@Zirak I sit on a pile of beeferoni every day. I ignore it, but it sits there, stalking me in the dark, taunting me, teasing me, "hey, just make a change here, it'll be fine...". Then I get the crazy idea to refactor some code, and on my drive home I sound like that psycopathic vietnom vet that's on the street corner screaming about "Agent Orange and the stupid fucking government"
But basically yes, sold my soul. And then some more when they told me "Oh yeah, and there's a bunch of C and C++ code lying around that doesn't work like we expect..."
@Raynos anyway, what do you think about this kind of event name? mediator.emit('arguments.getPort', function(err, port) { }); ==> basically a semi function name as an event
I can put further reading in there, but I'd just like to see people not have the attitude they don't need to document things or use normal variable names, not inlining, not thinking cut+paste is a suitable replacement of a loop or understanding a simple datastructure.
@Zirak Yeah, I intend to go over some jQuery and vanilla JS stuff.
Side note-- if nobody hears from me again, there's a tornado going through my province. Which is weird, as we never get tornados (once in fifty years is even a lot).
@Tom I'm on the second floor of my house with three windows behind me, and an in-the-window air-conditioner still in place. I've got a 15 minute battery backup on this computer, and my bed is directly under the windows. I aint event scared bro.
Guns to my head, girlfriends who ended up being drug dealers, three car crashes, electrocution, weird chest pains my doctor doesn't think I should worry about, stress, poor nutrition....
Bring it.
Oh, I escaped kidnappers once when I was a child too, that was neat.
I'm trying to learn how to run Javascript (instead of VBScript) using CScript.exe, but when I try, I get an error:
cscript temp.js
Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".js".
I thought this is possible -- any idea what's wrong?
I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of webOS, and have decided it does have one, maybe even a glorious one, provided the new owner or licensee reaches out to web developers, as Palm should have done back in 2009. So here are twelve steps the new owner should take in order to get webOS to thrive. Background webOS is a high-end operating system, which means it must compete with …
Since it's an iframe generated dynamically out of php and it just contains a list of pictures I want to get the src attribute of the clicked item (an image wrapped in an anchor tag) and return that to the parent or save it to a variable that can later be accessed by the parent.
The thing is jQu...
@Incognito : It wasn't mine it comes from "Microsoft sharepoint" , I don't use inline, I got that from a href and trying to process it using my own javascript
Given that a program (under development) needs a scripting language, and that for various reasons it's not possible to use an off-the-shelf one as is, I'm considering basing it on the syntax and some of the semantics of JavaScript, being something pretty much everyone is familiar with, including ...
For all these questions: http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=opendatabase+%5Bjavascript%5D
I think we need to add the opendatabase tag (and/or html5)
This will make it easier for people to find questions dealing with the openDatabase() feature in HTML5.
I would do it myself, but that might cause...
@Neal I have a DOM fragment I just want to drop into a dialog.
I made a bunch of the HTML render from DOM stuff because it's faster, but I want to merge it into jquery like it's a plugin, because I'm not worried about performance bottlenecks here.
@Neal Basically, variable A contains a DOM fragment, I just want to append it into something that's a jQuery object. Jquery Append (as far as I've seen) is text =/.
i am working with this form that has a servlet, pulls out specific parameters and makes a ticket out of it when I post the form to the url
there are limited/fixed parameters so I can't make my own form fields for Manager name or Application name. The users are lazy to fill things out so to bypass the form field issue i was thinking of putting in a drop down inside the textarea if possible which solves all the problems
operation='AddRequest' operation command for Adding Request reqTemplate Template Name title Subject for the request description Description resolution Resolution requester Requester requesterEmail Email Id of Requester(For distinguishing user) priority Priority level Level status Status mode Mode urgency Urgency impact Impact impactDetails Impact Details requesttype RequestType site Site category Category subcategory SubCatergory item Item group Group technician Technician Name
Neal...Think of it like this...in an html form we have name for elements...The ticket creating script searches through the form you submit to look for those names of form fields and pulls the values out, fills this ticket out
@Neal I would but I'm telling people off in message boards, I'm trying to find that logical fallacy that describes "yeah but I've got personal experience in derp"
You need to realize something. Nobody here knows what your looking at, we don't know the history of your project, we have no anchor to any facts what-so-ever about whatever you're doing beyond "you have a problem related to code you're writing"
If you want people to help, they NEED to be fully explained what the hell you're trying to do. You can't come in and say "yo my forms all screwed up and it talks weird".
In some cases you can abstract the root of your problem, then you could ask it in a smaller context, such as "Why can't I increment a float with an int?"
Servlet API is basically a ticketing process/script which searches through a form to find form fields that it recognizes, it has a list of names and those names are the only form fields it recognizes, anything else it wont pick up when creating a ticket
i thought perhaps someone in js would know of a way to add drop downs to description somehow, i didnt think it was possible but was worth a shot