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@rlemon dont forget this is windows
thats more then a week of downloads just to be able to code
<4gb in over 5 hours is painful no matter what you are downloading
eh :-(
Linux with almost everything < 4gb
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't want to brag or anything, but why is your internet so slow??
Windows OS > 4gb
ohhh win7 full is like 30+gb or something with all updates
@Shea Its running fast right now
I would download that in about an hour
how big is win8 + updates??
16 gigs installed
wow thats alot lighter
@Dave win 8.1
will make the downloads go 8G + for me
and then i have visual studio left :P
and ... obviously azure sdk
and dev tools [ node npm , and bunch of npm-install ]
never uninstall VStudio took me for ever to uninstall it the other day for some reason lol
@Dave lol .. i can't use any other os / tool :-(
> un-install
^ :P
i think it took about 2 hours to remove VS 2012
@AbhishekHingnikar Shouldn't it take about twice the space for x64?
del *.*
!!weather san juan
@Shea no iirc its 16gigs installed
on x64
Who killed Caprica?
!!are you alive
@rlemon Certainly
no one
ohh snap
shes just a lil bit drunk
i guess
!!weather Kitchener Ontario
!!weather san juan?
@rlemon Kitchener: 7.15C (280.3K), broken clouds
@rlemon 895174 (?) 1355043 (?) 1079641 (?) 1858108 (?) 1076743 (Dave) 10 (?) 1005250 (?) 1941949 (?) 990192 (?)
@Shmiddty [object Event]
!!why don't you love me?
:O is that me in the ban list!
@Shmiddty 404
@Shmiddty That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Dave just means you can't use the bot
possibly because you were spamming commands?
!!weather san juan Puerto Rico
ive never used her =/
npm has pampered me.
!!unban Dave
@rlemon User Dave freed from mindjail!
!!weather Denver
@Shmiddty [object Event]
@Shmiddty the FF update did some damage
there are still bugs being found
welp. home time
@copy no luck with snowfall?
hapy weekend
i'll be back
rlemon is always back
Hi, I am just wondering... is there a way to disable browser command like CTRL+S ?
@Shmiddty No, and he doesn't have time now
Rlemon got back
So you win.
@rlemon i am going to bed my brain is shut down
ok, feel better and thankyou again
@badger why don't you golf?
np :-) i wish i could complete it
@Zirak you going to be on TS at all tonight?
@Shmiddty I really want to. I'll start as soon as I finish my semester.
@Akxe did you want to ask "can i prevent people from saving my site or something from my site"?
if yes: the answer is no. don't even try.
@rlemon Maybe. Unlikely now.
Right now I'm just understanding current solutions. And I'd like to golf in python.
But it doesn't look like a good language to golf in.
@ThiefMaster no I just want to prevent people from pressing CTRL+S combination instead of save file feature (file editor)
I couldn't figure out what their trick was before I left. I didn't bring my laptop, so I haven't really given it another go
keydown with preventDefault should do the job
you can even run custom code when the user presses the combination
How's Puerto Rico?
at least in firefox that works for most keyboard shortcuts. super annoying if i can't CTRL+T to open a new tab or reload with F5 on some sites...
It's ok. Too Americanized
--- shmiddity u ninja --
so please write your keydown handler properly and only preventDefault the shortcuts you are actually handling
!!> 'bot, are you back?'
@Doorknob [object WorkerErrorEvent]
oh, well, umm... yes? kinda?
@Doorknob run it in Chrome
I'm not running it...
god dang it :D
gn i must sleep *now
!!should I work out what's wrong with you or do something else
@Zirak do something else
Aw, eval isn't working either?
at least it's back
so... the welcome message was removed?
Just the auto-part. I hope to add it back in soon.
:( It was very useful
Just like your mom
I hate how much hotels upcharge everything. $13 for a $6 pack of smokes. $10 for a bowl of oatmeal, that didn't have the advertised apples
Expense accounts
Not working :/
And I don't think women out here like beards
prevnetDefault is a function
Screw you phone
@Shmiddty Thx... forgot that...
and I think you shouldn't check for two keys but for the S key and e.ctrlKey (or whatever the name of that property is)
@ThiefMaster I am having an array of pressed keys
It's pouring rain all of a sudden. It sounded like an engine
but how do you know someone didn't press S first?
You won't get a keypressed event for the control key
Ugh, that tooltip image popup was a bitch and a half..
@Zirak I wonder how long the whole Welcome-Gate affair thingy will last in the end...
@IvoWetzel We'll probably put it back up in a week or two if nothing further happens.
@Zirak " but it quite a few decades ago, and they didn't have something better."
whoops, thanks.
@SomeKittens Yep, like anybody would notice (well unless gilles is silently stalking the room!)
Wonder what he would have thought of the good'ol Coding Kitten if he were around back then...
Because one thing for sure, talking to that kitten, that was real spam
Coding Kitten?
But it was fun, although the room was quite a lot smaller back than
Someone dares to encroach upon my throne?
github.com/BonsaiDen/Coding-Kitten @SomeKittens basically the first chat bot in here
haha, nice.
although it was mostly used for fun and not for more serious things like our beloved @CapricaSix is
Let's not forget how Caprica Six started out. I was lonely and sad one Christmas, and wanted someone to play hangman with me.
You've got a sad life, @Zirak
Let us not forget the original ASCII porn code
You were the one who authorised it, @IvoWetzel
@Shmiddty Here's some real ASCII porn for you!
          2 3 4 5 6 7       30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
        -------------      ---------------------------------
       0:   0 @ P ` p     0:    (  2  <  F  P  Z  d   n   x
       1: ! 1 A Q a q     1:    )  3  =  G  Q  [  e   o   y
       2: " 2 B R b r     2:    *  4  >  H  R  \  f   p   z
       3: # 3 C S c s     3: !  +  5  ?  I  S  ]  g   q   {
       4: $ 4 D T d t     4: "  ,  6  @  J  T  ^  h   r   |
       5: % 5 E U e u     5: #  -  7  A  K  U  _  i   s   }
       6: & 6 F V f v     6: $  .  8  B  L  V  `  j   t   ~
@SomeKittens @SomeGuy, your needed!
Oh good, that was saved.
Dec 24 '11 at 22:44, by Ivo Wetzel
@Zirak Go ahead
You're wrong*
@AbhishekHingnikar @everyone: I'd just want something like this: codepen.io/phenomnomnominal/pen/BegGl
@Zirak My memories... they had better times...
btw: PS4 frontend is powered by WebGL plus.google.com/+DonOlmstead/posts/Mzy6VEAwHaa
are people always angry here?
@ArnaldoCapo If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.
They are trying to suppress information man. That makes me angry man.
@ArnaldoCapo Of course. This is the internet. Everyone is angry; all the time.
!!s/angry/sexually frustrated/g
@Shmiddty No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
@Shmiddty @ArnaldoCapo Of course. This is the internet. Everyone is sexually frustrated; all the time. (source)
> Pointers are like Krackens—real, living things that must be dealt with so that polite society can exist.
!!afk vacation
@Shmiddty Just go already!
> When the revolution comes, I need to be prepared; thus, in the
quiet moments, when I’m not producing incredible scientific breakthroughs,
I think about what I’ll do when the weather forecast inevitably becomes
RIVERS OF BLOOD ALL DAY EVERY DAY. The main thing that I ponder is
who will be in my gang, because the likelihood of post-apocalyptic survival
is directly related to the size and quality of your rag-tag group of associates.
> There are some obvious people who I’ll need to recruit: a locksmith (to open
doors); a demolitions expert (for when the locksmith has run out of ideas); [...]
> However, the most important person in
my gang will be a systems programmer. A person who can debug a device
driver or a distributed system is a person who can be trusted in a Hobbesian
nightmare of breathtaking scope; a systems programmer has seen the terrors
of the world and understood the intrinsic horror of existence.
ok this : jsfiddle.net/Fky5Z is smooth as silk on firefox... on chrome it is terrible
which is weird given chrome is usually exceptional with canvas
@Dave runs fine on chrome for me
build / version ?
> Listen: I’m not saying that other kinds of computer people
are useless. I believe (but cannot prove) that PHP developers
have souls.
for me im seeing small "jumps" in chrome
@AbhishekHingnikar something weird with that link not loading until you make a change, here's fullscreen: codepen.io/phenomnomnominal/full/BegGl
@Dave Yeah, getting that on Chrome/Ubuntu 12.04/Chromebook
on firefox its perfect
chrome stable and canary fine on os x
> Systems
people discover bugs by waking up and discovering that their
first-born children are missing and “ETIMEDOUT ” has been
written in blood on the wall.
the guy is really fun to read
other people are also giving me either very jumpy or perfectly smooth answers
@phenomnomnominal have you got experimental JS flag on or off
> then it tries to display a string that should
say “Hello world,” but instead it prints “#a[5]:3!” or another
syntactically correct Perl script
hmm ok mines on let me see
ok well that was a long shot xD
I have this expression
var reg = new RegExp("^//#(.+)$|/\*#(.+)\*/");
reg.exec('sdfs /*#dsfsdf test*/');
For /\*#(.+)\*/ I need (.+) to not match */
@Zirak I would love some feedback on github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/118
it seems to be a Chrome bug causing it
perfectly fine on an older Chrome build
laggy as heck on the newest build
Stay calm. Have a drink. Listen to some nature shit.
Ohh and @Zirak do you have Netflix available where you live?
this for the chat?
That's my fork haha
or for my raffle
Whatever the other one was for
But probably neither, I was just fucking around
Why doesn't this work?
var reg = new RegExp("/*#([^*]+)*/");
reg.exec('/*#dsfsdf test*/');
Oh, this does new RegExp("/*#([^*]+)\\*/");
ok so tl;dr, I think it would be nice for everyone involved if I went ahead and made a system where you can register to my site. and choose to participate in the active raffle (likely only 2 a month) - these raffles I'll be giving away anything I can think of that I can order online and direct ship to the winner.
so things like games, pizza, funky t shirts, etc. Let everyone who wants to participate (must have say at least ten people for the raffle to start) and on a date one person will be chosen. I will contact this person and figure out the best time and instructions for shipping and siz
I think it sounds like fun.
possibly a small add if it gets popular
How come you get all the fun of selecting something funky?
because i'm the one paying for it ;)
I'd love to send off some cool thing I find in a SF trinket store.
well that is stage two. letting other people run their own raffles.
so you can opt into more than one raffle at once
it is not for profit. in fact you are guaranteed to take a loss. I just want to do it because I think it will be fun
Yeah, that sounds fun
That is what I'm asking for help with the front end on. I want a really slick and clean ui. But that isn't really my strong area
I'm mean the artistic design
but I was a really good SQA... go figure
@SomeKittens do you have canary chrome too ?
nope, regular
ah ok
i think they just goofed up on current regular build as its fine in canary
I still need a name for this thing.
but remember I want to let others use it as well
Round Robin
!!urban raffle
@SomeKittens [Raffle](http://raffle.urbanup.com/2782389) Raffle
Pronunciation: \'ra-fel\
Function(s): verb; noun

1. Raffle: (verb) To determinedly handle one's business in order to ultimately complete the task at hand

2. Raffle (noun) A movement comprised mostly of professional rafflers and their cohorts. See also: Raffler

Antonym: I.T.W.
@Zirak I don't know if that would exactly fit
or rafflelemon.com or rafflemon.com
Raffle Mon
raffledoge.com so free ... wow ... much prizes ... must play
it'll be odd after the meme dies out
why do I like that so much :?
Why do I like Raffle Mon so much? It's like your screen name, with three letters inserted and a space
Q: Is it minlength in HTML5?

emilanSeems the minlength attribute for an <input> field doesn't work. Is there any other attribute in HTML5 with the help of which I can set minimal length of value for fields?

@Zirak well it would run on the client. so that would be secured by the browser running it
we just trust the people we give the key to.
sigh, it would surely have been very hard to support a minlength attribute
@rlemon But you have to put it somewhere. Where?
in a variable?
I fail to see the issue you are asking.
you email the people the key. if they are running the bot they replace a section of the code in the bootloader userscript
that key then gets sent with the commands the bot is requesting.
the only people who have access to see it are now the server and the bot host
oh great, and pattern is apparently not supported for textareas
you just make it redundant so that without a key the bot falls back to localstorage
if we like this idea I can get working on the server api for certain commands we want run on a server. I can also get a dedicated ip (it is free so no worries there) and a database setup
if there are holes in my idea please point them out. I think it would work but i'm no security expert by a long shot
^ I think the database part is what he was asking about.
It's a good idea to offload the memory. If you think you can do it, go ahead.
well I would need some help adapting the bots current code ofc. so if you do like the idea and are willing to come give us pointers on weekend :) hell yea i'm all for this
I also think it would be better to allow read only for anyone, and require maintainers to have an account and be logged in, to allow writing.
Accounts are complex
i really don't know anymore
keys are MUCH simpler
@Zirak How so?
@Zirak answer my netflix Q btw
Actually, keys with a scheduled backup should be fine.
@Shea that was exactly my idea
twice a day or something
Give 'em a key, expect the first call to be auth, set it all up with a session in express
@SomeKittens All the extra cruft around them. You need registering, you need login, you need forgot-my-password, and that's the bare minimum. Let's not even go into the security of the login...
@rlemon We don't have Netflix, or Pandora, or the Google hardware store.
ahh that sucks.
I'm getting an error using JSON.parse() on a string that is returned from a $.get() call. It says SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier, but there's no character after that. How do I find out what character was unexpected?
Doesn't $.get parse JSON for you if you set the data type?
@Zirak Not at all. Registering === asking here. Login === one POST request, built into the bot (bot.registerAPI('key');). Forgotten password === asking here.
Security by obscurity.
codepen.io/rlemon/full/Dtpzs @phenomnomnominal I think this will work
Then it's just authentication with a header.
Which is what I think rlemon was aiming for and I support. Making a full-blown registering thing is way, way too much.
@rlemon yeah sweet!
Q: How can I resolve a fish conflict in my aquarium?

Don LarynxI want to have bettas in my 50-gallon tank, which will consist of schools of fish. Suppose I obtain a group of (maybe 4) female bettas and I have a shoal of 10 neon tetras in a 50-gallon tank. There are about 8 places for the fish to hide. Would they end up being compatible? Suppose some of th...

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