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@BartekBanachewicz I haz Solar Plant :)
> Based on that I'm now pretty convinced now that JavaScript is the Wild West of software development. Primarily because it rivals 2003 PHP code in terms of code quality, but it seems fewer people care because it runs on the client instead of server. You don't have to pay for your slowly running JavaScript code.
So true...
@ThiefMaster I humbly disagree - if you use shitty libraries that think they're clever- you get bitten - big deal - that's true anywhere.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's been 20 years. You can't just waltz back into my life like this.
Also, he doesn't know JS
We also have to admit that JavaScript is somehow similar to PHP
@copy Also to Python, since dynamic
More like PHP
The main connection between JS and PHP is that they're both very popular - causing a lot of bad code, and php programmers bringing over antipatterns to JS land from php
Except without Standard library
Or that you can write weird crap that doesn't cause runtime error
@copy I never got a 'you can write bad code in language X' argument.
You can write horrible code in any language, I've seen Haskell code that made my eyes bleed just the other day, and I've seen beautiful perl and php code.
You can write horrible code in any language, I've seen Haskell code that made my thighs bleed just the other day, and I've seen beautiful perl and php code.
Languages make it easier/hard to write good code but at the core principle they should provide the basic constructs and let you do whatever you want.
JS makes it easy to write bad code, but it's also extremely dynamic
@RUJordan You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
Bleeding thighs? It's officially that time of the month for Caprica.
It's like a lightsaber. Powerful, but waaaay easy to slice your head off.
I did. I love me that whore <3
All that post says is - "look, I looked at code from a library JS developers know to avoid anyway and it looked silly and hackish' - great.
Or 'look, jQuery does some magic, btw I don't know how jQuery or JS works' - also great
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought you liked Angular
@SomeKittens I'm not talking about angular, I'm talking about typeahead
Also he doesn't know how the language's typesystem works at all with strings and blames the language for it.
Saying things like + works like parseInt, string bs, working with == and so on while at it.
Moreover - he doesn't know how to write angular directives - the problem is describes is one of the most basic problems when writing directives and he solves it wrong in the post.
@ThiefMaster In a line - it reads "I wrote a big code base without knowing JavaScript relying on several libraries and frameworks without understanding in advance how any of them work. It was a very unpleasant experience" - that's not unique to JavaScript at all, if you don't know the language, the idioms, or how the libraries/frameworks you're using work and/or how to choose them - you're doing it wrong way before you wrote your first line of code.
That was not a line.
That was two
I just found my first templating library that could also do data bindig- this is the header.
* Mustache like logic less templating with reverse data binding

// in production code
//templates a given view based on the given viewmodel, for more detail on how this works please check the unit tests
This is like the third (like 40 LoC, pretty old too)
* This templating engine is in charge of EJS like syntax, it also supports caching
* We built it for testing big responses and requests and server load, it also seems like
* a useful thing to have ;)
Just for testing some stuff
lol - also 3 different implementations of mocha, including one that shows the result in a pretty html page it serves itself and updates dynamically. Funstuff digging through old code
Holy shit that's a pilot right there
he was asking for it
Cat's gotta eat
is there any easy way to check socket.io installed correctly when using putty ?
12,206KB folder size for socket.io in node modules
Whoever just entered, I think your name might be hashed and salted.
hmm socket.io demo code doesn't work =/
why the heck wont my server find socket.io/socket.io.js >.>
i was asking for too much for it to work first time xD
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you there?
Q: Decoding UTF8 in javascript

xptI only know very little about both UTF8 and javascript. But I need a javascript function to decode a UTF8 string like abc ABC back to normal ascii abc ABC. This is what I know about the UTF8 string: $ echo abc ABC | od -t x1 0000000 ef bd 81 ef bd 82 ef bd 83 e3 80 80 ef bc a1 ef 0000020 bc a2...

user image
That's not a link lol
> Women are difficult but you cant force women to do things trust me
Trust him.
Q: Add query string to a URL

blunderboyI have written this code which adds a querystring to a URL: exports.addQueryString = function(url, queryString) { var isQuestionMarkPresent = url && url.indexOf('?') !== -1, separator = ''; if (queryString) { separator = isQuestionMarkPresent ? '&' : '?'; url += separator + quer...

It's funny because when you have a concern, somebody in the world also had that concern too. So that person already have asked a question about it on YahooAnswers
Welp, got the 80 flag badge.
Well, horray. I finally had time to setup mongodb. I bet its all Rainbows and Kittens from here on :)
Hi ,

I having the character encoding problem in Ajax loaded content
well it looks like im pulling my first all nighter since college
Nobody aint got time for NoSQL!
I tried to fix it by
 'contentType':"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
but not work for me
can anybody help me out
Never done character encoding, sorry.
Show me ur code
I don't have enough power to read the code inside your mind today
                        'type': 'POST',
                        $("#infinite-loading").css('display', 'none');
                        $(function() {
                            $("#new_post img.imgload").lazyload();
here is the code
and it convert "." in �
when i request content from ajax
Did you try a UTF-8 encoding?
What's charset=ISO-8859-15
And are you specifying the charset on your server as well?
If you want UTF8 I think it's already UTF8 by default
This is so funny
Max needs to save his friend Stiff Pete
This part is funny
@BenjaminGruenbaum That is my response to "you can write terrible code in any language". Again, a matter how hard it is.
^ remove the bracket from the URL it's broken
@RUJordan @C5H8NNaO4 I'm not very good at posting links before morning coffee
I totally understand that
Just had my first coffee
Time to get the second one
It's 3am for me lol
ahahah Draw a stickman not function on KUbuntu @EnglishMaster
That sucks, I want to draw a guy called "Stiff Mongo"
lol and I also draw the "Captain Underpants"
@Neal I could chip in with $5 maybe, I'm broke in a few days anyway
@RUJordan yes I also tried UTF-8 encoding
What about the server encoding?
I loooooove the code my colleagues write
preg_match( "~<head>(.*?)</head>~si", $output, $head );
if ( is_array( $head ) && isset( $head[0] ) )
    $head = $head[0];
    preg_match_all( "~<script src=\"(.*?)\"[^>]*></script>~si", $head, $js );
    if ( is_array( $js ) && isset( $js[1] ) > 0 )
        foreach( $js[1] as $jssrc )
            $simulJS[] = $urlinfo['scheme'].'://'.$urlinfo['host'].$jssrc;

    preg_match_all( "~<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"(.*?)\">~si", $head, $css );
    if ( is_array( $css ) && isset( $css[1] ) > 0 )
If a field is null and you use it in a left outer join in sql, does the join still occur?
... relevant easter egg triggered.
If so, then I would think there'd be some sort of optimization which nobody thinks to use
Please look into this question if you can help
Q: Capturing pictures from webcam in html5 to upload on server

Nikhil AgrawalHello actually I an html5 form in which user can take picture using webcam and upload to server. So I started searching on internet and tried several plugin and read couple of posts and here is the summary of my research and found this plugins useful. But the problem is that ,None of the plugin...

Hi guys
@FlorianMargaine Excuse me for the disturb but I want to know, which is the solution for you on the question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4391832/javascript-to-delete-cookie-on-android-web-browser
I remember that you have put a bounty.
@rlemon AWESOME!
@SomeGuy thanks for the links.
@MirkoCianfarani I did the stuff on the server
so it's still not answered
ok because the question is interessant for all and for me :P
Could someone help me with that? I was using $('#uploadImage').change( function(e) {}); but now I have to do it on a lot of different elements dynamicaly generated so I'm using onchange="upload_image_comment('.$post_id.') instead, now my problem is, in my function upload_image_comment() how do I get the 'e' I had before in function(e)?
@NikhilAgrawal you should end your questions with question marks.
I will correct it
It went from like.. dead.. to help central in here.
@BartekBanachewicz Thank you
Very much for your efforts
@NikhilAgrawal Also I'd prolly go for flash in browsers that don't support HTML methods.
you have to take stuff like outdated browsers into account too
anyone? :<
I've had one lucid dream
Never again
@Mokkun SSCCE
I was using the jquery $('#uploadImage').change but now I have to use onchange direclty from HTML
My roommate in college had a lucid dream once after eating 2 bananas before bed
he spent the whole rest of the year eating bananas trying to get back to lucid dream again
@Mokkun that's not an SSCCE. You changed some code into something completely different and you are expecting us to what, guess what you are doing? Lemme find my crystal ball.
Needless to say the smell of the banana peels in the trash was horrid
@BartekBanachewicz I told you I need the event, since I was getting it with function(e) when using the .change() from jquery, now I'm using onchange with HTML, how to get the same even with this, I don't know how I could be much clear
@BartekBanachewicz You don't have one of those? Comes in handy when your boss asks you to "make that program which does that thing which calculates those values"
@Neil "crank those numbers" :D
It wouldn't bother me so much if my boss at least made no attempt to pretend he understood how to program
@Mokkun ok I see now. this is in the callback scope, but I can't find anything about the event really.
would onsomething="function(x) { do_stuff_with(x); }" work?
I'm gonna try this but maybe I'm just doing it wrong
W3 specification is very unclear on that, at least for me
I have a list of buildings objects. Most building have the property "structure system" but some dont. I want to check whether the building has "structure system" property. I tried if(building["structure_system"]){sth} but if the building does not have that attribute it gives an error.
@Mokkun well if the event just has new data inside, you could use this.value, no?
I tried the onchange="uploadpic()" then in uploadpic() { $(this) } with $(this) replacing the "e" I had before but it doesn't work
nah, uploadpic(this)
my element is an input for files and in my previous function using e I was doing var files = e.originalEvent.target.files;
oh I'll try this
glorious lexical scope
Q: How to implement dependent (searchable) select boxes

John MI have implemented a screen which has a number of select boxes (dropdowns) which are dependent on the contents of other fields (usually other select boxes). They also need to be searchable (e.g., like Select2 http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/) provides). Let us assume that I have a Company dro...

I just tried onchange="upload_image_comment('.$post_id.', this)"
with function upload_image_comment(post_id, e) {

var files = e.originalEvent.target.files;
but it doesn't work
always getting TypeError: e.originalEvent is undefined
maybe I should try to stay with $('#uploadImage').change but try to do it with class then get the unique ID or something
if I use $(document).on(
"change", '.uploadImageComment', function(e) {
and there is a lot of .uploadImageComment but they all have different ID
is there a way to get the ID of the .uploadImageComment that changed?
with this.id or something like that?
$(this).attr('id') ok good, I think it might work
thanks for your help @BartekBanachewicz
Well it's official. They turned the Scorpion King movie franchise into a kung fu movie.
At least it's kind of funny when intended.
Hi. Doesn't onreadystatechange should fire when loading external JS file ? if So - why don't I see the alert in my simple example ? jsbin.com/ipOrIDeY/2/edit
Pretty sure this Witch is using a Daedric dagger from Skyrim ._.
Got it. tnx
> I will rise again like a bad idea!
@SomeGuy mikedidthis is afk.
@mikedidthis That's a pretty good compilation of info!
Can anyone help me with D3js charts?
@RUJordan I stopped watching blockbuster movies the moment in which I realized there's no way that everytime a large pane of glass is shown that someone must inevitably be thrown through it, and yet, there you have it.
Defenstration is awesome
Clearly glass is meant to be broken
Not sure whether Neil wanted more or less people going through windows in his movies.
Simply making the observation that it shouldn't happen that often
My experience of nexus 5 so far
i miss Applisque UI a lil bit but that will go away in a few days..
camera sucks :-/
and am awaiting 4.4.1
@AbhishekHingnikar 4.4.1 fixes that part a bit
yeah i know
Ah, a convert?
thats why am trying to get it .. they also just pushed 4.4.2
well you don't have to wait for OTA
over-the-air update
idk why but it says my device is up to date at 4.4
you can just get the binaries and flash them yourself via fastboot
@SomeGuy mikedidthis is afk.
@AbhishekHingnikar that's because OTA hasn't reached it yet
@AbhishekHingnikar quick search found this
oopsie I actually linked to the ROM
and found this for me ^
4.4.2 is OTA :D
uh it will eventually get pushed
but if you can't wait just download it
I hate strong fat people at gym. Most of them claims their moobs and muffin-tops are actually muscles. Of course, they are strong (and fat), but it doesn't mean they have muscles.
ah ... i will wait to download it ;D
no worries :-) [unless they push it in 2 days ]
javascript multiple language sorting
@EnglishMaster most fat people have more muscle mass than your average person
they have to or they wouldn't be able to get around at all
Though, muscle mass is not impressive if you've got a thick polar bear fat layer on top
:D I can write apps for android now :D and test them in my hand :-> :-> // which is what i like more about it :3 ...
They think they have hidden muscles underneath their layers of fat
@AbhishekHingnikar You couldn't do that with an iPhone?
I was like "Mate, you shouldn't come to gym but just eat less"
He was like "No I'm one of those strong fat guys"
@Neil aint got no mac mate
aint got money to buy either :-(
> i miss Applisque UI a lil bit but that will go away in a few days..
Thought you implied you owned an iSomething
i owned an iPhone 4 S, which died suspiciously !
Never developed on it?
I understand you have to pay some fee first though
That's one of the reasons my choice was android :P
i'm a broke programmer
Any NodeJS express users?
I am a NodeJS limited-stop user
I got stuck in a tutorial..
Dunno if you can make anything of those error messages
@Schoening Always a good sign
@Schoening sup ?
@Neil :p
anyone good with regular expressions? i'm stuck here. i need to replace this abcd23z to become 23z :I
.replace(/[^\d\w]/g, ''); is what i got but this also takes all the letters in front of the number
@AbhishekHingnikar Nothin much, just stuck coz I only started with it today :D
@Schoening so well i know why you are stuck
let me break it down for you ?
app.engine('html', hbs.__express);

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
where is the index view itself ?
can you make sure its in the default location ?
"abcd23z".replace(/[^\d\w]/g, '');
That's what I get
at C:\users\Oliver\Desktop\Node\app.js:10:8
so your views folder must be either in \Node\Views
It's not matching anything apparently
or you have to specify it.
more on it in express docs
@Neil it is. i also have stuff like §.abcd.23b so it removes the dots and paragraph sign
but i only want the stuff after the number :I
If somebody is strong and fat.. does that not imply they have muscles..?
Yeah I thought it was that, I just had no clue where it wanted me to store it @AbhishekHingnikar What is defining the path?
@skripted [^\d\w] if I'm not mistaken is 1 character which is not alphanumeric
@Neil try assigning the value, because it will return a new string
@phenomnomnominal Console won't show result?
@Neil sorry, i'm being retarded
Long day out in the sun :P
!!> "abcd23z".replace(/^[a-z]*/g, '');
@phenomnomnominal "23z"
I envy you.
sweet :D
random flagger: stop it.
@phenomnomnominal "23z"
@FlorianMargaine what got flagged ?
@Schoening right now its taking the default path
i haven't ever used hbs so not sure :-)
I think I gotta check what those views actually are before I proceed
but usually u specify path like this in express
Thanks for the help dude
!!> "abcd23z".replace(/^\W*/g, '');
@EnglishMaster ""
I got flagged?
me too?
@EnglishMaster "abcd23z"
I feel violated
hence my:
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
random flagger: stop it.
Remote play to PS4 from my Vita is the best thing ever.
!!> "abcd23z".replace(/^[a-z]*/g, '');
@skripted "23z"
@skripted assuming you just wanted to strip all leading lowercase chars, that will do it?
yep thanks :)
Technically, if you wanted 23z from "abcd23z", then:
!!> "abcd23z".replace(/^abcd/g, '');
@Neil "23z"
!!> "§.abcd23z".replace(/^[a-z§.]*/g, '');
@skripted "23z"
that's what i was after, actually
but thanks for pointing out the way
Would it always start with §?
ah ok
just thinking that it would be better to be as specific as possible
@skripted you might want to use the 'non-digit' selector
.replace(/^[\D]*/g, '');
i'm extracting the austrian law lol .. sometimes i need to strip the paragraph sign and the dot (§.23b) and sometimes there's an article headline where i just need the number of the article (article23b)
!!> 'abshdf#%^&%@#23z'.replace(/^\D*/g, '');
@phenomnomnominal "23z"
@Qantas94Heavy Oh, it's you again...
@Qantas94Heavy "23z"
@Qantas94Heavy Hurry back, ok?
@Qantas94Heavy I thought you'd never come back!
Really the only way to know if a regular expression works as you'd expect is to test it on what you plan to use it on
It's happened to me plenty of times to think to have the regular expression correct, only to find out that there are cases I didn't expect or which behave differently
that's true
anyway thanks to both of you
Does anyone know why the regex [a-zA-z]{1}(?=[0-9a-zA-Z-]{2,14}) works only without start and end delimiters to match "r_"
What's that regex meant to do?
Anyway, on the topic of regexes, anyone want to guess what this does?
@rps those are two different regex
@Qantas94Heavy something with javascript numbers/expontents/octals/hex and shit?
the first letter must be an alphabet followed by any alphabet/numbers/-/_
@rps You're saying that the first letter must be followed by 2 to 14 more letters
[a-zA-z]{1}(?=[0-9a-zA-Z-]{2,14}) !== [a-zA-z]{1}(?=[0-9a-zA-Z-_]{2,14})
so you can't match "r_"
... !== [a-zA-z]{1}(?=[0-9a-zA-Z_]{2,14}) !== [a-zA-Z](?=[0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,13})
@phenomnomnominal: apparently it's to do with some parsing of string numbers, but I don't see the point of using a regex for that
try adding start and end string delimiters i.e. ^ and $ to the regex in the following link, it will stop working debuggex.com/r/wktl7o1OIqtG6kYD, why is that?
@Qantas94Heavy yeah sounds retarded, just cast it and use isNaN?
@phenomnomnominal: everything's retarded
@Qantas94Heavy only when people are involved.
so far nexus and iphone 4s are head to head in common lieghtweight app performance... which is pretty surprizing :P ... but for performance intensive apps the quad core dragon snaps the a out of the apple chip into 800 peices
@rps: I think you're looking for /^[a-zA-Z](?:[0-9a-zA-Z_]{2,14})$/
!!> /^[a-zA-Z](?:[0-9a-zA-Z_]{2,14})$/.test('A__')
@Qantas94Heavy true
Hi. Im loading external js file (getScript via jQuery). but what if the file is not found ? can I catch that situation ? I have tried without any success. http://jsbin.com/AcOlilec/13/edit
( the only solution I found is to load via `script` tag and then set a global flag (onLoad) which will later be checked. -- but this will load the file twice - if success....
@RoyiNamir couldn't have anything to do with the 9 in the url could it...
$.getScript("http://api.jquery.com/jquery-wp-content/themes/jquery/js/modernizr.custom.2.6.2.min.js").done(function (){alert('1')}).fail(function (){alert('2')}).complete(function (){alert('3')});;
@phenomnomnominal you got the later version ....
try add .jsXX instead of .js jsbin.com/AcOlilec/16/edit
Im just trying to catch the situation where it is not available...
(and why the hell fail doesnt catch it ...?)
The solution which i found is :
<script src='myFoolishUrl.js' onload='isFound=1;'>.</script>
And later check the isFound....
(also - trying to put it under try/catch --didnt make it work)
Q: javascript group elements in array by multiple properties

SaikeDuring work, I met with the task: to group elements with similar properties in the array. In general, the problem is as follows: var list = [ {name: "1", lastname: "foo1", age: "16"}, {name: "2", lastname: "foo", age: "13"}, {name: "3", lastname: "foo1", age: "11"}, {name: "4", l...

anybody is playing with node-webkit
? :D

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