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yeah :|
Never thought I'd say this but wouldn't isRecursive = !!isRecursive; be better?
It replaces undefined with false.
not criticizing, just wondering
it wouldn't help in his case anyway
and yes, it would be better, but mostly the same
since he's using !isRecursive in his if when he checks
maybe it's clearer that way?
@FlorianMargaine then yes it's useless
@FlorianMargaine This extension works very poorly. Too often does it fail to connect. I dropped it after some intensive tests with some friends. I reverted to inbrowser gtalk.
I just found out, I'll test it a bit.
inbrowser gtalk = open gmail?
that's my issue, I don't want to have gmail open all the time :|
(and open in a new window the gtalk)
That's one of the reasons I have chrome and chromium always running ^^
what does it mean when the browsers are grey in testling ci.testling.com/petkaantonov/bluebird
not green but not red
wasn't tested in it maybe?
lemme ask
no those are all browsers I specified in package.json to be tested
"browsers": {
  "ie": [8, 9, 10],
  "chrome": [28, "canary"],
  "firefox": [3, 3.5, 4.0, 24, "nightly"],
  "opera": [10.0, 15.0, "next"],
  "safari": [5.1, 6.0],
  "android-browser": [4.2],
  "iphone": [6.0]
why all those version numbers :(
use "latest"
I want latest, next and significantly earlier for non autoupdating
firefox is pretty much the same after 4.0
anyway they're all sleeping at this time..
I think I get it, they are still pending testing
so it could take a few hours to get all tested
Q: Extending oik-nivoSlider to include image description

Geoff JacksonWe're currently using the oik-nivoslider plugin on Wordpress and they currently only cater for a single image caption that gets the current images title. The below is what processes this:- //Create caption slider.append($('<div class="nivo-caption"></div>')); // Process caption function var pr...

Q: javascript complex recurrsion

AchillesGiven Below is my data in data array. What i am doing in code below is that from that given data i have to construct json in a special format which i also gave below. //code start here var hierarchy={}; hierarchy.name="Hierarchy"; hierarchy.children=[{"name":"","children":[{"name":"",...

Is coffeescript based on purely good practices of javascript?
If so, I want to learn it..
I missed that website
How could I, that's fun!
Ohh I was thinking completely that it is on good practices :(
@OctavianDamiean whatever :P
@Mr_Green it makes it slightly harder to do the really dumb things. But you can still write bad CoffeeScript
and it's important to approach it from the point of trying to output clean JavaScript
My previous job left me out of touch with Javascript, and my current one is bringing me right back into it, any recommendations for reading material to get up to scratch with things again?
I didn't mean to say anything about its quality. I just wanted to say that it doesn't guarantee good code, i.e. that it isn't a silver bullet.
@OctavianDamiean oh yeah, I'm sure @Mr_Green will still be able to write bad code
@OctavianDamiean where do you sit on CS? Hate it?
No, I just don't use it.
Yeah fair enough. Tried it?
Certainly not enough to judge it. :)
You should try a project with it! It really is very nice
@phenomnomnominal ok thanks
yeah I still manage to write bad code :p
I have a basic question.. In my project I am using jquery to write templates
			<div class="popup popup-cart border-round5">
				<div class="popup-header">
					<div class="popup-title">
						Track order
					<div class="popup-close-button">
				<div class="video-popup">
					<iframe width="560" height="315" src="' + url + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
the above code is giving me error
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal jQuery('
If I keep it in one line then there is no error.. but I wan't to keep the code in format way
How should I solve this?
@Mr_Green Yea the linebreaks.
@holden321 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
"This is
not valid"
It's valid in CoffeeScript :)
Oh CS.
I don't think he's using it though
no it is jquery.. I will learn coffeescript later
Well, if it isn't CS but plain JS then still.
"This is\
valid though"
ok a escape slash.. I will try that
that error gone but the template is not being rendered properly now
Or don't have your templates in your JS files.
no I have only this template
Welp, sometimes you can't get around that, like me right now. :(
I mean you can.
You can put them in a script element, select it, get the content and then set it.
But it still sucks.
yeah, but still nicer?
Did you already tell you guys that my computer mouse is dying? If I didn't well, my mouse is dying.
use a template element :)
@phenomnomnominal huh? Custom element?
Well, yea. I can't do that right now.
Maybe in another iteration.
Yeah and it's not really supported
@phenomnomnominal Actually you're right. Using a script element is way nicer.
I chang'd that right now and it's a lot deaner.
yeah it is
Q: Is there any performance effect when bind event to more svg elements in jquery?

user2918741I am binding mousemove event to each svg element(path, circle,etc,.) to get individual information for each elements (like tooltip ,obj info) . is it effect the performance ? JS: var elements = $(this.GroupEle).children(); for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { //length may be 5000 $(...

i couldn't help but grin a little bit
Rohan's answer is terrible...
@GNi33 o/
Sup bro.
hey man, how are you?
Still a little ill.
that doesn't sound that great
How are you?
ah, damn
I'm fine
can't move my freaking arms properly today, but that's okay
went a little over the edge in the gym yesterday
Hey, I am try to add the script tag inside javascript. I mean I want to add the linkedin button inside the dynamically created form (form created by js)
So I want to add the following code inside js
<script src="//platform.linkedin.com/in.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/MemberProfile" data-id="/in/jeffweiner08" data-format="hover"></script>
I thought jquery getScript may be useful to me
But not sure some one have any thought about it
posted on November 06, 2013

I published my research on the orientationchange and resize events on mobile. If you’re expecting plenty of browser incompatibility fun you won’t be disappointed. orientationchange I didn’t realise that the orientationchange event is WebKit-only (well, and Blink, but that doesn’t count). Opera/Presto, IE, and Firefox do not support it. I had assumed they’d mean

@GNi33 Hahaha, that sucks
it does
@phenomnomnominal hahahaha, awesome!
@robotzillou Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi any one can solve jsfiddle.net/Ty9Kx/1
@rlemon i fad made changes according to your sugggestions but not working
@Doorknob voted
resize not working after rotation
rotated rectangle corners is the problem
ok add some console logs to see where the handles actually are (where it is looking)
@DeepuSA You don't seem to correctly take the angle into account in anchorHitTest, all detections are wrong after rotation, not only the resizing corners.
@dystroy deep is afk: Sleep
@CapricaSix Hu ?
afk script is fuckin' up :(
@dystroy i had attempted to change the anchor but it is becoming terribly wrong
@rlemon http://jsfiddle.net/Ty9Kx/2/
i think the formulae endPoint = startPoint + length * Math.sin/cos(radians) is not working in this case.
Do i have any other option to correct the coordinates after rotation
6 mins ago, by rlemon
ok add some console logs to see where the handles actually are (where it is looking)
it would be more useful for you if we showed you how to figure out what is wrong, and then how to correct it
@DeepuSA Sorry. Once or twice a year I have to do those computations. It's always painful and I have to log a lot of things while I try to remember what I learnt at school. So I won't do it for you :\
@dystroy deep is afk: Sleep
!!/shutup woman !
@dystroy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Zirak Bug ^ :(
@Doorknob Zirak is afk: hurricane
!!tell deep afk
@dystroy its ok thanks
@DeepuSA My advices : log, draw things on screen to check it's right, don't kill yourself, log
the first logs I would add would be to see where it is checking
and where the handles actually are
compare those values to see what you are doing wrong
@rlemon i will try those
anyone need / want Arkham City
new bundle
I bought that bundle solely to get scribblenauts
scribblenauts? where, where, do need
that bundle is awesome
well the only game in it i already own is arkham city
so unless my gf wants it (unlikely) it is up for grabs
Anyone played Arkham Origins yet?
i do agree that bundle is awsome but i have both fears already
I have two .js files which have jquery code in it
In a file, I am calling a method which is in another js file
How to access it?
Right now, I am getting error ReferenceError: getAnchorUrl is not defined
is the script that defines 'getAnchorUrl' after the one which tries to call it?
no it is before
is getAnchorUrl defined in the global scope?
Error inside the file js?
I am wrapping those two files in
    var getAnchorUrl = function(){ ... };
like that?
no it is like
function getAnchorUrl
should I change it to var getAnchorUrl ?
You probably need to do something like this...
ohh k
var getAnchorUrl;
    getAnchorUrl = function(){ ... };
that will create a global variable which I don't want to
not a good practice
posted on November 06, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Here's hoping this experiment goes well. Design by Ross Nover. Crotc

sometimes you need to :P
@rlemon I see your Smooth McGroove and raise you one This is Halloween:
otherwise how can you call this function? it's within another scope if it's not global or a method of a global object
    $.getAnchorUrl = function(){ ... };
^ you could make it a method of the jQuery object or something, but that's just weird
yeah totaled :D
@rlemon I have two js files which have some functions wrapped in
there is a click function in a file which is calling a method present in the another js file
but I am getting error
ReferenceError: getAnchorUrl is not defined
@nderscore thanks for your support btw. :) I think rlemon has answer for this..
I am wrapping because my project is also using prototype.js
at least it's not dojo
make it global, or pass it through, or add it to part of jQuery
jQuery.fn.myCustomFn = blah
make a global object to hold any functions you want to use in other scripts maybe
Ok what I will do is create some pure javascript functions in those two files
which hold the jquery code
and then in a single file I will call those two files functions sequentially
that will be same as using global variable o_0
Q: Jquery Mobile Logout wrong url

Josh C.So I'm using jQuery mobile and PHP to log out of my website via this code session_start(); session_destroy(); header('location: login.php'); It works in logging me out and taking me to login page, but the url is mysite.com/logout.php instead of mysite.com/login.php and because its a di...

Gawd ... RWD is tedious.
[1, 2, 3] vs [1, 2, 3,]?
@OctavianDamiean !! o/
![1,2,3] or [1,2,3,]
Who stole the bot?
!!tell Kippie no one? am i twerking?
@GNi33 Command no does not exist.
well, she's twerking, alright
oh, right, double exclamation marks
that makes sense
@OctavianDamiean how much you know about domains and servers and shit
@rlemon whatye need?
ahhpics.com and rlemon.ca are setup identically (minus where they point, but the directories they point two are in the same parent and have the same permissions) but rlemon.ca doesn't work
both have the same a records, both have virtual host entries
lorempizza.com works as well
same setup
my only thought is that one is a .ca - is there something special you have to do for .ca?
Uhm, I'm a little confused by the first sentence.
Might be because I'm in a hurry. I'll take a look in aboot an hour or two.
@rlemon rlemon.ca works fine for me
sure it's not just dns caching on your end?
ahhh wtf
I tried this like an hour ago and it didn't work
Hello World!

well that is the wrong stuff
Yea, most likely DNS caching.
should just say 'hello world'
lemonmeme.com is the game
probably something wrong in your apache/iis settings, then
> hello world from rlemon.ca
if you don't get this, then idk.
because now it works for me
I got this
your www goes to a different location
better fix that
Yup, works for me.
@Kippie right
how do I fix the www
(all of my sites on that server do that :/ )
It's on the DNS (in fact it depends, might be simply a local apache setting)
You can make a catchall vhost entry.
gimme a second.
@rlemon: What webserver are you using?
If all of them are on the same server, you probably have a virtual host entry
@arkonautom Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy I do I do
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName rlemon.ca
  ServerAlias rlemon.ca
  ServerAdmin [email protected]
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/otherdomains/rlemon"
  <Directory /var/www/rlemon.ca>
    AllowOverride All
    Allow from all
YES I know the alias is redundant
ServerName rlemon.ca
ServerAlias *.rlemon.ca
but! if I put www.rlemon.ca as the alias ....
ahh you beat me to it
That'll catch all subdomains though.
hey hey!
Never used apache, but can you specify multiple aliases in one vhost entry?
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName rlemon.ca
  ServerAlias www.rlemon.ca
  ServerAdmin [email protected]
  DocumentRoot "/var/www/otherdomains/rlemon"
  <Directory /var/www/rlemon.ca>
    AllowOverride All
    Allow from all
done and done
@GNi33 can you reach any German host?
who has a webcam and wants to check out what I made last night
Why would we need a webcam for that?
I'm scared
@OctavianDamiean what?
because it uses your video as a input
seems I can, yes
@rlemon Nice
@OctavianDamiean you need a go pro
@rlemon I looked (it's pinned). It's very nice.
ohh it is
I didn't look at the stars yet today
@Dennis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Would it be ok to post a link to question? There's 100 bounty that has grace period ending in 1h and both answers are lacking 1 upvote to get half of bounty after that. Or somebody could just downvote both to hell ^^.
@arkonautom yea post it
Q: maps.googleapis result is different from maps.google.com

Zied HamdiI have a very weired problem with maps: When I search maps.google.com for 'rue du sapin, la marsa, tunisie' it finds it and works as expected. Now I'm using the Api and I configured it this way private static final String MAPS_REQUEST_URL = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?sens...

let the chaos BEGIN -___-

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