
For spam, yeah. Why?
@Jeremy why are you hiding the f?
@connorspiracist That's a spam email. It's just so crawlers don't log my email and spam me
ok ok
fair enough
@Jeremy Do you hate Flash?
Flash is bad
@EnglishMaster I don't hate Flash, but it's time is definitely almost up.
Everything adobe is overweight
Well I goto gym regularly so I'm not overweight and I kinda still like Flash because it's so reliable. So your logic isn't quite right.
Do you lift?
Err... your logic isn't quite right =/
@EnglishMaster Not really, if you do, why do you lift?
@Jeremy pointed at whom?
@connorspiracist EnglishMaster
i know, ha
unless he's adobe
I'm liking elementary OS :-)
Actually normal people can't even recognise the difference between HTML5 and Flash apps.
My mum won't be like "Gosh, you've built this app in Flash, which is a technology that will fade away in few years."
what's alternative of flash?javascript?what about video?
@web2students.com html5?
Your dad won't be like "This app is running on Flash, according to Stevey Jobs, apps build in this platform drain your battery a lot faster!!"
@EnglishMaster and if you gave your mum a spiked drink, she's not going to be like... hey you've spiked my drink
yet, she will be affected by it in the long run
And who the fu*k is "normal people"?
I mean ordinary people
ordinary has the same meaning as normal
C'mon, you're the English Master ;)
i don't know much about html5, except few new tags like, article , footer , header etc
I was having a tea time. I'm back now
@web2students.com <video> you would use.
@EnglishMaster Good idea that.
I hate HTML5 videos because it always ask me "Perhaps, can I allow this video to go full screen, your highness?"
And I have to answer him "You may."
ok @EnglishMaster i also can't differentiate between both if i don't see view source
It's so frustrating, I have to do this everytime
@EnglishMaster that would probably be chrome, right?
So, chrome !== HTML5?
I guess, yeah.
Screw it! ^_^
@connorspiracist correct. Firefox is a niche browser, but it still needs to be accounted for
Q: Can I make google chrome allow fullscreen by default?

chipperyman573On the Google Chrome permissions page, it says that you can change Fullscreen permissions. However, when clicking the permissions, I can only change to allow on this page or ask: I want to be able to always allow on any site, like some other permissions have: Is this possible? I also want ...

@JanDvorak Firefox is the most loved browser, i would love to move back to firefox, just used to chrome now
and the console on firefox isn't the best
I cannot stand ever seeing [object Object] it kills me
But they have the 3D DOM viewer
@JanDvorak Yeah, it's cool. but why is it useful?
Nobody likes to configure their browsers unless you are a nerd. They should appreciate convention (stop asking to go full screen) over configuration.
You can spot overflows from the distance.
console.log prints full object in firefox firebug
@web2students.com Yes, but firebug is nasty
i think
chrome dev tools has to be the best, i think
IOW, you need a separate plugin to get a decent dev console in Firefox
@JanDvorak what firebug?
or is it not decent?
hm @connorspiracist so i use to shift between both browsers
@rlemon I came across something else as well yesterday, which I thought you might find interesting phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/04/10/…
but chrome's edit as html is better, in firebug, it shows only selected html element not whole html page
Live update when you save your file is better
^_^ Don't you think?
@EnglishMaster userscript...
What's that
@EnglishMaster you don't know what a userscript is?
@EnglishMaster It's basically just a javascript file that is injected into a specific webpage
Sick ^_^
@EnglishMaster so i can create a userscript, inject it into this specific page do document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#000'; and the background colour is black
@EnglishMaster you use chrome?
Yeah I do
@EnglishMaster Get tampermonkey
@EnglishMaster I made a GitHub syntax highlighter for this chat before, it's not very stable though
Like as an chrome add on?
tampermonkey is
Chrome Addons are basically just userscripts with elevated privileges, own icon and own HTML page to render on when the icon is clicked
Q: image hover effect issuse

akashi am using position relative so all my div are moving i want to move only one div on hover. html <div class="main"> <div class="img1">img1</div> <div class="img2">img2</div> <div class="img3">img3</div> <div class="img4">img4</div> <div class="img5">img5</div> </div> css .main { bac...

@EnglishMaster Here's one of my userscripts you can try out
Q: Fiddle IT - Instant Fiddles Userscript

PinocchioFiddle-IT A tiny & simple userscript for creating fiddles in seconds. Very handy for answering questions when you want to test the OP's code Usage Select some code on the page, then press one of the following: HTML - Ctrl + Alt + H CSS   - Ctrl + Alt + C JS      - Ctrl + Alt + ...

!!afk religious meeting + dinner (ETA 7 PM CEST)
@JanDvorak Why are you leaving me!?
do caprica say same to me too?
!!afk religious meeting + dinner (ETA 7 PM CEST)
@web2students.com Hurry back, ok?
(function() {
  module.exports = {
    admin: function(req, res) {
      return res.view('admin/index');

anyway bye all
I'm watching your demo video, all I can say is "Amasingly useful"
@EnglishMaster Yeah, it should work on any website too
document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#000';
@EnglishMaster this is the syntax highlighting
Much colour
Guys, when you do things like
console.log(someObject + " hi " + someObject2);
+ operator is calling someObject's toString function right?
or what's actually happening?
@EnglishMaster probably, use comma's ,
var hey = {
    toString: function() {return "ho"}

console.log(hey + " hi ");
I was right
@connorspiracist Sorry?
@EnglishMaster if you want it to output the object, then use commas, not +
That's like passing list of arguments to console.log and expect it to loop those arguments in order and print them innit?
I'm trying to experiment how + actually prints objects in JS
I guess, just like every other languages, it invokes toString func
Can someone explain this please?
	 [ id: 'elementary-os' ]
this is req.params in sailsjs
!! var testObject = {toString: function() {return "Jesus Christ!"}}; "" + testObject;
@EnglishMaster That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!> var testObject = {toString: function() {return "Jesus Christ!"}}; "" + testObject;
@EnglishMaster "Jesus Christ!"
You see? ^_^
yup, seen the first time
I've seen those things in Ocaml pattern matching
It's an argument that's not a data with a type it's just a thing
but I forgot how they call it
Don't you think toString function in String class presumably looks like
//Inside String class

String.prototype.toString = function () {
    if(charArrayTail.length == 0){
           return;    //Breaks when no more tails left
    }  else {
          return charArrayHead + toString(charArrayTail);
Of course, it's a psuedo code
@DD. hello and sorry
far west

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