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Yup. Just took a few keystrokes into the Google.
I don't mind Windows or Linux or Mac.
I just want small desktop like mac mini for coding use. Any recommended ?
@Jhawins I have tried to reference it after the widget is loaded, still not working. I know some of the basic, I think the content is created dynamically so I need to use another method to get it work. I try see what I can do, thanks anyway.
!!workout or fishtanks or game
@rlemon workout
@Jhawins That does not answer whether or not the variables can be accessed outside the scope.
@xDragonZ Is there a link to this page live?
@vzhen intel i5 + 9gigs of ram (16 better, 32 much better), 2 screens (3 better) at least 1920*1080, decent gpu (not too expensive), comfy chair and keyboard and mouse.
//Function expressions can have a name. This allows you to reference the
//function from within itself:
!!> (function foo(){ foo(); })(); // like this
@BenjaminGruenbaum "InternalError: too much recursion"
To me this makes it sound like you can't have recursive function statements, which isn't true. Maybe that's just my misreading
It's to say you can't (well, you can, just not in a nice way) have function expressions recurse without it)
@qwertynl Please just Google it yourself.
@Jhawins Oy...
I'm tired of doing this shit. It's up there in quite a few questions, as well as asked directly.
I guess my critique is why specify "function expressions", since both statements are true of functions in general.
@BenjaminGruenbaum model ? brand? is it small like mac mini ?
@Jhawins Here jsfiddle.net/JuN79/2/show it will take a few seconds for the widget to appear on the bottom of right hand side.
@vzhen brand? Just buy the parts and stick them together, it's dead simple
Why not just //Functions can have a name...
@Retsam show me an unnamed function statement
@BenjaminGruenbaum but the motherboard always big.
could someone who's running linux on his desktop system patch a font for me using this script? github.com/Lokaltog/powerline/tree/develop/font - while fontforge can be installed without installing an X server, it pulls in a lot of X libraries i'd rather not want on my system
guys is there a way to get "Pull Requests since last release" on my github repo?
@vzhen if you can't assemble a computer you're in the wrong room to ask.
the way jshint guys are making release notes github.com/jshint/jshint/releases
@BenjaminGruenbaum I guess I'd rather incorrectly imply that a name is optional in the case of function statements than incorrectly imply that function statements can't be recursive.
is it a result of automated process or manually written notes?
what about "anonymous function expressions cannot normally be recursive in strict mode"?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, I mean I want a small desktop. so I must get a small motherboard. is there small motherboard around ?
@vzhen of course there are..
@Retsam both of these are false :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum ic, almost years didn't update hardware. what motherboard recommended ?
Also, there are more than 2 ways to define functions in JS
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's my point, hence the word "incorrectly"?
@ThiefMaster What do you mean by 'patch a font'?
microATX and miniITX
@SomeKittens: The script adds some custom glyphs which can be used to create nice vim/tmux status lines
check the screenshots on github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline
could anyone here help me with an arrays problem?
!!welcome user3096443
@user3096443 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
//* Other:
undefined,  /* a variable or property is declared, but not defined*/
NaN,        /* "Not a Number" generally returned when you try to convert a
             * non-numerical value to a number: parseInt("foo") */
null        /* available for the developer to assign to variables/properties
             * to indicate a defined but empty value. */
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^
@Shmiddty good
sorry @BenjaminGruenbaum
Say I have two array's such as the following

var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
var weights = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2];

Using javascript, how can I make a new array such as this

var combination = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8];
@Shmiddty You shouldn't say that about NaN
@user3096443 what have you tried?
nothing yet
@copy what should I say?
Generally it's a special floating point value that indicates bad arithmetical computation
@user3096443 what approaches did you have in mind, for loops?
maybe a while loop
@BenjaminGruenbaum "NaN"
@Shmiddty ^
!!> 1/0
@Shmiddty "Infinity"
The conversion thing was invented by the gods of JavaScript, and it's pretty pointless in my opinion (but you should mention in anyway)
!!> var x = function y(a){return a}; x(2);
@user3096443 can you show me your attempts of this before I help you?
ok then, i'll be back
NaN,        /* "Not a Number" generally returned when you try to convert a
             * non-numerical value to a number: parseInt("foo")
             * Also, certain calculations will evaluate to NaN. e.g.: 0/0 */
@copy I agree that it's poorly implemented in a way but the rationale is clear, you need to maybe parse things a lot in JS, converting input string to an integer was a big use when JavaScript was first used and throwing an exception was unacceptable :P
Not A NaN
I don't see how it would be unacceptable
@xDragonZ Oh boy...
It's in an iFrame. So that's going to throw you off.
@BenjaminGruenbaum True for the parsing part, but of course the 0/0 part is in IEEE
@Jhawins Ah, that explain it, didn't even notice it was an iframe. Thanks
@copy That's because you haven't done a lot of UI afaik, and you've used a lot of Python with raises a lot more often than it should using exceptions for flow control. NaN as a concept for failed computations (and conversions) is ok, the issues is more the quirky semantics.
@xDragonZ $('iframe').contents().find('textarea') will show you at least ya know, how to reference something in an iFrame. In case you don't know. Aside from that, you can't add the listener on ready because the textarea hasn't been created yet.
!!> throw 'juice'
@ctrl "juice"
@BenjaminGruenbaum If you don't know that a string is numeric, you verify that it is first
!!> isNum=(x)=>+x!=NaN; isNum('0')
@ctrl "ReferenceError: usNum is not defined"
@ctrl false
@ctrl true
@BenjaminGruenbaum no worries i have done it
 	        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                /* Get the weight of the current ID */
	            var weight = Weights[i];
                /* Get the number from I */
	            var number = Numbers[i];
                /* Loop using for j = 0, j <= weight (j = 0, j < 1) */
	            for (j = 0; j < weight; j++) {
                    /* Add number to the array */
@user3096443 format your code! control+k
Also, naming convention :)
im using visual studio so it is formatted
@Jhawins Ok, noted :)
it just wasn't when i copied it here
@user3096443 Control+K ;)
thanks for the tip
i'll be right back
Control+K before sending on here we mean. Because regardless of what you may or may not have heard, we don't like it sloppy.
is probably more obvious ^
@ctrl lol maybe if they titled the button something that made sense.
posted on December 30, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

Alan Turing, Enigma Code-Breaker and Computer Pioneer, Wins Royal Pardon Nearly 60 years after his death, Alan Turing, the British mathematician regarded as one of the central figures in the development of the computer, received a formal pardon from Queen Elizabeth II on Monday for his conviction in 1952 on charges of homosexuality, at the time a criminal offense in Britain. The pardon

@user3096443 @ThiefMaster fun fact, I got the ping (desktop notifications) from you
Q: Mod-editing a chat messages loses the "reply" button

ThiefMasterWhen editing another user's message in chat (which is rare, but doesn't matter :p), the "reply to this message" icon is gone afterwards.

probably related bugs
people are stupid.. posting on facebook about self-made fireworks
doing it is one thing. probably actually a fun thing if you have some knowledge and the necessary chemicals. people did that in the past without blowing anyone up anyway. but posting about it in a public place? just stupid...
@ThiefMaster There are so many ways you can go home with hand made fireworks. Military grade stuff is usually pretty safe.
I think most people who make their own fireworks don't have access to "real" explosives but mix their own blackpowder (or flash powder if they like to play dangerous)
look at this
lol it makes me angry because its relating js to java
@Loktar I pooped myself a little
@Loktar It makes me angry because of the use of the word swagger
hah yea
I just needed a service to pull random words from
and this seems liek the best, but the JS image really turned me off
^ asked them to change it, will see what they say
Well, at least the source code doesn't have 140 character long lines
@Loktar wth
I'm looking for someone who works frontend professionally and is willing to take an interview test we have to level the scale.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure.
But then you will know all of my secrets.
I was thinking more like @Loktar :P I didn't know you were working as a pro developer.
js/php... winning combo...
:? I would but.. idk man
val = if (isPrimitive) then undefined else (if listType? then models[listType].createJSONSample() else models[type].createJSONSample())
val = isPrimitive ? undefined : (listType ? models[listType].createJSONSample() : models[type].createJSONSample());
val = isPrimitive ? undefined : (listType ? models[listType] : models[type]).createJSONSample();
i think i'd stay with #2 or #3 :P - or just split it into multiple lines ...
Ive been doubting my skills a lot lately
@ctrl js/... winning combo... (source)
since working with some real js devs now my gaps in knowledge are becoming glaringly obvious
@BenjaminGruenbaum does WPF count as frontend, or must it be specifically web?
@Loktar I want someone to level/test it. If you don't make it, I can't expect people who're interviewing to do it.
@KendallFrey it's web related.
screw it why not
ill do it
you're going to be like "Wow Loktar stick to canvas bro" :P
i'd love to give it a try, too. just to see how far i get. i wouldn't consider myself a "professional frontend dev" although some of the development i do surely is frontent related
you can try
If anyone else is up for it, be my gust :)
Can I try it just for shits and giggles?
Can I do it just for the giggles? I am a little constipated....
I'm more a middle-end dev
developing things none of the ends need
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can I give it a try?
@monners sure.
@Neal Any particular reason for the hosting switch?
I like to call myself a Web Application Developer
@Shmiddty I'd be interested in your take if you feel like it
Is it just javascript problems?
It's a javascript/html/css thing but I think you can handle it.
I didn't attemp any solution at all, I'm reading the documentation in order to do something like this, I don't know why it didn't work, and I'm wondering if you actually read my question... Thanks however. — Chris Russo 2 mins ago
I'm trying to slide my divs from right to left. How can I do this with jQuery?
!!tell SineLaboreNihil google jquery animate
@CapricaSix Thank you.
I thought of doing it with toggle("left"), and it does the trick, but I want to put left and right buttons on page toslide left and right and this just brings it back when I move it left.
Who are you!
@deep who're you again?
How do I move an element completely without knowing its size? There's an example on the animate() method page on the jQUERY website which slides a div left or right by a fixed amount of pixels, but my div takes up the entire width of the window, no matter what the size of that window is. So how do I apply this animate method on a div like that to slide it to the left or right?
Doesn't matter, I figured it out. :)
Except all my navigation links are disabled when I apply this jQuery animate method on the page. Does anyone know why that is?
hey they accepted my feedback
and already commited the changes
they said the image should be changed after the 1st

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