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^ I found some hidden gems earlier, not all of SO is rotten
The SEO just needs to avoid questions and answers with downvotes lol..
It's 2AM in my tomezone, not it the mood for that conversation now... :) Good night @RUJordan sir
Night brah
Is there a way to safely check if an object is an HTML element?
(cross browser)
if (thing instanceof HTMLElement)
@JoeFrambach But does it blend?
No, wait...
Is it cross browser? That's what I meant.
Do you care about IE7?
I.e. How far back down the IE chain does support go?
No, IE7 is not relevant.
IE8 would be an issue.
The table at the bottom here has more info: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement
hn, actually that is not helpful at all sorry
Looks like it doesn't exist in IE8
Fuck IE8
Every day I have to stop myself from quitting my job because we support IE8. But I need the money right now :(
Next time I interview, I need to remember to ask if they support IE8
It will soon be over.
I think.
IE8 will maintain a stable 6% share (I think) for another year or so, at least, but business are going to drop support more and more nonetheless.
I can't wait.. at least IE9+ is.. better.. for lack of better terminology.
@RUJordan That's about the most sugar coating one can ever put on a description of IE
Q: Credit Card validation using the Luhn forumla

Jagst3r15As the title says, I am trying to do form validation with credit cards and the Luhn formula. Any advice is appreciated. function Luhn(luhn) { // **** step1: double every other digit, starting at 0 var doubleDigits = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9]; // **** step 2 + 3: any resulting value must be...

would it be stupid to just start every stylesheet with the following:
* { position: relative; };
@Shmiddty aw hell naw dawg
@Feeds That code is so bad. It doesn't even resemble the luhn algorithm
i m stuck in passing array to jqgrid client side issue
I'm stuck with my AI that understands questions like yours
It crashed
No, but seriously. Just post it on SO
@gdoron it isn't really exciting
codepen.io/rlemon/pen/vmIlC this is more exciting if you ask me
pointless, but exciting
nice use of checkboxes
please help.....

var arr = [{ index: 1 }, { index: 2 }, { index: 3 }, { index: 4 }, { index: 5 }];
var obj = [arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4]];

var c = [
(function () { for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {return arr[i] } }) ,
{ index: 6 }
i want c return [{ index: 1 }, { index: 2 }, { index: 3 }, { index: 4 }, { index: 5 }, { index: 6 }]
but without push function
What's wrong with the push function?
while using arr[1] its working fine but in real scenario i don't know what will be size of array
in my real scenario last object is something like this

name: 'Action', index: 'Id', width: 55, align: 'center', sortable: false, formatter: 'actions',
formatoptions: {
keys: true,
onEdit: function (rowid) {
alert("in onEdit: rowid=" + rowid + "\nWe don't need return anything");
onSuccess: function (jqXHR) {}
so using push event is nor working correctly
I still don't see what's wrong with using push. It's there for a reason.
yes... I have to pass array to jqgrid colModel property
in my array last element contain some events
when i using push event behave in wrng manner
Usually when people say "it's not working correctly", it ends up being "you didn't use it correctly"
I don't think the problem lies in using the push function :)
while using this [arr[0],arr[1],]
while using this [arr[0],arr[1],
name: 'Action', index: 'Id', width: 55, align: 'center', sortable: false, formatter: 'actions',
formatoptions: {
keys: true,
onEdit: function (rowid) {
alert("in onEdit: rowid=" + rowid + "\nWe don't need return anything");
onSuccess: function (jqXHR) {}
events working fine
!!tell Swati Sinha format
@RUJordan Command sinha does not exist. Did you mean: sing
are you trying to add an element to the array just before the last element?
Bah. Please format your code
Ctrl+k when you're posting code
name: 'Action', index: 'Id', width: 55, align: 'center', sortable: false, formatter: 'actions',
formatoptions: {
keys: true,
onEdit: function (rowid) {
alert("in onEdit: rowid=" + rowid + "\nWe don't need return anything");
onSuccess: function (jqXHR) {}
press the up arrow to edit, delete everything, ctrl+k, then paste code and resubmit
or indent code by 4 spaces
Oh sweet, I didn't know the up arrow was quick editting
shortcuts <3
name: 'Action', index: 'Id', width: 55, align: 'center', sortable: false, formatter: 'actions',
formatoptions: {
keys: true,
onEdit: function (rowid) {
alert("in onEdit: rowid=" + rowid + "\nWe don't need return anything");
onSuccess: function (jqXHR) {}
now ok... ?
Does it look any different? ;)
function derp() {
    console.log("This is what formatted code looks like");
!!afk smoking
@RUJordan Nobody cares.
^ FU
its not working
i have used both ctrl + k and also used 4 space
its working fone while posting questions
is this what you're trying to do? jsfiddle.net/nderscore/MLXc3
good evening gentelmen
yaa some thing like this i mean array format
anyone uses sass/compass?
var arr = [
someFunction: function(){
console.log("I'm an object with a function!");

in place of elements 1,2,3,4 there will be index of other array (size get at run time)
var arrOther = [{ index: 1 }, { index: 2 }, { index: 3 }, { index: 4 }, { index: 5 }];
I think Array's `splice` method is what you're looking for. That's my best guess.
Honestly having trouble understanding what you're trying to accomplish and you're spamming up the chat. Try pastebin/pastie please :)
thanks.. i try for this..
sigh meta stackexchange is so annoying. I submitted a question. People keep coming and voting it up, but no one freaking answers!
Patience is a virtue
@RUJordan There goes the neighbourhood.
hwo to make selectedTD variable select only tds with exactly pID rather than contains?
var selectedTD = table.find('td:contains("' + pID + '")');
using splice events is again not working
problem is same like push
@connorspiracist But what does people taking advantage of racism have to do with anything? Oh fuck it. Nm.
Dang this chrome lined sniper is powerfulllll
format your code, sheesh
@Shea You're right, Never Mind.
@rlemon noice
@rlemon Nice, but what are the benefits of having a tv that thin? I'm sure there are more cons
An OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a light-emitting diode (LED) in which the emissive electroluminescent layer is a film of organic compound which emits light in response to an electric current. This layer of organic semiconductor is situated between two electrodes. Generally, at least one of these electrodes is transparent. OLEDs are used to create digital displays in devices such as television screens, computer monitors, portable systems such as mobile phones, handheld games consoles and PDAs. A major area of research is the development of white OLED devices for use in solid-...
There's only cons if you have a Wii
@rlemon I'll take five
@monners Okay np. That'll be $45k, please.
Plus tax.
Sure, payment on delivery
Btw, you're saving $10k with that
Probably best to wait a few years when it'll be < $1k each.
Q: Restangular Problem wiith Rest request

brunocascioService app.factory("CommentService", function(Restangular) { return { allByPost: function ( id ) { return Restangular.one('posts', id).all('comments').getList(); } } }); Controller app.controller( 'CommentController', function($scope, $sanitize, CSRF_TOKEN, CommentService)...

@rlemon Nice, can I use these?
I want that tv...
hey @rlemon you know what sucks
@Shea I really wouldn't :P
patches for starbound wipe save data right now...
@Loktar ouch
so I just lost 11 hours of progress
haha yeah Im not going to play anymore until its retail
Yeah, I might as well use JS
I was thinking I'd just leave the different types of alerts in the dom, and just change the contents when needed
use the styles all you want, just don't use the checkbox show hide shit :P
it is stupid for production, was just me messing around
!!weather kitchener ontario
@rlemon Kitchener: -7.9C (265.25K), light snow
so ok I had the silver canvas badge..
but I swear I just got massed downvoted maybe?
Im down to 388 for canvas answers and no badge wtf
Is there a way to see if I was crazy mass downvoted or something?
bleh thats really frustrating.
should show up on your rep tab
usually I dont care, but I was pretty proud of my silver canvas badge. Such bs.
what if it was really recent?
it may be due to this
A: How to use a color picker for the canvas stroke color?

markEHere's a simple example of a color picker on a "tools" canvas used to set the current color (fill/stroke) on the drawing canvas: Javascript paint Canvas, need help re-locating buttons? For your "color wheel" picker, you would paint your wheel on the tools canvas and then use context.getImageDa...

I would hope he wouldnt downvote me
but idk.
isnt there a way to do a force rep recalc?
Im curious now if this happened tonight
scroll to the bottom
ah thanks, yeah just did it.. weird
I see no votes removed but wtf..
I had the silver canvas badge, and like 403 for the canvas tag
Dec 5 at 3:14, by Loktar
I got the silver canvas badge!
^ so thats when I got it.. 5 days ago
oh well screw it will just need to jump on more questions I guess
awww yisssssssss
@FlorianMargaine ^^
is that Florian?
I'm just showing him it
Are stackexchange taking the piss or what?
They have a site for Logo block building
Q: How do you safely evacuate with cats?

Monica CellioEvery now and then when some natural disaster hits, I see stories in the press about abandoned pets or people being turned away from emergency shelters because they have pets with them, and I think: "I don't want to be those guys". I live in an area that isn't prone to disasters, but that doesn'...

Anyone else get the Cards Against Humanity "12 Days of Holiday Bullshit"?
Q: NextGEN gallery slideshow giving JavaScript error

user2761121I've installed the latest version of NextGEN gallery (version 2.0.40). All other options like Basic Thumbnails, Basic ImageBrowser, Basic SinglePic are working fine but when I tried to create a Basic Slideshow then it's not working! I can only see the slideshow loading icon but no slideshow image...

given a DOM element, how can I know its deep level in a tree?
@mateusmaso what is "it's deep level"?
you want to know if


the a is 3 deep?
is there any built in attribute for that?
@mateusmaso no, are you using pure js?
var count=0; do{ count++; } while(element = element.parentNode);
@mateusmaso You'll use parentNode, jsfiddle.net/w5B4M/2
I laughed
but everyone else thinks he is "awesome"
How he had the balls to mention "vocals" in that video, lol... Reminds me of Shea
Ey, fuck you buddy.
I meant, he is awesome and funny
nobody can sing Pokemon like he does
@connorspiracist That's right. I just sit here lurking, waiting to pounce on the moment someone mentions my name. ;P
Yeah, I just sit and pounce when my name isn't being mentioned.
You need a lesson in pouncing.
@EnglishMaster You be the hyenas
That one's better, it's shorter
You should use ember, FFS
@connorspiracist @Shea @EnglishMaster Hello ,
how to convert array obj into unicode
Good Morning, your ladyship
@Gamex I believe you've mistaken the chat box for google
@Shea "[\"hello\",\"there\"]"
!!> JSON.stringify(['hello', 'there']);
Oh hai Kitten :)
Long time no see, are you still traveling?
Yep. Currently at college
Oh fun
Luuucky >.>
Finals week minus tests. BOOYAH
I wouldn't know anything about that, I'm a moron that never went to college. :(
Someday, maybe....
Typical college student studying IT at a electronics retail shop interview:
Employer: "So, you are studying IT and interested in electronics, sounds great. By the way, can you speak Chinese? We get a lot of Chinese customers here"
You: "No, but I can speak Javascript! haha.!! just kidding, you know?"
Employer: "haha.. ye.."
I want JSFiddle only for tests
Maybe I should just make one
@AbhishekHingnikar Oh, it's you again...
yes am back
@AbhishekHingnikar Wow. I want something like this for my phone as well...
Q: Ajax page load without reload

madmanali93I am working on a script to load my page without refreshing. It is working as I want it except for one thing. The test site I have up is http://dev.dog-company.com . Only home About us and FAQ will work with the script right now. The issue is on the homepage there is a slider loaded via a plugin....

Anyone use socket.io a lot?
!!/welcome connorspiracist
@connorspiracist Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I want to know if there is actually a wildcard for events like * I've searched around a bit
Hum... I don't know.
But I don't see the point
Well, I'm using it in ember
and to do socket.on 'newUser' or whatever eveytime is gonna piss me off
@connorspiracist ;p;
I'm done, let's see if this is useful
@BenjaminGruenbaum show us :D
Socket.io + Angular.js = BentPipe.js
Q: Does IE10 javascript timeout?

heqc822when i use ie10 to import large data into server. javascript can't update page context when import time over about ten minues(there is no problem when import time less than about ten minues). but there is no problem when i use firefox that time is over about ten minues. update page context sour...

Useful only for really small stuff - but still useful
Permission denied to access property 'toString'
Any ideas on why am I getting this error?? - @Wesabi
@BenjaminGruenbaum hahaha nice !
you do test hard :D
@NathanLee what type of object is it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you using zombiejs or something?
@FlorianMargaine no, why?
(Well, at least not here)
what's the point of this screenshot then? (no offense, I'm trying to see what the context is)
@NathanLee are you trying to stringify an iFrame?
2 hours ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
I want JSFiddle only for tests
Yes @JanDvorak Its an iframe
Its an iframe @Wesabi
@NathanLee look up "same origin policy"
I am using 'http://link.videoplatform.limelight.com/media/' to embed the same into an iframe
I tried to upload a video directly uploaded to server an it works fine without any error.
But even I try the 'http://link.videoplatform.limelight.com/media/' or even a youTube URL it throws this error only on Firefox. - @JanDvorak - @Wesabi
what do you mean with "i try" ? if domains are different you can't access iframe's content
in chrome, firefox and any other browser
@BenjaminGruenbaum you might like this class.coursera.org/compilers/lecture/preview
seems very basic - but I'll see for myself
If you find a course on JIT compilation let me know :)
@FlorianMargaine Can I lure you into my chat for a little discussion ?
My brain has transformed into a JIT compiler (for exams)
@AbhishekHingnikar why couch db?
@connorspiracist for ?
why should i use it?
The answer is probably that you shouldn't
Why would you use a db if you see no reason ?
@connorspiracist depends on the end products need
couch or mongo?
I don't want my api server to become a proxy server for my mongo server... so i switched to couch so some data is responded back straight by the db server to the client itself
just for users, messages...etc
whats even better ? I have insanely awesome angular which sits on top of the couch annnnd i can use http caching for this data :3
@connorspiracist you can use it for anything
you can have access permissions on data :P
@AbhishekHingnikar which means?
which means that you can make only some part of a document visible to public
read the couch db docs .. they explain it well :D
oh also you can use couch with a pouch and make awesomeness :D
@dystroy logging in :)
takes a while
@dystroy logged in, waiting for ya
@AbhishekHingnikar are you on linux?
@AbhishekHingnikar you into Pentesting?
@ShyamK nope but i like it as a hobby.
@AbhishekHingnikar helps keepin your app secure? pentest your own apps?
@ShyamK well i just use a professional hacker friends help :P
that hobby gives me free internet :$
anybody here
@ShyamK you know... its almost impossible to pen test your own code :
cause you definitely won't rant yourself :D
and everyone
I want to print a pdf from javascript
@AbhishekHingnikar is there actually no "built-in" function to update documents in couch?
any idea ?
lol, I'm using nano
anyone used
Three.js ?
!!google @ZMRBINU print pdf from javascript
@AbhishekHingnikar I occasionally do it on stuff where I'm not the sole dev... :D
you have to use google @ZMRBINU and there are more case from frame or div ...
@connorspiracist dude couch is basic HTTP
5 mins ago, by connorspiracist
lol, I'm using nano
oh ..
well no
u can use cradle
does anyone know if there's a plug in for chrome where you can choose to not cache on specific pages?
For development?
Dev tools do that
I think that not need the use plug in and search on the preferences of Chrome ( how: I not know ) @Crowz
@Crowz click the gear icon in Chrome dev tools, then General, then Disable Cache
I think also you can disable cache on the specific site
Yep, from the settings
I'm about to use with and I wanted second advice.
Look, if you're suicidal, talk to someone, alright?
I need to run a script that uses a global variable that might be overrun by the browser. Instead of actually having a global (and it needs a global as it's compatible with some framework) I thought I'd use with({globalName:myImplementaiton}){..
And enjoy the dynamic scoping it gives me (kind of like the dev tools). I'm interested in feedback/alternative approaches
(I'd normally just use a closure but that won't work here)
An IIFE isn't good enough? You store the global, replace it, execute your stuff and put the global back
My stuff can be asynchronous, also it's not my stuff
(I wouldn't be in the position :/)
hi there
i have an object with two children, each an object as well. how do i call a method that belongs to child #1 from child #2's scope?
objects don't have scope. can you be more specific?
var a = {};
var b = { b: a };
var c = { c: a };
// what is a's parent?

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