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@copy Is that platformer you were making finished?
what, in javascript?
@twiz Nope, I fail at level design
of course in javascript
OF COURSE in JavaScript, what are we, the PHP room?
C plox
or Lisp
good luck organizing a project in javascript
it has to be web-based
everyone has their own preferences and styles
@FlorianMargaine +1 to LISP.
Gee, anyone know any Canvas/HTML5 experts here?
@SomeGuy pm me
@SomeKittens hahaha
quick.... i have an offer... it wont be pressure at you atall
you'd have to establish basic structure rules and coding styles
@Shmiddty all with git commands and all text based
How about the guy who WROTE THE BOOK on it?
let's get @SimonSarris to do everything and split up the rewards
@SomeKittens @Loktar and @rlemon :p
@FlorianMargaine Good idea!
@SomeGuy right now i dont want noobs to interfere my code ... and for the team members my classmates will be sore noobs :-(
and they will interfere :3 comon .. you will get a microsoft participation certificate ;-)
@SomeGuy And @SimonSarris
@copy same point I'm at in my game
jsfiddle.net/Chillibyte/dN4Kk What am i doing wrong?
and the national international finals are most likely in april - may so after your Board Exams
@AbhishekHingnikar Uhhuh?
levels finally switch
@Loktar It takes a long time to get it perfect
I need to kill the music bug though
and design all the levels
@Loktar What music bug?
@copy fortunately I think in the type of game Im making they will be a bit easier
@SomeGuy it will replay over and over on top of itself
everytime the level restarts
@deep keep track of an index...
$ git checkout inventory
$ git add sword
$ git push origin enemy -f
# win!
@AbhishekHingnikar Pardon?
% php -r '$x = "1d9"; echo "$x\n"; $x++; echo "$x\n"; $x++; echo "$x\n";'
@copy the same happens in Ruby
@Shmiddty Can you clarify that?
!!> ["Maths","Geography", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Latin" , "Games", "Experiments"]["Maths"-1]
ah, wait, only the first part does
@Shmiddty "undefined"
I like the idea of 'you can't git under pressure'
@deep ^
@SomeKittens I can't git regardless :p
increasingly difficult git situations, timed, with sounds of your coworkers yelling at you
and funny messages when you fuck things up
!!learn php Why would you do that?
@SomeKittens Command php learned
"you just undid 6 months of commits. The spikey haired boss is now demanding you fix it or he eats your first born"
!!php echo 'hello world'
@SomeKittens Why
@rlemon Your coworker just used push -f and overwrote all your changes. Somehow, that's your fault. FIX IT.
!!php echo 'hello world'
Why would you do that?!
fixed *
@SomeKittens xkcd.com/1168
"you merged your local branches A and B when you shouldn't have. Fix it before pushing."
Alternate title: 'git, you git!'
@rlemon That one's fairly easy, isn't it?
@minitech wanna take part in microsoft's imagine cup ?
i need one team member :-| ....... a real developer
You just committed changes for branch A to branch B and vice versa. Fix it.
@Shmiddty I fixed it. Thanks anyway
on level 2 :)
grammar nazis all must play this
..... @SomeGuy
@rlemon Hahaha, kind of you to think of me
Speaking of writing; anyone else thinking of doing NaNo this year?
fuck fuck fuck
"more than three"
I said it was wrong
now I can't write english under pressure
@rlemon L2 completed on my first try
@Retsam Will do that when I'm independently wealthy.
Everyone knows that it's less than three.
@rlemon Past level 3
@JanDvorak yea I made it to level 4 on my first try
no errors so far
let's see how I fare
fucking then/than
level 4 sucks
Damn, level 5 was my end
i'm going to smoke :(
@SomeKittens Not enough free time?
I've got a full-time development job and I'm going to try it.
Got level 5 on my second try
Yeah. I get the feeling I'd be booked solid even if I didn't work full-time.
I have a potato and I will not try
That game reminds me of this vine
@rlemon Wooo, past level 6!
And level 7
> Your momento? It's over there.
Hahaha, momento
L4 on my first try; L5 complete
@AbhishekHingnikar Ooh, when’s that?
It had better not be November 6th at 8:30 AM PDT
Umm.... "peoples' choice" is technically correct
That's what I got wrong on that level too
People is already plural
One people = one tribe
Can someone help me out a sec, node.js
i have this
@JanDvorak Can you say peoples?
it's like fish and fishes
two peoples = two groups of people
fish is plural
so is fishes
fish is also singular
I'm genuinely asking.. i don't think so, but I could be wrong
in that definition, yes
i always used people as the plural of person
A school of fish
well without genitive case I mean
you can say persons, but not peoples I think
All of the fishes in the sea
Indigenous peoples are peoples defined in international or national legislation as having a set of specific rights based on their historical ties to a particular territory, and their cultural or historical distinctiveness from other populations that are often politically dominant. The concept of indigenous peoples defines these groups as particularly vulnerable to exploitation, marginalization and oppression by nation states that may still be formed from the colonising populations, or by politically dominant ethnic groups. As a result, a special set of political rights in accorda...
Wikipedia can't be wrong.
choices of the indigenous peoples
indigenous peoples' choices
indigenous peoples' choice awards
game complete. I can write proper english under pressure
I can write English under pressure
I messed up on spelling a few times (trying to read too fast)
@Connor you said me to use animate but I haven't found a solution or something like transition, can you be more specific?
But I can’t proofread it, apparently
@newbie whats the animation look like?
also, past tense "lead" is non-standard but correct
(I missed “reciept” on level 7 :P)
@minitech I thought only "recipe" is correct?
the one with the semicolon got me because i only payed attention to the semicolon
@Connor tha animation should just hover slowly a fieldset, I have

$('form :input').focus(function() {

and I’d like if there is a transition without use css
@eazimmerman ^
@newbie That doesn't help. what does the animation look like
@newbie ummm.... "without css"
> payed
(archaic) simple past tense and past participle of pay
@minitech why that ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I have a math competition.
@Connor sorry I'm not English can you be more specific?
my productivity is in O(n^n^n^n^n^n^n)
@JanDvorak If Wikipædia ſays ſo.
yet I've just one thing to do
@minitech :D
true... let's call archaic forms invalid
archaic = deprecated
Guys, what does this mean: var generalSettings = new (invoke("settings"))({"a":1}).push();
@Retsam Oh, wow, you are?
I never seen this in OOP of Javascript
@moderns It means you need to find a different library
speaking of proper english.
> Just as we all thought. It's got a death grip on his face.
this is wrong, yes?
I would use an en dash, but apart from that, it’s right
hey guys
i need help
@minitech: would you please write the function or object that called?
@moderns invoke returns a constructor, the object literal is its argument, and push is called on the new object
> Just as we all thought, it's got a death grip on his face.
it's => it has in this instance
Does anyone of you know how to handle: data:application/octet-stream in IE?
@JanDvorak Is push called on the new object, or on the "constructor"?
who's got a death grip on whose face?
@Shmiddty I think he might have been talking about “it has got” and the tenses involved?
@RyanKinal on the new object
Or does push() return a constructor?
It’s valid casually under weird tense circumstances.
@minitech hmm cool that good luck, well I'm having a virtual time-series prediction competition, trying to beat the best score of 0.026 as NMSE, so far I'm far... 0.48
@JanDvorak: Thank you! But can you write the constructor?
Oh, well maintaining tense has never been my thing.
they performed so well in this paper webee.technion.ac.il/people/shie/public/papers/…
@JanDvorak, I need to study this situation, would appreciate if you can write the original function/object which has been called.
@moderns function invoke(thing) { return function() { return { push: function() {} }; }; }
@JanDvorak The parens seem to be wrong for that...
@RyanKinal Nope!
@SomeGuy I'm going to try at least. I read a ton of books and I've had the ambition of writing one for awhile.
WOW Thanks @minitech
@Retsam Yeah, I want to write one someday too.
Meh. Whatever it is, it's crap.
@RyanKinal the first paren delimits the constructor, and the pair after it delimits its argument
@SomeGuy Yeah, and I just graduated college and haven't moved on to Grad school or anything (other than a job) yet, so now would probably be the best time to try.
Normally, one would write “Just as we all had thought, [it has] got a death grip on his face.”
@Retsam Awesome. Got any ideas in mind?
@Retsam what field do you plan on working in?
But there’s no time to think about grammar when you have xenomorphs to deal with
@minitech: May I know please where to read about these things? I love to write complicated Javascript code
Please nobody ever hire @moderns
@moderns Do you like obfuscation?
@moderns Learn the syntax of all the operators and apply it. JavaScript is pretty much the smallest useful language I know.
@KendallFrey, I don't like the obfuscation, I like to write a Javascript code like the Facebook, I need just to have complicated functions/objects with a,b,c,d,..variables
@Shmiddty I'm working as a software developer right now; I'm mostly just interested in grad school because I like education.
@Retsam would you be paying for it (out of pocket)?
@moderns look up "javascript minifier"
@moderns That is obfuscated. Or at least minified. Also, since when is Facebook a shining example of things you should do?
@minitech: I posted a question for this, you can get points and answer :)
@Shmiddty Ideally not; my company offers a stipend for higher education, it's something like $3000 per year, so if take it slowly enough, I could get away without paying, probably.
Thansk @Jan
Thanks @JanDvorak
@moderns you know, FB doesn't write this code themselves. They have clear code, with good variable names et al. The code you see is generated
@Retsam Hahaha, nice plan. Best of luck with it!
@minitech: the javascript in FB is so hard to understand, I need to write somethign like this.
@SomeGuy And yeah, I've done some brainstorming for the past month, so I've got something of a plan for what I'm going to try to write.
@moderns It’s minified
@Florian, aha, but how they generate it?
@moderns No, you don't. You write good code, and then minify it.
Pay attention to what other people are saying
!!google JavaScript minifier
!!is someone here interested in time-series :( ?
@cↄ Impossible
You are great guys! Thanks for the great info
@moderns with something like github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
knew it
or the Closure compiler
Thanks @FlorianMargaine
How can I change the variables to a,b,c,d ?
@Retsam Awesome. Let me know when you've written it!
And if you want to write small, impractical code, make sure to check out Programming Puzzles & Code Golf.
Lot of information WOW
@SomeGuy the girl wants to build a game :-/
        cat blurb.js | uglifyjs -mc > blurb-min.js
        cleancss -e --s0 blurb.css > blurb-min.css
Oh, also, Ender's Game (the movie) is being released soon!
@JanDvorak I like this kind of Makefile ^
i am scared :-( writing code in C# ... XNA ... Direct seX
@AbhishekHingnikar Hahaha, yeah? How would a game be innovative, though?
@minitech I actually have cv and full edit privileges there
Hahaha Direct sex?
i doubt it will be :-/
@SomeGuy Yeah, will do. Hopefully I'll get there.
@SomeGuy DirectX is as bad as Direct seX
direct sex is awesome
DirectX requires Direct sex with your graphics card.
beats indirect sex
@Retsam Even if you don't complete it, I'd still like to read it. What genre will it be in?
beats indirect sex... like that time I got arrested in the elevator
@AbhishekHingnikar: So what were you planning on doing for the Microſoft thing?
I hear an echo
@nderscore great minds think alike
@minitech a cloud powered social music app
listen to music together / or if u wanna listen alone still kind of innovative ui ux
@rlemon The funny thing about that quote is, it's 100% inaccurate.
make it powered by azure run eveyrwhere :3
@AbhishekHingnikar If that’s relevant, count me in
use webrtc :D
@SomeGuy Fantasy; I'm a huge fan of Sanderson, if you're familiar with him, so there will undoubtedly be some influence there.
Uh, wait, what?
@minitech relevant as in ?
@Briggs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey thinking alike !== coming to the same conclusion (even though that was what I inferred there)
@Retsam I've only heard of him
@AbhishekHingnikar iirc, webRTC isn't supported by IE.
@AbhishekHingnikar If it’s what they’re asking for. I haven’t read the thing
do you think microsoft will like it?
@FlorianMargaine they allow buidling native no
@AbhishekHingnikar I know what WebRTC is. Why do you want to build a music player with it and some strange Azure thing though?
well azure can power node.js [which can act as a bliss full fallback to rtc ]
@AbhishekHingnikar ?
Juſt to pleaſe Microſoft?
so simple idea is
if possible use webAudio to get a stream of music [with minor filters but more rich audio player effects]
@rlemon Just to please Microsoft? (source)
@SomeGuy He's pretty fantastic; if you have any interest in fantasy, you really should read him.
@minitech ſtop that
my god that is annoying minitech :P
Everybody gang up on the mod!
if he does it again I'm flagging his ass
@rlemon Yeah. I can’t believe ſt ligatures aren’t being applied!
@minitech why are you typing like that ?
@Retsam Yeah, but I have the Songs of Ice and Fire books to finish first, and a few more series. Too many books!
@AbhishekHingnikar Typing like what?
@minitech I hope you get that mod flag
The upſide iſ that the bot doeſ not react to "ſtop"
ſt <- that
Does anyone know if i have to actually install mysql for this? im using mint
@SomeGuy Ah; yeah, I know the feeling. If you can find time to fit a single book in there, Elantris is a stand-alone book by him.
You want me to ſtop?
yes please
its really annoying :-/
@Retsam Awesome, I'll add it to the list between two series
Or Way of Kings, is technically stand-alone, as it's the first (and currently only) in a 10 book series.
:finger is over bulk trash button. just to stick it to the man mod:
Hah. I can’t dismiß flags on my chat messages, apparently :D
@Connor that's a pretty stupid question
@minitech: would you please hint me about a good tool to make my javascript code like Facebook? I will be so thankful
@Retsam Have you heard of Chaos Walking?
And Way of Kings is pretty much my single favorite book. In fact my gravatar is the cover of Way of Kings...
It's science fiction, but it was a really good book. Zirak and I loved it.
!!define cross-validation
@cↄ cross-validation (statistics) Any technique or instance of assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent dataset.
Closure compiler…
@moderns Everybody already linked you a bunch. UglifyJS 2, jsmin, …
@SomeGuy I haven't.
Sorry I lost the chat, internet is bad :(
@minitech are you using a mac ?
Q: Find next occurring Friday (or any dayOfWeek) in Javascript

SridharVenkatIn Javascript, Given a particular Date i want to find the next occurring Friday. Solved it using the below code. Tested various scenarios works good to me. 1) Are there any boundary conditions the code might break? 2) Can it be written any better? function dates() { var dayOfWeek = 5;//fri...

@FlorianMargaine ffs i take part in competition for hte fun of it not to win it
@AbhishekHingnikar In a way
@Retsam Check it out. It was pretty awesome
I am using Linux on a MacBook
@minitech teehee. Same. Arch Linux on MBP 8,1.
"Your recent moderator chat flag was inappropriate and declined" <- pfft. I smell favoritism.
@FlorianMargaine Arch‽ You’re the best
flag a mod <- mods gang up on you
@minitech I have it on good authority you are Canadian. Someone has shown displeasure over your actions. It is your patriotic duty to apologize to all parties.
@lrich Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@minitech Of course I am. Did you doubt it?
@FlorianMargaine and after a whole day of being pissed on ubuntu
by tomorrow morning i will be on linux::arch
@FlorianMargaine No, but this just makes it better
Which DE/WM? :3
Awesome wm. I switched to i3 at work though, and thinking of doing it at home too.
it's pretty sweet
i11 here
@minitech you?
I’m using xmonad! I like dwm, but it locks up my whole computer when I quit
@SomeGuy Yeah, I'll add it to my list of books to read.
I tried xmonad... too much stuff to do and haskell is way more complicated than bash/lua.
Configuration, however, is crazy. For me. github.com/rninty/config/blob/master/xmonad.hs
and I didn't like xmonad defaults
I love i3’s configuration, but it wasn’t stable enough.
too much to do; I'm lazy.
been using it for a week here
no stability issue
I’d been using it for several months, and I actually narrowed down the problem to xcompmgr.
So not really i3’s fault, but no bar is a lot nicer than I thought it would be :)
Tabbed windows are really great, though. I kind of miss that.
@minitech isn't that kind of like a task bar?
Q: Can you punch someone's nose into their brain?

user1158692A persistent tale in martial arts is that one can strike an unfortunate other on the nose in such a way that you drive the cartilege up into their brain. Is this possible? I think some points to consider are: Is there a path from the inside of the nose to the brain that doesn't pass through b...

anyone know if its possible to run IE 10 on linux?
Don't we just love StackExchange?
@twiz Highly doubt it.
@twiz sure. With enough levels of indirection
@JanDvorak Yep, but you can nest them
I like arbitrarily nestable containers.
@minitech wow, cool
@twiz Have you checked PlayOnLinux out?
@minitech so you in ?
@minitech but then how do you control that with the keyboard?
@AbhishekHingnikar Eh. I don’t have Azure things and I am not really interested in using any Microsoft technologies…
@SomeGuy yea, sounds like it wont work, but I haven't actually attempted anything yet.
even if microsoft doesnt likes it we can still host it.
@JanDvorak Shift+Arrow
@minitech neither am i , i just wanna use microsoft for free advertizing if they can lol
@minitech all four arrows?
+ i wanna have a taste of azure
@JanDvorak Yep. Also H and V for making containers.
@BenjaminGruenbaum says its amazing ... but i haven't got deep into it
And W IIRC for more tabby goodness

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