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however I don't have time or the will to do it right now
@rlemon what if the machine fries ?
How dare you not have time to spend your time working for free! GAWD.
@AbhishekHingnikar So you're saything the bot way made exclusively for Firefox?
!!ping @jhawins !!eval 4+4
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: sing
@FlorianMargaine I trolled my self with it ^^ I cut something, wanted to paste it again and it was 'Some nonsense'
@Shea no, the bot works well on Chrome (used to anyways) but the memory is in the localStorage
and there is a lot of it
it wouldn't be difficult to port it over, but it would mean that I would have to swap it back and fourth
and that is a big no
we can wait a day and let the real solution be found
!!learn ping '<>$0'
@Jhawins Command ping learned
Sandbox. My bad.
@rlemon come to the sandbox with me? :)
@rlemon Probably something to do with var whitey = { ... } in the worker script
Or just look and notice that it's FF. I ran a mirror of the bot (different invocation pattern) and it's working fine.
@rlemon how old are you?
@RUJordan 77
@RyanKinal Well, I am trying to figure out where to start and what language and so on.
@Shea doubt it. That wouldn't throw an error
@Jhawins then I have no idea
because I didn't change anything about the bot
I've read through eval line-by-line trying to break it.
It's got to be FF.
and i'm on FF
@SomeKittens Same.
yeah, I'd blame the FF update.
Oh shit
@MatthewH Start with some design. Get out the old pencil-and-paper and sketch some stuff. Then use JavaScript, because I'm biased.
!!> "this is for a picture"
That's obviously still on. Are you running Zirak's repo or is his out of date now?
@rlemon [object WorkerErrorEvent]
@SomeKittens Yeah, I guess you're right
see^ FF
Not even the fact that that whitey system has to do with unsetting some important-sounding stuff?
!!> true
@RUJordan [object WorkerErrorEvent]
Chrome here
@SomeKittens hehe I closed it for the pic
@rlemon I was using Chrome. Have you been updating Zirak's repo or is the updated source somewhere else now?
i'm using his repo as is
it auto loads
that is always how the bot has been run
!!ping !$eval 4+4
!$eval 4+4
@CapricaSix 8
@rlemon I think the welcome message is still on
posted on November 13, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Geeks! My friends at GaymerConnect have a kickstarter for their awes

Works in Chrome for me. I loaded from the repo and then changed the invocation pattern, that's it.
Sorry dude
	these properties allow FF to function. without them, a fuckfest of
	inexplicable errors enuses. took me about 4 hours to track these fuckers
	fuck hell it isn't future-proof, but the errors thrown are uncatchable
	and untracable. so a heads-up. enjoy, future-me!
	'DOMException' : 1,
	'Event'        : 1,
	'MessageEvent' : 1
Take a break. What are they going to do, ban us?
I'm just removing the commands and running a local copy of the script
screw this
FF 25.0?
@Jhawins yes, latest stable.
That's gonna be a lot of color.
@deep Oh ffs, go away
@deep Just to fuck with your head
@deep you are no longer welcome here
don't correct american with canadian
you sound as douchy as when they do it to us
!$eval 4+4 //FF 25.0
!!ping !$eval 4+4 //FF 25.0
@CapricaSix [object WorkerErrorEvent]
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
Yup. FF problem only.
He sure loves sugar :x
In Chrome the bot logs soooo much more to the console. Running in FF kind of sucks.
We already knew it was FF
:( manual access control is a pita
@Shea No, you didn't. No one had tested it. You blindly assumed. well, rlemon knew
Damn, lemon dropped the hammer.
I knew
and arguing I didn't is useless because I said above I knew
so I win
Something smells so good in my office.. like some kind of beef bouillon..
@Jhawins shut up... you.... you.... you stupid.
7 hours ago, by Shea
@JanDvorak Idk, something to do with firefux. I'll figure it out in the morning, but it's running in Chrome now, for the meantime.
Yes, you do. You can have all the prizes and fame. Give me your address and I will mail you a sticker ;)
@Shea Don't care honestly. I was trying to help, if I did it wrong, deal with it.
@SimonSarris you should change your chat description from "I am writing a book about HTML5!" to "I wrote a book about HTML5!"
you know, for accuracy and all.
Wait, can you ping people in other rooms?
@Jhawins That's fine I don't care either. I more care about that you blindly assumed that I blindly is assumed is all. Glad that's over with.
Can't we all just get along?
Can anyone point me to a tutorial or resource that I can use to make a component lie this: casetagram.com/design
@Shea If it wasn't obvious... I've accepted the stupidity in my response. :P
Wow everybody has been so.. argumentative these past 2 days. It's really boring.
@RUJordan I was admitting fault... 30 second arguments are acceptable to me. Haha
Im just familiarizing myself with js, and want to make a similar component on a page; i don't usually do front end dev
@Jaigus what part. the drag and drop images to the page or the whole thing
Is everyone argumentative, or is it just while I'm here? Because if I'm seriously the only one causing problems I'll work on it.
because if you break it down to the components and ask about them you'll have a much better chance at getting an answer
everyone is
Okay friends. I'm getting yelled by woman. I need to get out of this house.
Hahaha bad day all around
room topic changed to JavaScript: room.tension*=2; [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [horse-grooming] [java-sucks]
Now with twice the tension!
@rlemon Yes the d&d part; I need to replicate that component. I want to be able to upload pics from the users drive or elsewhere and place them on a scaled image just like that (with the frame layout).
well ignore the rest of it for now
single out the parts
if you want to learn about drag and drop files to a page we can help
then decide what part of the 'application' you will want to learn how to duplicate next.
@DiegoKTC I like that in your small picture (the 16*16 one in the chat user list) makes it look like you are pointing to your moustache.
then I made it big and you were saying hi!
@rlemon Ok sure.
read this: if you have questions feel free to ask
@rlemon Alright thanks for the link!
if (room.tension > room.tension.threshold) { if (fuckable()) { kiss(); } }
Wait.. lemme optimize that shit.
while(!greetings.allowed){room.tension++; await setTimeout}
There we go.
Wow, deep just got reemed in the HTML chat =x
!!are you alive?
ok so far so good
@rlemon Certainly not
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
ohh double message ;)
ok so that works
!!> 1+1
@rlemon [object WorkerErrorEvent]
Wait what?
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 6 mins ago, by deep
lesson learned. Thank you
and that is still busted
^ bullshit.
@phenomnomnominal I know
He's worse than useless.
but I am serious as a heart attack
that was the absolute last help he gets from me until he learns to help himself.
Jokes on you, some people don't take heart attacks seriously.
Yeah good call
He's really coming along. It's nice to see his skills develop over the past 6 months. He's getting so much better ;)
@Jhawins where have you been?
<div height="x" width="y"></div>
> y dis no wurk?
@RUJordan Stay safe.
!!afk thai food
I think we just need to give him a chance.
we did
for a long time
trolling hardcore sticking up for that kid
we gave him all of the resources we had
I don't want to call him names, I just don't think we should be helping someone who has no interest actually taking our advice past getting the code working
The system resources were depleted long ago by him.
which leads to no understanding. and constant bugs while trying to edit things
I forgot he's likely 14 or so... My bad.
God I hope he's 14. If that's an adult... Ugh
this usually calms everyone down. listen to that smooth jazz.
Gettin funky! This song always plays at least once on Fridays here.
why does clicking on the message that it is in reply to OPEN A NEW WINDOW WITH THE VIDEO IN IT?!
the most non-user friendly design choice I've ever seen google make.
@rlemon probably a bug
please report
it probably was introduced with the g+ stuff
@JanDvorak because it does put the comment I'm trying to see at the top of the list when the new window opens. makes me think it is by design
room topic changed to JavaScript: room.tension*=2.5; [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [horse-grooming] [java-sucks]
at 5 we reach critical tension and the rlemons brain implodes
@rlemon what is the current value?
@rlemon google is doing it wrong
or you mean, *5?
they are injecting things into each other :-(
@rlemon Wait, what?
i know what they want to do though ( have modules talk to each other )
@AbhishekHingnikar the next you know they'll be injecting SQL to your queries
@JanDvorak lol
i am building same shit :P , but more organized way :D
You're building a search engine with billions of webpages? Let me know how that goes
@FlorianMargaine no no no no no no no n on o n on on o nonono
i am just building a skeleton social network which allows other apps to talk to each other
You're trying to build a social network singularity?
it seems stupid to me that i have X app and Y app both use facebook but i have to authorize X in Y to use Y via X .
@Jhawins no.. social network modularity
Build a social network singularity.
@Jhawins not intersted
It will take over our lives. Which would be great.
I am just making a platform to build apps
people can add modules and thye can talk to each other using logical rst
for instance
@JanDvorak that
@AbhishekHingnikar Doesn't sound nearly as cool as being murdered by a giant blue "F". But is useful
PUT /users/:id/airshare/something
allows any app on my platform to use airshare ( apple airdrop ripoff ) and share a file
i.sstatic.net/Cn0r7.jpg //Beaches suck
Q: SQL database query wrapper

ValeryHow can I write a better database query wrapper? //code for connection exports.connect = function(callback) { client.connect(function(err, conInfo){ if (err) callback(err); conInfo = "Connection at " + client.host + ":" + client.port + "/" + client.database + " u...

Q: How deep should my nodejs closures be?

ValeryI am writing non-blocking code as it should be in node js. If I want run function A after B I do it using callback. But I find this style guide. Right: setTimeout(function() { client.connect(afterConnect); }, 1000); function afterConnect() { console.log('winning'); } Wrong: setTimeout(f...

Q: Want to connect nvd3 chart into database in ASP.NET

thenewseattleI have this nvd3 js chart below that is working fine with the sample json file saved in solution explorer. I want to connect the javascript to the SQL instead of JSON so it can display dynamic charts. How can I do that? Thank you. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebF...

wait... Valery is "Slow Harry" on other sites
is the name change to get better results on codereview ??
This room used to be hoppin' all day. Now look at us :/
> In Soviet Russia, if you skip Leg Day, Leg Day taps phone and initiates surveillance, questions friends and family about your loyalty to Leg Day, then one day when you're on way to stand in bread line, Leg Day screeches van to halt, places bag over head, and abducts you to Gulag where Leg Day is every day. You are forced to Leg Day while peel potatoes. You don't get to eat potato.
room.tension*=2; is called to every call of help?
@rlemon Haha I saw that somewhere else and thought it was a joke.
I mean I've seen the pop/vending machines that do that, but that's a snack, not a train ticket.
I think it is a great idea
it is being done to promote the Olympics and some health thing
so it likely won't be permanent
Holy shit I sweat through my shirt and flannel. Reduce the tension!
No, really, this is gross. I'm going home to change. Wtf body, y u chose soak meh
new article up, snippets of code I always find myself forgetting
explains diff ways of moving objects
[-: that kind really deserves a salute
posted on November 13, 2013 by Loktar

aka My Cheat Sheet of Helpful Code I created a blog post way back title Game Snippets I Always Forget. I put it up basically as a dumping ground for random game related bits of code I found myself looking up over.. and over. A few of them are a bit cryptic but that’s mostly […]

@Loktar nice
@Loktar epic!
is reminded he needs to finish his blog
is reminded to finish fucking tetris and write about it
I even made a list of topics I can write about
so I will be prepared once the blog is up
@SomeGuy hahahaha
I've been doing a ton of awesome things, some writing, no blog...
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 17 mins ago, by deep
@rlemon can i come in now?
yea I saw it
@Loktar hooray
@rlemon I know, I just thought it was comical
@AbhishekHingnikar my grandfather has a very bad stammer + stutter
I imagine him, with his nose pressed against the class
that was a very nice video
does anyone know where Octavian is?
@GNi33 I wondered that this morning, I was going to jump on TS
he is not feeling well lately and has been busy with work as well
haven't seen him for some time
oh, not cool
scrap i have to design this chat
i will see you hotties later
lol see ya
^^ should go in the room description. (once its normal-ish again)
I am suing google
wow nice bikini
too bad it cut your face off on that one
@Loktar no the hands are mine
that takes skill
damn google glasses
how do you turn them around to fondle yourself like that?
they took a picture cause it was the gesture
@rlemon lol
I remember on reddit there was an "ask reddit" a few days ago "What would you do if you woke up one morning and your gender was switched"
top comment was like this: "To all of those who say anything other than freak the fuck out! I call bullshit. Just think about it. You wake up and all of your bits are reversed. you have new hormones and new body parts. you would be freaking out like a 10 year old at a one direction concert.... now after I calmed down... I'l probably masturbate."
it was pretty funny
@AbhishekHingnikar Wait... Those are your hands? Congrats.
@rlemon Agreed.
Someone French here?
I can tell what American girls mean 90% of the time, even when they're insane and don't know themselves. But this French chick is unreadable.
I'm pretty sure ":*" is kisses in any language. And I'm pretty sure I know what it means when you ask if someone wants to stay with you in France for a week. But I could be wrong because it goes back and forth... Plus she doesn't understand the entire English language, so sometimes it gets even more confusing.
I'm french according to last news
Yesterday she was laughing about how the US customs asked her about contact with aliens and such. But she didn't know we call immigrants aliens... And she thought they were legitimately asking her if she was with any aliens hahahahaha
NEVER SKIP LEG DAY!! ---------^
I know there is a lower limit to setTimeout delays, but does anybody know why there's a limit?
> In fact, 4ms is specified by the HTML5 spec and is consistent across browsers released in 2010 and onward. Prior to (Firefox 5.0 / Thunderbird 5.0 / SeaMonkey 2.2) , the minimum timeout value for nested timeouts was 10 ms.
@rlemon try Robert Lemon
Definitely has nothing to do with me
@RyanKinal short shitty answer: it is in the spec to be so
in ejs, can you render something with no parameters?
The first picture of "Ryan Kinal" on images.google is not me.
What the hell.
@SomeKittens lol you will need seo to get over in that
@rlemon You're right, that is a shitty answer
Actually searching your username works ;)
Ryan Kinal (PanamaKinal) on Twitter
twitter.com - 960 × 1280 - Search by image
Page by Ryan Kinal
I get no image results without going to the images tab :(
my issue is that robert lemon isn't an uncommon name
you would think it would be
I like how there's a slowpoke coder for me
but alas it is not
oh wait, I said that.
notice the author, there is a lawyer, some sports guys, etc.
@AbhishekHingnikar Ooh, don't let Zirak see that
@Zirak please don't see it
@AbhishekHingnikar Zirak is afk: hurricane
my name is over used
you are in top 12
we can seo optimize you to top !
@rlemon My name's pretty uncommon. But still, it takes quite a bit of scrolling to find anything even remotely related to me.
also probably why my domain name is so expensive. IIRC the author used to own rlemon.com after me so he is likely the driving cause for it to be so high (that and the sports players)
@Jhawins i credit wikimedia foundation for google.com/#q=Abhishek%20Hingnikar
@Jhawins what i'm commenting on is not the images (rlemon returns a lot of me) but the fact that so many people have the same actual name
I chose not to use my actual name on here just because it's uncommon, and I know the results would be flooded with stuff from me.
except google always tries to correct me
> Searching for Lemon, click here to search for rlemon
That is odd. I wouldn't expect very many people to have "lemon" as a last name.
apparently it is a common last name in the south
My last name is "South"
95% of the time, people ask me how to fucking spell it. I'm way past being polite. Now days I just give a bland glare.
'Koutnik' is fairly common Czech surname
oh crap my fingers are numb, i can't feel touch :-|
!!youtube daft punk touch
@Jhawins i ain't joking... i sincerly can't feel the sensation of touch on my fingertips
Weird yet also very cool song.
@Jhawins you wouldn't believe the amount of people who try to put a spin on lemon
@RUJordan Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
@AbhishekHingnikar What did you do? Too much acid?
any one using sublime?
I mean... FFS it is spelled just like the fruit guys
nothing fancy
if so what colour scheme do you recommend
@Jhawins nothing :-/
thats why am confused
You should probably like lay down and panic err... I really don't know.
@Jhawins touch and giorgio = best tracks on the album
or over the phone "And your name sir?" "Robert Lemon", "Okay, and how do I spell lemon?"
@nderscore Absolutely. He's the reason I like that album.
Just tell him "lemon as in lemonparty"
Next time I'm going to spell Banana and see if they notice.
"How do you spell lemon?"
B... A.... N... A... N... A....
@rlemon that reminds me of Vince Vaughn in couples retreat where his alarm system password is asstastic and the guy on the phone asked him how to spell it.
Asstastic. one word.
@rlemon Haha. Such BS. I used to say "like the direction" but people started saying I was being shitty. No joke, on the phone with a service rep, "How do you spell south?" "Like the direction" "Sir I was simply making sure I spelled your name correctly" "....uh..."
I changed my password to 'incorrect' so when I forget my password my computer will tell me "your password is incorrect" ;)
No, I had something clever to say but I deleted the message instead of hitting edit. So nevermind I guess.
> Invalid password
my password's hunter2 so if I slip up everyone will think I was being funny.
Well that nullified that password pretty quickly.
@SomeKittens touche
who ever stared and unstared that.... shame on you
i am going to see a doctor , cya
@SomeKittens I don't get it :/
@SomeKittens +1
@rlemon Trying to click reply... I'm not doing so well clicking the right buttons today.
@rlemon *starred

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